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劳动力外流下农村家庭代际支持性别分工研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2001年、2003年和2006年"安徽省老年人生活福利状况跟踪调查数据",采用随机效应的Logistic模型,从老年父母和成年子女两个角度研究农村老年人家庭代际支持性别分工机制的变化。结果发现,农村老年人家庭代际交换仍然符合合作群体模式,由于不同性别在家庭中的角色和性别分工不同,老年父亲从子女外出中直接获益更多,老年母亲更多地是获得补偿性支持;儿子仍然在家庭养老中承担主要责任,女儿得到老年父母帮助时提供的补偿性支持更多,劳动力外流促使儿子和女儿对老年父母代际支持的性别差异缩小,女儿在家庭养老中的地位和作用显著提高。  相似文献   

西安交通大学人口与发展研究所于2001年5月在安徽省巢湖市农村地区进行了"安徽老年人生活状况"抽样问卷调查,并在2003年11月、2006年12月、2009年6月进行了三次跟踪调查。利用调查数据,对孝文化观念下的农村家庭中子女养老行为之间的相互影响进行实证研究。研究发现,兄弟姐妹间的养老行为存在示范作用,并对老年人获得子女供养的状况有重要影响。结果表明,无论经济支持还是生活照料,兄弟姐妹分担程度越高,子女个体越有可能提高对老年父母的支持;而子女的分担程度越高,老年父母获得的经济支持和生活照料越多。  相似文献   

本文采用2013年“中国健康与养老追踪调查”中甘肃和安徽两省追踪调查数据,运用广义线性模型、 logistic回归模型等分析方法,结合代际支持动机理论和能力理论,考察子女结构对农村养老中的资源交换机制的影响。结果发现:不管是经济支持还是情感支持,长子女和幼子女之间,儿子和女儿之间都存在分工关系和替代关系,以满足老年人的各项需求。子女的孩次、性别均对代际资源交换存在显著影响,孙子女的性别和数量对年轻一代和年老一代的代际动机产生显著影响,其中居住距离、外出务工和父母照料孙子女是不可忽略的中间因素。  相似文献   

利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所"安徽省老年人生活福利状况"调查数据,采用随机效应模型,研究农村老年人提供孙子女照料对家庭代际支持的影响。研究发现不管对儿子还是对女儿,提供孙子女照料都会加强其对老年父母的代际支持。但是子女与老年父母居住距离的差别,造成照料孙子女作为结合家庭的中心资源所起到的作用有所不同。其中由于儿子被寄予养老的主要责任,与老年父母代际交换关系受居住距离的影响更大。老年父母与儿子之间的服务性(生活照料)互惠关系随居住距离的增加而增强,但情感回馈则被削弱,且老年母亲通过向儿子提供孙子女照料得到经济回报的互惠关系强于老年父亲与儿子的互惠关系。老年父母向其子女提供孙子女照料帮助符合合作群体模式下交换的目的是增强回报能力的原则。  相似文献   

本文利用中国健康与营养调查(China Health and Nutrition Survey)1997-2015年数据,采用倾向值匹配分析方法(Propensity Score Matching)评估农村地区成年子女外出务工对留守家乡父母的健康造成的影响。研究发现相对于没有成年子女外出务工的对照组,农村成年子女外出务工会使留守父母过去四周患病的概率显著增加2.7%,65岁及以上的留守父母IADL受损概率显著增加6.1%。这种负面影响也显著地体现在对留守父母心理健康的影响上。研究发现留守父母的生活满意程度显著低于非留守父母。在此基础上,文章进一步从性别差异角度进行分析,研究发现子女外出务工对留守父亲的身心健康产生的负面影响比母亲更大;和女儿相比,儿子外出务工对留守父母身心健康的负面影响更大。文章的研究结果表明,在我国实现"健康老龄化"的道路上,农村地区留守父母的健康状况令人担忧。因此,政府部门应出台支持家庭老年照料的政策,加强对农村地区社区和机构照料的投入,减少子女外出务工引发照料缺失给父母健康带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

以往的理论和文献没有就成年子女外出务工对农村老年人健康的影响达成共识.文章基于中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS) 2010年和2012年两期数据分析成年子女外出务工对农村老年人健康的影响,并从家庭支持角度入手探讨影响成年子女外出务工作用的重要机制.考虑到可能存在样本的内生性问题,文章采用倾向性匹配分析方法对回归模型的结果进行稳健性检验.结果发现,成年子女外出务工会对农村老年人健康产生不利的影响.长期两地分离而导致家庭照顾支持和情感支持减少是老年人健康状况变差的主要原因.另外,家庭经济支持对老年人健康的影响并不显著,这可能与农村的生活方式和消费观念有关.随着家庭规模变小和大量劳动力外流,农村老年人的养老和健康问题令人担忧.  相似文献   

婚姻稳定性下降、人口老龄化加剧预示着越来越多的老年人会经历子女离婚,然而子女离婚是否以及如何影响老年父母健康尚缺乏研究。本文基于生命历程理论和社会性别理论,从老年健康的角度出发,强调来自家庭层面子女离婚的影响,并从家庭代际经济支持等方面分析子女离婚如何影响老年健康及其发生的机制,探索家庭内部影响因素间的作用与联系。本文利用2014年和2018年“中国老年社会追踪调查数据”(CLASS)分析子女离婚对老年父母健康状况的影响。研究发现对于当前我国老年人而言,子女离婚仍是少数,但子女离婚会对老年父母健康带来冲击,表现为有离婚子女的老年人更可能自评身体不健康、慢性病患病数量显著更多、精神健康水平更低;子女离婚对老年父母的健康负面影响具有持久性;相较于儿子离婚,女儿离婚的老年人更可能自觉身体不健康;子女离婚对父母健康的影响具有性别异质性,离婚更易影响女儿对父母的经济支持水平是一个重要原因。  相似文献   

劳动力外流背景下的农村老年人居住安排影响因素研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农村年轻劳动力外流对老年人的居住安排产生了很大影响。本文采用Multilogistic回归模型,利用西安交通大学2001年在安徽省巢湖市进行的“安徽省老年人生活福利现状”抽样调查数据,从子女和父母两个角度,分析了共同居住机会、独立居住资源、居住偏好以及身体状况等四类因素对三种居住安排的影响。父母的需要是决定其居住安排的重要因素,在老年人尚未完全丧失劳动能力时,子女的需要也会对居住安排产生影响。老年人在居住安排上表现出对儿子的强烈偏好。外出儿子的增加特别是有未成年子女的外出儿子的存在使得父母与孙子女共同居住的机会显著增加。  相似文献   

儿子与女儿对父母支持的比较研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文对保定老年人家庭代际关系调查数据进行了深入的分析。通过比较儿子和女儿在养老中的作用,进一步揭示了妇女生育意愿中性别偏好的内涵。数据显示,在经济方面,儿子与女儿的支持比例接近,但儿子的人均支持量、支持总量及父母的人均获得量均明显高于女儿。在日常生活方面,儿子对父母的帮助也较女儿多。结果表明,养老功能向儿子倾斜。研究还表明,家庭的养老功能与子女数有关。独生子女的养老负担最重,其中儿子比女儿更重。  相似文献   

本研究利用2014年"中国老年社会追踪调查"数据分别考察独生子女家庭和非独生子女家庭老年人的养老观念和养老意愿,重点分析两类老年人养老意愿的影响因素及其差异。结果表明大部分老年人仍然认同"养儿防老"的观念,认为养老责任主要应由子女承担,在家庭中养老仍是最为老年人接受的方式。与非独生子女家庭老年人相比,独生子女家庭老年人更偏好独立居住,对子女养老责任的期待更低,但对子女精神支持的需求更高,同时更加企盼来自政府和制度的养老支持。个人因素和家庭因素共同塑造了老年人的养老意愿,但对两类老年人的影响不同。从个人因素看,受教育程度的高低会更为显著地影响非独生子女家庭老年人的养老意愿,特别是影响其对机构养老的态度。从家庭特征看,对独生子女家庭老年人而言,配偶发挥的作用似乎超过了子女,对其养老意愿产生了更为重要的影响,"夫妻健全"的独生子女父母更偏好独立养老。"养儿"对两类老年人均有影响,但意义不同。对于非独生子女家庭老年人而言,有无儿子显著影响的是"在自己家还是子女家养老"的家庭内部决策;对于独生子女家庭老年人而言,有无儿子则显著影响了其养老地点在家庭和社会之间的抉择。  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential effect of marital disruption on intergenerational earnings mobility. We observe the earnings of children born in 1960 and 1970 along with their biological fathers and mothers. The earnings mobility between sons and daughters relative to the earnings of their mothers and fathers is estimated. Our results suggest that divorce is associated with increased mobility, except between mothers’ and daughters’ earnings. Transition matrices reveal that the direction of the mobility is negative; children of divorced parents tend to move downward in the earnings distribution compared to children from intact families. Finally, we utilize information on the earnings mobility of siblings in dissolved families who grew up when the family was intact. The difference between pre- and post-divorce siblings is in turn compared with sibling differences in intact families.  相似文献   

闫萍 《西北人口》2007,28(5):21-24
本文对农村外流子女和留守子女对留守父母的经济供养状况进行了比较分析,探讨了他们在是否给父母钱,给钱的数量,给钱的方式,给物品的类型四个方面的差异,而且对女儿和儿子对留守父母的经济供养状况进行了比较,分析了子女外流所带来的子女对父母经济供养状况的变化。  相似文献   

Flexible Work Hours and Other Job Factors in Parental Time with Children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flexible working hours are typically seen to be advantageous to working parents, as the flexible hours more easily allow responsibilities of care and employment be balanced. But do flexible work hours actually mean that parents can spend more time with their children? This article explores this for parents of young children in Australia. The analyses use the time use diaries of children in the two cohorts of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC), from the first wave of the study in 2004. The study children in each cohort were aged about one year old and 4–5 years old. For each child, a weekday and weekend diary were completed, giving 5,579 weekday diaries and 4,478 weekend diaries. The diaries captured details of the children’s activities and of who they were with in each 15 min period of a day, and so allowed calculation of the total amount of time the child was with their mother and with their father. Multivariate analyses were used to determine whether amounts of mother-child and father-child time varied according to flexibility of work hours, taking account also of other job characteristics, family and child characteristics. The analyses showed that flexible work hours had only weak independent relationships with mothers’ and fathers’ time with children. Inasmuch as flexible hours are beneficial for parents, it appears that this is related to their ability to distribute their time between work and family time, rather than giving them more time with children.  相似文献   

Inconsistencies in comparisons of older parents’ well-being with that of older, childless adults may be resolved by considering the separate effects of sons and daughters on parents. The hypothesis was that older parents of only daughters have greater life satisfaction, more satisfying relations with their children, more intimate family relations, and greater social support satisfaction compared to older childless adults and parents of only sons. Childless older adults were predicted to have more intimate friends. The effect of having both sons and daughters was also explored. Longitudinal results indicated parents had greater life satisfaction than childless adults, and parents of daughters were more satisfied with relations with their children than parents of only sons. Childless adults had more relations with friends and fewer family intimate relations. Neither social support satisfaction or affect varied across groups. The findings are related to gender socialization, social support, and normative expectations.  相似文献   

It is well established that the timing of childbearing is transmitted from parents to children in the United States. However, little is known about how the intergenerational link has changed over time and under structural and ideological transformations associated with fertility behaviors. This study first considers changes across two birth cohorts from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) in the extent to which parents’ age at first birth is transmitted to their children. The first cohort includes individuals born during the late 1950s through the early 1960s (NLSY79), while the second includes individuals born in the early 1980s (NLSY97). Results from discrete-time event history analyses indicate that the intergenerational transmission of age at first birth significantly increased for both daughters and sons. These results were confirmed by analyses of data from three cycles of the National Survey of Family Growth spanning the same time period. Over this period, age at first childbirth became increasingly younger for children born to teenage mothers and increasingly older for those born to mothers who began parenthood after age 25. These patterns have important implications for the reproductive polarization hypothesis.  相似文献   

Parental expectations about the companionship and assistance they will receive in later life from their children are key considerations in family formation decisions. We explore patterns of parents’ investment and the support and contact they receive from adult children in Egypt, where fertility is falling and sources of support at all life stages are in flux. Using data from a survey of older adults in Ismailia governorate, we consider parents’ past investments in childbearing, child survival, and children’s education and marriage, as well as recent assistance to adult children via housing, care for grandchildren, gifts, and money. The returns from children considered include economic assistance, instrumental support, and visits. Most parental investments are associated with frequent visits from children. The assistance children provide to parents is gendered: sons tend to provide economic transfers, whereas daughters tend to provide instrumental help. A greater number of surviving children is most strongly associated with parents’ receipt of multiple types of later-life returns. Investments in children’s education and marriage are not associated with assistance, but recent assistance to children—especially economic transfers and provision of housing—is associated with receiving instrumental assistance from adult children.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the extent of intergenerational income mobility in Japan among sons and daughters born between 1935 and 1975. Our estimates rely on a two-sample instrumental variables approach using representative data from the Japanese Social Stratification and Mobility surveys, collected between 1965 and 2005. Father’s income is predicted on the basis of a rich set of variables, and we discuss changes in the Japanese earnings structure for cohorts born between the early 1900s and the 1960s. Our main results indicate that the intergenerational income elasticity (IGE) for both sons and daughters in Japan lies around 0.35, which is an intermediate value, by international standards. We discuss the sensitivity of the IGE to using either personal or family income as the income variable for both fathers and children. We also examine changes across cohorts in the IGE. Results indicate that intergenerational mobility has been roughly stable over the last decades.  相似文献   

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