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I remember one of the first conversations I witnessed after 1 started studying Chinese. In response to a compliment from a peer, a student replied, "哪里哪里,你过奖了."  相似文献   

郭庆 《金色年华》2005,(4):38-39
一、机场接待Excuse me,are you Mr.Tailor from London?I’m Wang Hua from Guilin Bright Agricultural Products Import and Export Corporation.Here is my card.对不起,你是从伦敦来的泰勒先生吗?我是桂林光明农业产品进出口公司的王华,这是我的名片。  相似文献   

1.I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿。 2.I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。 3.I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。 4.I won’t check this baggage.这件行李我不托运。  相似文献   

给你的魅力打分1.你对生活的态度是:a.充满热情;b.冷静审视;c.超凡脱俗。2.你对自我形象的感觉是:a.没有认真思考过;b.稍有不完美的感觉;c.稍有完美的感觉。3.你认为女性的魁力主要表现在:a.外貌美丽;b.健康;C.个性与气质。4.你在与男性交往中的衣着通常是:a.整洁美观的;b.稍作修饰的;。无所谓的。5.当你所感兴趣的男性注视你时,你的反应一般是:a.与对方目光对视;b.避开对方视线;c.与对方稍稍对视。6.你与男性交往的动机经常是出于:a.寻求恋人;b,寻求友情;C.寻求生活的乐趣。7.你与男性交谈的…  相似文献   

Q:I'm a foreigner who's just arrived in China. I love dogs. Now, I want to keep a dog here. I don't know if I am allowed to own a dog, or how to find out the process for registering a dog. Are mere any regulations specific to foreigners?A:After consulting with relevant departments, we have obtained the following information:轻松生活顾问,我是个刚到中国不久的外国人。我喜欢狗并一直养狗。现在我想在中国养狗,但不知你们国家对于外国人养狗有哪些具体规定。你能帮助我吗?  相似文献   

认识你的双重人格1.打完公用电话,挂上听筒之时,几个硬币跑出来,你会:a.再拿那些钱打几个电话;b.放着不拿;c.收进自己口袋。2.考试成绩不好时,你会:a.一直耿耿于怀;b.只在当时在意,过后即忘;c.不在乎。3.跟朋友吵架的隔天,你会:a.仍很生气;b.忘得一干二净;c.虽难为情,还是跟对方讲话。4.考试或有大好事发生的当晚,你会:a.睡不着;b.跟往常一样;c.尽可能跟人聊聊,很晚才睡。5.眼前有三个蛋糕,你会选哪种形状的来吃:a.三角形;b.圆形;c.花瓣形。6深夜睡觉时别人拨错电话,你会:。客气地告诉对方…  相似文献   

I WANT TO LEARN CHINESE我想学中文A:你会说中文吗?Ni hui shuo Zhongwen ma?Do you know how to speak Chinese?B:我会一点儿。Wo hui yidianr.I know a little bit.A:你能看中文书吗?B:是,我学过中文。Shi,wo xue guo Zhongwen.Yes,I have learned Chinese.A:你喜欢学习中文吗?Ni xihuan xuexi Zhongwen ma?Do you like studying Chinese?B:我很喜欢学习中文。  相似文献   

谁都知道“自信心”对于一个人的事业有多么重要,可你自信吗?做做下面的测试吧。1、你戴了一顶奇怪的帽子,你认为自己会得到什么样的评价?a.好丑,如果是我就把它摘掉。b.真的与众不同,我也希望有一顶。c.天哪,只有你才适合这顶帽子。2、当事情办糟时,你认为谁该为此负责任?a.肯定是别人的错误造成的。b.自己是有责任的。c.大都与我没有关系。3、你会刻意地在镜子前作出微笑等姿态吗?a.是的。b.偶尔。c.从不这样做。4、当你面临新的选择时,你的内心状况如何?a.内心常常忐忑不安,害怕接触新事物。b.思虑再三,最…  相似文献   

对不起,我要下车! Duibuqi,wo yao xia che! Excuse me,I want off.你能帮我一个忙吗? Ni nenng bang wo yi ge mang ma? Can you do me a favor?麻烦你帮帮我吧! Matan ni bangbang wo ba! Could you help me?  相似文献   

人们总是很难真正地了解自己目前所处的状态,就算只是对一些问题回答是与否,也很容易出现失误。那么请你的朋友一起来做关于你的测试吧,结果将更加接近真实值。1、仔细观察一天自己,看看疲惫、失望、烦躁这类情绪出现的情况如何?a.哪里出现过呀。b.偶尔出现。c.好像总是被这类情绪折磨。2、当上司因为对你的工作不满而批评你时,你的情绪如何?a.满腹怨言。b.希望有一天坐在他的位置上对他说同样的话。c.也许真的是自己能力有限,只好加倍努力。3、如果让你把“工作”当成比喻的本体,你认为喻体将是什么?a.朋友。b.孩子。…  相似文献   

A.请问,有空房间吗?QYng wen, you kong fangjian ma? May I ask, are any rooms available?B.有,你要几间?You, ni yao ji jian?Yes, how many rooms do you want?A.我要一间。Wo yao yi jian. I want one room.B.单人房间还是双人房间?Dan ren fangjian haishi shuang ren fangjian? Do you want a single room or a double room?  相似文献   

1.Tell me,where have you been? 说!你和谁好了? 3.Why is he looking so smart? 这么美? 4.—Honey, what can I get you to eat? —宝贝儿,吃点什么? —What a considerate lady you are! —你真温柔!  相似文献   

水水  蓝风 《女性大世界》2006,(10):78-81
进入10月.太多的人感到了皮肤的变化.有些紧绷,缺水甚至出现小皮屑.你当然会急忙换上一款补水保湿产品。有些人换了保湿产品后皮肤马上滋润舒服了许多.但有些人的缺水干燥现象却还是没有得到缓解,这又是为什么呢.难道保温产品还有区别?的确.保湿产品的功效的确不同,如果你没有针对自己的皮肤症状选对了保湿产品.敏感的皮肤会马上感到觉得到。  相似文献   

AT the age of 32, I went back to school. I enrolled as a student in the Department of History at a night college attached to Beijing Normal University. My son was only two years old at the time. At first I went to night classes just to earn a college diploma. I already had 15 years' work experience, including four years of being a magazine editor. But if I wanted to keep my job as editor, I had to obtain a diploma. When I first sat down in the terraced, 300-seat classroom and touched my new textbooks, I was full of a craving for knowledge. I knew that my classmates  相似文献   

"I was mesmerized by you, a gentleman of an ancient Oriental country. I love you deeply, I shall fly over the hills and seas to be by your side and I shall live together with you all my life…" This is not a film subtitle but an excerpt from a letter a Dutch woman wrote to a Chinese man.  相似文献   

I want to share a practical assignment that I often use with clients, I've just returned from a first meeting with a client who will spend the nextfew months completing a communication-coaching program that I offer. While specific objectives differ from person to person, the general purpose of the program is to help (usually female) Chinese professionals improve their ability to communicate, at a regional or global level, with confidence and influence.  相似文献   

To "Editorial Mailbox" I am submitting this letter for consideration and possible inclusion in the "Editorial Mailbox" section of Women of China. I am a male reader who has been reading your magazine for a great number of years. I am a retired American high school principal who dearly loves China and the Chinese people. More importantly, I am a male who  相似文献   

I have given a name to the studio where I make my soft sculptures: "Spirit Existing." It means that my life exists together with my spirit; that spirit is inseparable from body. I believe the original nature of life is the most beautiful thing in the world. On September 6th, 1997, I handed in my resignation to the tax bureau where I worked. Leaving my family and my son at home, I came to Beijing alone to create a new life for myself. As a woman making such a choice at the age of 35, I  相似文献   

Oear Women of China,
I have been in Beijing for four months and I have already read through all the books I brought with me. As a literature addict, I would like to buy more books, but as a climate change enthusiast, I would like to purchase only secondhand books, not new ones.  相似文献   

I close my eyes. The children with whom I stayed with in Lhasa appear before me. In the pink world they smile. It is a strange feeling. I have been to Tibet twice. I remember how the Lhasa children would walk on the streets in Lhasa: when they spotted a man and a woman holding hands, they would sing, "You Are Late", a popular song of that time. "I had her in my heart a long time ago./Oh! She arrived before you." When the young couple turned around, the children would run away. Then they searched for another couple. What I most remember about Tibet is  相似文献   

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