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In this paper, we analyse how a migrant population that is both expanding and changing in composition has affected the composition of Swedish neighbourhoods at different scales. The analysis is based on Swedish geocoded individual-level register data for the years 1990, 1997, 2005, and 2012. This allows us to compute and analyse the demographic composition of neighbourhoods that range in size from encompassing the nearest 100 individuals to the nearest 409,600 individuals. First, the results confirm earlier findings that migrants, especially those from non-European countries, face high levels of segregation in Sweden. Second, large increases in the non-European populations in combination with high levels of segregation have increased the proportion of non-European migrants living in neighbourhoods that already have high proportions of non-European migrants. Third, in contrast to what has been the established image of segregation trends in Sweden, and in an apparent contrast to the finding that non-European migrants increasingly live in migrant-dense neighbourhoods, our results show that segregation, when defined as an uneven distribution of different populations across residential contexts, is not increasing. On the contrary, for both European migrants from 1990 and non-European migrants from 1997, there is a downward trend in unevenness as measured by the dissimilarity index at all scale levels. However, if segregation is measured as differences in the neighbourhood concentration of migrants, segregation has increased.  相似文献   

Segregation may have profound effects when it is paired with an accumulation of inequalities. This is namely the case when ethnic and socioeconomic segregation overlap. Few studies in Europe have, however, addressed the relationship between ethnic and socioeconomic segregation in a comprehensive manner. This paper first aims at investigating the interrelation between ethnic and socioeconomic segregation in Belgium. Second it looks into the role of scale in the relationship between ethnic and socioeconomic segregation. The analyses are based on the newly available geocoded data from the 2011 Belgian census. These data were used to construct individualised neighbourhoods at nine scales with a nearest-neighbours approach for the urban agglomerations of Brussels, Antwerp, and Liege. Ethnic and socioeconomic indicators calculated for these individualised neighbourhoods were then inputted in independent factor analyses for each agglomeration. The results reveal remarkably similar segregation patterns in the three cities. Our analyses give way for three main conclusions: there is an undeniable process of spatial isolation of deprived migrants in Belgium’s inner cities; despite the central location of neighbourhoods with high concentration of migrants and poverty, the scope of isolation is considerably high, both in extension and in population density; and macro/national factors such as housing policies and territorial processes seem to shape the segregation patterns in Belgian cities.  相似文献   

The debate on residential segregation often focuses on the concentration of migrant groups in specific neighbourhoods and its presumed effects on, e.g. personal life chances and social inclusion. However, cross-regional and international comparisons of segregation are hampered by differences in the size and delineation of the spatial units that are used for its measurement: the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem. This paper therefore measures segregation for scalable ‘individualized neighbourhoods’, defined by a predefined number of closest neighbours instead of by administrative or statistical boundaries. This approach allows for measuring segregation levels and patterns across different spatial scales, ranging from the micro-scale (50 neighbours) to larger spatial areas (51,200 neighbours). Using population register data from the Netherlands, we study the segregation of four different migrant origin groups across individualized neighbourhoods at eleven spatial scales. Outcomes are compared to those found using administrative neighbourhoods. We are especially interested in how levels and patterns of segregation change with an increase in scale level. Our findings indicate that segregation levels and patterns are different across various spatial scales, and the most relevant spatial scale is also group-specific. Measuring segregation while using scalable individualized neighbourhoods seems an appropriate way to deal with both the multiscalar nature of segregation and the large within-district variety associated with it.  相似文献   

This study reviews the inclusion of ‘gender’ and ‘integration’ in the policies and legislation designed to facilitate the integration of women migrants and their impacts on migrant’s gender ideology in two European legislative regimes: Germany and Sweden. The study is conducted in four steps; (1) a thematic analysis of twenty conventions and recommendations of the UN, ILO, and EU, (2) latent analysis of ten policies/pieces of legislation, (3) survey with women migrants, and (4) in-depth interviews with experts. This study finds that existing legal frameworks do not fully comply with the international legal frame to meet women migrant’s ‘gender’ and ‘integration’ needs, although the situation seems relatively better in Germany than in Sweden. It is found that migration has brought positive changes in gender ideology for migrants in many arenas, except one. Migrant’s satisfaction with legal measures also contributes to this transition. The study summarizes three groups of barriers to the transformation of gender ideology for both countries. These are; agency-specific, institution-specific, and state-specific.  相似文献   

欧盟电子电气设备废弃物指令的生产者影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在欧盟,荷兰、比利时和瑞典等国家的WEEE回收体系已经建立并运行了多年。根据这些国家的经验,欧盟制定了《关于电子电气设备废弃物(WEEE)指令》。生产者在WEEE指令中责任可分解为经济责任、信息责任和逆向物流责任。本文围绕WEEE指令中针对生产者经营的问题,提出相应的修改建议。  相似文献   

Late-life depression is a condition that affects an ever-growing share of the population in ageing societies. While depression prevalence varies across countries for a myriad of reasons, generational factors, expressed in the shared experience of birth cohorts, may also play a part in such differentials. This paper describes the presence of age, period, and cohort (APC) effects in late-life depression prevalence trends (for adults aged 50 and above) for selected countries in Europe, using the Survey of Health and Ageing and Retirement of Europe (SHARE). We analysed six countries during the 2004–2016 period: Denmark, Sweden, and Germany, with a lower baseline prevalence, and Italy, Spain, and France, with a higher baseline prevalence. By applying a set of APC statistical models to visualise linear and nonlinear effects, we found that all countries followed a J-shaped curve when describing the transversal and longitudinal age trajectories of late-life depression. We also found a combination of nonlinear effects present in Germany, France and Sweden in males, indicating that younger male cohorts had a higher relative risk of depression. In females, we found nonlinear cohort effects, indicating that younger and older cohorts presented a higher risk of depression in Sweden and Germany and a lower risk in Spain. The presence of an increased risk for younger male cohorts may be indicative of a new trend in some countries, which may reduce the sex gap in prevalence. Future analysis should focus on the causes and mechanisms that lead to differential risks across cohorts.  相似文献   

技术移民是各国人力资源竞争的重要对象。中国财智外流严重的现状以及不完善的技术移民法律法规都影响了国际技术人才来华工作的积极性。通过欧美等发达移民国家的技术移民法律与政策的比较,结合中国新出台的《出入境管理法》,有必要在出入境管理制度、永久居留权等方面进行法理创新,建议适时制定符合中国国情的技术移民法律法规,并且增加"人才引进"类别签证,从而吸引更多的高层次海外优秀人才。  相似文献   

The determinants and consequences of the naturalization of immigrants is a hot topic in the political debate in Europe. This article compares the effect of naturalization on the income attainment of immigrants in two Scandinavian countries, Denmark and Sweden, using longitudinal register data from 1986 and onward. Sweden is characterized by low obstacles to naturalization, and existing studies provide inconclusive evidence regarding the impact of naturalization on labor market outcomes. Denmark is instead characterized by higher barriers to naturalization, as well as a virtual inexistence of previous studies on the topic. Results, obtained through individual fixed-effect regression analysis, suggest similar effects in both countries. A consistent naturalization premium is detected for immigrants of Asian and African descent, but not for any other immigrant group. The similarity across contexts arguably questions the use of more stringent naturalization laws to promote the economic integration of immigrants.  相似文献   

本文仅就民国时期东北移民潮形成的历史原因作一探讨,主要从东北地区地广人稀的移民空间与垦殖的需要,移民图生存、求发展的主观需要以及军阀政府实行了有利于移民的政策等方面进行述论。  相似文献   

Violent death varies substantially according to age, reflecting the riskfactors which confront individuals at different stages in their lives.International comparison of the age-distribution of deaths by violence showsgreat variation from one region to another. Using cluster analysis, groupingsof countries can be made on the basis of the level of violent death, itsage-composition and its causes. It is possible to show that some countrieswith heavy and with light burdens of violent death have characteristicprofiles of mortality according to age and to cause of death. For example,surmortality in some Eastern (Hungary and Czechoslovakia) and in someNorthern and Western countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,Norway and Switzerland) produces a kind of horizontal corridor in Europe.Differences between countries in respect of mortality from motor vehicletraffic accidents, falls and suicide account to a considerable degree for thepatterns observed.  相似文献   

文章运用莱泽因的生命历程政策模型分析美国和瑞典的贫穷动态与社会政策之间的关系。通过对比,笔者发现两国公民生命历程中的贫穷与本国的社会政策有直接关系。瑞典公民的生命历程被政策建构的程度较深;而美国社会则出现分化,下层阶级的生命历程制度化程度很深,而上层阶级则基本不受政策影响。两国的福利改革对于贫穷动态也有不同的影响。从而得出结论,福利政策对于生命历程中贫穷的建构作用需要综合考虑,不可忽略它在不同国家和阶层的不同表现以及它随改革的不断变化。   相似文献   

三江源生态移民的城镇化安置及其适应性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三江源生态移民是因草地生态系统退化对人类生存产生影响,同时考虑到三江源地区生态战略安全而进行的人口空间转移活动,移民在安置方式上多采取城镇化安置的模式,这种安置模式对移民享受到均等化的公共服务,提高他们认知事物和发展能力具有重要意义,但同时非牧安置也使得世代以牧为本的移民群体的社会适应异常艰难,需要积极加以引导。  相似文献   

欧洲四国家庭友好政策及效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为帮助女性职工平衡工作和家庭间的冲突、促进劳动力市场和家庭生活领域中的性别平等.以北欧国家为代表的欧盟国家率先制定并实施了家庭友好政策。从政策安排看.丹麦侧重于提供儿童早期教育和公共照料服务,英国更加注重家庭津贴和税收减免政策对家庭的支持。德国侧重于为家庭提供生育假期政策安排,意大利则着重为3—6岁的儿童提供免费的学前教育。从政策效应看,儿童早期教育和公共照料服务比生育假期和家庭津贴更能促进女性就业.提高女性地位。虽然四国家庭友好政策的侧重点和政策效应均存在一定差异,但向女性的政策倾斜仍然是各国家庭友好政策最重要的共性。也是践行“社会性别主流化”理念的一次有益尝试。  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that first generation immigrants to developed countries tend to have lower mortality than does the population as a whole at their destination. This advantage is usually ascribed to a selection process which makes migrants more robust than the local population and/or an acculturation process whereby third-world migrants lose their natural healthy life style as they take on modern urban dietary and living habits. We investigate immigrant-local mortality differences using a 6-year follow-up of the complete Brussels population aged 25–55, as enumerated at the Belgian census, 1991. We show that adult migrants have lower mortality than their native-born counterparts, despite their often poorer living arrangements, work status and human capital. This effect differs by origin group. The effects of age on mortality are similar for all groups, with mortality increasing about 8% a year. This increase is slightly greater for the Belgian born than for immigrants, which makes the selectivity explanation unlikely. Years since migration does not significantly increase the mortality risk for most groups, contradicting the acculturation hypothesis. Thus, explanations ascribing immigrants' mortality advantage to migrant selectivity, pre-modern cultural practices, or an artefact of population recording practices are insufficient. We propose, instead, an explanation based on the meaning migration has for the immigrant, and the hope engendered in the move, particularly that from a lesser to a more developed country.  相似文献   

越来越多的“外籍新娘”嫁入中国,“外籍新娘”出现在许多媒体和新闻报道中。学术界使用的“外籍新娘”、“跨国流动人口”、“外籍流动人口”等概念都不能准确描述因婚姻流入中国的外籍女性流而不动的情形。研究者将这类现象视为跨国婚姻或女性的跨国流动,但不能准确分析已经在中国长期定居的跨国婚姻女性人群的移民事实。笔者认为在跨国移民理论框架下认识中国的“外籍新娘”,她们已经具备了“国际移民”定义的基本特征。这些女性像所有移徙到世界任何国家的移民一样,是“跨国移民”。因相关移民法律政策缺失,这些来自亚洲国家的女性婚姻移民一直难以取得合法身份而滞留中国,成为事实上的“非正规移民”,对中国当前的移民政策提出新挑战。  相似文献   

Due to differences in definitions and measurement methods, cross-country comparisons of international migration patterns are difficult and confusing. Emigration numbers reported by sending countries tend to differ from the corresponding immigration numbers reported by receiving countries. In this paper, a methodology is presented to achieve harmonised estimates of migration flows benchmarked to a specific definition of duration. This methodology accounts for both differences in definitions and the effects of measurement error due to, for example, under reporting and sampling fluctuations. More specifically, the differences between the two sets of reported data are overcome by estimating a set of adjustment factors for each country’s immigration and emigration data. The adjusted data take into account any special cases where the origin–destination patterns do not match the overall patterns. The new method for harmonising migration flows that we present is based on earlier efforts by Poulain (European Journal of Population, 9(4): 353–381 1993, Working Paper 12, joint ECE-Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics, Geneva, Switzerland 1999) and is illustrated for movements between 19 European countries from 2002 to 2007. The results represent a reliable and consistent set of international migration flows that can be used for understanding recent changes in migration patterns, as inputs into population projections and for developing evidence-based migration policies.  相似文献   

人口老龄化是世界上大多数国家面临的共同问题.中国作为发展中国家,在经历着由传统社会向现代社会转型的现代化进程的同时也在快速地进入老龄化社会.作为现代化的结果,老龄社会也是一个处于转型期、高风险的社会.因此,在现代社会的基础上思考如何应对老龄化带来的挑战是政府制定相关政策的前提.  相似文献   

从政治学的视角对过去二十年中大部分经合组织国家发生的积极化转型提出一些解释,可以更好地理解发生这一转型的原因。概括起来,主要有三个因素: 在经合组织经济体中劳动力市场的后工业化发展;其他途径在解决大规模失业问题上的无能为力;政党想通过创新性和现代化的劳动力市场改革来树立声名的愿望。这一观点在丹麦、英国、荷兰、瑞典、德国、法国和意大利等七个欧洲国家所经历的发展轨迹中得到展现。  相似文献   

Using the Luxembourg Income Study data we examine married women's dependency on their husbands' earnings in nine Western industrialized countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United States. When we examine the level and degree of dependency, and the labor force participation of married women across countries, the nine countries fall into the three clusters delineated in Esping-Andersen's welfare states typology. But when we examine the determinants of the dependency within each country, the clustering disappears. Wives' dependency increases with age, the presence of young children, and the number of children. It is reduced when wives' labor force participation and education are high relative to their husbands' and in families that rely more on unearned sources of income. The similarity of patterns across countries suggests that gender differences in the work-family nexus are deeply entrenched in all countries and continue even in the face of very active social policy to minize their effects. This is a revised version of a paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 1995, Washington DC. Her current research focuses on gender inequality and parents' time allocation between work and family. She conducts research on various aspects of family demography, including household and family characteristics, co-resident grandparent families, cohabitation, and child care. With Suzanne Bianchi, she is completing a research monograph on trends in the American family. Her research focuses on gender, work, and family issues.  相似文献   

We examine the partner choice patterns of second-generation Turks in 13 European cities in seven countries. We not only compare intermarriage versus endogamous marriage, but also explicitly include the choice of a second-generation partner of the same origin and of a partner of other migrant origin as important alternatives. In Europe, populations are made up increasingly of migrants and their descendants resulting in new alternative partner options not open before. Findings suggest that second-generation Turks who choose a second-generation partner seem to be located between the partner choice of a first-generation and native partner in terms of family values and contact to non-coethnic peers. The choice of a partner of other migrant origin hardly differs in these characteristics from the choice of a native partner. Context variables such as group size and type of integration policies seem to play a role for the likelihood of having a first-generation versus a second-generation partner of Turkish origin but not for the likelihood of exogamous partner choice. A second-generation partner is the most popular choice in Germany but represents a minor option in the other countries. Furthermore, a partner of other migrant origin is more common among men but is in some countries more popular than a native partner among Turkish second-generation men and women.  相似文献   

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