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本文通过对上海浦东新区1070名女性流动人口生殖健康的调查研究,指出不同生活工作环境下女性流动人口的生殖健康知识、行为及其对社区服务机构认同感的差异,并提出了提高女性流动人口生殖健康水平的对策建议.  相似文献   

中国流动人口性和生殖健康公共服务政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对流动人口性和生殖健康公共服务现有政策法规的梳理,研究流动人口性和生殖健康公共服务政策的法规理念和内容的变化过程,分析流动人口性和生殖健康公共服务现有政策法规中存在的问题,进而提出修改和完善现行流动人口生殖健康公共服务政策,实现流动人口性和生殖健康公共服务均等化的建议。  相似文献   

城市外来青年女工的生殖健康状况与需求   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文利用小组专题讨论会和深入访谈资料对外来青年女工的生殖健康状况和需求进行了分析。流动人口的生活和工作与家乡的同龄人及城市居民都不相同 ,这给他们的健康带来一系列问题。对年轻妇女而言 ,与性和生育相关的问题尤为突出。外来未婚女工发生婚前性行为的可能性较大 ,随意性性行为的比例较高 ,因此人工流产及性病的发生率较高。因为产前保健不足 ,外来人口发生产时并发症的可能性较大。目前迫切需要加强对未婚人群的教育和服务 ,以减少风险行为的发生。应结合计划生育管理和服务加强对已婚妇女的生殖健康服务 ,以提高她们的健康水平  相似文献   

“生殖健康与安全性行为”同伴教育基线调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N学院学生发展服务中心拟开展生殖健康与安全性行为的“同伴教育”活动,为了解大学生有关生殖健康知识和性观念、性行为的现状.设计了一份有关生殖健康与安全性行为的知识、态度和行为的基础调查问卷。对问卷分析有助更好地开展此项活动。也为项目干预前后的对比提供了依据。  相似文献   

高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
深化研究高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育具有非常重要的战略意义,通过对北京等七城市各类院校、各年级学生进行调查,分析研究高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育状况。调查研究内容主要涵盖了三个方面:高校学生生殖健康知识掌握及态度状况;高校学生避孕药具及避孕服务的利用情况;避孕节育服务需求情况。在此基础上,确立和探究了高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育的导向原则、服务模式及推进措施。  相似文献   

本研究采用定性与定量相结合的方法对滇西某大型道路建设工地流动人口的艾滋病风险进行调研与分析,该工地流动人口所面临的主要艾滋病风险是高危商业性性行为。深入调研发现,因其特殊的行业特征,工地流动人口中形成了对商业性性行为默许、容忍、合理化的氛围,对于所面临的艾滋病风险存在侥幸心理,各职业人群由于知识、社会经济处境不同,其与艾滋病相关的高危行为有明显差异。基于研究发现,本文对流动人口艾滋病预防干预实践、艾滋病预防研究的社会人文视角及未来研究方向等提出了讨论和建议。  相似文献   

本文根据对农村未婚青年生殖健康现状问卷调查和座谈调查的结果,对农村未婚在业青年的生殖健康现状及其对婚前性行为、人工流产的态度进行了分析研究,同时还探讨了农村未婚青年对计划生育服务的需求,最后还就提高农村未婚青年生殖健康水平提出了一些对策性建议。  相似文献   

湖北省襄阳市襄州区峪山镇把服务流动人口作为为民办实事的重要工作来抓,实施"六化"措施,走活流动人口服务管理"一盘棋"。 健康服务均等化。为流动人口落实免费计生技术服务,开办流动人口夜校,为外来务工人员开设生殖健康讲座,开辟"流动人口生殖健康门诊",确保为流动人口提供免费的生殖健康检查、优生优育指导。  相似文献   

推进流动人口生殖健康优质服务的实践和思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用在上海市浦东新区开展的干预实验和评估调研 ,分析了以属地化管理为基础的流动人口计划生育管理机制、优质服务机制、宣传教育机制和生殖健康服务的保障机制。评估表明 ,上海通过建立整合的流动人口管理服务机构、完善一体化的计划生育管理与生殖健康服务、发挥计生协会等群众团体的作用途径为流动人口提供了较高水准的生殖健康服务 ,但也还存在不少需进一步完善的地方。本文针对调研结果提出了一些有针对性的对策思路 ,提出可以在全国统一实行计划生育与生殖健康居住地管理服务政策 ,注重生殖健康服务资源的合理开发和有效配置  相似文献   

以人口高质量发展支撑中国式现代化,提高人口整体素质是关键。而流动人口公共健康权益的可获得性和可及性程度又是增强流动人口身体素质、定居意愿、城市融入的关键因素。通过分析2018年全国流动人口动态监测数据(China Migrants Dynamic Survey,简称CMDS),聚焦少数民族流动人口在流入地公共健康权益的现状,进一步使用二分变量对数比回归模型实证分析少数民族流动家庭公共健康权益可及性对定居意愿发生比的影响,关注家庭主要劳动力(个体)和家庭其他成员(幼童、孕产妇)公共健康权益可及性对少数民族流动人口定居意愿的影响,并探讨不同特征的少数民族流动人口健康权益可及性对家庭定居意愿的异质性影响。研究发现:一是公共健康权益可获得性、可及性程度对少数民族流动人口定居意愿存在显著正向影响,且影响效应存在差异。家庭成员公共健康权益的影响效应大于个体影响效应,但孕产妇公共健康权益可获得性与家庭定居意愿没有显著相关关系。二是不同健康权益项目对单个个体健康权益可及性的影响权重不同。健康档案项目对个体公共健康权益的影响效应最大,疫苗接种项目对幼童公共健康权益的影响效应最大,孕产妇四项公共健康权益项...  相似文献   

The mental health outcomes of men who have sex with men (MSM) living in sub-Saharan Africa are understudied, despite evidence that discrimination and stigma are widespread. This article examines the occurrence and mental health effects of minority stress in a sample of diverse South African MSM. Twenty-two MSM living in Cape Town took part in exploratory qualitative in-depth interviews and completed mental health questionnaires. Results indicate that the majority of participants experienced minority stress, which affected their sexual relationships and coping strategies. Concealment behaviors and perceived discrimination levels were high and were associated with race, religion, SES, and geographical location.  相似文献   

The Young Adults Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFS-II) was conducted in 1994 by interviewing 10,879 men and women aged 15-24 years in households on dating, marriage, and onset of sexual activity in the Philippines. In addition, screening data were collected on all households visited and on the 959 sampled local communities. Direct questions on premarital sex revealed that at least 52% of married women had sex before marriage. Among married respondents, 57% of men and 51% of women reported having had sex with their spouse before they were married. Only 3% of the women had additional premarital partners vs. 37% of the men. Questions on premarital sex and social patterns showed that about 20% of the single women and 28% of the single men had been in a serious relationship by the time they were 17. By age 20, 44% of the single women and 63% of the single men had been in a serious relationship, while the respective figures by age 24 were 60% and 68%. Altogether 24% of the women and 10% of the men described themselves as married. 34% of all women who either eloped or lived with their spouses had been married in church by the time of the survey, 23% had had civil ceremonies, and 41% designated their marital status as cohabitation. With regard to the risk of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, 25% of the 24-year old men who never had a girlfriend reported sexual experience and 22% of those still single at age 24 reported that they had visited a commercial sex worker. Marital status was not the best basis for providing family planning services, and the provision of reproductive health services to young people living in consensual union would reduce accidental pregnancy.  相似文献   

The Baseline Survey of Young Adult Reproductive Welfare in Indonesia, conducted from September to December 1998, provides information about young Indonesians on topics concerning work, education, marriage, family life, sexuality, fertility, and HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The survey interviewed 4106 men and 3978 women aged 15-24 years in three provinces of Java. Survey findings showed that 42% of the women and 8% of the men are currently or have been married. There was a strong inverse relationship between marriage and schooling, which suggests that greater educational attainment and a higher average age at marriage are likely to go together. Although most young couples prefer to delay and space births, only half of currently married young women are using any type of contraception. These results indicate that there is a need for better reproductive health care as well as improved reproductive health education. Moreover, the current economic crisis has lead to a decline in the use of the private sector for health care. Instead, young people are using the less-expensive government services, and young women are turning to pharmacies and midwives rather than to private doctors to obtain contraceptives. These findings have several policy implications including the need for reproductive health programs that provide services needed by young people.  相似文献   

Limited research has focused on the sexual behaviors of men who have sex with men (MSM) from rural communities. We examined the sexual and health-related behaviors of MSM living in rural areas of the United States in order to understand the sexual health repertoire of this population. A total of 5,357 participants living in rural settings were recruited online and completed an anonymous Internet-based survey that assessed sexual behaviors, condom use, and men’s engagement with various community activities and events. These data provide a greater understanding of sexual health profiles that exist among rural MSM and will help inform the design of effective programs for men in these often underserved communities.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(1):104-126

Malay-Muslim men who have sex with men (MSM) are marginalized and hidden in Malaysia, a predominantly Muslim country in southeast Asia. We explored the policy, network, community, and individual factors related to HIV infection among Malay-Muslim MSM through 26 in-depth interviews and one focus group discussion (n = 5) conducted in Kuala Lumpur and Kota Bharu between October 2013 and January 2014. As religion plays an important role in their lives, participants viewed homosexuality as a sin. Low risk perception and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS were common, and most participants expressed reluctance to consult a doctor unless they had symptoms. Additionally, buying condoms was embarrassing and anxiety-producing. Fear of discrimination by health care providers and community hindered participants from disclosing sexual behaviors and accessing health services. Homophobic comments and policies by the government and religious leaders were concerns of participants. A safe and enabling environment is needed to reduce HIV risks among Malay-Muslim MSM.  相似文献   

The Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) paid great attention to the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. One of the top priorities of the ICPD Programme of Action is to provide adolescents with necessary sexual and reproductive health information and services, ensure their right to reproductive health education and services, and help them develop risk-free behaviours and healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

李妍妍 《南方人口》2006,21(4):56-63
本文利用厦门市进城务工人员汇款情况调查数据,描述了厦门进城务工女性汇款方式和行为,出于孝道外出打工女性在工作以后都会给家乡亲人一定的经济支持,使得她们在家庭中的经济地位提高,成为家庭主要的劳动力。通过建立分性别的汇款影响因素的相关性模型和回归模型,研究女性汇款的内在因素和外在条件。  相似文献   

避孕节育是生殖健康极为重要的内容。文章利用国家人口和计划生育委员会1988年至2001年全国生育节育抽样调查和全国计划生育/生殖健康调查数据,分析了已婚育龄人口在避孕模式上的时空变化特征,在此基础上进一步研究了在已婚育龄人口的年龄、子女数和生活的不同区域环境等方面避孕模式的时空变化。结果表明,在我国人口转变的过程中,低生育水平下的避孕模式以及推行避孕节育知情选择后已婚育龄人口的避孕模式,特别是医院控制的避孕方法与自己控制的避孕方法的构成已经发生了变化,有必要进一步改善生殖健康服务的技术服务等。  相似文献   

Self-reported excellent health was examined across sexual orientation among male adult couples using 18 years of data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Men in same-sex couples were more likely to report being in excellent health (28.7%) than men in unmarried and married mixed-sex couples (20.4% and 23.2%). After adjusting for other demographic and health factors, men in same-sex couples remained more likely to report excellent health than men in unmarried mixed-sex couples, but not than men in married mixed-sex couples. Reporting only adverse health disparities provides a partial picture of sexual minority health, and discounts the role of resilience and other health promoting factors in these populations.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the field of reproductive health and family planning have featured key intersections among technology, services, and rights. In May 1999, the Population Council hosted a two-day meeting on rights, technology, and services in reproductive health to examine more deeply the philosophical underpinnings of the council's work. In many countries, planning pregnancies and exercising reproductive rights have been central tenets of feminist thinking and activism for decades. In other settings, fertility-regulation technologies were introduced primarily for the purpose of controlling population growth rather than facilitating the exercise of individual rights. Much of the critique of population programs has centered on violations of rights and the need to protect women in the process of testing and delivering reproductive technologies. Despite a diversity of opinions on the ethics and appropriateness of specific technologies, there is a growing consensus that women and men have a basic right to control their bodies, reproduction, and sexuality. In many places, however, people have faced barriers as they attempt to exercise these rights. Some obstacles are primarily economic, while others are physical or institutional in nature. During the meeting, participants raised many additional questions, and their exploration of these questions highlighted the ways that rights, technology, and service influence each other.  相似文献   

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