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人口学是一门方兴未艾的朝阳科学 ,2 1世纪正是人口科学的用武之时 ,人口学科学体系构成的研究是人口学研究中的重要环节。国内外学者对人口学学科体系的认识并不统一 ,对重大人口学问题的看法也有待商榷。人口学分支学科是人口科学研究进一步深入的载体 ,是人口科学发展与创新的新的增长点  相似文献   

杜守东同志的《人口学原理与中国人口问题》(以下简称杜著)一书,最近已由中国人口出版社出版.这部近 40万字的专著,是作者多年从事人口学理论研究的力作,也是我国人口学理论研究方面的新成果.人口学是一门综合性的社会科学,70年代以来,我国学者将其归纳为三大组成部分:人口理论、人口统计学与人口学应用学科(或分支学科).新中国成立以来,我国人口科学工作者对于人口科学体系的形成和发展作出了重要贡献.马寅初先生的《新人口论》是50年代我国人口科学论著的代表作.党的十一届三中全会以后,我国人口科学的研究,迎来  相似文献   

人口学在21世纪是一门方兴未艾的朝阳科学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前人口学的学科地位与 80年代红极一时相比有所下降 ,表明不少人对我国人口问题的重要性、复杂性和长期性认识不足 ,对人口学的科学性质、研究对象、学科的任务等认识不深 ,必须正本清源。强调科学产生于实践的需要 ,人口学是研究人口变量的科学。在此从十个方面论证人口学是二战后才真正蓬勃起来的一门新兴学科 ,决不是一门夕阳学科。 2 1世纪人类人口变量的多样性及其与经济、社会、资源、环境相互关系的复杂性和持续性决定人口学在 2 1世纪必将是一门方兴未艾的朝阳科学。  相似文献   

健康人口学的定义界定和内涵研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
健康人口学是一门正处于创立和发展之中的人口科学和健康科学相结合的边缘交叉学科。在人口学和健康相关学科研究的基础上,本文提出了健康人口学的定义,认为健康人口学是一门研究人口特征变化和健康转变之间相互作用和相互制约规律的学科。在回顾国外学者一些相关观点的基础上,本文还讨论了健康人口学产生的背景、原因、性质和特点、研究内容和范围等几个基本问题。  相似文献   

国防人口学是一门新兴学科,虽然我国开展这一领域的研究只有20年,但已建立了完善的学科体系,并在研究国防人口建设战略规划、社会环境对国防人口建设的重大影响、国防人口发展对国防安全的影响、国防人力资源开发等方面取得了重要成就,在人口科学和国防科学中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

三、改革开放二十年来中国人口科学所取得的成就改革开放初期,我国人口学学科是在人口控制任务十分严峻的特定历史条件下建立的,人口学研究局限于计划生育工作,对我国人口发展的认识停留在如何有效控制人口迅速增长上,研究的范围狭窄、方法简单、理论单一。经过二十年...  相似文献   

<正> 人口学史是人口学体系中的一门学科,它研究人口学产生、发展的历史过程,探索其中的规律性,进而预见人口学未来发展的趋向。近几年来,我国学术界在人口学史领域的研究中取得了一定成果,与其它人口分支学科蓬勃发展的态势相比,人口学史领域略显冷落。本文试就人口学史研究的对象、意义、方法等问题做初步探讨。  相似文献   

人口社会学是人口学的分支学科,是人口学知识体系的重要组成部分。对中外学者关于人口社会学的定义进行分类和评述,指出人口社会学是运用社会学、人口学等学科的观点、理论和方法,研究人口行为及行为问题的人口科学,它的任务是通过揭示人口行为的一般规律,促进人口行为现代化和社会进步,阐述了人口社会学的研究体系和主要研究内容。  相似文献   

陈功 《人口研究》2001,25(6):32-34
在我国人口学发展的过程中,有许多值得回顾和总结的地方.现有较多的研究从影响人口学发展的外部因素探讨人口学学科的变化,本文侧重从人口学学术发展自身建设提出几点粗浅思考,供批评指正.  相似文献   

国防人口学是一门研究人口与国防关系的新兴科学。人口作为经济社会活动的主体,同国防建设的关系越来越密切,人口的自然状况、社会状况乃至国家的各项人口政策以及人力资源开发政策都直接或间接地影响或制约着国防建设。国防人口学就是适应国防建设的这一客观需要而创立的。但是,作为一门新兴学科,有许多基本问题需要搞清楚。本期我们选登丁学洲、赵志昌的文章,拟就国防人口学的研究对象、理论框架、价值意义、研究现状以及发展前景等问题进行一些探讨和概括,希望能引起更多的关注,加快这一学科的发展。  相似文献   

20多年来 ,中国人口科学研究的成就举世瞩目 ,从国际视角看 ,还存在不少问题。中国人口科学研究只有走出传统“人口学”的桎梏 ,走出“唯计划生育研究”的思路 ,真正与经济学、社会学、地理学、医学、公共政策学、政治学等诸多学科相结合 ,真正与社会发展和国民经济建设的实际需要相结合 ,才能获得新的发展。人口科学研究的国际化、综合化、微观化、应用化将是中国人口科学研究未来发展的重要趋势和方向  相似文献   

Historical demography as a separate discipline came into existence when family reconstruction was first developed for the analysis of a pre-transition population. This paper assesses the significant achievements made in this field of population studies since then. Attention is also paid to equally significant findings obtained from aggregative analysis based on back projection, and to a large body of research results for the period of the demographic transition. In the last part of the paper, new research directions are discussed. Data issues as well as methodological ones are raised. Special attention is given to newly emerging Asian historical demography where different source materials require different methods and techniques, which in turn are expected to broaden the scope of the so far disproportionality fertility-oriented field. Finally, discussions are extended to economic, cultural and institutional aspects of the subject, with a plea not to isolate demographic analysis from other branches of historical research.  相似文献   

Saito O 《Population studies》1996,50(3):537-553
Historical demography as a separate discipline came into existence when family reconstruction was first developed for the analysis of a pre-transition population. This paper assesses the significant achievements made in this field of population studies since then. Attention is also paid to equally significant findings obtained from aggregative analysis based on back projection, and to a large body of research results for the period of the demographic transition. In the last part of the paper, new research directions are discussed. Data issues as well as methodological ones are raised. Special attention is given to newly emerging Asian historical demography where different source materials require different methods and techniques, which in turn are expected to broaden the scope of the so far disproportionality fertility-oriented field. Finally, discussions are extended to economic, cultural and institutional aspects of the subject, with a plea not to isolate demographic analysis from other branches of historical research.  相似文献   

我国人口转变模式及其形成机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是否完成了人口转变,这还是一个有争议的题目,从人口统计数据分析,我国已经完成了由传统的人口再生产类型向现代的人口再生产类型的人口转变过程。社会经济发展和计划生育政策的实行是人口转变的根本原因。  相似文献   

Constrained by estimated population totals and observed totals of births and deaths, estimates of age-structures from inverse projection have been widely used in historical demography. Back Projection attempted, by using hypothetical constraints on net-migration, to estimate the population totals as well, and has been used to derive ‘censuses’ for England from 1541 to 1871. A wider formulation, called Generalised Inverse Projection, is proposed in this paper, which replaces back-projection and establishes its relation to Inverse Projection more clearly. Under the same assumptions as back projection, but using the new method, the estimates for England are virtually unchanged. This new method is capable of performing population projections, subject to a wide variety of hypothetical and empirical constraints, for contemporary as well as historical data.  相似文献   

X Li 《人口研究》1983,(2):11-12
The basis for initiating a new situation in population research lies in Hu Yaobang's address at the 12th National Congress when he said that the population problem is of extreme importance and that birth control is a basic national policy. The rapid population growth, he continued, influences income, food, clothing, shelter, education and work, and it might even influence the stability of a society. Thus, birth control work, particularly in the countryside, must never be lax. But if the work is done well, then population control can be successful. There already exists a good basis for population research. Since the 1970s, demography developed rapidly, whether it was in population theory, population control, disseminating information, training cadres for census work, projecting population, or in developing professional relationships on an international level. The Population Association of China, established in 1981, was followed by population associations in the provinces, cities, and autonomous regions. In the last 2 years, the Population Association of China convened 5 specialized meetings. Currently China has a Population Research Center and 217 offices, plus demographic studies at the People's University and Fudan University. In initiating a new situation in demography, one should study new situations, sum up new experiences, and solve new problems. The national policy is to control population numbers and raise population quality. This can be done by educating peasants that female babies are worthwhile, protecting mothers who bear female babies, and encouraging eugenics.  相似文献   

李楠 《西北人口》2007,28(3):1-2,7
“人口视窗”这一人口学术语,揭示了人口年龄结构对经济发展的影响,被广泛地应用于社会政策分析的各个层面,本文试图从人口视窗角度对中国的养老保险改革进行分析,希望能够更清楚地看出这场改革所应遵循的方向。  相似文献   

郭志仪  金文俊 《西北人口》2010,31(5):109-112
本文从人口学角度入手分析我国就业问题,认为就业的内涵需要拓展;从人口发展形势分析,就业形势极其严峻,就业问题难以得到根本解决;人口学角度出发的缓解就业的对策包括普及高中阶段教育和实行城市妇女(部分人口)阶段性就业,并认为阶段性就业与社会性别平等并无冲突,而是对其有益的补充。  相似文献   

Z Tain 《人口研究》1983,(2):13-14
Within Marxist ideology are important population theories that led to the establishment of demography and the work of population control in China. Marxist population theory should be studied in order to build a scientific system of concepts in population theory. Both Marx and Engels spoke of the relationship between human reproduction and material production, and of how the modes of social development determine population development. Marx also established the view that a normal population and surplus population both were mutually adaptable with a certain production basis. In any historical period, the total population is not determined subjectively by man's wishes, but is a product of historical development. The Maoist population theory is derived from Marxist theory. Borrowing from historical materialism, Mao said that of all the objects in the world, man is the most precious. Nevertheless, he continued, while China's large population is good, it brings many difficulties; thus, population must be controlled. The study of demography should follow Marxist and Maoist population theories, even though the study of Marixst population theory is relatively recent and much remains to be learned.  相似文献   

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