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In this paper, we use geo-coded, individual-level register data on four European countries to compute comparative measures of segregation that are independent of existing geographical sub-divisions. The focus is on non-European migrants, for whom aggregates of egocentric neighbourhoods (with different population counts) are used to assess small-scale, medium-scale, and large-scale segregation patterns. At the smallest scale level, corresponding to neighbourhoods with 200 persons, patterns of over- and under-representation are strikingly similar. At larger-scale levels, Belgium stands out as having relatively strong over- and under-representation. More than 55% of the Belgian population lives in large-scale neighbourhoods with moderate under- or over-representation of non-European migrants. In the other countries, the corresponding figures are between 30 and 40%. Possible explanations for the variation across countries are differences in housing policies and refugee placement policies. Sweden has the largest and Denmark the smallest non-European migrant population, in relative terms. Thus, in both migrant-dense and native-born-dense areas, Swedish neighbourhoods have a higher concentration and Denmark a lower concentration of non-European migrants than the other countries. For large-scale, migrant-dense neighbourhoods, however, levels of concentration are similar in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Thus, to the extent that such concentrations contribute to spatial inequalities, these countries are facing similar policy challenges.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse how a migrant population that is both expanding and changing in composition has affected the composition of Swedish neighbourhoods at different scales. The analysis is based on Swedish geocoded individual-level register data for the years 1990, 1997, 2005, and 2012. This allows us to compute and analyse the demographic composition of neighbourhoods that range in size from encompassing the nearest 100 individuals to the nearest 409,600 individuals. First, the results confirm earlier findings that migrants, especially those from non-European countries, face high levels of segregation in Sweden. Second, large increases in the non-European populations in combination with high levels of segregation have increased the proportion of non-European migrants living in neighbourhoods that already have high proportions of non-European migrants. Third, in contrast to what has been the established image of segregation trends in Sweden, and in an apparent contrast to the finding that non-European migrants increasingly live in migrant-dense neighbourhoods, our results show that segregation, when defined as an uneven distribution of different populations across residential contexts, is not increasing. On the contrary, for both European migrants from 1990 and non-European migrants from 1997, there is a downward trend in unevenness as measured by the dissimilarity index at all scale levels. However, if segregation is measured as differences in the neighbourhood concentration of migrants, segregation has increased.  相似文献   

Segregation may have profound effects when it is paired with an accumulation of inequalities. This is namely the case when ethnic and socioeconomic segregation overlap. Few studies in Europe have, however, addressed the relationship between ethnic and socioeconomic segregation in a comprehensive manner. This paper first aims at investigating the interrelation between ethnic and socioeconomic segregation in Belgium. Second it looks into the role of scale in the relationship between ethnic and socioeconomic segregation. The analyses are based on the newly available geocoded data from the 2011 Belgian census. These data were used to construct individualised neighbourhoods at nine scales with a nearest-neighbours approach for the urban agglomerations of Brussels, Antwerp, and Liege. Ethnic and socioeconomic indicators calculated for these individualised neighbourhoods were then inputted in independent factor analyses for each agglomeration. The results reveal remarkably similar segregation patterns in the three cities. Our analyses give way for three main conclusions: there is an undeniable process of spatial isolation of deprived migrants in Belgium’s inner cities; despite the central location of neighbourhoods with high concentration of migrants and poverty, the scope of isolation is considerably high, both in extension and in population density; and macro/national factors such as housing policies and territorial processes seem to shape the segregation patterns in Belgian cities.  相似文献   

教育隔离主要表现为学校隔离,在不同性质的学校就读的随迁子女之间就处于一种空间隔离的状态。调查发现,学校作为流动人口随迁子女社会化的主要场域,不同类型的学校蕴含了随迁子女与本地学生的不同社会交往逻辑。公办学校就读的流动人口随迁子女在发展同伴关系的过程中受到了很大局限,在民办学校就读的流动人口随迁子女,接触的大部分是相同身份的同学,与本地的学生几乎处于隔离的状态,对他们的社会融入感产生了负向影响。家庭经济资本和文化资本对流动人口随迁子女社会融入感产生了显著影响,其社会融入感不仅具有代际传承性,而且也具有一定的可塑性。  相似文献   

基于 2017年流动人口动态监测数据和 2015年全国 1%人口抽样调查数据,从社会排斥角度研究居住隔离对农民工市民化的影响及其机制。研究发现,居住隔离显著降低了农民工市民化,居住隔离程度越高,农民工市民化程度越低,两者之间的负向关系在新生代农民工和在大型城市就业的农民工群体中更为明显。居住隔离通过影响城镇社会对农民工的社会排斥,间接影响个体城镇社会经济状况和文化适应状况,进而对农民工市民化产生抑制作用。本研究为有效解决人口半城镇化问题和推进农民工有序市民化提供重要政策借鉴。  相似文献   

Motherhood negatively affects female employment in majority populations across Europe. Although employment levels are particularly low among women of migrant origin, little is known about the motherhood–employment link in migrant populations. This paper investigates whether family formation differentially affects the labour market position of migrant women and their descendants compared to natives. Using longitudinal microdata from the Belgian social security registers, 12,167 women are followed from 12 months before until 48 months after the birth of their first child for the period 1999–2010. Levels of activity (versus inactivity), employment (versus unemployment) and full-time employment (versus part-time employment) are compared between natives and first- and second-generation women of Southern European, Eastern European, Turkish and Moroccan origin. We find that activity and employment levels decrease to a larger extent following the transition to parenthood among women of migrant origin than among natives. With respect to activity levels, differences between second-generation women and natives are largely explained by socio-demographic and pre-birth job characteristics, while differences between first-generation women and natives are not, suggesting that other factors such as tied migration patterns determine labour market attachment among first-generation mothers. With respect to employment levels, unemployment is increasing more among women of migrant origin of both generations than among natives, also when controlling for background characteristics, which signals differential access to stable job positions as well as to family policies. In sum, the results draw attention to the challenge that parenthood creates for mothers of migrant origin in terms of retaining and gaining employment, but also to the role of labour market entry and early career positions.  相似文献   

农民工创业互助组织发展前景广阔,但面临诸多制约。从社会网络视角探讨这一新兴组织的发展方向及其与农民工创业计划的关系可以得出:社会网络越发达的农民工,创业行为越活跃;强关系是创业互助组织创立的基础,弱关系是决定其发展水平和规模的重要因素。同时,农民工创业互助行为受到社会支持和示范效应的影响。在组织发展的不同阶段,妥善利用社会网络中的强关系和弱关系,将情感型策略与工具型策略相结合,是不断推进农民工创业互助组织发展的动力。  相似文献   

新生代农民工消费研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过与老一代农民工的比较,在"再生产"视角下从个人、性别、家庭和制度安排4个方面,评述了新生代农民工消费的相关研究。研究发现,"空间隔离"使新生代农民工的消费呈现复杂性;他们保持节俭并尽量汇款回家以维持与家庭相关的社会关系再生产,另一方面又追求城市消费方式以融入城市,通过消费重造主体性;家庭消费转移至城市以及打破集体消费领域的制度性歧视有利于其融入城市。研究指出,应将其视为"完整的人",关注其家庭消费,同时结合生产和制度安排来考量消费。  相似文献   

农民工是中国改革开放过程中出现的一个特殊的社会群体,这一特殊群体的规模正在不断扩大,而在其组成结构上又出现了代际变化,即占农民工主体的是20世纪80年代后出生的新生代农民工。他们与旧生代农民工存在诸多差异,其中消费行为上的差异尤为明显。本文的数据基于对在北京的新生代农民工的问卷调查,着重统计和描述了他们的消费特点及消费态度。  相似文献   

Using matched employer–employee data from the Spanish labour market in 2010, we analyse the effects of industrial, establishment and occupational segregation on the gender wage differential, disaggregating the latter contribution by different groups of workers belonging to different occupational areas and responsibility levels. These workers are employed in 61 occupations within 26,492 establishments in 51 different industries. Since the matched employer–employee data exhibit a particular type of grouped structure, which contrasts the statistical properties of such data with the random sample case, we estimate the effects of each type of gender segregation on the wage gap using a robust specification. We find that the major part of the contribution of gender segregation is not explained by differences in the observable characteristics. Furthermore, the estimations show that the educational female advantage has helped to narrow the gender wage gap caused by occupational segregation within each establishment only for those groups of workers with the lowest educational requirements.  相似文献   

由于其规模的日益庞大及收入的快速增长,农民工消费已成为国内学界研究的热点问题,在对农民工消费行为二元性、代际差异及身份认同梳理的基础之上,深入分析城乡制度安排、基础设施投资与家庭流动模式对农民工消费结构的影响,最后聚焦于农民工个人消费与家庭汇款的关系研究。对现有研究梳理之后发现,当下研究存在缺乏数据支撑、市场细分不足、比较研究欠缺和二元性分析不够深入等不足,最后对后续研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

语言是一种复杂网络,语义韵是相似语义倾向的词同现连接关系体,因此更宜于采用词同现网络进行描写与研究。语义韵是一种客观存在的、相对稳定的两级网络结构, 有相应的两种语义弥散方式: 关键词节点与邻接词节点形成一种连接、发散状的密集核心,词节点之间较强的语义弥散产生了较为清晰、具体的基本语义;外围词节点通常形成集群,通过邻接词节点与关键词节点较弱地连接,弥散一种较为隐性的态度意义或交际目的,以延展、丰富基本语义。这一特征在更深层次上是一种认知与语用惯性,人类通常以关键词为注意点,以一种稳定、固化、相似的路径结构与方式认知语义韵。  相似文献   

教育关系着国计民生,不同社会群体对于教育价值的感知存有差异。基于2012年遍及10省“外出务工人员问卷调查”的数据资料,尝试分析农民工群体对教育价值的认知及影响因素。研究发现:在农民工看来,教育依然是改变其生存境遇的主要期待途径;但不同境遇和心态的农民工在认知方面存在差异,生活境遇低、命运观念重、求职困难、工作心态积极的农民工对教育的期望较高;不同年龄的农民工会有不同判断,年纪较轻的农民工更易于对教育价值产生质疑。农民工群体因为职业的转变而带来的生活、工作空间的变化,使得他们在教育价值判断上产生了一些新的认知特点。  相似文献   

农民工的社会融合是我国工业化、城市化过程中亟待解决的重要社会问题。改革开放30余年来,农民工群体不仅在数量规模上逐年扩大,而且其内部已发生了剧烈分化,分化为4个不同的群体,解决农民工的社会融合需要从已经分化了的实际出发。通过研究农民工中自雇佣个体农民工群体的基本特质及其社会融合状况,认为当前制订分群体分阶段的社会融合政策,是解决农民工问题的根本出路。  相似文献   

经济集聚机理的尺度分异整合及其应用价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济活动空间集聚是有尺度之分的。文章从企业—厂商、产业—行业和区域—地带三个尺度研究了经济活动空间集聚,认为在企业—厂商尺度上,空间集聚特点是企业增长和空间扩张,作用机理是内部规模经济和内部范围经济;在产业—行业尺度上,空间集聚特点是企业的空间邻近性,作用机理是外部规模经济和外部范围经济;在区域—地带尺度上,空间集聚特点是产业的区域复合,作用机理是区域外部规模经济。在此基础上,文章论述了经济活动空间集聚的不同尺度作用机理的内在统一性及其理论的实践价值。  相似文献   

提升农民工心理健康水平和促进农民工城市融入是推进新型城镇化的应有之义。文章基于2427份农民工微观调查数据,构建系统全面的指标,利用因子分析、OLS回归、分位数回归方法,研究心理健康对农民工城市融入的影响。结果发现,积极向上的心理状态能够有效地促进农民工城市融入,消极负面的心理状态不利于农民工的城市融入。在不同的分位点,心理健康对城市融入的影响有较大差异。此外,年龄、受教育程度、婚姻状况、父母随迁状况、家庭中在外一起务工人数等控制变量对农民工的城市融入产生显著影响。在研究结论基础上,提出在促进农民工融入城市过程中,相关部门应当关注、重视农民工心理健康问题,采取保障措施、改善其心理健康状况;针对不同融入度的农民工,差异化制定提升心理健康水平措施,帮助农民工更好地融入城市。  相似文献   

基于497份辽宁省农民工抽样调查数据,采用mlogit模型分析农民工在城市的居住环境与其年老后的定居方式选择之间的关系。结果表明:农民工在城市的居住环境越好,越倾向于年老后在城市定居;随着农民工在城市的住房质量和人均居住面积的提高,年老后定居城市的概率上升;邻居类型对农民工年老后的定居方式没有显著影响;在县城务工的农民工比在省城务工的农民工更可能在年老后定居城市;与女性农民工相比,男性更偏向于年老后回农村居住;受教育程度越高的农民工,年老后定居城市的可能性越高。  相似文献   

以1 980个农民工为样本,通过方差分析,从分层分类角度分析了农民工的城市融入程度差异。研究表明,不同层级和类别的农民工,在城市融入程度上也存在很大差异。性别、年龄、婚姻、受教育程度、外出务工目的、城市交际网络、流动模式、职业、收入水平等要素对农民工的城市融入程度具有影响,但务工年限及其差异对其城市融入水平影响不显著。农民工城市融入政策措施的制订应该考虑农民工群体分层分类的现实,不能把农民工简单地作为一个同质性整体对待。  相似文献   

利用深圳、苏州两市的农民工调研数据,针对农民工在年龄、文化程度、收入水平、进城工作时间和长远打算方面的分化,分析了农民工社会保障需求的差异性,提出构建分层分类的农民工社会保障制度、重视农民工中弱势群体的社会保障问题、提高农民工参保率等对策建议。  相似文献   

作为一种全新的民事检察监督方式,民事再审检察建议制度为2012年新修改的《民事诉讼法》所确立。民事再审检察建议制度具有提升诉讼效率、促进案件合理分流、尊重审判独立等多方面的价值。但现有的制度设置也存在程序规则混乱、适用范围模糊,以及缺乏效力保障等诸多缺漏,需要从完善程序性规制、厘清适用范围以及建立效力保障机制等方面来予以完善。  相似文献   

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