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The Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands are oceanic islands located in the northwest Pacific, and have ten native (nine endemic) bee species, all of which are nonsocial. The European honeybee (Apis mellifera), which was introduced to the islands for apiculture in the 1880s, became naturalized in a few islands shortly after introduction. To detect the impact of the honeybees upon native bee diversity, we analyzed pollen harvest by honeybees and surveyed the relative abundance of honeybees and native bees on flowers on several islands. Both hived and feral honeybee colonies were active throughout the year, harvesting pollen of both native and alien flowers and from both entomophilous and anemophilous flowers. Honeybees strongly depended on the alien plants, especially during winter to spring when native melittophilous flowers were rare. From June to November, honeybees exhaustively utilized native flowers, which had originally been utilized and pollinated by native bees. On Chichi and Haha Islands, where human disturbance of forests has been severe, both native and alien flowers were dominated by honeybees, and native bees were rare or extinct even in well-conserved forests. In contrast, on Ani Island and Haha's satellite islands where primary forests were well conserved and honeybees were still uncommon or absent, native bees remained dominant. These results suggest that competition for nectar and pollen of the native flowers between honeybees and native bees favors honeybees on the disturbed islands, which are thoroughly invaded by alien nectariferous, sometimes aggressive, weedy plants. Received: May 8, 1998 / Accepted: May 6, 1999  相似文献   

A survey of the genetic variability in deer mouse populations was performed using specimens collected from six different islands on a lake covering approximately 50 km2. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to measure the extent of the genetic differences in this insular system. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that populations are clearly separated at this microgeographic scale (F st = 0.13863; P < 0.001). The homogeneity of molecular variance test (HOMOVA) indicated that within-population levels vary greatly (B p = 0.76831; P < 0.001). The within-population molecular variance was found to be mainly correlated with the accessibility of the islands, computed as the inverse of the geographic distance separating an island from the lakeshore (r = 0.916; P < 0.003). Received: March 5, 1999 / Accepted: July 16, 1999  相似文献   

Recruitment and growth of the sardineSardinops melanostictus fluctuated markedly in the Sea of Japan and adjacent waters between 1978 and 1993. Stock size was calculated using Virtual Population Analysis and average body length in each age class was determined by the number of annual rings on the scales. There is an inverse correlation between average water temperature at a depth of 50 m in the coastal area of the mainland of Japan in winter (January to March) and recruitmentR defined as the number of individuals at 1 year old. There is also an inverse correlation between spawning stock sizeE and reproductive success in (R/E). A multiple regression model using spawning stock size and water temperature in winter as independent variables can explain 73% of variance in reproductive success. It suggests that both density-dependent and density-independent factors perform important roles determining reproductive success. There is an inverse correlation between body length and stock size and this suggests that there is a density-dependent effect on the growth of the sardine.  相似文献   

We analyzed the butterfly communities in the newly designed city parks (area C), “newly opened habitat islands”, of Tsukuba City, central Japan. The area constituted a natural ecological experiment on the mainland for clarifying the pattern and process of faunal immigration. We compared butterfly communities in area C with those in two other areas in the light of the theory of island biogeography and the concept of generalist/specialist. Our results showed the following: (1) Fewer species were found in area C than in other areas, due largely to the absence of many specialist types, restricted and habitat specialists, and/or low density species in the area. Generalist types, widespread and habitat generalists, and/or high density species predominated in area C. (2) The difference in the species numbers among the three sections within area C could be explained by the habitat structure in and around the respective sections. (3) The densities of many species were low in area C, probably due to its man-modified habitat structure. In particular, several species occurred at extremely low densities in area C, but at high densities in other areas. (4) The internal structure of the habitat island butterfly community in area C was almost perfectly consistent with that of “quasi-equilibrium” communities that appear during the colonization of an island. Our results demonstrate that the synergetic application of the generalist/specialist concept and the island biogeography theory is effective for the understanding of the patterns and structures of habitat island communities.  相似文献   

Demography, lacking an overarching theoretical framework of its own, has drawn on theories in many other social sciences to inform its analyses. The aim of this paper is to bring to the demographic community’s attention research in the evolutionary sciences on fertility, and to demonstrate that evolutionary theory can be another useful tool in the demographer’s toolkit. I first dispel some myths which impede the incorporation of evolutionary theory into demography: I make it clear that evolutionary explanations do not assume that all human behaviour is hardwired and functions to maximize genetic fitness; that they are able to explain variation in human behaviour; and that they are not necessarily alternatives to social science explanations. I then describe the diversity of work on fertility by evolutionary researchers, particularly human evolutionary ecologists and cultural evolutionists, and illustrate the usefulness of the evolutionary approach with examples of its application to age at first birth and the fertility transition.  相似文献   

Changes in fertility for the 46 prefectures of Japan are traced from 1920 to 1965, using census and vital statistics. During the period, substantial declines were recorded in both marital-fertility levels and the proportions of women of childbearing age who were married. Regional variation is pronounced in the timing of the onset of the decline in marital fertility. Only in the most industrialized districts did marital fertility begin to fall before 1950; thereafter, sharp declines were recorded in all parts of Japan. The marriage proportion, in contrast, was falling rather steadily throughout the islands between 1920 and 1950, after which the proportion stabilized. The decline in overall fertility that occurred before 1950was caused, then, primarily by a reduction in the proportion married; only after 1950 did a decline in marital fertility become a. major factor. The time pattern of change in marital-fertility levels and proportions married for Japan differs from that observed in western Europe, where low proportions married are recorded in the earliest national censuses. Apparently a fall in proportions married in western Europe preceded by one or two centuries the major sustained declines in marital fertility that were part of the so-called demographic transition.  相似文献   

The process of species formation is often ignored in discussions on the conservation of biodiversity. Yet the clearance of vegetation may promote divergence among populations of a species through isolation, providing conditions for rapid genetic drift and novel selection pressures. Here, stepwise discriminant function analysis and fluctuating asymmetry are used to examine variation in morphology within and among non fragmented and recently fragmented populations of two species of gecko,Oedura reticulata andGehyra variegata. High reclassification error rates using discriminant function analysis, indicate that fragmentation has had no detectable effect on morphological differentiation among populations of either species. In contrast, remnant populations of both species exhibit higher mean levels of fluctuating asymmetry than do populations in undisturbed habitat. ForOedura reticulata, levels of fluctuating asymmetry are negatively correlated with the log of adult population size. These results suggest that the changes following habitat clearance have been severe enough to cause increased developmental instability in populations of both species but not detectable morphological divergence. Given the high rate of extirpation of gecko populations in the study region and the extreme vulnerability of the remaining populations, it is unlikely that species formation will be significant in maintaining reptile diversity in that region.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative genetic theory indicates that genetic covariance patterns among life history characters should have played an important role as genetic constraint in life history evolution. Highly positve (and negative) genetic correlations between larval development time (or larval growth rate) and adult size characters were detected by means of sib analysis for the small white butterflyPieris rapae crucivora. The genetic associations suggested that evolution of developmental characteristics and adult phenotypic traits were constrained by pleiotropy. The positive genetic correlations between development time and adult body size may be compatible with the trade-off between them, but the negative genetic correlations between larval growth rate and adult body size are not predicted from theories of optimal energy allocation. That phenotypic correlations drastically differed from the genetic correlations indicates limitations of evolutionary inferences based only on phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

This note analyzes China's provincial diversity from two perspectives. First, the regional gross domestic products of China's 31 mainland provinces are compared with the national GDP of other countries. This demonstrates that China's most advanced provinces and urban areas have per capita GDP levels comparable to those of Sweden and Singapore. On the other hand, China's least developed provinces have a standard of living similar to those of Sudan and Honduras. The second part of the analysis demonstrates that China's economic diversity is not unique. In fact, European countries exhibit almost the same degree of income diversity as do Chinese provinces.  相似文献   

Reproductive behaviors related to habitat utilization were studied in males of the damsefly,Mnais nawai, which has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (nawai) and non-territorial pale-orange-winged males (sahoi), at the upper part of a mountain stream where they partiallycoexist with a related species,Mnais pruinosa, which also has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (esakii) and non-territorial hyaline-winged males (strigata). These two species showed parapatric distribution; the lower part of the stream was occupied byM. nawai, and the upper part byM. pruinosa. In the present study, cross-matings occurred between bothMnais species, although normal intraspecific matings occurred more frequently than cross-matings. Territorial males of both species copulated with conspecific females that entered their territory and guarded the ovipositing females, probably to avoid sperm displacement resulting from subsequent copulations. Severe competition for oviposition sites by territorial males even occurred between the two species. On the other hand, non-territorial males of both species have alternative mating strategies (including several tactics such as sneaking, takeover and interception). The possible benefits from conflict among territorial males of both species is discussed.  相似文献   

Wolbachia bacteria are obligatory intracellular parasites of arthropods and have been detected in about 70 species of parasitic wasps and three parasitoid flies. Wolbachia are transmitted cytoplasmically (maternally) and modify host reproduction in different ways to enhance their own transmission: parthenogenesis induction (PI), cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), or feminization (F) of genetic males. Only PI and CI are known in parasitoids. PI-Wolbachia cause thelytoky in otherwise arrhenotokous parasitoids by generating diploid (rather than haploid) unfertilized wasp eggs. CI-Wolbachia cause incompatibility of crosses between infected males and uninfected females because the paternally derived chromosomes fail to decondense and are destroyed after syngamy. More complex situations arise when hosts harbor multiple infections, which can lead to bidirectional incompatibility and may be involved in parasitoid speciation. The relative fitness of infected and uninfected hosts is important to the population dynamics of Wolbachia, and more data are needed. Evolutionary conflict should be common between host genes, Wolbachia genes, and other "selfish" genetic elements. Wolbachia-specific PCR primers are now available for several genes with different rates of evolution. These primers will permit rapid screening in future studies of spatial and temporal patterns of single and multiple infection. Molecular phylogenies show that CI- and PI-Wolbachia do not form discrete clades. In combination with experimental transfection data, this result suggests that host reproductive alterations depend on the interaction between attributes of both Wolbachia and host. Moreover, Wolbachia isolates from closely related hosts do not usually cluster together, and phylogenies suggest that Wolbachia may have radiated after their arthropod hosts. Both results support considerable horizontal transmission of Wolbachia between host species over evolutionary time. Natural horizontal transmisson between parasitoids and their hosts, or with entomoparasitic nematodes or ectoparasitic mites, remains a tantalizing but equivocal possibility. Received: November 27, 1998 / Accepted: January 15, 1999  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the phylogeographical patterns of amphibian and reptile lineages distributed in the Ryukyu islands south of the Tokara Gap on the basis of relevant distributional data and phylogenetic hypotheses hitherto published. Results indicate the numerical dominance of highly relict lineages in the central Ryukyus, and the occurences of a few more or less relict lineages in the Miyako Group as well. On the other hand, most species and subspecies endemic to the Yaeyama Group or to the Yaeyama and Miyako Groups are considered to be direct consequences of vicariance with adjacent regions. Three major hypotheses regarding the Cenozoic paleogeography of the central and the southern Ryukyus are examined in the light of the present results and a modified hypothesis is proposed accordingly.  相似文献   


This article explores mobilities of everyday knowledge by analyzing the diffusion of northern aerobics, a particular form of Guangchang wu (plaza dance), from the Chinese mainland to Sanya, a coastal city in southern China. It understands mobile everyday knowledge as an ongoing process, and examines its dynamism by scrutinizing its complex and unstable routes, shaped by multiple agents and power relations. The transfer of northern aerobics undergoes continuous changes in its trajectories and is influenced by the discourse of professionalism, everyday leisure practices of Houniao, mainland migrants and local residents, and unequal interactions between the three groups of recreationists. The Houniao are mostly retirees from northern provinces, who undertake seasonal travel and pass winter in Sanya. Their regular and exclusive mobilities have greatly shaped the process of the transmission of leisure knowledge to Sanya and granted them privileged status in aerobic exercise. Nonetheless, mainland migrants, who have relocated in Sanya, begin to take on an increasing important role by changing the trajectories of knowledge diffusion. Through daily participation, local residents are also involved in reproducing the mobile leisure knowledge and negotiate a host identity. This article offers further insight into the dynamism and politics of knowledge diffusion in everyday life.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersal, immigration and emigration rates, horizontal and vertical survivorship and absolute population size were estimated for micropopulations ofAn. culicifacies, An. stephensi andAn. subpictus at a series of cattle sheds in rural Punjab Province, Pakistan, during November 1979 and May 1980 using capture-mark-release-recapture and dissection methods. Dispersal was temperature-related, with populations more vagile during May. Mean dispersal distance per individual was low for all species. More than 70% of all recaptures were taken at the point of release and the longest detected flight was 1250 meters. Horizontal survivorship was greater during November and was always less than vertical survivorship calculated from dissection agegrading data. Survivorship during the nulliparous period was greater than survivorship throughout total life, indicating the survivorship curve may be slightly sigmoid. Daily population sizes of endemic and immigrating females and males were calculated usingBailey's (1952) modification of the Lincoln Index, with the daily captures adjusted for immigration which was highest in May. Daily additions to the indoor resting population exclusive of immigrants were estimated using the method ofManly andParr (1968). The relationship of the present findings to malaria transmission and genetic control were discussed.  相似文献   

This report estimates the population for July 1, 1980, to 1987 for the Caribbean areas of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the US Virgin islands, the Pacific areas of American Samoa, Guam, and the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The components of population change for these areas for the 1980-1987 period are also presented. Some highlights of the data follow. 1) All areas except for St. Croix and Puerto Rico are growing at a rate well above that of the US (7.4% from April 1, 1980 to July 1, 1987). 2) The Virgin Islands (population 106,100 in 1987) have shown the highest growth rate (9.8%) since 1980. Growth in St. Thomas and St. John (population 53,600) account for 72% of the total Virgin Islands growth. 3) St. Thomas and St. John together have a net immigration rate of just under 1%; St. Croix (population 52,400) had a net outmigration rate of almost 10%. 4) Puerto Rico (population 3,292,000) experienced a -7.1% net outmigration, and population increase of 95,000. 5) At 23%, Guam (population 130,400) has the largest % population growth; 21% of this growth is due to net immigration. 6) All 3 areas in the Pacific grew in the 7-year period; their overall growth rate was 23%, compared with 3% in the Caribbean areas.  相似文献   

The relationship between the environment and population has been of concern for centuries, and climate change is making this an even more pressing area of study. In poor rural areas, declining environmental conditions may elicit changes in family-related behaviors. This paper explores this relationship in rural Nepal looking specifically at how plant density, species richness, and plant diversity are related to women’s fertility limitation behavior. Taking advantage of a unique data set with detailed micro-level environmental measures and individual fertility behavior, I link geographically weighted measures of flora at one point in time to women’s later contraceptive use as a way to examine this complex relationship. I find a significant, positive relationship between plant density, species richness, and plant diversity and the timing of contraceptive use. Women in poor environmental conditions are less likely to terminate childbearing, or do so later, and therefore more likely to have larger families.  相似文献   

Summary A population dynamic model of Batesian mimicry, in which populations of both model and mimetic species were considered, was analyzed. The probability of a predator catching prey on each encouter was assumed to depend on the frequency of the mimic. The change in population size of each species was considered to have two components, growth at the intrinsic growth rate and carrying capacity, and reduction by predation. For simplicity in the analyses, three assumptions were made concerning the carrying capacities of each population: (1) with no density effects on the mimic population growth rate; (2) with no density effects on the model species; and (3) with density effects on both species. The first and second cases were solved analytically, whereas the last was, for the most part, investigated numerically. Under assumption (1), two stable equilibria are possible, in which both species either coexist or go to extinction. Under assumption (2), there are also two stable equilibria possible, in which either only the mimic persists or both go to extinction. These results explain the field records of butterflies (Pachliopta aristolochiae and its mimicPapilio polytes) in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.  相似文献   

We monitored nine butterfly communities with varying degrees of human disturbance by conducting a census twice a month during 1980 by the line transect method in and around Tsukuba City, central Japan. We analyzed the biodiversity and community structures using the generalist/specialist concept. The site (community) order based on decreasing human disturbance was positively correlated with butterfly species diversity (H′), species richness (the total number of species), and the number of specialist species in a community, but not with the number of generalist species. The number of generalist species was rather constant, irrespective of the degree of human disturbance. Thus, both the butterfly species diversity and species richness were more dependent on the specialists than the generalists. Our analyses also showed that the generalist species were distributed widely over the communities, and they maintained high population densities, resulting in high rank status in abundance in a community, with more spatial variation in density per species. Specialist species showed the opposite trends. These results demonstrate that the generalist/specialist concept is a powerful tool applicable to analyse the biodiversity and structure of natural communities.  相似文献   

A quantitative genetic analysis of rapid evolution of a life history trait has been conducted on the first 24 generations of mass-rearing in the melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae). The phenotypic variance of larval development time in each generation was divided into genetic and residual components. Mean and phenotypic coefficients of variation of larval development time decreased gradually as generations proceeded as a result of artificial selection for shorter larval period in the mass-rearing procedure. There was a trend that additive genetic coefficients of variation in larval development time decreased with generations. These changes are entirely attributed to genetic responses to laboratory selection under the mass-rearing environment because the population was maintained at a very large size so as to exclude random genetic drift and inbreeding depression, which would be other factors responsible for the observed genetic changes. The residual coefficients of variation in larval development time did not change with generations. Realized heritability of larval development time was low. The heritabilities for larval development time estimated from parent–offspring regression at generations 60 and 70, when the evolutionary plateau was asymptotically reached, were not significantly larger than 0. Received: April 22, 1999 / Accepted: September 20, 1999  相似文献   

Summary Two species of tortoise beetles,Aspidomorpha miliaris (AM) andA. sanctaecrucis (AS) feeding on a shrub-like morning glory,Ipomoea carnea, were reared under laboratory conditions to study their survivorship and fertility schedules. AM and AS required 34–39 days and 30–37, respectively, for the development of the immature stages. The mean longevity of the males was 88.4 days in AM and 63.8 in AS, and that of females was 87.9 days in AM and 83.3 in AS. The mean length of the pre-reproductive period (27.2 days in AM and 33.8 in AS) was much longer than that of the post-reproductive period (10.9 days in AM and 14.3 in AS). Females laid eggs at a nearly constant rate throughout their reproductive period. The reproductive valueV x /V 0 of the two species remained high for most of their adult life, as a result of prolonged survivorship and fertility periods. The total number of eggs produced per female was 442.9 (AM) and 80.1 (AS). The intrinsic rate of natural increaser was 0.070 (AM) and 0.044 (AS) per capita per day. The prolonged reproductive schedules, coupled with strong dispersal power, of these species no doubt have an adaptive value for living in highly disturbed tropical environments, where rainfall is ample but unpredictable and food resources are available throughout the year in a wide area, but distributed in widely flung patches. Contributions to the knowledge of population dynamics of tortoise beetles in Sumatra 3. Contribution No. 33 of Sumatra Nature Study (Entomology). Partly supported by Grants from Japan Society for Promotion of Science for JSPS-DGHE Scientific Cooperation (1980, 1982) and Grants-in-Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey from Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (Nos. 56041027 and 58041030).  相似文献   

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