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Correspondence to Beverley Hughes, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, School of Social Work, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL. Summary This paper reports the findings of a study on the views of birthparents on openness and contact and, in the light of the findings,examines the current trend towards a presumption in favour ofdirect contact between birth parents, child and/or adopters.It argues for a child-centred approach which must discriminatemore clearly between the implications for the child of differentpost-adoption arrangements. The assumptions underlying a presumptionin favour of direct contact are critically reviewed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Janette Logan, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester Summary This article reports the findings of a study commissioned bythe Mental Health Foundation which examined the experiencesand needs of birth mothers who relinquished a child for adoption.Historically, birth mothers have been neglected in the Britishliterature; their experience is considered to have ended atthe time of placement. This research however, indicates thelong-term implications of relinquishment are severe—particularlyin relation to mental health. They demand that the complexityand uniqueness of relinquishment as a form of loss be more fullyunderstood, birth mothers' reactions to those experiences arenot pathologized and professionals learn to respond more positively.GP's in particular need to develop a more sensitive understandingof their needs and in so doing could prevent the medicalizationof some birth mothers.  相似文献   

Summary Increasing numbers of adult adopted people are searching forand having reunions with their birth relatives. Although a growingnumber of studies now exist that have looked at the search andreunion process, few have examined reunion outcomes over thelong term. The present study investigated the experiences of48 adult adopted people who first had contact with their birthmothers at least eight years prior to the survey. Outcomes wereexamined in terms of the adopted person's evaluation of theirown adoption experience, and the frequency of contact, if any,currently occurring between the adopted person and their adoptiveand birth mothers. Although over half of adopted people werestill in contact with their birth mother eight years or morepost reunion, the number still in touch with their adoptivemothers was higher still. Furthermore, of those still in contactwith both their adoptive and birth mothers, the frequency ofcontact was more likely to be higher with the adoptive motherthan with the birth mother. The results are discussed in termsof the search for identity, filial relationships, genetic relatednessand affectional bonds formed during childhood.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Paul Stubbs, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Lancaster, Department of Social Administration, Fylde College, Lancaster LA1 4YF. Summary This article poses certain issues about the effects of professionalismin policy and practice in the adoption of black children. Bylocating the practice in its historical context, recent debatesabout ‘bans’ on the adoption of black children bywhite families can be discussed more clearly. This is followed by case studies based on original researchin two London boroughs, examining professionalism in child careand adoption practice, before certain conclusions and alternativesare addressed.  相似文献   

1 Derek Kirton, Department of Social and Public Policy and Social Work, Darwin College. The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NY, UK. E-mail: d.kirtonukc{at}ac.uk Summary This article examines the views of 835 student social workerson race and adoption, focusing on support for transracial andsame race adoption respectively. The two principal findingsare first, one of great divergence of expressed views irrespectiveof background factors, and secondly, that, on balance, supportfor same race adoption is markedly stronger among minority ethnicstudent social workers than their white counterparts. Backgrounddata are used to analyse some of the influences which lie behindthe views indicated, including those of social geography andthe effects of teaching. Factor analysis identifies attitudestowards the nature and salience of ‘black identity’as the most powerful indicator of overall perspectives on raceand adoption. Finally, implications of the study's findingsare discussed in the light of ongoing controversy regardingpolicy and practice in the family placement of minority ethnicchildren.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Malcolm Hill, Senior Lecturer in Social work, University of Glasgow Department of Socail Administration and Soical work, Lilybank House, Bute Gardens, Glasgow G12 8RT. Summary Social workers frequently are involved in assessments aboutparenting. Thes issues are posed in a particularly Sharp formjudgements need to be made which may transfer parental rightsand reponsiblities permanently, as in cases of freeing for adoption.This article draws on a wider evaluation of freeing to identifythe key dimensions of parent child relations which influencedsocial work and work court decisions. In the majority of cases, there were requests to dispense withbirth parents' agreement to adoption. The principal corcumstanceswhich seen to warrant this involved inital neglect and/or poorbonding following by failure to respond to social work helpafter childern were in care. In most instances, the Courts endorsedthe local authorities position and granted freeing order. However,serveral judgments were in parents' favour. This was relatedsometimes to different perspectives on the relationship betweenfamily circumstances and the precise legal grounds for freeing.Also the lengthy precedures involved menat that in a few instancesthe parents had apperaed to imporve thier situation and so strengthenedthe legal case against freeing.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr M. Wilson, Department of Applied Social Studies, University College, Cork, Ireland. E-mail: m.wilson{at}ucc.ie Summary This paper documents women’s experiences of relinquishinga child for adoption in Ireland. This group have long been silencedand largely invisible. The focus of the research on which thispaper is based was to provide a means for the women to sharetheir experiences of the process of concealment and ostracismand to review the socially sanctioned solutions particular toIrish society. The issues that emerge encompass personal, culturaland societal influences and the implications for future policyand practice are explored.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Jon Glasby, Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham, Park House, 40 Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2RT, UK. E-mail J.Glasby{at}bham.ac.uk Summary This Research Note reports findings from a narrative reviewof the literature on the rate and cause of delayed hospitaldischarge in the UK. In addition to summarizing our knowledgeto date in this important area, the Research Note raises a seriesof questions about aspects of current hospital discharge policyand practice (and in particular, the recent reimbursement policyto charge social services departments for delayed discharges).  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines how caring for elderly widowed people affectsthe lives of their ‘familiars’. This study is partof a larger national study on widowhood in old age carried outby the Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care. The familiarstended to be the children of the widowed, particularly theirdaughters. Children of the widowed, again often daughters, weremore likely than other familiars to suffer life restrictionsbefore and after the death because of the care and support givento the deceased and the surviving spouse. In addition to theircaring role familiars were often committed to full or part-timeemployment and most also had their own families to support.The care they provide for the elderly is not always withoutcost. The contribution towards community care given by suchinformal helpers deserves greater recognition and the social,psychological and financial costs thus incurred merit greaterrelief. As the help is needed by a minority only of such informalcarers, adoption of a policy relieving them as far as possibleof the costs they incur, would not involve intolerable financialoutlays.  相似文献   

Summary In England and Wales the Diploma in Social Work was supersededby the more specialized Diploma in Probation Studies in 1997/98as a basic qualification for probation officers. It combinesacademic and practical learning in the form of a two-year undergraduatedegree and a twelve-module National Vocational Qualification(NVQ). There was considerable professional opposition to thisat the time and opinion remains mixed as to how justifiablethe change was, and how successful it has been. This articleseeks to defend the principle of combining the academic andthe practical but, via a critique of two recent commentarieson the Diploma in Probation Studies, questions whether the ideaof academic teaching on a professional qualification has beenadequately conceptualized and implemented. It argues againstteaching that is governed uncritically by the protocols andproblematics of pure academic disciplines, and insists uponthe use of material which is selected and tailored to the intellectualneeds of working probation officers. It outlines a better conceptualizationof what a ‘community justice curriculum’ might looklike, based in part on the approach taken to probation trainingat the University of Birmingham.  相似文献   

Summary This paper outlines a series of staff development courses runfor the DHSS under the auspices of Leicester University Schoolof Social Work. The two-week courses for Unemployment ReviewOfficers offered an introduction to social and psychologicalinfluences on human behaviour with special reference to thework situation of UROs, and a review of aspects of the socialservices with which the URO has contact. As a result of these courses another view of Supplementary Benefitsstaff emerged which conflicted with current stereotypes. Theauthor offers some suggestions regarding the sources of roleconflict inherent in the work of UROs and argues for betterunderstanding of the operation of the social security system  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Martin R. Textor, Hessstrasse, D-8000 München 40, Germany. Summary After a short overview of adoption services in Germany, thelegal situation, and the number of adoptions the results ofinterviews with 117 social workers arc presented. All of themwere responsible for adoptions and worked at agencies of localauthorities or welfare organizations in Bavaria. Their attitudestowards adoption as an alternative to abortion, towards birthmothers, adoptive families, searching adoptees, internationaladoptions, open adoptions, and the placement of children arcexplored. It was found that the attitudes were very heterogeneousand that they had changed during the last 20 years: The respondentsespoused a more positive view of birth mothers and searchingadoptees, considered uncommon groups of applicants (e.g. singles,remarried couples) and children (e.g. handicapped or older ones)for adoption, and took a more positive stance towards half openand open forms of adoption. They did not see adoption as analternative to abortion, were against private adoptions, andstrove for more open forms of adoption.  相似文献   

Summary The Portsmouth Fostering Study was the first project undertakenby the Portsmouth Social Services Research and IntelligenceUnit which was set up in August 1972 under the joint auspicesof Portsmouth Polytechnic and Portsmouth Social Services Department. This article summarizes the report of the Study, the main focusof which was on the experiences of ex-foster parents and theproblems they had encountered. The study concludes that therole of the foster parent is not always made clear, and thatthe foster parent is placed in the position of being half client/halfcolleague  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Clive Hollin, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT Summary Following an overview of the use of social skills training (SST)with delinquents, it is concluded that SST can be successfulin changing some aspects of social behaviour but that it haslittle effect on offending. A number of reasons for this ‘failure’are discussed: a failure by practitioners to utilize the fullSST model; and a failure, by practitioners and researchers,to explore the relationship between social skills and offending.Recommendations for both practice and research are made to remedyexisting shortcomings.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Andy Bilson, Department of Social Work and Social Policy, University of Northumbria, Newcastle NE7 7XA. E-mail Andy_Bilson{at}Unn.AC.UK Summary Research carried out since the implementation of the ChildrenAct 1989 based on a sample of 848 children looked after by localauthorities indicates that previous estimates of the numberswho have no contact with parents may have underestimated theextent of the problem, and that despite the emphasis placedon contact by the Children Act there is still much work to bedone to improve practice. The research not only confirms earlierfindings about the instability of placements in care but alsoshows differences in face to face contact which depend on thelength of time in care or accommodation and the reason for entry,as well as differences between children placed in residentialand foster care. Finally it was found that where children havespent long periods in care they tend to have little contactwith fieldworkers, and it is suggested that there is a needto redefine the social work agenda for this vulnerable groupof children.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship among involuntary childlessness, social support, and social disclosure of Korean domestic adoptive parents. Data were collected from a sample of 90 such parents who had already disclosed the adoption to their child. Path analysis revealed that involuntary childlessness does not directly affect social disclosure of adoption, but it does affect the self-esteem of adoptive parents, and parental self-esteem was significantly and positively related to social disclosure. Social support reinforces the self-esteem of adoptive parents, thus contributing to the social disclosure of adoption. This research highlights the importance of pre- and post-adoption counselling that address the unique experiences of adoptive families in South Korea.  相似文献   

Understanding Adolescent Female Prostitution: A Literature Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correspondence to Dr Jill Jesson. Aston Business School, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B47 7ET. Summary Sexual behaviour and sexuality are currently topical issuesof concern for child care social workers. Social workers arespending more and of more of their time with children who comeinto care because of sexual abuse, or who have an involvementin the ‘rent’ scene or Prostitution. In additionmany teenage young women come into care because of social orparental concern over their lsquo;promiscuous’ behaviour.The review of research on adolescent prostitution offers severalexplanations for involvement in prostitution. which vary accordingto the discipline of the author. Explanations vary from pathologicaland personal psychology factors to the wider social aspectsof the family and local environment. This literature reviewwas used as a basis for research which examined the incidenceof female prostitution for a social services department. Thisis a relatively new field of interest and consequently thereis very little British research published on the issue of adolescentprostitution, or on under age (16) prostitution. There is nopublished research on girls in care and prostitution. We needto know much more about the reality of young people's livesbefore social workers can offer a meaningful response.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Mr M. Sheppard, Department of Applied Social Science, Polytechnic South West, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA. Summary For some years good communication and collaboration betweenhealth and welfare professionals has been emphasized as a desirablegoal by both official reports and relevant professions. Thisis as much the case in mental health as other areas. This papercompares communication and collaboration between social workersand general practitioners (GPs) with that between communitypsychiatric nurses (CPNs) and GPs. Both social workers and CPNswere based at a community mental health centre, and the contactwas interagency (with primary health care). Major differenceswere found between social workers and CPNs. CPNs were far morelikely to contact GPs than social workers, although GPs veryrarely initiated contact themselves. Differences reflected different‘philosophies of contact’. Social workers contactedGPs when this could be purposively related to their case management.In addition to this contact, CPNs also made contact to provideGPs with information, reflecting awareness of GPs' long-termcontinuing care responsibility. The excess of CPN contacts wasnot limited, but involved a wide range of problems. GPs, however,when contacted, exerted greater influence on social work casemanagement. The article concludes by explaining differencesbetween CPNs and social workers in terms of occupational culture.It suggests, furthermore, that the results arise at least inpart from assumptions of team leadership by GPs, and that socialworkers' and CPNs' behaviour represents different responsesto this.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is an attempt to put forward for discussion someof the similarities and differences between adoption and artificialinsemination by donor, as attempts to solve the problem of childlessness.The legal position and the view of the Church are briefly summarized.It is suggested that work already done in adoption, particularlywith reference to telling the child, has relevance for A.I.D.,and that there are implications for social workers.  相似文献   

The issue of whether there should be continuing contact between those who are adopted and their birth relatives is one of the most contentious issues in current adoption practice (see for example DoH, 1993; McWhinnie and Smith 1994). The view traditionally taken is that adoption in England and Wales has been secret since its legal origins in 1926 and any moves to more fully disclosed information and indeed contact between the parties in adoption is a recent development (see for example DoH 1992). This article considers the history of birth family contact and access to records in adoption from 1926 to the 1958 Adoption Act and examines the factors that favoured the development of closed models of practice where there was no contact between the parties and records became secret. In doing so it challenges the accepted view that adoption has always provided for secrecy in England and Wales and establishes that both the thinking of policy makers and the legislation itself until 1949 provided for more open forms of adoption than we enjoy today. Secrecy, it is claimed, developed as a consequence of a collusion between professionals and the judiciary which disregarded the legal rights of birth parents and failed to respect their entitlement to a proper say in the decisions about the future of their children.  相似文献   

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