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This paper discusses the large sample theory of the two-stage Welsh's trimmed mean for the limited information simultaneous equations model. Besides having asymptotic normality, this trimmed mean, as the two-stage least squares estimator, is a generalized least squares estimator. It also acts as a robust Aitken estimator for the simultaneous equations model. Examples illustrate real data analysis and large sample inferences based on this trimmed mean.  相似文献   

The least trimmed squares (LTS) estimator and the trimmed mean (TM) are two well-known trimming-based estimators of the location parameter. Both estimates are used in practice, and they are implemented in standard statistical software (e.g., S-PLUS, R, Matlab, SAS). The breakdown point of each of these estimators increases as the trimming proportion increases, while the efficiency decreases. Here we have shown that for a wide range of distributions with exponential and polynomial tails, TM is asymptotically more efficient than LTS as an estimator of the location parameter, when they have equal breakdown points.  相似文献   

A class of trimmed linear conditional estimators based on regression quantiles for the linear regression model is introduced. This class serves as a robust analogue of non-robust linear unbiased estimators. Asymptotic analysis then shows that the trimmed least squares estimator based on regression quantiles ( Koenker and Bassett ( 1978 ) ) is the best in this estimator class in terms of asymptotic covariance matrices. The class of trimmed linear conditional estimators contains the Mallows-type bounded influence trimmed means ( see De Jongh et al ( 1988 ) ) and trimmed instrumental variables estimators. A large sample methodology based on trimmed instrumental variables estimator for confidence ellipsoids and hypothesis testing is also provided.  相似文献   

We consider a new class of scale estimators with 50% breakdown point. The estimators are defined as order statistics of certain subranges. They all have a finite-sample breakdown point of [n/2]/n, which is the best possible value. (Here, [...] denotes the integer part.) One estimator in this class has the same influence function as the median absolute deviation and the least median of squares (LMS) scale estimator (i.e., the length of the shortest half), but its finite-sample efficiency is higher. If we consider the standard deviation of a subsample instead of its range, we obtain a different class of 50% breakdown estimators. This class contains the least trimmed squares (LTS) scale estimator. Simulation shows that the LTS scale estimator is nearly unbiased, so it does not need a small-sample correction factor. Surprisingly, the efficiency of the LTS scale estimator is less than that of the LMS scale estimator.  相似文献   

We consider estimation in the single‐index model where the link function is monotone. For this model, a profile least‐squares estimator has been proposed to estimate the unknown link function and index. Although it is natural to propose this procedure, it is still unknown whether it produces index estimates that converge at the parametric rate. We show that this holds if we solve a score equation corresponding to this least‐squares problem. Using a Lagrangian formulation, we show how one can solve this score equation without any reparametrization. This makes it easy to solve the score equations in high dimensions. We also compare our method with the effective dimension reduction and the penalized least‐squares estimator methods, both available on CRAN as R packages, and compare with link‐free methods, where the covariates are elliptically symmetric.  相似文献   

We propose a new robust regression estimator using data partition technique and M estimation (DPM). The data partition technique is designed to define a small fixed number of subsets of the partitioned data set and to produce corresponding ordinary least square (OLS) fits in each subset, contrary to the resampling technique of existing robust estimators such as the least trimmed squares estimator. The proposed estimator shares a common strategy with the median ball algorithm estimator that is obtained from the OLS trial fits only on a fixed number of subsets of the data. We examine performance of the DPM estimator in the eleven challenging data sets and simulation studies. We also compare the DPM with the five commonly used robust estimators using empirical convergence rates relative to the OLS for clean data, robustness through mean squared error and bias, masking and swamping probabilities, the ability of detecting the known outliers, and the regression and affine equivariances.  相似文献   

A simple least squares method for estimating a change in mean of a sequence of independent random variables is studied. The method first tests for a change in mean based on the regression principle of constrained and unconstrained sums of squares. Conditionally on a decision by this test that a change has occurred, least squares estimates are used to estimate the change point, the initial mean level (prior to the change point) and the change itself. The estimates of the initial level and change are functions of the change point estimate. All estimates are shown to be consistent, and those for the initial level and change are shown to be asymptotically jointly normal. The method performs well for moderately large shifts (one standard deviation or more), but the estimates of the initial level and change are biased in a predictable way for small shifts. The large sample theory is helpful in understanding this problem. The asymptotic distribution of the change point estimator is obtained for local shifts in mean, but the case of non-local shifts appears analytically intractable.  相似文献   

Numerical results are presented for estimates of the parameters in the linear model Y =βX +ε in which X is normally distributed and ε is symmetric stable. The study complements an earlier paper of the same title and the main concern is with numerical comparisons between four estimates of β; the least squares estimate, the minimum absolute deviations estimate, and two moment estimates of the form derived in Chambers and Heathcote (1975). The generation of fifty independent sets of observations (Xj, Yj), j = 1,2, …, n for each of n = 100, 500 and selected combinations of parameter values provided the basis of the results. It is indicated that the moment estimators and the minimum absolute deviation estimator performed comparably, and are a significant improvement on the least squares estimator. The main conclusion is that one of the moment estimates, based on a two stage adaptive procedure and denoted by β¯n(ta) below, is generally the most useful of the four.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new estimator combined estimator (CE) is proposed for estimating the finite population mean ¯ Y N in simple random sampling assuming a long-tailed symmetric super-population model. The efficiency and robustness properties of the CE is compared with the widely used and well-known estimators of the finite population mean ¯ Y N by Monte Carlo simulation. The parameter estimators considered in this study are the classical least squares estimator, trimmed mean, winsorized mean, trimmed L-mean, modified maximum-likelihood estimator, Huber estimator (W24) and the non-parametric Hodges–Lehmann estimator. The mean square error criteria are used to compare the performance of the estimators. We show that the CE is overall more efficient than the other estimators. The CE is also shown to be more robust for estimating the finite population mean ¯ Y N , since it is insensitive to outliers and to misspecification of the distribution. We give a real life example.  相似文献   

It is well-known that classical Tobit estimator of the parameters of the censored regression (CR) model is inefficient in case of non-normal error terms. In this paper, we propose to use the modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimator under the Jones and Faddy''s skew t-error distribution, which covers a wide range of skew and symmetric distributions, for the CR model. The MML estimators, providing an alternative to the Tobit estimator, are explicitly expressed and they are asymptotically equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimator. A simulation study is conducted to compare the efficiencies of the MML estimators with the classical estimators such as the ordinary least squares, Tobit, censored least absolute deviations and symmetrically trimmed least squares estimators. The results of the simulation study show that the MML estimators work well among the others with respect to the root mean square error criterion for the CR model. A real life example is also provided to show the suitability of the MML methodology.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an adaptive estimator that is more precise than the ordinary least squares estimator if the distribution of random errors is skewed or has long tails. The adaptive estimates are computed using a weighted least squares approach with weights based on the lengths of the tails of the distribution of residuals. Smaller weights are assigned to those observations that have residuals in the tails of long-tailed distributions and larger weights are assigned to observations having residuals in the tails of short-tailed distributions. Monte Carlo methods are used to compare the performance of the proposed estimator and the performance of the ordinary least squares estimator. The estimates that were studied in this simulation include the difference between the means of two populations, the mean of a symmetric distribution, and the slope of a regression line. The adaptive estimators are shown to have lower mean squared errors than those for the ordinary least squares estimators for short-tailed, long-tailed, and skewed distributions, provided the sample size is at least 20. The ordinary least squares estimator has slightly lower mean squared error for normally distributed errors. The adaptive estimator is recommended for general use for studies having sample sizes of at least 20 observations unless the random errors are known to be normally distributed.  相似文献   

We consider a partially linear model in which the vector of coefficients β in the linear part can be partitioned as ( β 1, β 2) , where β 1 is the coefficient vector for main effects (e.g. treatment effect, genetic effects) and β 2 is a vector for ‘nuisance’ effects (e.g. age, laboratory). In this situation, inference about β 1 may benefit from moving the least squares estimate for the full model in the direction of the least squares estimate without the nuisance variables (Steinian shrinkage), or from dropping the nuisance variables if there is evidence that they do not provide useful information (pretesting). We investigate the asymptotic properties of Stein‐type and pretest semiparametric estimators under quadratic loss and show that, under general conditions, a Stein‐type semiparametric estimator improves on the full model conventional semiparametric least squares estimator. The relative performance of the estimators is examined using asymptotic analysis of quadratic risk functions and it is found that the Stein‐type estimator outperforms the full model estimator uniformly. By contrast, the pretest estimator dominates the least squares estimator only in a small part of the parameter space, which is consistent with the theory. We also consider an absolute penalty‐type estimator for partially linear models and give a Monte Carlo simulation comparison of shrinkage, pretest and the absolute penalty‐type estimators. The comparison shows that the shrinkage method performs better than the absolute penalty‐type estimation method when the dimension of the β 2 parameter space is large.  相似文献   

General mixed linear models for experiments conducted over a series of sltes and/or years are described. The ordinary least squares (OLS) estlmator is simple to compute, but is not the best unbiased estimator. Also, the usuaL formula for the varlance of the OLS estimator is not correct and seriously underestimates the true variance. The best linear unbiased estimator is the generalized least squares (GLS) estimator. However, t requires an inversion of the variance-covariance matrix V, whlch is usually of large dimension. Also, in practice, V is unknown.

We presented an estlmator [Vcirc] of the matrix V using the estimators of variance components [for sites, blocks (sites), etc.]. We also presented a simple transformation of the data, such that an ordinary least squares regression of the transformed data gives the estimated generalized least squares (EGLS) estimator. The standard errors obtained from the transformed regression serve as asymptotic standard errors of the EGLS estimators. We also established that the EGLS estlmator is unbiased.

An example of fitting a linear model to data for 18 sites (environments) located in Brazil is given. One of the site variables (soil test phosphorus) was measured by plot rather than by site and this established the need for a covariance model such as the one used rather than the usual analysis of variance model. It is for this variable that the resulting parameter estimates did not correspond well between the OLS and EGLS estimators. Regression statistics and the analysis of variance for the example are presented and summarized.  相似文献   

The finite sample performance of the rank estimator of regression coefficients obtained using the iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) of Sievers and Abebe (2004) is evaluated. Efficiency comparisons show that the IRLS method does quite well in comparison to least squares or the traditional rank estimates in cases of moderate-tailed error distributions; however, the IRLS method does not appear to be suitable for heavy-tailed data. Moreover, our results show that the IRLS estimator will have an unbounded influence function even if we use an initial estimator with a bounded influence function.  相似文献   

We propose a robust regression method called regression with outlier shrinkage (ROS) for the traditional n>pn>p cases. It improves over the other robust regression methods such as least trimmed squares (LTS) in the sense that it can achieve maximum breakdown value and full asymptotic efficiency simultaneously. Moreover, its computational complexity is no more than that of LTS. We also propose a sparse estimator, called sparse regression with outlier shrinkage (SROS), for robust variable selection and estimation. It is proven that SROS can not only give consistent selection but also estimate the nonzero coefficients with full asymptotic efficiency under the normal model. In addition, we introduce a concept of nearly regression equivariant estimator for understanding the breakdown properties of sparse estimators, and prove that SROS achieves the maximum breakdown value of nearly regression equivariant estimators. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate our methods.  相似文献   

This paper investigates estimation of parameters in a combination of the multivariate linear model and growth curve model, called a generalized GMANOVA model. Making analogy between the outer product of data vectors and covariance yields an approach to directly do least squares to covariance. An outer product least squares estimator of covariance (COPLS estimator) is obtained and its distribution is presented if a normal assumption is imposed on the error matrix. Based on the COPLS estimator, two-stage generalized least squares estimators of the regression coefficients are derived. In addition, asymptotic normalities of these estimators are investigated. Simulation studies have shown that the COPLS estimator and two-stage GLS estimators are alternative competitors with more efficiency in the sense of sample mean, standard deviations and mean of the variance estimates to the existing ML estimator in finite samples. An example of application is also illustrated.  相似文献   

This article considers a nonparametric additive seemingly unrelated regression model with autoregressive errors, and develops estimation and inference procedures for this model. Our proposed method first estimates the unknown functions by combining polynomial spline series approximations with least squares, and then uses the fitted residuals together with the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty to identify the error structure and estimate the unknown autoregressive coefficients. Based on the polynomial spline series estimator and the fitted error structure, a two-stage local polynomial improved estimator for the unknown functions of the mean is further developed. Our procedure applies a prewhitening transformation of the dependent variable, and also takes into account the contemporaneous correlations across equations. We show that the resulting estimator possesses an oracle property, and is asymptotically more efficient than estimators that neglect the autocorrelation and/or contemporaneous correlations of errors. We investigate the small sample properties of the proposed procedure in a simulation study.  相似文献   

Neglecting heteroscedasticity of error terms may imply the wrong identification of a regression model (see appendix). Employment of (heteroscedasticity resistent) White's estimator of covariance matrix of estimates of regression coefficients may lead to the correct decision about the significance of individual explanatory variables under heteroscedasticity. However, White's estimator of covariance matrix was established for least squares (LS)-regression analysis (in the case when error terms are normally distributed, LS- and maximum likelihood (ML)-analysis coincide and hence then White's estimate of covariance matrix is available for ML-regression analysis, tool). To establish White's-type estimate for another estimator of regression coefficients requires Bahadur representation of the estimator in question, under heteroscedasticity of error terms. The derivation of Bahadur representation for other (robust) estimators requires some tools. As the key too proved to be a tight approximation of the empirical distribution function (d.f.) of residuals by the theoretical d.f. of the error terms of the regression model. We need the approximation to be uniform in the argument of d.f. as well as in regression coefficients. The present paper offers this approximation for the situation when the error terms are heteroscedastic.  相似文献   

Outlier detection algorithms are intimately connected with robust statistics that down‐weight some observations to zero. We define a number of outlier detection algorithms related to the Huber‐skip and least trimmed squares estimators, including the one‐step Huber‐skip estimator and the forward search. Next, we review a recently developed asymptotic theory of these. Finally, we analyse the gauge, the fraction of wrongly detected outliers, for a number of outlier detection algorithms and establish an asymptotic normal and a Poisson theory for the gauge.  相似文献   

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