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社会隔离在老年群体中普遍存在,对老年人健康等一系列福祉产生消极影响。有证据表明当代信息和通信技术(ICT)会通过各种机制预防或减少老年人的社会隔离。本文使用2018年中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)数据研究互联网使用对减轻我国老年人社会隔离的影响。老年人主观社会适应态度是衡量社会隔离问题的一个重要指标,研究发现老年人互联网使用水平每上升1个层次,其主观社会适应能力提高0.037个标准差,这一结论在克服内生性偏误和多种稳健性检验后仍然成立。机制检验结果表明这一效果主要通过提高老年人健康和幸福感知、认知能力及参加社交活动和与亲人朋友交往的频率来实现,个人主观条件的改善和社会环境的融入能让老年人拥有更多自主学习新鲜事物的机会和随时了解社会进展的渠道进而提高老年人主观社会适应能力。同时本文还发现有效性不存在性别差异,而受教育程度更高、住在城市的老年人更能从互联网使用减轻社会隔离中受益。此外,不同上网活动、上网方式及熟练度起到了调节作用,视频娱乐和阅读方面的网上活动及更高的手机使用熟练度对提高老年人社会适应更有效。互联网技术可以成为消除老年数字鸿沟,解决老年人社会隔离问题的有效工具。  相似文献   

中国老年人社会隔离的影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用西方的社会护航模型(SCM)和社会情绪选择理论(SST),并结合中国本土理论对中国老年人的社会网络进行分析,以此揭示老年人社会隔离的相关因素.基于“中国老年社会追踪调查”(CLASS)数据,将社会隔离分解为家庭和朋友隔离两个维度,采用Logistic回归模型对老年人陷入社会隔离的相关因素进行了分析.结果表明,衰老并非仅为老年人的社会网络带来消极变化,增龄伴随着老年人朋友隔离的风险上升,但是其陷入家庭隔离的可能性却出现下降.家庭特征是老年人陷入家庭隔离的主要预测因素,健康状况是导致老年人产生朋友隔离的主要因素;老年人的社会经济地位、社会参与和社会环境也对他们的家庭隔离和朋友隔离产生重要影响.  相似文献   

基于对河南省新乡市Y社区的个案研究认为,新型城镇化进程中老年人群体发生了社会隔离。这种社会隔离体现在制度、社区、家庭、自我四个维度,集体失语导致制度隔离,社会资本流失和国家在场导致社区隔离,代际关系嬗变导致家庭隔离,身份标签化及自我认同困境导致自我隔离。老年人社会隔离的应对策略为拒绝搬迁和跟儿子走。提出了老年人社会融合的路径:构建老年人利益诉求的制度吸纳机制;重塑社区公共空间,构建老年人社区行政吸纳机制;积极探索农村老年人居家照顾新模式,通过专业社会工作的介入,促进老年人社区融合。  相似文献   

健康受到生理的、心理的以及社会的多种因素的综合影响。在世界人口老龄化日趋严峻的背景下,研究老年人特别是研究老年人口众多的中国老年人的健康状况和死亡风险及其影响因素具有重要的现实意义。通过分析全国老年人口健康状况调查(CLHLS)2002-2011年纵向数据,建立Cox等比例风险模型,研究发现了中国老年人的躯体功能对死亡风险有显著的影响,ADL、IADL和LOA/LOM好的老年人比差的老年人的死亡风险分别低了25%、18%和5%;另外,慢性病、性别、年龄、民族、城乡与区域、职业地位和主要收入来源、活动参与和生病照料者也对死亡风险有显著的影响。  相似文献   

中国城市老年人社会隔离现状与影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张硕  陈功 《人口学刊》2015,37(4):66-76
老年人一生的经历对老年时期的生活状况有着深刻的影响,生命历程中的一些重大改变使老年人成为社会群体中社会隔离高风险人群。本文对中国城市老年人社会隔离的比例做出初步评估,在我国,城市老年人社会隔离的比例为21.4%。不同生命事件对城市老年人的社会隔离会产生不同的影响。城市老年人生活中所经历的负向效应事件会增大社会隔离的风险,这些事件包括抑郁、丧失亲人、生活不能自理、独居;而教育程度为初中及以上、参与隔代抚育、社会参与三个正向效应事件则会降低城市老年人社会隔离的风险;在个体特征中,女性、年龄在70岁及以上、经济困难亦会增加城市老年人社会隔离的风险。在这些变量中,影响最大的几个因素依次为:独居、年龄在80岁及以上、女性、小学及以下教育程度、没有社会参与活动。  相似文献   

长期护理问题是社会老年学的一个重要问题。老年人是否需要长期护理取决于老年人的健康状况。丧失生活能力(olisability)是衡量老年健康状况的一个重要指标。美国学者在测量生活能力丧失程度时使用了四种测量方法:(1)日常生活活动(Activitiesof Daily living,ADL)测量方法,其测量内容一般由七个项目构成:洗澡、梳洗、穿衣、吃饭、步行、上厕所和从床上到椅子上;(2)日常生活的工具性活动(Instrumental Acti-  相似文献   

中国作为人口老龄化发展速度最快的国家之一,正在迎来规模日益庞大的晚年丧偶群体。预计2050年我国60岁及以上的丧偶人口规模将达到1.18亿左右。近年来老年丧偶者的生活质量受到政府和学界的广泛关注。本文利用六期“中国老年人健康影响因素跟踪调查(CLHLS)”数据分析丧偶对我国老年人多种健康指标的影响以及社会连结在其中发挥的调节作用。研究发现丧偶会影响老年人的健康后果和健康行为。在健康后果方面,丧偶对老年人认知功能的影响具有显著的性别差异。丧偶降低了老年男性的认知功能,但在一定时期内提高了老年女性的认知功能。同时,丧偶会对老年人的心理健康产生负面影响。在健康行为方面,丧偶提高了老年女性参与体育锻炼的可能性和老年男性抽烟的可能性。此外,丧偶效应因丧偶前社会连结的不同而存在差异。婚姻质量较低的老年男性在丧偶之后IADL能力反而提高;经常打牌/麻将有助于抑制丧偶对老年男性和女性IADL能力的不利影响,同时也可以抑制丧偶对老年女性慢性病数量的增加作用;子女支持有助于抑制丧偶对老年男性心理健康的负面影响。  相似文献   

生活自理能力是影响老年人健康及生活质量的最为普遍性的问题。本文利用"中国城乡老年人口状况追踪调查"十年追踪数据对老年人的生活自理能力(ADL和IADL)的发展轨迹进行深入研究。研究发现老年人的ADL自理能力发展轨迹呈现出低起点快速下降型、高起点急速下降型、高起点平稳下降型三种类型,老年人的IADL自理能力发展轨迹则分为低起点快速下降型和高起点缓慢下降型两种类型。不同社会经济特征老年群体在生活自理能力发展轨迹类型上存在显著差异,老年妇女、少数民族老年人、低教育程度者、老年农民和城市从未正式工作过的老年人的生活自理能力发展轨迹属于较差模式的可能性更高。老年人生活自理能力发展轨迹形态受人口社会学特征、健康状况、社会交往、家庭支持等多方面的影响。基于实证研究结果,文章认为应加强社会政策的公平性导向,积极扩展社会经济地位对健康的正向作用;广泛调动家庭和社会力量的介入,通过增加老年人与家人、邻里和朋友的联络、交流和支持来改善健康状况;同时应基于老年人生活自理能力动态发展的模式和特点,构建适合的社会预防照护和长期照护服务体系。  相似文献   

陶涛  李龙 《人口学刊》2016,(3):58-66
本文使用北京市西城区调查数据,从时间利用的不同维度和健康的不同层面,借助描述分析呈现城市老年人除社会参与和锻炼身体以外被广泛忽略的绝大部分闲暇时间安排的基本状况,基于回归模型考察这些家庭内部个体性的闲暇时间安排对老年健康的影响。结果显示,城市老年人除社会参与和锻炼身体以外主要以消磨时间为主,此类活动时间长短与健康并未呈现显著正相关;闲暇时间里各类活动的安排(与不安排该项活动相比)都能提升老年人的生理健康和心理健康状况,但仅呈现出干预效应,多数活动的时间长短、程度高低并无显著影响;自我提升型活动的有无、时间长短、程度高低可以显著影响老年人的生理和心理健康;精神追求层面更高的闲暇活动则会显著提升老年人的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

人口健康是社会经济可持续发展的重要基石。在人口老龄化和人均预期寿命不断延长的背景下,如何改善老年健康、增进老年福祉成为学术界关注的重要议题。本文基于社会因果论,使用2014年、2015年和2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据(CHARLS),通过有序多分类Logistic回归模型和对角线参照模型分析阶层跨越与中国老年人主观健康水平之间的关系。在此基础上,通过计算流动效应区分起点阶层和目的地阶层对老年人主观健康水平影响的作用。研究结果显示:当起点户口类型一致时,户口类型由农村转为城镇的老年人主观健康水平高于户口类型没有变动的农村老年人。户口类型由城镇转为农村的老年人主观健康水平低于户口类型没有变动的城镇老年人。在收入阶层方面,研究发现老年人主观健康状况在不同收入阶层存在明显分层的现象。远距离向上代际收入阶层流动有助于提高老年人主观健康水平,远距离向下代际收入阶层流动会降低老年人主观健康水平。在分样本回归中,研究发现农村和城镇老年人在收入阶层分布上差异较明显,同时农村和城镇老年人代际收入阶层流动回归结果也存在较大差异,农村老年人起点效应权重为0.64,城镇老年人起点效应权重为0.76。与城镇老年人相比,农村老年人子女所处收入阶层对老年人主观健康的影响更大。  相似文献   

This paper examines an institutionalized friendship among adolescent girls and young women in southern Africa. Lesotho's economy is based on migrant male labor which leaves the women dependent on male earnings or subsistence from the land, and also creates unstable marital relations. Young girls in the modern schools develop close relationships, called "mummy-baby," with slightly older girls. Sexual intimacy is an important aspect of these relationships. Mummy-baby relationships not only provide emotional support prior to marriage, but also a network of support for married and unmarried women in new towns or schools, either replacing or accompanying heterosexual bonds.  相似文献   

Mediation and moderation are two theories for refining and understanding a causal relationship. Empirical investigation of mediators and moderators requires an integrated research design rather than the data analyses driven approach often seen in the literature. This paper described the conceptual foundation, research design, data analysis, as well as inferences involved in a mediation and/or moderation investigation in both experimental and non-experimental (i.e., correlational) contexts. The essential distinctions between the investigation of mediators and moderators were summarized and juxtaposed in an example of a causal relationship between test difficulty and test anxiety. In addition, the more elaborate models, moderated mediation and mediated moderation, the use of structural equation models, and the problems with model misspecification were discussed conceptually.
Bruno D. ZumboEmail:

BackgroundMany pregnant women use complementary and alternative medicine. Although midwives are often supportive, how they communicate with women about the safe use of these therapies has received limited research attention.AimThe aim of this study was to explore how midwives interact with women regarding use of complementary and alternative medicine during pregnancy.MethodsWe utilised grounded theory methodology to collect and analyse data. Twenty-five midwives who worked in metropolitan hospitals situated in Melbourne, Australia, participated in the study. Data were collected from semi structured interviews and non-participant observations, over an 18-month period.FindingsHow midwives communicate about complementary and alternative medicine is closely associated with the meaning they construct around the woman's role in decisionmaking. Most aim to work in a manner consistent with the midwifery partnership model and share the responsibility for decisions regarding complementary and alternative medicine. However, although various therapies were commonly discussed, usually the pregnant woman initiated the dialogue. A number of contextual conditions such as the biomedical discourse, lack of knowledge, language barriers and workplace constraints, limited communication in some situations.ConclusionMidwives often interact with women interested in using CAM. Most value the woman's autonomy and aim to work in partnership. However, various contextual conditions restrain overt CAM communication in clinical practice.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine how female subjectivities are privileged by Canadian human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination discourse and, in turn, how homosexual male subjectivities are displaced. Employing a Critical Discourse Analysis approach, I analyze selected HPV vaccination (HPVV) promotional materials, and depict the discursive strategies which privilege and exclude gendered subjectivities. My critical analysis is influenced by feminist linguistic works that seek to uncover the discursive constructions around sexuality, gender and identity, and the discursive strategies used to communicate ideas about sexual health risks and responsible citizenship. In addition, I adopt feminist theories of knowledge and power to rethink the discursive representations of some bodies and subjectivities as normal, and Others as unintelligible within HPVV discourse in today's neoliberal time.  相似文献   

A decision-making framework based on the models of personal decision making developed by psychologists and economists and a methodology based on axiomatic conjoint measurement are used to explore individuals' beliefs and values regarding contraceptive sterilization. Particular emphasis is given to demonstrating a. that there exist individual differences in beliefs and values, b. that there exist differences in beliefs and values between persons who choose sterilization—either tubal ligation or vasectomy—and persons who choose non-sterilization contraceptive methods when no more children are wanted, and c. that the effect of beliefs and values on the sterilization decision is an interactive one. The methodology used is compared to that typically used in studying fertility- and health-related behaviors.This research was supported by grants HD-10802 and HD-14403 from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. The technical assistance of Doreen Victor and the editorial suggestions of Sarah Gaskill, Alice Healy, and two anonymous reviewers are greatly appreciated. This paper is Publication No. 253 of the Center for Research on Judgment and Policy, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0344. Requests for reprints should be sent to the Publications Librarian at the Center.  相似文献   

This research uses data from waves I and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health, N = 9,631) to consider whether and how family instability in early or later childhood affects college enrollment and completion of a Bachelor’s degree by age 24. Explanatory factors include maternal selection into unstable unions, household resources available in adolescence, and adolescents’ academic achievement, behavior, and attitudes in high school. The association of later family instability with college enrollment and completion is largely explained by household resources in adolescence. The association of early family instability with college enrollment is partially explained by each set of factors, and its association with college completion, given enrollment, is explained by pre-existing maternal characteristics. The results demonstrate that early family instability has enduring consequences for eventual status attainment and that the mechanisms that connect family instability to educational outcomes vary by the timing of family structure change.  相似文献   

W Yu 《人口研究》1981,(2):4-10
The relationship between population and economy is regarded seriously by China and other countries. This problem can be analyzed and studied under 2 aspects: 1) the influence of economic development on changes in population, and 2) the influence of population increases on economic development. Under the 1st aspect, improved living conditions, hygiene, and health care generally result in lowered mortality rates. Improved economic conditions in China also increased the birthrate and at the same time increased birth control among the people; the increased birthrate was due to more marriages after liberation. In economically advanced countries, due to high expenses in raising children, people tend to limit family sizes to 2 children/family. Under the 2nd aspect, population increases place strains on the food supply and nutritional requirements, especially when increases are too rapid. They also demand more educational resources and influence quality of education. As there are currently 210 million students in China, the quality of education suffers, particularly at the college level, since most of Chinese manpower, physical and financial resources are spent on primary and secondary education. In terms of housing, transportation, health care, and natural resources, they are all intimately related to and influenced by increases in population. Consequently, the living standard would be difficult to raise if population increases are too rapid. Since 1971, population increases have been incorporated into 5-yearly and later yearly national economic plans in China. The large Chinese population is a major obstacle in raising the Chinese economic level, hence a well-planned population control program is essential.  相似文献   

Despite attempts to expand social diversity, policing is still dominated by a white, masculine, heterosexual ethos. As a consequence, employment of lesbians and gay men as police officers may be especially threatening to members of this occupation. Within the context of potential hostility and homophobia, nontraditional officers must negotiate their contradictory presence on the police force. This paper investigates that negotiation. Using the Bem Sex Role Inventory and open-ended survey data from a sample of "out" and "closeted" gay and lesbian police officers, we ask how gays and lesbians manage their images as "good cops" in the face of gender norm violations associated with their sexual orientation. Our findings indicate that masculinity and femininity do not hold together in a cohesive, dichotomous manner for these officers. Instead, other characteristics that enhance policing are emphasized to support their occupational competence. These officers see themselves as "good cops." The gendered/sexualized character of their self-perceptions appears to matter less than the context of the job, more than for a comparison sample of heterosexual police officers. We conclude that although gay and lesbian officers see their sexuality as an occupational asset, they are also likely to work harder to prove themselves as crime fighters.  相似文献   

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