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J X He 《人口研究》1982,(6):44-47
In southwest Asia, Turkey is a leading nation in collecting complete data on its population through the use of a modern census. Based on available information, the development of Turkey's population can be summarized as follows: 1) in the last 20 years, Turkey's population increase rate has been 2% annually, very high by world standards; 2) the average age is young, and the population's burden coefficient is above 80%; and 3) the geographical distribution of the population is uneven. The population density in central, eastern, and southeastern parts of the country is low, while the coastal provinces near the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Aegean Sea have a high population density. In the last 50 years, the political situation in Turkey has remained stable. The national economy has developed rapidly, and the infant mortality rate has declined as a result of advancements in medicine and health care. Since Turkey is an Islamic country, birth control and abortion are not popular. The traditional early marriage for women and high illiteracy rate among women have contributed to a rapid population growth. In the past 20 years, however, the national economy has been overburdened by a rapid population growth. Problems of unemployment, a housing shortage in cities, inadequate public health facilities, a shortage of schools, a decline in farm land and inadequate food supplies have become increasingly obvious. Economically speaking, Turkey is much better than most developing nations. With its current foundation and rich natural resources, the country needs only to reduce the natural population increase rate slightly in order to achieve a balanced economic development.  相似文献   

刘洁 《人口学刊》2003,(3):43-47
改革开放以来,由于地区经济发展的差异性、就业制度和户籍制度的改革,原本人口密度较小的中西部地区出现了大量人才和劳动力大军"挥师南下"的现象。这虽然有利于满足经济发达地区对人才和劳动力的需求,有利于提高人民的收入和生活水平,但从长远来讲,不利于落后地区经济的长远发展和国家经济发展的整体战略。为了实现全面建设小康社会的战略目标,就必须解决落后地区的人口问题,坚持区域人口的适度增长和科学有效的管理,促进我国区域人口的合理布局,使各个地区实现人口与经济、社会、资源、环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

Z Zhang  Q Yang  H An  D Fang 《人口研究》1984,(2):28-31
Shenzhen was originally a town in Guandong Province. In 1979, it was made into a Special Economic Region in order to cope with the needs of modernization. Because of rapid economic development, the population has also been growing rapidly. Before 1979, the total population of Shenzhen was only 20,000, both industry and agriculture were backward, and the living standard was low. After it was made a Special Economic Region, its population figure reached 200,000 according to a 1982 report. The age structure of the local population is young, and there are more males than females. In the last two years, because of family planning measures, the natural population growth rate has shown an obvious downward trend. The population development of Shenzhen has several characteristics: 1) the pace of population growth is very fast; 2) the educational level for the population is high, and investment in education is emphasized; 3) population mobility is strong, and it has an extensive impact on the local market, transportation, and social order; 4) the social and economic systems of Hong Kong have a special influence on its population development. Special studies and discussions concerning how to control Shenzhen's population growth, how to determine the trends toward change in age structure, and how to promote population quality and spiritual civilization should be conducted according to characteristics of the local population development.  相似文献   

J Gu 《人口研究》1983,(4):49-52
South Asia, which includes Central South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Southwest Asia, had a comparatively higher population growth rate during the 30-year postwar period because of the overall backward economy and strong religious tradition. From the viewpoint of economics, the high population growth in South Asia has slowed down economic growth, increased the foreign trade imblance, and worsened poverty. Secondly, the rapid population growth has overburdened the area's educational system. The illiteracy rate has been going up continuously because of inadequate funds available for education. Thirdly, young labor is lacking in skills, training, and work experience, and related productivity has declined. Consequently, profits, the investment capability, and wages are also declining. The problems of the oversupply of labor, unemployment, and poverty have also become increasingly serious. In addition, the rapid population growth has intensified the pressure on the food supply and worsened the average nutrition of the general public. In recent years, countries in South Asia have been trying to deal with various problems caused by the rapid population growth. Measures have been taken to control the population growth, with a redistribution of the population to places outside cities, and export labor to oil-producing nations of the Middle East and Africa in order to solve the problem of the domestic labor surplus and earn more income for the foreign exchange. Countries in South Asia need more time and effort to achieve a balance between the population growth and economic development.  相似文献   

J Feng 《人口研究》1985,(3):16-19
The poor population quality (quality of life of the population as a whole) of Zhejiang Province in southeast China and the imperative need for its improvement are the subject of this report. Its 40 million inhabitants have a life expectancy of 69 years. For every 1000 people there is only 1 doctor and 1.7 hospital beds. These figures are lower for all the other southeastern provinces. According to the 1982 census, there are 47 college graduates, 517 high school graduates, and 1779 middle school graduates for every 10,000 people. The quality of life of the population can be improved through increased productivity because there is a direct relationship between the 2. Although China already enjoys a high level of productivity, it is up to the government to concentrate its efforts on the quality of productivity through reform. China's political structure, its rules, regulations and conventions have contributed to making the economy backward. A substantial change within the social system is imperative to put China's economy on a more progressive footing. Moreover, efforts in family planning must continue. The current population growth rate is not commensurate with the economic growth rate. As population control and population quality are interrelated, a smaller population would mean a higher standard of living. The report concludes that in order to fulfill the strategic goal of economic construction quality is a task that cannot be postponed, since it concerns Zhejiang Province's economic projections, as well as the quality of the new labor force that will be in place by then.  相似文献   

Z Ma 《人口研究》1983,(5):41-43
For a long time, the Dongxiang nationality has lived in the area of Dongxiang, which is a part of Gu Hezhou in Gansu Province. Among the various minorities in China, the Dongxiang people has been noted for their small population. In recent years, however, their population growth rate has been very high. Statistics show their annual population growth rate was 13.5% in 1970 and 32.8% in 1980. This situation is caused mainly by the young age of the population (young persons under the age of 19 constitute 55.7% of the entire population). Because of the popularity of Islam among the people, the custom of early marriage and having children at an early age has long been a tradition. Rapid population growth has created numerous problems. Food production has been unable to keep up with the speed of the population growth, and economic development cannot satisfy the needs of the rapid growing population. The Dongxiang people are physically healthy and strong, and marriages between close relatives is prohibited. Because of the backward condition in education and culture, efforts to promote the quality of the Dongxiang population have remained slow and ineffective. Starting in 1974, the local government in Dongxiang launched extensive birth control projects and positive results have been achieved. At the present time, about 62% of its population have taken birth control measures, and the natural population growth rate dropped to 15.34% in 1982.  相似文献   

Hong Kong includes Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territory, and more than 230 islands. During World War ii, the population of Hong Kong decreased sharply, and the total number decreased to less than 600,000. Since the war ended in 1945, the population of Hong Kong has been increasing rapidly at an annual rate of 20%. By the end of 1981, its total population had increased to 5.2 million, including 1.25 million newly arrived immigrants. The average age is 24.8. People above the age 65 constitute only 6% of the total population. This shows that there is a sufficient supply of labor for local economic development. Because of continued economic growth, there has been a constant demand for more labor. Low wages provide an excellent condition for high-speed industrial development. An improved quality of professional workers and management personnel also contributes much to Hong Kong's industrial modernization. Because of high employment among the labor population, the general population earns income and spends a great deal, and this has created a rather active economy. General population growth trends include: 1) continued population growth will bring the total population to 6.3 million by the end of 1981, and the housing problem will become more serious; 2) a stable decline in the natural population growth rate will gradually change the population pattern to a low birth, low death, and low natural growth situation; and 3) improvements in science and technology, health care, and living conditions will reduce the death rate, and the average age will lengthen, and with the increase in old people, the demand for social welfare will also increase; and 4) there will be a shortage in experienced labor (professional technicians and high management personnel) in the 1980s. Facing the new situation, Hong Kong's economic structure needs reform, moving from a labor intensive enterprise to a capital-technological intensive enterprise. The market will be expanded and Hong Kong will earn more profit in China's mode rnization process.  相似文献   

Advance results from the 1982 census of China are presented based on a 10 percent sample. Sections are included on age distribution, centenarians, marriage patterns, educational status, and the labor force. Several characteristics of China's population are described in this article, based on a 10% sampling tabulation of the production teams and resident groups of the whole country. Data are included for 100,380,000 people. The proportion of the population aged 0-14 is 33.60%, which marks a decline from figures in the 1964 census (40%). This decline is attributed to family planning and population control efforts. The median age is 22.91 years, which is 2.71 years older than that in the 1964 census. The % of the population aged 15-64 rose from 55.7% in 1964 to 61.5%. The dependency ratio dropped from 79.4% (1964) to 62.6%. There were 3,765 centenarians as of July, 1982; the overwhelming majority live in villages, and most (94.77%) are illiterate or semiliterate. The number of female centenarians is 2.4 times that of males. Marriages are comparatively stable in China. 63.6% of the population aged 15 and over are married, and .59% are divorced. The % of the population remaining single after age 50 is .21% for females, 2.97% for males. The average 1st marriage age is 22.80 years for females and 25.49 years for males. 60.35% of the people have had primary education or above; .44% are college graduates. In 1964, 33.58% of the population illiterate or semiliterate. At present, among people aged 12 and over, 31.90% are illiterate or semiliterate. The rural illiteracy rate is more than twice the urban rate. 51.94% of the total population is employed. Of these, 92.08% are engaged in manual labor. Males exceed females in all professions and occupations. The median age of the employed population is 30.84 years. The level of education among the employed is relatively low: 28.26% are illiterate or semiliterate, and 34.35% have had primary education only.  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2012,27(4):25-31
广州市是中国社会经济发展水平较高的大城市,也是“珠三角”外来人口的主要流入地。2010年全国第六次人口普查结果显示,广州市的非户籍常住人口规模高达476.0万人,占广州市人口总量的37.47%。而且,通过与2000年全国第五次人口普查结果的对比发现,广州市非户籍人口的年龄结构、地区分布、家庭户比重、行业及职业构成等都发生了一定的变化。非户籍常住人口构成的这些变化,对广州市的外来人口管理、公共服务的均等化以及户籍制度改革等提出了新要求。  相似文献   

W R Hou 《人口研究》1980,(2):61-64
After liberation in Romania the high birth rate, high mortality rate, and high population growth rate pattern changed to a low birth rate, low mortality rate, and low growth rate pattern. Higher standard of living and educational level, the increasing involvement of women in social and economic activities, the rapid development of cities, and the lower infant mortality rate are the 4 main factors responsible for this development. Consequently, Romania is facing a problem of increasing labor shortages. People who would otherwise be in the labor force are in school to allow the rapid development in science and technology. The increasing proportion of older retirees in the population also decreases the labor supply. Agricultural mechanization has provided labor to support industrialization in the past. Future increases will emphasize irrigation and soil improvement rather than mechanization. The Romanian government has established 6 new laws to stimulate population growth. First, award bonuses to families with more children and tax childless couples. Second, eliminate factors destabilizing families, preference to young couples, and restrict abortion and divorce. Third, protect women's societal rights through bonuses to mothers and paid maternity leave to pregnant women. Fourth, reduce mortality rate and improve people's health and life span. Fifth, better utilize the labor force and redistribute the population by economic methods. Six, use longterm procedures to achieve the best population structure and to have a younger population.  相似文献   

Z Lui 《人口研究》1980,(1):13-18
The unequal distribution of farmlands in rural areas and the extremely low productivity in the cities were the fundamental causes of unemployment and population problems in old China. Tremendous progress was made after 1949. The serious economic disturbances caused by Lin-piao and the "Gang of Four" caused great unemployment again. The slow development of China's productivity, poor business management, the involvement of women in social activities, the morality rate decrease, and the population growth rate increase are the main reasons for China's unemployment problem. The fundamental solution is to respect the objective laws of nature and economics and to develop social productivity. In the country we should implement the total development of agricultue, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery. In towns and cities service occupations and handicraft industries should be developed, education and humanities need to be improved, and transportation, communications, and many other industries are still backward. There is high potential for development and vast opportunities for additional labor. We should constantly cultivate our high quality workforce to meet the demand of modernization. Population control is important because the higher the population growth rate the slower the accumulation of wealth. Instead of being a producer for the society the additional labor can be a burden. The vital factor in achieving the "Four Modernizations" is not the quantity of labor but the increase in productivity.  相似文献   

邱红 《人口学刊》2002,(6):42-47
人口增长与社会经济发展的关系十分复杂,从人口学角度出发,运用五普及相关资料,对吉林省人口增长和社会经济发展进行分析,可以看到,虽然吉林省人口增长和社会经济发展总的形势比较良好,但依然存在诸如人口基数大、劳动力年龄人口增长快、老年人口增长快、城镇人口增长快等一系列问题,影响了社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

C Wu 《人口研究》1984,(4):1-6, 13
The age composition of Chinese population is analyzed via data collected in the 1982 census, which has been the basis for planning the social and economic life of 1 billion people. The census reflected complete population age composition, by birth, mortality and growth rates, from the time of the Liberation in 1949. The 10% sample, based on the national age composition, did not include the 4,240,000 people in military service which, as .42% of the total population, did not constitute a large differential. The population has grown rapidly since 1949. A few years before and after 1960, growth was reduced due to economic conditions, but the overall growth trend remained unchanged. The census showed that since 1970, growth has experienced a downturn, but the decrease was not related to the sudden drop before and after 1960. The census also showed China's population had changed from 1964's primarily young population to an adult population, but the process of population aging is only beginning, with a still relatively young population. China's population is not a stable one. This increase and decrease were greatly influenced by the changes in social and economic conditions. The disparity in age composition caused by these changes has created problems in social life, education, employment, marriage, housing, health, transportation, and cultural facilities. There are large differences in age composition between regions and ethnic groups. The decreases in birth and growth rate of the eastern coastal provinces were more rapid than those of the southwest and northwest regions. The age composition of minority nationalities is considerably younger than the Han people. Factors that influenced age composition characteristics included reduction of the neonatal mortality rate, the rises and falls of economic development, and the work in planned fertility.  相似文献   

D Xu 《人口研究》1984,(5):1-4
Population is very closely linked to the economic development of a society. The quantity, quality, structure, distribution, and movement of a population can help or hinder the rate of economic development. A developed country with low population density and a low percentage of employable people needs an increase in population in order to keep up with economic development. On the other hand, for an underdeveloped country with high population density and a high percentage of employable people, any increase in population will be detrimental to its economy. Man is a producer as well as a consumer, and in order to balance the rate of production and the rate of consumption, a certain poulation level must be maintained. The status of the economy determines the appropriate level. Population policy must be developed according to the following guidelines: 1) it must be based on the society's economic development; 2) since economy and population are closely related, they must both be worked on at the same time; and 3) both the quantity and quality of life of the population must also be worked on at the same time. Dealing with the relationship between population and the economic development of a society properly can bring about rapid improvement in the economic development and standard of living of that society.  相似文献   

C Cheng  X Ni 《人口研究》1983,(3):56-58
Like most developing nations, Indonesia is facing a serious population problem. According to statistics, Indonesia has a population of 147,490,298, the fifth largest in the world. The distribution of its population, however, is rather out of balance. For example, the island of Java has an area which constitutes 6.89% of the entire country, but the population of this island is about 61.9% of the country's total. In other areas of the country, population density is low. In the overpopulated areas, there is a surplus of labor. In the areas where the population is scarce, there is a shortage of labor. Because of this situation, the land and natural resources in Indonesia cannot be fully utilized. The Indonesia government is becoming increasingly interested in internal migration in order to solve the population problem and revive the national economy. A series of measures has been taken to redistribute the internal population. First of all, individuals and their families who accept internal migration are entitled to economic benefits in land selection, housing, a food and seed supply, and tax exemptions. With the establishment of migration centers, economic development, expansion of arable land, factories, and construction of roads and development of transportation, the newly developed areas may eventually become administrative units under a province or county. Government offices are being established to handle special problems of migrants. The government is taking care of the migrants' needs in education, medicine and health care, and banking and loans. The measures have been helpful to encourage internal migration and reduce the imbalance of the population distribution, but they have proved to be insufficient. The Indonesian government has realized that birth control is a necessary measure to be taken in order to solve the population problem.  相似文献   

W Wu 《人口研究》1983,(6):35-37
The Zang nationality in the Muli region is a major branch of the Tibetan people now living in Sichuan Province. Before 1949, the social economy in the local area was rather backward, public health was poor, the infant mortality rate was high as 50% and the overall population growth was slow. Since 1949, because of changes that have taken place in the social and economic system, the development of the population has also changed on a large scale. According to a recent survey, numerous households are still trying to change their poor financial condition through a population increase. Conversely, there are also some households with a better financial situation who prefer not to have too many children. In addition, fecundity also differs between women with some education and those who are illiterate, and the social impact on fecundity is very obvious. The influence from traditional concepts and psychological factors is also strong. At the present time, the national ploicy of China is for family planning and birth control to prevent an unlimited population growth. Ideological education and propaganda are needed to alter the people's traditional outdated concept of birth so that the common goal of controlling population growth may be achieved.  相似文献   

我国退休年龄是否应该调整?——国内相关研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈诣 《西北人口》2006,(5):32-35
随着我国经济的发展、社会的进步、科学医疗技术水平和生活水平的不断提高,人口的预期寿命不断延长,导致人口老龄化程度的不断加深,这给我国的经济发展、社会保障带来沉重的压力。我国现行的退休制度是19世纪50年代制定的,退休制度的一个重要内容是退休年龄,因而是否应该调整退休年龄也成为目前学术界讨论的热点话题之一。目前学术界的主流观点是我国应该提高退休年龄;但是,推延退休也面临一些矛盾,因此有学者提出目前应维持现行退休年龄。本文对正反两方面观点分别进行归纳梳理并介绍了退休年龄的调整方案。  相似文献   

吉林省城镇就业、失业和劳动参与的现状和对策   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
依据劳动经济理论,应用吉林省的微观数据,从劳动力的人口特征、受教育程度特征、户籍特征和地区差异等角度,研究吉林省失业率、就业率和劳动参与率的现状。针对吉林省城镇劳动就业中存在的问题,提出树立就业优先、发展新兴产业与第三产业、促进中小企业发展、健全劳动力市场体系和健全失业保险制度的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国人口老龄化对经济发展的影响分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目前我国正处于人口老龄化的初期阶段,人口老龄化给我国的劳动力、消费、储蓄和其他社会问题带来很多负面影响。随着老龄化峰值的到来,其对社会经济的负面影响将进一步显露,我国应该在人口老龄化的初期阶段抓住劳动力资源丰富、社会负担较轻的黄金时期,在人口老龄化峰值来临之前,扬长避短,促进经济的长期增长。  相似文献   

中国人口劳动参与率与未来劳动力供给分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
对未来劳动力供给进行准确预测判断将有利于我们未来就业政策、现实人口政策和社会保障政策的科学制定,也是对未来人口与经济形势准确判定的依据,是一项非常重要的工作。在充分考虑人口老龄化、劳动参与率年龄模式变动以及受教育水平提高影响的基础上,对未来劳动供给进行预测。预测结果显示,如果不考虑65岁及以上人口的就业,到2016年将达到从业人员的高峰7.58亿,其后持续减少,到2050年前后减少到6.4亿;如果考虑65岁及以上人口的就业,我国的就业高峰将出现在2022年前后,到2045年以后,劳动力供给将大规模减少。届时劳动供养人口将会大大增加,这必须引起当代人在规划人口发展时的重视。  相似文献   

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