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日本在华跨国公司竞争地位与竞争优势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
将国际生产折衷理论应用于跨国公司竞争优势的分析,从专属优势、区位因素、内部化优势的角度,分析日本在华跨国公司取得有利竞争地位的决定因素.基于对230家日本在华投资母公司的应答问卷分析,得出:日本在华跨国公司竞争优势主要来自于专属优势以及部分区位因素,而内部化优势与竞争优势的关系并不显著.  相似文献   

跨国公司海外R&D机构区位选择过程影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜军  费卉卉  李沫  焦媛媛 《管理学报》2011,8(5):683-690
随着经济全球化的迅猛发展和国际竞争的日趋激烈,跨国公司的研究与开发日益呈现出全球化的趋势,跨国公司海外R&D机构区位选择已成为一个亟待解决的问题。基于此,运用多案例研究方法对AVX公司海外R&D机构区位选择的过程展开详细分析,进一步通过德国巴斯夫公司和中兴通讯有限公司2个案例的分析,构建了包括模式判定、宏观区位选择、微观区位选择3个阶段在内的、3种不同投资动机下的跨国公司海外R&D机构区位选择过程影响因素框架,并通过案例进行了验证分析。  相似文献   

论跨国公司R&D投资的国别选择   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
本文以跨国公司R &D投资的国际化问题作为研究对象 ,从跨国公司R &D投资的国别选择出发 ,分析东道国吸引跨国公司R &D投资的决定因素。文章采用美国跨国公司在1997年海外R &D投资的数据 ,对影响跨国公司R &D国家选择的因素展开了实证研究。研究结果表明:外商直接投资规模、东道国的国内生产总值、东道国的知识产权保护力度是影响跨国公司R &D投资国家选择的关键因素。在实证分析的基础上 ,分析了跨国公司在中国R &D投资的区位现状 ,提出了中国进一步吸引跨国公司R &D投资的政策建议。  相似文献   

外商直接投资理论强调跨国公司的垄断优势和东道国的区位优势决定外商直接投资的区位分布,跨国公司的定位决策取决于因产业地理集群所形成的竞争优势。苏州工业园区是中国外向型经济发展模式最具典型代表,本文将通过对区内产业集群分析的分析得出苏州工业园区发展的成果与不足。  相似文献   

80年代末以来,随着国外跨国公司的大量涌入和我国企业跨国经营的初显端倪,国内有关跨国公司的研究日渐深入。然而,就跨国公司投资动机(或诱因)的阐述则尚显缺乏。本文试图从理论实证分析两个角度,对跨国公司对外直接投资动机作综合性阐述,并对发展中国家如何有的放矢地制定改善投资环境的战略措施提出若干建议。  相似文献   

<正> 中国实行对外开放以来,从国外引进投资的规模不断增加,现在中国是仅次于美国的吸收国际投资比较多的国家。日本是中国的近邻,是世界第二经济大国,对华直接投资从无到有,从少到多,逐步扩大,现已成为对华直接投资的主要国家之一。与其他国家和地区比较,日本对华直接投资又有以下不同的特点。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济全球化进程的加快,跨国公司对华R&D投资也呈加速化的态势。本文在分析了跨国公司对华R&D投资的动因、特点及其影响的基础上,提出了我国应对跨国公司R&D投资的若干对策。  相似文献   

随着中国改革开放不断深入发展,越来越多的美国企业来华进行直接投资,并显示出一些与其他投资来源国不一样的特征。该文分析了美国跨国公司对华投资的现状及特点,以及如何借鉴美国跨国公司的成功经验,走一条适合自己国家国情的发展道路。  相似文献   

本文分析了跨国公司对空间区位选择的原因,以及跨国公司区位选择的生产类型,认为由于要素变化及模块化生产方式、价值链分解等使得跨国公司出现空间分离,跨国公司对投资区位的选择主要取决于区位比较优势。文章强调,对发展中国家而言,要从区位优势出发,加强产业集聚,深化模块化分工网络,提高区域竞争力。  相似文献   

通过实证分析,可以看出,中国企业对外直接投资的市场规模敏感程度大于成本因素敏感程度,而技术竞争力的薄弱,东道国较高的技术水平对中国对外直接投资具有抑制作用,但双边贸易关系并不影响中国对外直接投资开展,东道国资源禀赋也不是中国对外直接投资的显著影响因素。所以,正确的区位、产业和市场份额选择都是中国企业扩大对外直接投资应考虑的因素。有选择的转移国内产能过剩的边际产业,可以为国内产业结构升级留出资源和推动产业结构升级。  相似文献   

Investing Profitably in China: is it Getting Harder?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using information from the Toyo Keizai, this article studies the performance of 2,962 foreign subsidiaries across the period 1985-1999 to show a picture of declining profitability from foreign direct investment by MNE’s in China. Despite the influence of macro-level factors, such as the historically fluctuating performance of the Chinese economy, we observed that of the many factors that may affect profitability, subsidiary-specific factors had the greater influence. The findings suggest that there are significant benefits for early entrants into the market, but caution against the use of high majority ownership control. Other evidence showed that larger subsidiaries tended to perform better. Managerial implications for MNEs and the future prospects of foreign direct investment in China are discussed.Since China opened up to the outside world in 1979, it has been attracting increasing amounts of foreign direct investment (FDI), and after 1993 became the second largest recipient of FDI flows in the world. Meanwhile, a major participant in the upsurge in global foreign direct investment in the 1990s was Japan. By the mid-1990s, Japan became the second largest FDI source country in the world behind the United States. China, in particular, has become a major destination for Japan’s direct investments, absorbing one-ninth of all Japanese foreign investments at the end of 1996.1Studying Japan’s worldwide direct foreign investment, we found that the proportion of profitable Japanese subsidiaries in China has been declining. In fact, this was the only part of the world where this was the case. While over 71 percent of Japanese subsidiaries in China claimed profits in 1992, the percentage steadily slipped to around 50 percent by 1999 (see Table 1). This poses two interesting questions. Is it really getting harder to invest profitably in China? And what could have influenced the profit performance of foreign subsidiaries in China?  相似文献   

外商直接投资区位选择与风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭怡  李友元  寇纲  施宇  石勇 《管理评论》2012,(2):31-35,44
本文提出一种新的基于组合熵权TOPSIS方法的多目标决策模型,综合考虑市场、成本、聚集和制度等相关因素,对山东省17个地区的经济发展水平及其与外商直接投资区位选择关系进行分析。在模型中,我们首先应用熵权法得到各评价准则和因素的相对权重,然后应用TOPSIS方法对山东省17个地区进行排序。本文还结合实例说明如何将所提出的方法应用到外商直接投资在中国的区位选择问题。此外,我们还进行了敏感性分析,以判断各评价准则受权重的影响程度。研究结果和实例分析表明基于组合熵权TOPSIS方法在外商直接投资区位选择分析中是有效和可行的。  相似文献   

Japanese direct investment is assuming an increasing importance in the U.K. economy, especially in the manufacturing sector where Japanese management and manufacturing techniques have aroused particular interest. Until recently this investment in manufacturing has been primarily restricted to plants of an assembly-based nature and Japanese companies have sought out labour markets which best satisfy the needs of this type of operation. However, early signs are appearing which suggest that new Japanese manufacturing investment is becoming increasingly sophisticated. In the light of this emergent trend, this paper uses recent research to draw attention to the labour market problems that are likely to occur as the skill requirements of Japanese employers increase. The paper then concludes by discussing strategies which individual firms should adopt to protect themselves from any consequent labour market disruption.  相似文献   

This article examines international country location choices for equity investment undertaken by global hotel chains. Why do certain host countries attract more hotel investment than others? A second underlying issue that we tackle in this article is whether the traditional foreign direct investment determinants used in past studies on manufacturing also apply to services—or whether service sector-specific determinants are better explanatory variables for understanding the distribution of service foreign direct investment across countries.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom is that a high trade union bargaining strength and a system of coordinated wage bargaining reduce the attractiveness of an economy as a location for foreign direct investment, although there is limited evidence for this. The paper takes panel data for 19 OECD economies to examine the relationship between trade union bargaining strength, bargaining coordi nation, and a range of incentives for inward foreign direct investment. It finds a strong negative effect of trade union density on inward foreign direct investment, which is dependent on the degree of wage bargaining coordination. A high degree of coordination weakens the deterrent effect of high union density, which is consistent with the notion that under certain circumstances a coordinated increase in wages can increase profits of the multinationals by hurting domestic firms.  相似文献   

Foreign investment decisions are typically taken using mainly economic evaluation criteria. Nowadays many companies are becoming aware that there are additional risks associated with foreign investment that arise as a direct consequence of choosing to operate in a different environment. Country risk assessment as an emerging function in international business reflects a growing recognition of the need to include an evaluation of these additional risks in any comprehensive foreign investment proposal. So far the emphasis has been on assessing the risk associated with factors such as political and economic stability. Little attention has been given to the risks that could arise from the effects of basic socio-cultural differences between the domestic and the proposed foreign environments. How can socio-cultural differences be structured into country risk assessment procedures? This paper develops a framework to answer this need and demonstrates its application to a typical foreign investment scenario.  相似文献   

本文结合中国经济转型时期的制度环境,对传统的国际折衷理论加以拓展,归纳出在中国经济转型的制度环境下,与企业对外直接投资决策密切相关的一系列特殊的制度因素,在此基础上建立一个中国企业对外直接投资决策的理论分析框架.然后以2006-2007年中国企业对外直接投资的微观数据为样本,对中国企业的对外直接投资的决策进行了多因素回归分析.实证结果表明,政府政策扶植、海外关系资源及自身融资能力对企业对外直接投资的动机和能力有重要影响.分类型研究表明,上述三种制度因素对贸易型、生产型、资源型和研发型对外直接投资的影响程度各有不同.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of informal institutional distance and formal institutions on a key decision (namely location choice) of multinational enterprises (MNEs) when they expand abroad through foreign direct investment. The findings of the research that has analyzed these decisions have been non-conclusive, and this study aims to provide further theoretical and empirical evidence by considering the interaction effect of informal institutional distance and formal institutions in the location choice and its performance implications. Through an analysis of the internationalization of mobile telecommunications carriers, we demonstrate that formal institutions in a host country positively moderate the negative relationship between informal institutional distance and the likelihood of an MNE entering that country. Moreover, we find that those location choices that can be predicted through the institutional lens obtain higher performance than those entries that cannot be predicted through the interaction of informal and formal institutions.  相似文献   

外商直接投资影响因素的偏最小二乘回归建模分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
改革开放的20多年来,我国的外商直接投资逐年增加,对我国经济的快速发展发挥了重要的作用。而影响外商直接投资的因素有很多,不同的因素变量之间往往存在多重共线性或近似多重共线性关系,使得分析问题的难度加大。本文运用新型的多元统计数据分析方法——偏最小二乘(PLS)回归方法(既克服了传统方法的不足,又有效地消除了因素变量之间的多重共线性),分析了影响我国外商直接投资的因素,以及其影响程度,为我国进一步引进外商直接投资提供了有益的定量依据。  相似文献   

This study used personal and telephone interviews of wine industry executives and observers to examine the foreign direct investment motivations of U.S. wineries. Underlying most winery motivations was the recognition that U.S. wineries sense increasing pressure to offer a competitive range of wines that meet the price/quality needs of consumers and retailers in important markets and market segments. Wineries’ marketing plans are often constrained by their ability to obtain adequate grape and juice supplies that meet important price and quality criteria, especially when domestic grape production drops. The importance of product portfolios and the industry’s resource dependence have placed tremendous pressures on U.S. wineries to coordinate winegrape and juice acquisitions, especially as retailers consolidate their supply chains. Some U.S. wineries have invested abroad in response to these pressures while others have not. Interview results suggest that foreign investments by U.S. wineries were primarily motivated by the need for greater access to stable or adequate winegrape/juice supplies, the need for more control over the winegrape costs within given quality levels, and the desire to expand wine portfolios.  相似文献   

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