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徐璐 《社会工作》2011,(2):43-45
中国的农村劳动力流动持续到现在,流动儿童即第二代移民问题已经浮出水面。但是,流动儿童精神状况问题没有引起研究人员的特别重视并成为专门的研究领域,而这恰恰是一个关乎城市长期发展和社会稳定的重要议题。本研究对上海市某小学的儿童进行了问卷调查,问卷包括国际流行的儿童抑郁量表和焦虑量表。研究发现上海市流动儿童存在一定程度的抑郁和焦虑。论文最后部分提出对于如何干预流动儿童心理问题的对策和建议。  相似文献   

上海市儿童临时看护中心以社会融合为研究目标,采用田野研究的范式,对中心内的孤残儿童进行早期干预训练,以格赛尔发展量表、0~3岁儿童发展评估表以及体质检查为评估手段,以个别训练、  相似文献   

利用2013年深圳流动儿童调查数据,从学校性质和生命历程视角分析了流动儿童在资本禀赋与社会融合上的差异性,检验了二者的相关性.结果发现:流动儿童的资本禀赋已出现群体分化,公办学校流动儿童在家庭物质资本和人力资本上占优,但民办学校流动儿童在家庭社会资本和学校社会资本上占优,小学段流动儿童的资本禀赋优于初中段.流动儿童的社会融合状况并不乐观,其城市文化融合水平低下,农村文化纽带坚韧;城市人和本地人身份认同度较低,农村人和外地人身份认同度较高,认同模糊问题突出;与流动儿童的社会距离较小,与本地儿童的社会距离更小.总的来说,流动儿童的资本禀赋与社会融合存在复杂的正向相关,拥有资本禀赋越多,社会融合状况越好.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童的问题,我国学术界于20世纪90年代初期已开始关注并进行研究.研究的范围和主题主要集中于留守儿童的生存状况、道德素质、人身安全等,但留守儿童问题是复杂的.随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,农村大规模人口流动还将继续,越来越多的留守儿童被制造出来.本文从社会工作的视角对留守儿童的教育问题进行探讨并提出相关建议.  相似文献   

李雅慧 《社会福利》2008,(11):60-61
自上世纪80年代的民工进城打工开始,第一代农民工陆续成家生子,由此衍生出更多与流动、进城还是回乡有关的问题.随之也就产生了父母进城打工,后代是留在农村还是跟着进城的选择.而我们此次关注的"流动儿童"问题,便是其中近几年比较突出的一个问题.前者是留守儿童,后者是流动儿童.所以流动儿童实际上是与留守儿童关联产生的,两者并不是固定不变,存在着相互转换的关系.  相似文献   

单亲家庭的留守儿童现象和问题引起了越来越多学者的关注,但是鲜见对母亲离家出走这种抛弃式造成的单亲家庭的研究,从社会工作视角展开的研究更是几近空白.本研究运用访谈法、量表法分析母亲离家出走家庭的留守儿童自我接纳问题的成因及需求,并通过个案工作、小组工作介入该类型的留守儿童低自我接纳问题,进而总结社会工作介入路径,以期引导这类留守儿童学会自我接纳并悦纳自我,从而构建良好的适应性人格,促进他们健康成长生活.  相似文献   

文章对当前流动儿童融入城市教育的研究现状及存在问题进行了理性分析,指出完善流动儿童融入城市教育的必要性与可行性。最后,围绕政府、学校、社会、家庭和个体五方面的主体支持,借助社会工作的具体方法,提出了构建完善的流动儿童融入城市教育的社会支持体系。  相似文献   

黄春梅  廖欣 《社会福利》2012,(10):41-42
流动儿童和留守儿童是产生流浪未成年人的主要群体.根据各地数据统计显示,有相当大一部分的流浪儿童来自于流动人口家庭和留守家庭.本文所界定的困境儿童就是指这些生活在流动人口家庭和留守家庭,处于流浪边缘的儿童,也称之为流动儿童和留守儿童. 当前,桂林理工大学社会工作专业正尝试与桂林市救助管理站开展进一步合作,运用社会工作的手法,从社区、学校、家庭入手,对流动儿童和留守儿童展开源头预防工作.  相似文献   

周文 《社会福利》2009,(1):52-53
上海市儿童福利院立足于孤残儿童的生理特点,面向儿童的心理和发展需求,不断更新理念,加大了专业化探索的步伐.在社会工作人才队伍建设的推进过程中,上海市儿童福利院总结十多年来社会工作在孤残儿童领域介入的经验教训,进行了认真的反思,形成了进一步发展的思路.  相似文献   

农村“留守儿童”的问题,我国学术界于20世纪90年代初期已开始关注并进行研究。研究的范围和主题主要集中于留守儿童的生存状况、道德素质、人身安全等,但留守儿童问题是复杂的。随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,农村大规模人口流动还将继续,越来越多的留守儿童被“制造出来”。本文从社会工作的视角对留守儿童的教育问题进行探讨并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Children in families with mental health problems may encounter multiple risks to their well‐being. General aims of peer support programmes for these children include fostering resilience and effective coping strategies, and enhancing self‐esteem and social skills. This study aimed to evaluate outcomes from a pilot multi‐site implementation of the ON FIRE peer support programme. The purpose of ON FIRE is to cultivate hope, resilience and well‐being in children and adolescents aged 8–17 years living in families affected by sibling or parental mental health problems. We employed a pre‐post test (baseline and 4 months) evaluation using a suite of outcome measures. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Children's Hope Scale, Kids Connections Scale and Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS‐C) were completed for 64 child/adolescent participants. At baseline, participants had significantly greater difficulties compared with Australian norms. At 4 months, there were significant differences in children's hope and in connections outside the family. There were no significant differences in the SDQ or the PANAS‐C.  相似文献   

The national prevalence studies of the mental health of looked after children in Great Britain provide sobering reading. Forty-five per cent of looked after children in England were found to have a diagnosable mental health disorder. In contrast, this is to one in 10 in the general population. Carers estimated that mental health problems were even more widespread. Children with mental health disorders were also more likely to have education, health and social issues. This paper discusses the findings and argues for early intervention along with inter-departmental and interdisciplinary approaches. The recent Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Review clearly indicates that issues of access to appropriate and timely Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services remain. However, the introduction of evidence-based approaches is encouraging. Young people's views on the services they want and on what is important for emotional well-being and mental health are important considerations.  相似文献   

Goal setting is an important element within mental health recovery models; however, parenting and children are rarely recognized in such approaches. This study outlines a family recovery planning model where a parent has a mental health or dual substance and mental health problem. The differences between family types (parent with a mental illness or parent with dual diagnosis) and family members (parent and children) are illustrated in terms of goals across 11 domains. There were a total of 33 parents and 50 children from 10 mental illness and 10 dual diagnosis families. Education and specifically mental health knowledge are important goals across all families and appear especially important for children whose parent has a dual diagnosis. Specific goals and achievement levels for each type of family and parents and children are also outlined. Clear areas for action by clinicians and family members are indicated by this study.  相似文献   


This correlational study assessed how families of children with mental illness perceived the levels of support they received from informal and formal resource providers and the associations between perceived support and child outcomes. Adult caregivers (N = 904) of youth receiving public mental health care services were administered the Family Caregiver Perceptions of Support Scale developed by the authors to assess family caregiver perceptions of support prior to and at termination of services. Factor analysis identified three types of caregiver anticipated supports: informal support resources, support for treatment plan influence, and health care resources. The domains were significantly and positively associated with one another but did not uniformly correlate with youth mental health outcomes. The study provides preliminary evidence that treatment gains in youth mental health outcomes are observed when caregivers perceive support in treatment processes. Suggestions for future research are made, stressing the importance of caregivers and providers working together and describing needs related to future scale improvements.  相似文献   

The impact of parental mental health is well known, but children's very existence may fail to be recognized by adult mental‐health services. This study aimed to explore attitudes of mental‐health professionals in one outer London borough regarding support needs of mental‐health service users' children to highlight potential barriers to identifying or meeting their support needs. All statutory mental‐health teams in the borough participated in a cross‐sectional survey. The response rate was 62.8% (n = 94) out of 150. The sample consisted of a diverse range of professionals from both inpatient and community settings. The main finding was that practitioners were overwhelmingly in favour of supporting children. However, attitudes and practices were significantly associated with profession, setting and whether the respondent was a care coordinator. Demographic characteristics or experience was not associated with attitudes. Perceived barriers to supporting children are highlighted. In particular, the mental‐health professionals in our sample considered supporting children important but did not necessarily consider it their role to do so. Training is required to raise awareness about this issue.  相似文献   

刘芳 《社会工作》2011,(2):46-48
运用调查问卷和访谈资料对昆明市流动人口子女家庭教育进行研究。研究结果显示,流动人口子女家庭教育投资理性化、家庭教育期望理想化、家庭教养方式非科学化、家庭教育责任模糊化的现状特征。  相似文献   

运用调查问卷和访谈资料对昆明市流动人口子女家庭教育进行研究。研究结果显示,流动人口子女家庭教育投资理性化、家庭教育期望理想化、家庭教养方式非科学化、家庭教育责任模糊化的现状特征。  相似文献   

This paper examines the complexity of collaboration between child protection and mental health services, where a parent has a mental illness and there are protection concerns for children. The paper reports on data from focused in‐depth interviews with 36 child protection workers, adult mental health workers and child and youth mental health workers. Data were analysed thematically, using NVivo to facilitate data management and analysis. Two dimensions were identified. The first, the process of collaboration, relates to four factors that assisted the collaborative process: communication, knowledge, role clarity and resources. The second dimension considers the challenges presented to collaborative work when a parent has a mental illness and a child is in need of protection, and identifies issues that are inherent in cases of this kind. Two types of challenge were identified. The first related to characteristics of mental illness, and included the episodic and/or unpredictable nature of mental illness, incorporating information from psychiatric and parenting capacity assessments, and the provision of ongoing support. The second type of challenge concerned the tension between the conflicting needs of parents and their children, and how this was viewed from both the adult mental health and the child protection perspective. Implications for policy and practice are identified in relation to the need for service models that provide ongoing, flexible support that can be intensified or held back as needed.  相似文献   

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