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民国时期青海城镇市场述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期青海的城镇市场在原有基础上有了一定发展,虽然许多地方仍不尽人意,但还是对传统的军事和交通重镇模式有所突破,商贸业的顺利运营在城镇发展过程中起着越来越突出的作用.文章以西宁、湟源、结古、鲁沙尔4个具有代表性的城镇市场的发育状况为例,指出它们各自的发展缘由与特点,并归纳出民国时期青海城镇市场的总体特征,以期对此领域有较为明晰的认识和科学的总结.  相似文献   

20新16年7月10日,位于疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州的湖北省援疆工作前方指挥部,收到一位维吾尔族老人亲自送来的6000元捐款,捐款人是该州博乐市小营盘镇乌图布拉格村党支部书记、村委会主任吐尔逊?艾则孜。68岁的吐尔逊老人饱含深情地说:“这6000元是我刚卖牛的收入,全部捐献出来,就是为了支持湖北乡亲们抗洪救灾。希望能为湖北受灾的亲人们添件遮风挡雨的衣衫,买口热热乎乎的饭菜。”  相似文献   

由甘肃省委书记苏荣提议,甘肃省政协牵头,具体由喇敏智副主席(回族)负责,喇敏智主编、马明良执行主编,组织兰州大学、西北民族大学、西北师范大学及北京、宁夏、甘肃有关研究院所的学者专家撰写了《回族对伟大祖国的贡献》一书。该书着重突出回族从近现代至当代的贡献和作为,特别是在维护国家安全与统一、抵御外侮、保家卫国、开发祖国、发展经济、繁荣中华文化、推进科技进步及发展教育、艺术、体育、卫生等事业方面所做出的突出贡献,分总论、文化篇、政治篇、经济篇、精神篇几个板块,体例新颖,文字流畅,写出了回族的辉煌业绩和骄人贡献,展示了回族的全新面貌,令人耳目一新,是目前我国第一部系统论述回族对祖国历史和现实贡献的专著。书前有中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林关于《回族对伟大祖国的贡献》一书的批示,有全国政协副主席张思卿、白立忱(回族)、李兆焯(壮族),第九届全国人大常委会副委员长布赫(蒙古族),第九届全国政协副主席王文元,中共中央统战部副部长、国家民委主任李德洙(朝鲜族)及甘肃省党、政、军各方面领导同志仲兆隆、李乾元、喻林祥、李子奇的重要题词。这些题词充分肯定了《回族对伟大祖国的贡献》这本书对发扬回族优良传统,增强民族间的了解和团结,构建和谐社会的重要意义。为此,本刊特向读者推荐这本书,并将刘延东同志的序文和苏荣同志的批示刊出,以荐读者。  相似文献   

<正>壮族是由古代百越的一支发展形成的,主要分布在我国广西、云南、广东、湖南、贵州、四川等省区,以广西最多。人口1617.88万(2000年),是中国少数民族中人口最多的民族。壮族有自己的语言文字,壮语属汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支,文字系1955年创制的拉丁字母拼音文字。  相似文献   

陈广元是我国当代大阿洪,现任北京东四清真寺教长、北京市伊斯兰教协会会长、中国伊斯兰教协会会长、中国伊斯兰教教务指导委员会主任、北京市伊斯兰教经学院院长、中国伊斯兰教经学院院长、北京市政协常委、全国政协常委。认识陈广元这个名字是从他编写的《伊斯兰教基本知识》  相似文献   

李连荣 《中国藏学》2008,(2):100-108
在藏族风马旗的起源研究中,一般认为它与阴阳五行思想密切相关.本文作者认为风马旗起初的观念可能与上古时代(公元前12世纪)中亚、东亚地区的英雄崇拜与祭祀地神以求福禄有关.另外,风马旗中"五兽"及其所代表的"四方"概念,除了包括阴阳五行、佛教、苯教等的信仰象征以外,它还可能代表着早期藏族氏族图腾象征,或许还寓意着藏民族形成乃至国家(如吐蕃)形成的思想.  相似文献   

海外华人现已遍及世界各地,人数达几千万之众.海外华人问题亦早已为海内外学者所关注和研究.但学者们多把重点放在海外华人比较集中的东南亚、欧美等地,对阿拉伯国家中华人的关注明显不足.  相似文献   

西藏社会主义新农村建设的新进展——安居工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕华 《中国藏学》2008,(1):145-150
西藏自治区政府将安居工程作为西藏社会主义新农村建设新阶段的突破口和工作重点。本文根据中国藏学研究中心课题组的实地调研资料,参考政府统计数据,介绍了安居工程的基本情况,分析了现阶段安居工程建设的成果和不足,并有针对性地提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   

近年来,谈到花垣县经济突飞猛进的发展时,人们往往会想到花垣丰富的矿产。然而有一个同样突出的事实,那就是花垣在湘西州全州率先实现了村村通公路;花垣的通乡公路改造、农村客运站建设等等也在全州名列前茅。如今,人们喜欢谈论花垣交通的枢纽作用,对吉茶高速、张花高速更是津津乐道,这一切都在传颂着花垣交通人凭着顽强的精神,用勤劳的双手造就的一个个传奇般的"神话"。  相似文献   

<正>公务员有好住房就不腐败了吗?记者近日从广东省建设厅对省政协委员提案的答复中获悉,关于省直机关事业单位"住房货币补贴按本人月工资总额18%的比例随工资一并发放"的意见已上报省政府.作为这份提案的提交者,广东省政协委员唐永汉对媒体解释称,"如果处理不好公务员住房问题,少数掌权的公务员很有可能铤而走险,以权谋私,从而滋生腐败问题。"(《信息时报》,11月3日)  相似文献   

This paper reviews the consequences of Donald J. Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric and policies vis-à-vis his travel ban on Muslim immigration experiences. The paper looks at the impact of Trump’s and like-minded European leaders’ Islamophobic rhetoric and policies on dominant cultures, public policies, and assimilation of Muslims in the U.S. and in Europe. The review correlates said rhetoric and policies with public attitudes about Muslims, the rise of hate crimes and violence against Muslims, public policy changes, and assimilation (including civic engagement) of Muslims. The paper contrasts the differences in attitudes and responses of Muslim and non-Muslim communities in the U.S. and Europe. It concludes that U.S. and European Muslims retain overall positive attitudes about their new home countries and institutions and are politically engaged against the rise of anti-Muslim xenophobia, which varies between America and Europe, based on their respective histories, cultures and economies.  相似文献   

A weaver, seamstress, laundress and artist, in this essay I shall spin a yarn, tangle a web, and construct a text(ile) of the inter-weave of narrative and identity that I define as my intellectual, textual, somatic and material/visual practice obsessions. My work explores ‘the places in-between’ in the entanglements of Irish and Northern Irish gender and identity, and in the abject fabrics of death and of desire. As an Irish feminist, sense-making of the complexities, conundrums, challenges and contradictions of my land, my cloth, my body and my culture owes much to Irish women before me who fought for female suffrage, and Irish women now – north and south of the border that divides the island of Ireland – who still struggle for equality of citizenship, social justice, human rights, and full reproductive autonomy. My contention is that when we accept that Ireland herself is a many-layered cloth, a stained and bloodied cloth, a cloth marked irreversibly by history, conflict, denial and abuse, stained by its own repression, marked through denial of all its people’s rights and needs, and bloodied by its greatest export, the haemorrhage of its people, then – polemical, didactic or reflective, with more compassion, empathy, humility and heart – we just might make peace with our past.  相似文献   


Mobility and migration are inherent ingredients of Indonesian cultures. In an archipelago with thousands of islands of various size, character and nature, mobility is an important means to make a living and to survive by migration. The right to free movement in Indonesia is constitutionally granted. It can create mobility and give expression to equal citizenship rights at the same time as it can trigger the enforcement of borders among cultural groups and the ethnification of local and regional politics. Mobility thus always comes along with immobility. Physical mobility of one group of people might cause immobility of another group or it might create cultural and political immobility in the same group. In places such as Eastern Indonesia, people have developed reciprocal means to integrate newcomers. Whereas the immigrants are usually disadvantaged citizens with regards to land and customary rights, those living in the area for generations have nonetheless become integral parts of quite peaceful local settings, one way or the other. The advancement of decentralization, democratization and direct elections of political representatives can lead to political empowerment, the promotion of ethnicity as election capital and changing patterns of belonging. This paper illustrates these ambivalences by looking at mobility in Indonesia more generally and how changing national policies and laws lead to reinterpretations of mobility patterns and trigger changes in relations between local population groups and existing mechanisms of cultural and political inclusion and exclusion. Butonese migrants in Maluku will here serve as a case study.  相似文献   

Ethnic-racial socialisation is broadly described as processes by which both minority and majority children and young people learn about and negotiate racial, ethnic and cultural diversity. This article extends the existing ethnic-racial socialisation literature in three significant ways: (1) it explores ways children make sense of their experiences of racial and ethnic diversity and racism; (2) it considers ways children identify racism and make distinctions between racism and racialisation; and (3) it examines teacher and parent ethnic-racial socialisation messages about race, ethnicity and racism with children. This research is based on classroom observations, semi-structured interviews and focus groups with teachers, parents and students aged 8–12?years attending four Australian metropolitan primary schools. The findings reveal that both teachers and parents tended to discuss racism reactively rather than proactively. The extent to which racism was discussed in classroom settings depended on: teachers’ personal and professional capability; awareness of racism and its perceived relevance based on student and community experiences; and whether they felt supported in the broader school and community context. For parents, key drivers for talking about racism were their children’s experiences and racial issues reported in the media. For both parents and teachers, a key issue in these discussions was determining whether something constituted either racism or racialisation. Strategies on how ethnic-racial socialisation within the school system can be improved are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从一名犹太基督徒的视角出发,阐述了在作者身上所发生的犹太教与基督教身份之间的张力,并从耶稣、保罗以及早期犹太基督徒身上寻找解决方案,进而消解基督教与犹太教之间历史上的误会与冲突,以及如何从基督教的角度去协同与犹太教的关系。最后,作者陈述了现代以色列国内巴勒斯坦人的现状,并提出作为一个基督徒的正当立场。  相似文献   

The authors argue for a research and conceptual agenda that complicates and disrupts common narratives in teacher education that have serious implications for race. Building on the pivotal work of legal scholar Derrick Bell and through a critical race theory (CRT) lens, this article challenges researchers to broaden and complexify traditional ideologies related to: (1) characteristics of ideal teachers recruited into the field; (2) the amount of time teachers should be expected to remain in the field through alternative programs such as Teach for America; (3)weight placed on teacher entrance examinations; (4)racial diversity of P-12 teachers; (5)racial and ethnic makeup of teacher educators; and (6)over-reliance on subject matter knowledge in teacher preparation to the exclusion of other aspects of learning to teach. The authors argue given the present racial divide in schools between teachers and students it is imperative for teacher education programs to complicate and intensify the utility of race in their recruitment, retention, and support of teacher education practices and policies. The authors offer a counter narrative framework and agenda to advance policy and research through a CRT lens.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the interrelationship between patterns of im/mobility on the one hand and the reconstitution of social collective identities and the related emergence or settlement of conflicts on the other. The main arguments are (1) that the im/mobility of a social or cultural group has major impact on how identity narratives, a sense of belonging and relationships to ‘others’ are shaped, and vice versa, and (2) that these dynamics are closely interlinked with mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion between groups and power structures that involve a broad variety of actors. Mainly looking at patterns of internal mobility such as ‘traditional’ or strategic mobilities and mobilities enforced by crisis, conflict or governmental programmes and regimes, the contribution provides the conceptual background for a special issue that aims to go beyond currently predominant issues of transnational migration. Established or emerging dynamics of (non-)integration and belonging, caused by im/mobility, are analysed on a cultural and political level, which involves questions of representation, indigeneity/autochthony, political rights and access to land and other resources. Conflict situations in contexts of mobility involve changes in the social understanding and renegotiation, reconstruction or reproduction of group identities and narratives with reference to certain socio-political and historical patterns. The legitimation of rights and access to various forms of citizenship and mobility need to be understood against the backdrop of emerging or established mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion between groups, which trigger or settle conflicts and make social identities to be constantly renegotiated.  相似文献   

Mobility studies emerged from a postmodern moment in which global ‘flows’ of capital, people and objects were increasingly noted and celebrated. Within this new scholarship, categories of migrancy are all seen through the same analytical lens. This article and Regimes of Mobility: Imaginaries and Relationalities of Power, the special issue of JEMS it introduces, build on, as well as critique, past and present studies of mobility. In so doing, this issue challenges conceptual orientations built on binaries of difference that have impeded analyses of the interrelationship between mobility and stasis. These include methodological nationalism, which counterpoises concepts of internal and international movement and native and foreigner, and consequently normalises stasis. Instead, the issue offers a regimes of mobility framework that addresses the relationships between mobility and immobility, localisation and transnational connection, experiences and imaginaries of migration, and rootedness and cosmopolitan openness. The introduction highlights how, within this framework and its emphasis on social fields of differential power, the contributors to this collection ethnographically explore the disparities, inequalities, racialised representations and national mythscapes that facilitate and legitimate differential mobility and fixity. Although the authors examine nation-state building processes, their analysis is not confined by national boundaries.  相似文献   

With the aim of rethinking Paulo Freire’s theory and its practices in race/ethnicity and education, this article uses intersectionality to deepen our understanding of differences among the oppressed and break the opposition between the oppressed and oppressor. Based on an ethnographic study carried out at a feminist adult educational institution in Sweden, the author examines the positionality of migrant students and feminist teachers and how they react to othering in the educational process and in Swedish society. The author also argues for the importance of intersectionality as a way to help both the conscientization of the oppressed and the radical task of the liberatory teachers. It is crucial to untangle gendered and sexualized racism, especially in specific contexts where race and gender intersect to construct a binary between a ‘superior us’ and a ‘barbaric Other.’ Conscientization and intersectionality are particularly useful for probing the complicated processes of othering and combating different forms of oppression and racism in an era of globalization in Western countries.  相似文献   

以往一些研究者认为盘古即盘瓠,二者音相近,所以盘古是由盘瓠演变而来。事实上,二者是两种不同性质的神话传说与信仰,盘古是开天辟地、化生万物和再生人类的创世始祖;而盘瓠和盘王是瑶族的图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。  相似文献   

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