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人口安全与全面建设小康社会   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文论述了全面建设小康社会目标的意义和该目标的中国特色 ;人口安全与全面建设小康社会的关系及如何维护人口安全 ,促进小康社会全面建设。  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会阶段的人口现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面建设小康社会是现代化发展的新阶段,人口现代化是社会现代化的应有之义,更是全面建设小康社会的重要目标之一。新时期,我国人口现代化的形势十分严峻,要实现小康社会的目标和基本实现现代化,就必须加快人口现代化进程,实现人口与社会、经济、资源、环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

人口问题始终是制约我国全面协调可持续发展的重大问题,是影响经济社会发展的关键因素。对人口发展问题的论述,渗透在十七大报告的诸多章节,融入到报告的各个部分,凸显了人口发展问题在全面建设小康社会中的重要地位。十七大报告提出了经济、政治、文化和社会四位一体的发展思路,把社会建设放在更加突出的位置上加以强调,将“加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设”作为当前的重要任务,将“加快发展社会事业,全面改善人民生活”作为全面建设小康社会的重要目标。  相似文献   

吉林省小康社会建设与人口发展关系及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任晶  陈才 《人口学刊》2006,(5):13-17
建设小康社会,首要任务是发展经济、提高人民的生活水平和质量,最终实现经济与社会的全面发展和进步。吉林省基础条件较好,是全国较早解决温饱并进入小康生活的省份之一,但总体发展速度较慢,要由总体小康跨入到全面小康社会,必须对经济发展和人口发展战略进行科学的调整,并根据经济发展、产业结构调整、资源环境承载能力等实际条件,对人口发展的数量和质量进行与之相适应的规划,才能在全面小康社会建设进程中更好地实施人口控制、提高人口质量、解决人口分布结构等突出问题,实现人口发展与经济、社会和自然的和谐统一,协调发展。  相似文献   

新世纪、新阶段人口研究和人口工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了低生育水平下实现全面建设小康社会人口研究和人口工作的课题,总结了人口工作成功的主要经验,考察了新时期的人口新情况,质疑传统人口转变理论最后阶段的历程,提出从承载力、城市化、就业与社会保障、人口管理制度、低生育水平下的计划生育、老龄化、新的人口研究领域等方面进一步拓展人口和人口工作。  相似文献   

人口问题始终是影响我国全面、协调、可持续发展的首要问题。全面总结过去30年特别是“十五”以来的人口和计划生育工作的成就、经验,对于坚持以科学发展观统领人口发展全局、全面加强新时期人口和计划生育工作、为全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会创造良好的人口环境,具有重要的意义。然而,近些年来对全国人口和计划生育工作进行全面总结和回顾的书比较少见。  相似文献   

面对青海日益严峻的人口形势,要求我们必须要用科学的态度正视青海的人口问题,抓紧研究青海人口发展战略,这不仅是实施青海可持续发展战略的前提条件和重要内容,也是实现全面建设青海小康社会的客观需要和制定青海经济社会发展规划的重要依据。  相似文献   

为全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会创造良好的人口环境,2007年北京市大兴区在街心公园建立了人口文化园,通过设立不同寓意的主题雕塑、宣传栏和文化墙等,突出"人口、生命、和谐、发展"的主题,将国策宣传与自然景观有机地融为一体,充分展示出大兴区独特的文化底蕴和品牌形象。  相似文献   

全面建设小康社会中的人口问题(上)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全面建设小康社会,必须充分考虑人口因素,考虑未来人口的变动发展趋势及存在的主要问题。未来20年面临的主要人口问题可概括为八个方面:控制人口数量增长,稳定低生育水平;制定科学的就业战略,妥善解决就业问题;加快人口城市化进程;建立一个既能满足老年人口需要,又同全面建设小康社会能力相适应的养老保障体系;谋求人口性别平衡;提高人口质量,科教兴国;增加西部人力资本积累;实现人口、资源、环境、经济和社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

新时期的人口和计划生育工作,法制性、规范性和服务性显而易见。因此,立足改革创新,做好新形势下的人口和计划生育工作具有重要的意义。审时度势,转换脑筋,找准位置,进入角色,依法管理,工作到位,是调整工作思路和方法,适应形势、任务发展需要的关键,也是做好人口大文章,追求计划生育大目标,为全面建设小康社会做出大贡献的根本途径。人口和计划生育部门及其工作人员,必须与时俱进,积极改进工作,跟上时代步伐,用显著的业绩为经济发展和社会进步添砖加瓦,为全面建设小康社会创造条件,提供保证。  相似文献   

汪然 《西北人口》2016,(2):75-81
进入21世纪,人口老龄化作为一种全球性趋势正在给世界各国带来巨大的负担和成本,尤其是老龄化带来养老金的收支不平衡以及养老金模式的不可持续,给养老保险体系带来巨大挑战。而深层次的养老金危机深刻地影响着每个国家的财政收支、经济发展,甚至造成对政府的信任危机。以往的研究一般把养老金收支不平衡作为衡量养老金危机的一个重要标准。这种仅仅注重财务、而忽视其安全、公平和信任等因素的分析不利于我们把握养老金改革的重点,也不利于我们对于我国现行人口政策的反思。本文从养老金的财务、安全、公平和信任四个角度去分析我国的养老金危机,并进一步提出了对未来养老金改革应该要注意的一些原则性问题。  相似文献   

Demographic research has paid much attention to the impact of childhood conditions on adult mortality. We focus on one of the key aspects of early life conditions, sibling group size, and examine the causal effect of growing up in a large family on mortality. While previous studies have focused on low- or middle-income countries, we examine whether growing up in a large family is a disadvantage in Sweden, a context where most parents have adequate resources, which are complemented by a generous welfare state. We used Swedish register data and frailty models, examining all-cause and cause-specific mortality between the ages of 40 and 74 for the 1938–72 cohorts, and also a quasi-experimental approach that exploited multiple births as a source of exogenous variation in the number of siblings. Overall our results do not indicate that growing up in a large family has a detrimental effect on longevity in Sweden.  相似文献   

In a forest pest model, young trees are distinguished from old trees. The pest feeds on old trees. The pest grows on a fast scale, the young trees on an intermediate scale, and the old trees on a slow scale. A combination of a singular Hopf bifurcation and a “weak return” mechanism, characterized by a small change in one of the variables, determines the features of the mixed-mode oscillations. Period-doubling and saddle-node bifurcations lead to closed families (called isolas) of periodic solutions in a bifurcation corresponding to a singular Hopf bifurcation.  相似文献   

This article applies a media frame analysis in order to highlight representations of voluntary childlessness in Swedish newspapers. The analysis identifies how childfree couples are framed as carefree, fulfilled and content. Childfree women on the other hand are framed as struggling with problems, stereotypes and doubts. Childfree men are absent and implicitly framed as unconcerned and unaffected. Even in the only newspaper article that draws attention to men and voluntary childlessness the voice of the childfree man is absent. Instead of a childfree man a father of six is interviewed and presented as an exception. To explain these different frames this article argues that gender stereotypes, maternalism, pronatalism and heteronormativity influence who is constructed as newsworthy when news media report on voluntary childlessness. While the feminine identity and women's social role is conflated with motherhood, the link between fatherhood and masculinity is weaker. Because men's parenthood roles are indistinct so are men's roles as non-parents. As a result a father to a daughter in a previous relationship can be represented as part of a carefree and childfree couple. Consequently, childfree women are more newsworthy than childfree men, and a father of six is more newsworthy than a non-father.  相似文献   

中国特色的人口转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人口均衡发展的角度对人口转变理论进行了研究,认为人口转变是由低级人口均衡转变为高级人口均衡的跃迁过程,人口"总量相对静止、结构高位稳定"是最理想的人口发展状态。中国人口转变经历了超前经济发展的"人口转变"和与经济互动发展的"后人口转变"两个阶段,人口转变过程中需跨越"高少儿抚养"和"高老年赡养"的两次陷阱。稳定适度低生育水平和提升人口素质是未来根本任务,从较短期看总和生育率保持在1.8左右,从中长期看总和生育率回归更替水平,是"后人口转变"时期的战略目标,也是促进人口长期均衡发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

A simple system was constructed and used in the experimental elucidation of the fate of a mutant emerging in a population. ThreeEscherichia coli strains having the same genetic background except for their glutamine synthetase gene were used as model competitors. The difference in the enzyme gene were introduced by random mutation. Competition between these bacterial strains was carried out and observed in a continuous liquid culture. In most cases, the competitors stably coexist either in a steady state or in an oscillating state. In addition, the competition between the strains was found to be a deterministic process and not a stochastic one. These results showed that an emerging mutant in a population, be it a closely related one to the original members, can attain a state of stable coexistence even in a homogeneous environment. The ability of each of the emerging mutants to maintain its stable coexistence with the original population gives rise to the accumulation of various mutants in a population. Therefore, evolution starts from gradual accumulation of various mutants in the population, which in turn leads to the diversification of the population. As our experimental system is a minimum model for the various competitions in the natural ecosystem, the observed competitive coexistence is proposed to be a general phenomenon in nature.  相似文献   

Regulatory shifts in US border policy set in motion through implementation of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative are concurrent with recent formal and functional changes to the US passport. This article examines these modifications interweaving themes of boundary, mobility, and identity. The study focuses on the tripartite means by which the state employs the passport: as the primary affixer of national identity; as a mediator of contact and mobility across national boundaries; and as a mode for the projection of a certain territorial discourse to its citizenry and ‘others.’ These concepts are developed through an analysis of the narrative and iconic representations contained within the new book itself; material sources from government archives; as well as discussions and interviews with US State Department functionaries closely associated with the design and distribution of the new e-passport. Through the latter examination, a view is afforded into the process by which key state documents are crafted and an inherent tension revealed within an agency charged with establishing a particular unifying ‘brand’ for the preeminent instrument of national identification, whilst dutifully acknowledging the diverse constituency of a nation that historically fashions itself as one constructed from the many. In conclusion, the study suggests that the new passport is the handiwork of a plethora of state actors and a servant of many masters, for it is not only a facilitator of mobility and a vouchsafe for the identity of the bearer, but also, a tiny but significant piece of US property, itself an agent of border maintenance and boundary construction that enables the state to lay claim to its citizenry.  相似文献   

The empirical study of negative attitudes toward gay and lesbian people (homonegativity) is a way to understand the reason for its prevalence. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG). A total of 359 undergraduate students were recruited from two different cities in Colombia, South America. Participants’ attitudes toward gays and lesbian people were assessed using the ATLG Scale and the Homophobia Scale; anxiety was measured using a short version of the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. Internal consistency analyses have shown that the ATLG Scale is a reliable measure of homonegativity in a Colombian sample. In addition, principal components analyses, as well as convergent and divergent validity analyses have confirmed that the ATLG Scale is a valid and reliable measure of homonegativity in the Colombian context and support its use as a research instrument.  相似文献   

Currently, a number of contributions in mobility studies are looking for fruitful intersections with other ‘adjacent’ approaches . In this spirit, our theoretical paper argues to study one particular aspect: the intersection of social protection and mobilities. Currently, the provision of social services in the ‘West’ is strongly entrenched within nation-state logics, which assume that clients’ immobility is a precondition of service delivery and that national citizenship is the desirable conditionality of gaining social rights. To overcome such a wide-spread conflation of social security with state security, we introduce the heuristic concept ‘social protection’. It allows social security to be imagined beyond a state-centric perspective and avoids the pitfalls of either a citizenship or a migration approach by taking on a mobility perspective. Thus, for scholars anchored in mobility studies we propose how to develop a social security perspective in a progressive way. For readers from other areas, e.g. citizenship, migration or social policy, we will show how a mobility perspective enriched by a No Border approach can overcome a narrow Western, statist and static perspective on social security. Our goal is to conceptually open up what we call a ‘practical utopia’ research agenda, one that expands our political horizons for future and present socialities.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing, a widespread phenomenon in bacteria that is used to coordinate gene expression among local populations, intervenes in the competition between bacteria and the immune system. The domain of attraction of the bacteria-free equilibrium results from a linear matrix inequality optimization with a multivariate polynomial objective under constraints. The Bogdanov-Takens singularity and bifurcation, including a saddle-node bifurcation, a Hopf bifurcation, and a homoclinic bifurcation, are obtained from normal form theory. The normal form of a bifurcation is a simple dynamical system which is equivalent to all systems exhibiting this bifurcation.  相似文献   

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