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Let X1,…, Xn be mutually independent non-negative integer-valued random variables with probability mass functions fi(x) > 0 for z= 0,1,…. Let E denote the event that {X1X2≥…≥Xn}. This note shows that, conditional on the event E, Xi-Xi+ 1 and Xi+ 1 are independent for all t = 1,…, k if and only if Xi (i= 1,…, k) are geometric random variables, where 1 ≤kn-1. The k geometric distributions can have different parameters θi, i= 1,…, k.  相似文献   

In the study of the reliability of technical systems, k-out-of-n systems play an important role. In the present paper, we consider a (nk + 1)-out-of-n system consisting of n identical components such that the lifetimes of components are independent and have a common distribution function F. It is assumed that the number of monitoring is l and the total number of failures of the components at time t i is m i , i = 1, . . . , l − 1. Also at time t l (t 1 < . . . < t l ) the system have failed or the system is still working. Under these conditions, the mean past lifetime, the mean residual lifetime of system and their properties are investigated.  相似文献   

Let X 1,X 2,…,X n be independent exponential random variables such that X i has hazard rate λ for i = 1,…,p and X j has hazard rate λ* for j = p + 1,…,n, where 1 ≤ p < n. Denote by D i:n (λ, λ*) = X i:n  ? X i?1:n the ith spacing of the order statistics X 1:n  ≤ X 2:n  ≤ ··· ≤ X n:n , i = 1,…,n, where X 0:n ≡ 0. It is shown that the spacings (D 1,n ,D 2,n ,…,D n:n ) are MTP2, strengthening one result of Khaledi and Kochar (2000), and that (D 1:n 2, λ*),…,D n:n 2, λ*)) ≤ lr (D 1:n 1, λ*),…,D n:n 1, λ*)) for λ1 ≤ λ* ≤ λ2, where ≤ lr denotes the multivariate likelihood ratio order. A counterexample is also given to show that this comparison result is in general not true for λ* < λ1 < λ2.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2,…, X n be independent exponential random variables with X i having failure rate λ i for i = 1,…, n. Denote by D i:n  = X i:n  ? X i?1:n the ith spacing of the order statistics X 1:n  ≤ X 2:n  ≤ ··· ≤ X n:n , i = 1,…, n, where X 0:n ≡ 0. It is shown that if λ n+1 ≤ [≥] λ k for k = 1,…, n then D n:n  ≤ lr D n+1:n+1 and D 1:n  ≤ lr D 2:n+1 [D 2:n+1 ≤ lr D 2:n ], and that if λ i  + λ j  ≥ λ k for all distinct i,j, and k then D n?1:n  ≤ lr D n:n and D n:n+1 ≤ lr D n:n , where ≤ lr denotes the likelihood ratio order. We also prove that D 1:n  ≤ lr D 2:n for n ≥ 2 and D 2:3 ≤ lr D 3:3 for all λ i 's.  相似文献   

LetX 1,X 2, … be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with some continuous distribution functionF. LetX(n) be then-th record value associated with this sequence and μ n , μ n + be the variables that count the number of record values belonging to the random intervals(f−(X(n)), X(n)), (X(n), f+(X(n))), wheref−, f+ are two continuous functions satisfyingf−(x)<x, f+(x)>x. Properties of μ n , μ n + are studied in the present paper. Some statistical applications connected with these variables are also provided.  相似文献   

Let Z 1, Z 2, . . . be a sequence of independent Bernoulli trials with constant success and failure probabilities p = Pr(Z t  = 1) and q = Pr(Z t  = 0) = 1 − p, respectively, t = 1, 2, . . . . For any given integer k ≥ 2 we consider the patterns E1{\mathcal{E}_{1}}: two successes are separated by at most k−2 failures, E2{\mathcal{E}_{2}}: two successes are separated by exactly k −2 failures, and E3{\mathcal{E}_{3}} : two successes are separated by at least k − 2 failures. Denote by Nn,k(i){ N_{n,k}^{(i)}} (respectively Mn,k(i){M_{n,k}^{(i)}}) the number of occurrences of the pattern Ei{\mathcal{E}_{i}} , i = 1, 2, 3, in Z 1, Z 2, . . . , Z n when the non-overlapping (respectively overlapping) counting scheme for runs and patterns is employed. Also, let Tr,k(i){T_{r,k}^{(i)}} (resp. Wr,k(i)){W_{r,k}^{(i)})} be the waiting time for the rth occurrence of the pattern Ei{\mathcal{E}_{i}}, i = 1, 2, 3, in Z 1, Z 2, . . . according to the non-overlapping (resp. overlapping) counting scheme. In this article we conduct a systematic study of Nn,k(i){N_{n,k}^{(i)}}, Mn,k(i){M_{n,k}^{(i)}}, Tr,k(i){T_{r,k}^{(i)}} and Wr,k(i){W_{r,k}^{(i)}} (i = 1, 2, 3) obtaining exact formulae, explicit or recursive, for their probability generating functions, probability mass functions and moments. An application is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the reliability of a system with k components. The system functions when at least s (1≤s≤k) components survive a common random stress. We assume that the strengths of these k components are subjected to a common stress which is independent of the strengths of these k components. If (X 1,X 2,…,X k ) are strengths of k components subjected to a common stress (Y), then the reliability of the system or system reliability is given byR=P[Y<X (k−s+1)] whereX (k−s+1) is (k−s+1)-th order statistic of (X 1,…,X k ). We estimate R when (X 1,…,X k ) follow an absolutely continuous multivariate exponential (ACMVE) distribution of Hanagal (1993) which is the submodel of Block (1975) and Y follows an independent exponential distribution. We also obtain the asymptotic normal (AN) distribution of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

Let {X, Xn; n ≥ 1} be a sequence of real-valued iid random variables, 0 < r < 2 and p > 0. Let D = { A = (ank; 1 ≤ kn, n ≥ 1); ank, ? R and supn, k |an,k| < ∞}. Set Sn( A ) = ∑nk=1an, kXk for A ? D and n ≥ 1. This paper is devoted to determining conditions whereby E{supn ≥ 1, |Sn( A )|/n1/r}p < ∞ or E{supn ≥ 2 |Sn( A )|/2n log n)1/2}p < ∞ for every A ? D. This generalizes some earlier results, including those of Burkholder (1962), Choi and Sung (1987), Davis (1971), Gut (1979), Klass (1974), Siegmund (1969) and Teicher (1971).  相似文献   

Let X1:n ≤ X2:n ≤···≤ Xn:n denote the order statistics of a sample of n independent random variables X1, X2,…, Xn, all identically distributed as some X. It is shown that if X has a log-convex [log-concave] density function, then the general spacing vector (Xk1:n, Xk2:n ? Xk1:n,…, Xkr:n ? Xkr?1:n) is MTP2 [S-MRR2] whenever 1 ≤ k1 < k2 <···< kr ≤ n and 1 ≤ r ≤ n. Multivariate likelihood ratio ordering of such general spacing vectors corresponding to two random samples is also considered. These extend some of the results in the literature for usual spacing vectors.  相似文献   

Let Π1,…,Πk be k populations with Πi being Pareto with unknown scale parameter αi and known shape parameter βi;i=1,…,k. Suppose independent random samples (Xi1,…,Xin), i=1,…,k of equal size are drawn from each of k populations and let Xi denote the smallest observation of the ith sample. The population corresponding to the largest Xi is selected. We consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter of the selected population and obtain the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) when the shape parameters are assumed to be equal. An admissible class of linear estimators is derived. Further, a general inadmissibility result for the scale equivariant estimators is proved.  相似文献   

Let X U (1) < X U (2) < … < X U ( n ) < … be the sequence of the upper record values from a population with common distribution function F. In this paper, we first give a theorem to characterize the generalized mixtures of geometric distribution by the relation between E[(X U ( n +1)X U ( n ))2|X U ( n ) = x] and the function of the failure rate of the distribution, for any positive integer n. Secondly, we also use the same relation to characterize the generalized mixtures of exponential distribution. The characterizing relations were motivated by the work of Balakrishnan and Balasubramanian (1995). Received: March 31, 1999; revised version: November 22, 1999  相似文献   

Let X be a non-negative random variable with cumulative probability distribution function F. Suppse X1, X2, ..., Xn be a random sample of size n from F and Xi,n is the i-th smallest order statistics. We define the standardized spacings Dr,n=(n-r) (Xr+1,n-Xr,n), 1≤r≤n, with DO,n=nX1,n and Dn,n=0. Characterizations of the exponential distribution are given by considering the expectation and hazard rates of Dr,n.  相似文献   


Let the data from the ith treatment/population follow a distribution with cumulative distribution function (cdf) F i (x) = F[(x ? μ i )/θ i ], i = 1,…, k (k ≥ 2). Here μ i (?∞ < μ i  < ∞) is the location parameter, θ i i  > 0) is the scale parameter and F(?) is any absolutely continuous cdf, i.e., F i (?) is a member of location-scale family, i = 1,…, k. In this paper, we propose a class of tests to test the null hypothesis H 0 ? θ1 = · = θ k against the simple ordered alternative H A  ? θ1 ≤ · ≤ θ k with at least one strict inequality. In literature, use of sample quasi range as a measure of dispersion has been advocated for small sample size or sample contaminated by outliers [see David, H. A. (1981). Order Statistics. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley, Sec. 7.4]. Let X i1,…, X in be a random sample of size n from the population π i and R ir  = X i:n?r  ? X i:r+1, r = 0, 1,…, [n/2] ? 1 be the sample quasi range corresponding to this random sample, where X i:j represents the jth order statistic in the ith sample, j = 1,…, n; i = 1,…, k and [x] is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. The proposed class of tests, for the general location scale setup, is based on the statistic W r  = max1≤i<jk (R jr /R ir ). The test is reject H 0 for large values of W r . The construction of a three-decision procedure and simultaneous one-sided lower confidence bounds for the ratios, θ j i , 1 ≤ i < j ≤ k, have also been discussed with the help of the critical constants of the test statistic W r . Applications of the proposed class of tests to two parameter exponential and uniform probability models have been discussed separately with necessary tables. Comparisons of some members of our class with the tests of Gill and Dhawan [Gill A. N., Dhawan A. K. (1999). A One-sided test for testing homogeneity of scale parameters against ordered alternative. Commun. Stat. – Theory and Methods 28(10):2417–2439] and Kochar and Gupta [Kochar, S. C., Gupta, R. P. (1985). A class of distribution-free tests for testing homogeneity of variances against ordered alternatives. In: Dykstra, R. et al., ed. Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Order Restricted Statistical Inference at Iowa city. Springer Verlag, pp. 169–183], in terms of simulated power, are also presented.  相似文献   

Let X be a discrete random variable the set of possible values (finite or infinite) of which can be arranged as an increasing sequence of real numbers a1<a2<a3<…. In particular, ai could be equal to i for all i. Let X1nX2n≦?≦Xnn denote the order statistics in a random sample of size n drawn from the distribution of X, where n is a fixed integer ≧2. Then, we show that for some arbitrary fixed k(2≦kn), independence of the event {Xkn=X1n} and X1n is equivalent to X being either degenerate or geometric. We also show that the montonicity in i of P{Xkn = X1n | X1n = ai} is equivalent to X having the IFR (DFR) property. Let ai = i and G(i) = P(X≧i), i = 1, 2, …. We prove that the independence of {X2n ? X1nB} and X1n for all i is equivalent to X being geometric, where B = {m} (B = {m,m+1,…}), provided G(i) = qi?1, 1≦im+2 (1≦im+1), where 0<q<1.  相似文献   

Let Y1,…,Y n, (Y1 <Y2<…<Y n) be the order statistics of a random sample from a distribution F with density f on the realline. This paper gives a class of estimators of the derivativef'(x) of the density f at points x for which f has

a continuoussecond derivative. These estimators are based on spacings inthe order statistics Yj+kn -y j j = 1,…,n-kn,kn<n.  相似文献   

The large nonparametric model in this note is a statistical model with the family ? of all continuous and strictly increasing distribution functions. In the abundant literature of the subject, there are many proposals for nonparametric estimators that are applicable in the model. Typically the kth order statistic X k:n is taken as a simplest estimator, with k = [nq], or k = [(n + 1)q], or k = [nq] + 1, etc. Often a linear combination of two consecutive order statistics is considered. In more sophisticated constructions, different L-statistics (e.g., Harrel–Davis, Kaigh–Lachenbruch, Bernstein, kernel estimators) are proposed. Asymptotically the estimators do not differ substantially, but if the sample size n is fixed, which is the case of our concern, differences may be serious. A unified treatment of quantile estimators in the large, nonparametric statistical model is developed.  相似文献   

Sequential order statistics is an extension of ordinary order statistics. They model the successive failure times in sequential k-out-of-n systems, where the failures of components possibly affect the residual lifetimes of the remaining ones. In this paper, we consider the residual lifetime of the components after the kth failure in the sequential (nk + 1)-out-of-n system. We extend some results on the joint distribution of the residual lifetimes of the remaining components in an ordinary (nk + 1)-out-of-n system presented in Bairamov and Arnold (Stat Probab Lett 78(8):945–952, 2008) to the case of the sequential (nk + 1)-out-of-n system.  相似文献   

Consider the regression model Yi= g(xi) + ei, i = 1,…, n, where g is an unknown function defined on [0, 1], 0 = x0 < x1 < … < xn≤ 1 are chosen so that max1≤i≤n(xi-xi- 1) = 0(n-1), and where {ei} are i.i.d. with Ee1= 0 and Var e1 - s?2. In a previous paper, Cheng & Lin (1979) study three estimators of g, namely, g1n of Cheng & Lin (1979), g2n of Clark (1977), and g3n of Priestley & Chao (1972). Consistency results are established and rates of strong uniform convergence are obtained. In the current investigation the limiting distribution of &in, i = 1, 2, 3, and that of the isotonic estimator g**n are considered.  相似文献   

Let Xi be nonnegative independent random variables with finite expectations and . The value is what can be obtained by a “prophet”. A “mortal” on the other hand, may use k1 stopping rules t1,…,tk yielding a return E[maxi=1,…,kXti]. For nk the optimal return is where the supremum is over all stopping rules which stop by time n. The well known “prophet inequality” states that for all such Xi's and one choice and the constant “2” cannot be improved on for any n2. In contrast we show that for k=2 the best constant d satisfying for all such Xi's depends on n. On the way we obtain constants ck such that .  相似文献   

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