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  联合国儿童基金会与难民署近日发表共同声明称,随着叙利亚内战冲突进入第三个年头,被强迫逃离家园、沦为难民的叙利亚儿童人数目前已达到100万,并面临常人难以想像的困苦处境。联合国人道机构正在该国进行有史以来最大规模的救援行动,并就此呼吁国际社会继续提供慷慨支持。  相似文献   

  世界卫生组织最新发布的年度世界卫生统计报告称,人类的寿命目前比以往任何时候都要长,且全球人口的平均预期寿命明显上升的这种趋势无放缓迹象。这其中,中国和印度人口的平均预期寿命延长是主要原因。  相似文献   

This paper argues that recent struggles against neoliberal axioms such as free trade and open markets have led to a militant reframing of global civil society by grassroots social movements. It contests that this struggle to invest the concept of global civil society with transformative potential rests upon an identifiable praxis, a strange attractor that disturbs other civil society actors, through its re-articulation of a politics that privileges self-organization, direct action, and direct democracy. The paper further suggests that the emergence of this antagonistic orientation is best understood through the lens of complexity theory and offers some conceptual tools to begin the process of analyzing global civil society as an outcome and effect of global complexity.  相似文献   

  在这38个国家中,有20个国家在2012年实现了千年发展目标,即在2015年之前将饥饿人口比例减半。另外18个国家在这一基础上还完成了使营养不足人口绝对数量减半的目标。完成目标的国家大多在拉丁美洲和亚洲,安哥拉、贝宁、喀麦隆等非洲国家也榜上有名。  相似文献   

  印尼总统苏西洛日前公开宣布,印尼贫困人口的比例已从2007年的16.58%降至2012年的11.66%,5年脱困900万人。在此基础上,政府将再接再厉,争取到2014年将目前的比例降至8%-10%。  相似文献   

  报告说,造成全球50岁及以上女性死亡的主要原因是心血管疾病和癌症等非传染病。过去30年,发达国家50岁以上女性预期寿命进一步提高。该年龄段女性乳腺癌和宫颈癌发病率虽有所升高,但得益于早期诊断和及时治疗,其死亡率却在下降。而在发展中国家,由于对女性非传染病的预防与治疗不足,死于上述疾病的女性比发达国家要年轻。  相似文献   

  这份《2013年全球卫生设施及饮用水状况进展报告》称,去年3月,世卫组织与联合国儿童基金会宣布,全球已在2010年实现了联合国千年发展目标中有关将无法持续获得安全饮用水的人口比例减半的目标,但各国在改进基础卫生设施方面进展缓慢,目前全球仅有64%的人口获得良好的卫生设施,恐无法按期实现联合国千年发展目标中的相关目标。  相似文献   

环球 Global     

环球 Global     

环球 Global     

环球 Global     

环球 Global     

This paper explores the meaning of globalization in rural places, as well as the emergence of rural globalities, and even of rural cosmopolitanisms. While the discussion about globalization has been mainly localized in urban places, and mostly in some core cities, rural places are also intertwined with globality, and can became important nodes in the production and circulation of capital, culture, and ideology. To account for this, I explore a new meaning for the concept of ‘global villages’, not used in McLuhan's sense, but rather in terms of rural places that become truly global. As case studies, the paper addresses three ‘global villages’ in Latin America: the Central Valley in Chile, a node in the global food system; Otavalo in Ecuador, a core of cultural representations; and La Realidad, in Chiapas, Mexico, a center of ideological production.  相似文献   

For many recent commentators, the association of citizenship with the nation-state is under siege, as transnational and even global forms of citizenship begin to emerge. The nascent phenomenon of global citizenship in particular is characterized by three components: the global discourse on human rights; a global account of citizenly responsibilities; and finally “global civil society.” This last component is supposed to give a new global citizenship its “political” character, and for many represents the most likely vehicle for the emergence of a global, democratic citizen politics. This paper critically examines this view, asking whether a global form of citizenship is indeed emerging, and if so whether “global civil society” is well-equipped to stand in as its political dimension. The paper examines two opposed narratives on the potential of global civil society to form a political arm of global citizenship, before returning by way of conclusion to the vexed notion of global citizenship itself.This paper draws from the final chapter of Rethinking Equality: the Challenge of Equal Citizenship, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2006.  相似文献   

The globalization of migration has entailed a greater diversity and stratification of migration. Integrative approaches, such as transnationalism, structurationism and alternative circuits of globalization, have helped to place migration in broader socio- cultural fields but have not adequately addressed the complex gendered stratification generated in countries of origin and destination. Much literature focuses on the socio-economically disadvantaged, especially those undertaking domestic and sex work, but the opening up of skilled migration in developed countries, increasingly in feminized welfare sectors, is creating new lines of exclusion and inclusion and privileging the skilled and educated of the Third World. It also means that a neat division between the masculine high-tech sector and the feminine intimate, racialized and menial 'other' does not do justice to the complexity of gendered migratory flows. This article explores diverse forms of female migrations, labour market positions and the intersection of class, racialization and gender. I argue that we need to question the relegation of female migrants to the subordinate circuits of globalization and to extend our analysis beyond productive and reproductive labour in less skilled sectors. The inclusion of female skilled migrants can add a distinctive counter narrative, which includes care for and education of people, to our conceptualization of a knowledge economy and society, which tends to be based on scientific and technological sectors.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the utility of the ‘global care chain’ concept and considers various modifications required to that concept in order to render it a major generative force in feminist and non-feminist research. By way of progressing this research agenda, the discussion critically evaluates the possibilities and limitations of a more rigorous application of global commodity chain analysis, from which the global care chain concept is presently only loosely derived, to transnational care

services. The incompatibility of (non-feminist) commodity chain analysis and (feminist) care chain analysis, together with the weaknesses in each of these bodies of analysis, requires the integration of a range of modifications into a revised global care chain framework. These modifications involve foregrounding transnational labour networks

and applying an engendered global commodity chain perspective to the analysis of these networks as well as broadening the application of the global care chain concept to embrace a variety of groups and settings. Further research required to progress the development of this field of study is outlined.  相似文献   

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