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This study investigates the factors influencing perceptions of air quality in the industrial city of Hamilton, Canada. The research employs data collected via a telephone survey of 1,002 adult residents in three neighbourhoods. Perceptions in the neighbourhoods were examined by individual socio-demographic factors (age, gender, marital and immigrant status, education, etc.) in addition to perceived health status and neighbourhood problems (environmental, social and safety concerns). Neighbourhood variations were found, with those residing in the Southwest Mountain neighbourhood being over 6 times more likely to report a ??good?? perception of air quality than those residing in the Lower City neighbourhood. In addition, factors influencing these perceptions also varied by neighbourhood. Perceived neighbourhood problems strongly influenced perceptions of air quality in the Lower City and Central areas, whereas socio-demographic factors were significant primarily in the Lower City neighbourhood, suggesting the importance of these mediating dimensions; pointing to less of a concern about air quality. There was, however, remarkable consistency in all three neighbourhoods when respondents were asked whether their perception of air quality affected their choice to go outside. Overall, the presence or absence of perceived problems, such as pollution and safety, had a powerful effect on shaping and differentiating neighbourhood responses.  相似文献   

The United States and China signed a US$13.44million subsidized-loan agreement in April thisyear for air-quality monitoring to help China improveurban air quality.Officials from China's State Environmental ProtectionAdministration said the loan will help set up automatedmonitoring systems in 33 seriously polluted big cities.The contract is the second and biggest Sino-USenvironmental program to date. China and the UnitedStates signed the first air-monitoring agreement in1998, when US Pr…  相似文献   

RemarkableAchievementsinPovertyAlleviationinNorthwestChina¥//Theextentofpovertyinthe"SanXiAreas"hasbeengreatlyalleviatedinthe...  相似文献   

Since the Agenda 2010 temporary work is even economically and politically a success story in Germany. Inside that branch you also find Ethnic Business, id est that the director of the conferrer and the employees are belonging to the same ethnic group. The recruiting strategies are most informal within the ethnic group and working for an “ethnic conferrer” oftentimes means the last chance for migrants who get no other job on the formal job market. But the temporary work-business in Germany has a bad reputation and a lot of questions are going along with Ethnic Business in that particular branch: What are the migrant’s motives for working to an ethnic conferrer? What are the attractive aspects of founding an ethnic model of temporary employment agency? Have ethnic conferrers the ability to create new stability for the migrants inside a highly unstable branch?  相似文献   

Duringthepasttwodecades,ruralresidentsliveshaveundergoneremarkablechangesbecauseoftheimplementationofthehouseholdcontractresponsibilitysysteminruralChinainthelate1970s.Theruraleconomyhasprosperedsince.HerearethestrikingchangesfI.IncomeincreasesbynearlyfourfoldIncomeincreasesrapidlybutwithfluctuations.Annualnetincomepercapitaincreasedfrom134yuaninl978to2090yuanin1997.However,thegrowthwasgroupedintofourperiodswithanotablefluctUationfTheperiodof1978-1984wasoneofrapidincreasefromanannualaverage…  相似文献   

ChangesinHouseholdSizeandStructureinChinaJiangZhenghuaandZengYi(Basedonthemostrecentdatafromthe1990census,thispaperanalysesth...  相似文献   

WorkinginRemoteAreasServicesarescarceinmountainousregionsServiceDeliveryinRemoteandIsolatedAreasAthirtyyearoldmotherofDainati...  相似文献   

Sastry N 《Demography》2004,41(3):443-464
I examined trends in socioeconomic inequalities in under-five mortality for the state of São Paulo, Brazil, over a 21-year period from 1970 to 1991, during which much of the mortality transition unfolded. During this time, there was a decline in inequality in under-five mortality by household wealth but a substantial increase by mother’s education. Improvements in infrastructure and economic development were associated with lower levels of socioeconomic inequality in under-five mortality. Mother’s education emerged as the key factor underlying socioeconomic inequalities in under-five mortality even as levels of education for women increased and inequality in schooling fell.  相似文献   

This paper analyses changes in the employment rates and hours worked of mothers with pre-school age children in Australia between 2002 and 2008, using data from Waves 2 to 8 of the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, a large-scale longitudinal survey of the household population. The employment rate of mothers with young children rose considerably over the period considered. However, the hours per employed mother changed relatively little on average. There are significant differentials in the mother??s employment rate by the number and ages of children, and by mother??s education, marital status and birthplace. Hours worked per employed mother vary with the mother??s age, education, marital status and birthplace, by the youngest child??s age, and the number of children under five. The paper pays particular attention to the change in these differentials over time. It finds the change over time for the mother??s employment rate varies significantly by the number of children, while for the hours worked it varies by mother??s education and marital dissolution, and the age of the youngest child. The implications of these patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, New Zealand has experienced extensive economic, social and political reforms. The economic impact of these changes has been closely monitored and much commented upon. However, the social impacts of the reforms on different family types are less well understood. This paper outlines a project designed to monitor how the reforms impacted upon specific family types via the use of indicators of family wellbeing constructed from census data. These indicators show that for a range of family types, the reforms of the 1980s and 1990s varied in their impact, with single-parent families faring worst.
Gerard CotterellEmail:

FamilyPlanninginLhasaLhasa,inthevaleyoftheLhasaRiverat3,700metersabovesealevel,isthecapitaloftheTibetAutonomousRegionandtheo...  相似文献   

Over the last decades, China's GDP has been growing at an annual rate of 9.5%, the fastest-growing in the world. That growth enables China to leapfrog many countries, becoming the world's sixth largest economy. u In per capita terms, however, China (US$800 per capita) is only 16% of the world's average. u Experts believe China's employment elasticity is 0.1, which means for every 1% increase in the country's GDP, 700,000-1,000,000 new jobs will be created. To alleviate the employment pres…  相似文献   

Yu WH 《Demography》2005,42(4):693-717
Research on female labor-force participation has not fully explained why economic development has different effects on married women's employment continuity across societies. I use life-history data from nationally representative samples of women in Japan and Taiwan to examine the divergence in women's patterns of labor-force exit in these two countries during the postwar period. The findings reveal that the effects of family demands, occupation, firm size, and employment sector on women's exit rates differed substantially between Japan and Taiwan. Taken together, these factors account for the different trends in married women's employment during this period. I argue that the cross-national differences in the predictors of women's labor-force withdrawal reflect the extent of incompatibility between work and family responsibilities for married women in these two societies.  相似文献   

InsufficientInvestmentinAgriculture¥//Unliketherapidprogressinindustrialproductionandrisingdemandsforconsumption,agricultural...  相似文献   

ChineseLabourinRusiaAndrewN.KamEnskyThefirsttimeIwasinChinainNovember1993.theChineseRus-sianCooperationintheMutualUscofLabour...  相似文献   

CIDAProgramminginChinaTheCanadianInternationalDevelopmentAgency(CIDA)women'spovertyinChinasincethemid1980s.WhileanumberofCIDA...  相似文献   

WithtileUllfoldillgoftilereformandopellillgupprogram,Chinahaswitnessedamyriadofdramaticchanges,oneofthemostnoticeableofwllicllislllarriagepatterns.Smallersizes.In1997,tileaveragefamilysizedroppedto3.64,comparedwith4.79in1985.Overtherecentdecades,therehasbeenasteadyincreaseinthe11umberof11uclearfamilies(l-3prsons)alldadecreaseinthatofmedium-sizedandextendedfalllilies(4andover).Deferredmarriage.Natiollwide,tileaverageageatfirstmarriagerosefi-om22.66yearsin1982to24.02in1996.Skyrocketingmarriage…  相似文献   

According to statistics recently released by the Statistical and Census Bureau of Macao, by the end of August 2001 Macao had a total population of 435,235, up 22.4% from 1991, an annual growth rate of 2.04%. Of Macao residents, 48% were males and 52% females. The median age of the population increased to 33.3 years from 28.8 years in 1991, a sign of an impending aging society. By early February 2001, there were 1,898 boat dwellers within Macao抯 jurisdiction, of which 77.1% were males an…  相似文献   

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