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We propose a new generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH) model with tree-structured multiple thresholds for the estimation of volatility in financial time series. The approach relies on the idea of a binary tree where every terminal node parameterizes a (local) GARCH model for a partition cell of the predictor space. The fitting of such trees is constructed within the likelihood framework for non-Gaussian observations: it is very different from the well-known regression tree procedure which is based on residual sums of squares. Our strategy includes the classical GARCH model as a special case and allows us to increase model complexity in a systematic and flexible way. We derive a consistency result and conclude from simulation and real data analysis that the new method has better predictive potential than other approaches.  相似文献   


In this article, we improve the efficiency of the Dual CUSUM chart (which combines the designs of two CUSUM structures to detect a range of shift) by focusing on its robustness, ability to resist some disturbances in the process environment and violation of basic assumptions. We do that, by proposing some robust estimators for constructing the chart for both contaminated and uncontaminated environments. The average run length is used as the performance evaluation measure of the charts. After comparing the performances of the proposed charts based on the estimators, it is noticed that the tri-mean estimator out-performs others in all ramifications. Next to it in performance is the Hodges-Lehmann and midrange estimators. We substantiated the simulation results of the study by applying the scheme on a real-life data set.  相似文献   

For attribute data with (very) small failure rates often control charts are used which decide whether to stop or to continue each time r failures have occurred, for some r?1. Because of the small probabilities involved, such charts are very sensitive to estimation effects. This is true in particular if the underlying failure rate varies and hence the distributions involved are not geometric. Such a situation calls for a nonparametric approach, but this may require far more Phase I observations than are typically available in practice. In the present paper it is shown how this obstacle can be effectively overcome by looking not at the sum but rather at the maximum of each group of size r.  相似文献   

This paper deals with spatial detection of changes in model parameters of spatial autoregressive processes. The respective sequential testing problems are formulated. Moreover, we introduce characteristic quantities to monitor means or covariances of multivariate spatial autoregressive processes. Additionally, we also take into account the simultaneous surveillance of the mean vector and the covariance matrix. The aim is to apply control charts, important tools of sequential analysis, to these quantities. The considered control procedures are based on either cumulative sums or exponential smoothing. Further, we illustrate the methodology of statistical process control studying the spectrum of additive colors in a satellite photograph. Via simulation studies, the proposed control procedures are calibrated for a predefined average run length. In addition, we compare the performance of the control procedures considering the out-of-control situation. Eventually, the control charts are applied, and the signals of the different schemes are visualized. The final results are critically discussed.  相似文献   

Threshold autoregressive models are widely used in time‐series applications. When building or using such a model, it is important to know whether conditional heteroscedasticity exists. The authors propose a nonparametric test of this hypothesis. They develop the large‐sample theory of a test of nonlinear conditional heteroscedasticity adapted to nonlinear autoregressive models and study its finite‐sample properties through simulations. They also provide percentage points for carrying out this test, which is found to have very good power overall.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the empirical distribution and the statistical properties of maximum likelihood (ML) unit-root t-statistics computed from data sampled from a first-order autoregressive (AR) process with level-dependent conditional heteroskedasticity (LDCH). This issue is of particular importance for applications on interest rate time-series. Unfortunately, the extent of the technical complexity related associated to LDCH patterns does not offer a feasible theoretical analysis, and there is no formal knowledge about the finite-sample size and power behaviour or the ML test for this context. Our analysis provides valuable guidelines for applied work and directions for future work.  相似文献   

Recently, spatial regression models have been attracting a great deal of attention in areas ranging from effect of traffic congestion on accident rates to the analysis of trends in gastric cancer mortality. In this paper, we propose efficient estimators for the regression coefficients of the spatial conditional autoregressive model, when uncertain auxiliary information is available about these coefficients. We provide efficiency comparisons of the proposed estimators based on asymptotic risk analysis and Monte Carlo simulations. We apply the proposed methods to real data on Boston housing prices and illustrate how a bootstrapping approach can be employed to compute prediction errors of the estimators.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present some statistical aspects of an order 1 autoregressive model with errors following a stationary and ergodic generalized threshold ARCH process. So, to analyse the precision of forecasts obtained with these models a probabilistic study will be done. Moreover, a consistent test for a general AR(1) model with errors following an ergodic white noise of null conditional median will be developed and adapted to our stochastic process.  相似文献   

The main goal of this work is to generalize the autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) model applied to times between trades to the case of time-varying parameters. The use of wavelets allows that parameters vary through time and makes possible the modeling of non-stationary processes without preliminary data transformations. The time-varying ACD model estimation was done by maximum-likelihood with standard exponential distributed errors. The properties of the estimators were assessed via bootstrap. We present a simulation exercise for a non-stationary process and an empirical application to a real series, namely the TELEMAR stock. Diagnostic and goodness of fit analysis suggest that the time-varying ACD model simultaneously modeled the dependence between durations, intra-day seasonality and volatility.  相似文献   

In the recent past, the autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models have gained popularity in modelling the durations between successive events. The aim of this paper is to propose a simple and distribution free re-sampling procedure for developing the forecast intervals of linear ACD Models. We use the conditional least squares method to estimate the parameters of the ACD Model instead of the conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation or Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimation and show that they are consistent for large samples. The properties of the proposed procedure are illustrated by a simulation study and an application to two real data sets.  相似文献   

This paper considers a time series model with a piecewise linear conditional mean and a piecewise linear conditional variance which is a natural extension of Tong's threshold autoregressive model. The model has potential applications in modelling asymmetric behaviour in volatility in the financial market. Conditions for stationarity and ergodicity are derived. Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and two model diagnostic checking statistics are also presented. An illustrative example based on the Hong Kong Hang Seng index is also reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a repetitive sampling method to construct control charts using exponentially weighted moving averages (EWMA) and double exponentially weighted moving averages (DEWMA) to monitor shift in the process. For non-normal processes, t-distribution with various degrees of freedom (i.e. df=4,10,20,40,50) is used as symmetric distribution, gamma distribution with unit scale parameter and various shape parameters (i.e. 0.5,1,2,3,4) is used as positively skewed distribution and Weibull distribution with unit scale parameter and various shape parameters (i.e. 10 and 20) is used as negatively skewed distribution. We use Monte Carlo simulations to check whether the process is out of control. We use average run length as a tool to find the ability of proposed control charts to identify a shift earlier in a process, as compared to other control charts currently used to monitor the same type of process. The proposed control charts are applied to two real datasets.KEYWORDS: Control charts, EWMA statistic, DEWMA statistic, t distribution, gamma distribution, Weibull distribution  相似文献   

Asymmetric behaviour in both mean and variance is often observed in real time series. The approach we adopt is based on double threshold autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (DTARCH) model with normal innovations. This model allows threshold nonlinearity in mean and volatility to be modelled as a result of the impact of lagged changes in assets and squared shocks, respectively. A methodology for building DTARCH models is proposed based on genetic algorithms (GAs). The most important structural parameters, that is regimes and thresholds, are searched for by GAs, while the remaining structural parameters, that is the delay parameters and models orders, vary in some pre-specified intervals and are determined using exhaustive search and an Asymptotic Information Criterion (AIC) like criterion. For each structural parameters trial set, a DTARCH model is fitted that maximizes the (penalized) likelihood (AIC criterion). For this purpose the iteratively weighted least squares algorithm is used. Then the best model according to the AIC criterion is chosen. Extension to the double threshold generalized ARCH (DTGARCH) model is also considered. The proposed methodology is checked using both simulated and market index data. Our findings show that our GAs-based procedure yields results that comparable to that reported in the literature and concerned with real time series. As far as artificial time series are considered, the proposed procedure seems to be able to fit the data quite well. In particular, a comparison is performed between the present procedure and the method proposed by Tsay [Tsay, R.S., 1989, Testing and modeling threshold autoregressive processes. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory and Methods, 84, 231–240.] for estimating the delay parameter. The former almost always yields better results than the latter. However, adopting Tsay's procedure as a preliminary stage for finding the appropriate delay parameter may save computational time specially if the delay parameter may vary in a large interval.  相似文献   


Recently considerable research has been devoted to monitoring increases of incidence rate of adverse rare events. This paper extends some one-sided upper exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts from monitoring normal means to monitoring Poisson rate when sample sizes are varying over time. The approximated average run length bounds are derived for these EWMA-type charts and compared with the EWMA chart previously studied. Extensive simulations have been conducted to compare the performance of these EWMA-type charts. An illustrative example is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose nonlinear elliptical models for correlated data with heteroscedastic and/or autoregressive structures. Our aim is to extend the models proposed by Russo et al. 22 by considering a more sophisticated scale structure to deal with variations in data dispersion and/or a possible autocorrelation among measurements taken throughout the same experimental unit. Moreover, to avoid the possible influence of outlying observations or to take into account the non-normal symmetric tails of the data, we assume elliptical contours for the joint distribution of random effects and errors, which allows us to attribute different weights to the observations. We propose an iterative algorithm to obtain the maximum-likelihood estimates for the parameters and derive the local influence curvatures for some specific perturbation schemes. The motivation for this work comes from a pharmacokinetic indomethacin data set, which was analysed previously by Bocheng and Xuping 1 under normality.  相似文献   

The statistical literature on the analysis of discrete variate time series has concentrated mainly on parametric models, that is the conditional probability mass function is assumed to belong to a parametric family. Generally, these parametric models impose strong assumptions on the relationship between the conditional mean and variance. To generalize these implausible assumptions, this paper instead considers a more realistic semiparametric model, called random rounded integer-valued autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (RRINARCH) model, where there are essentially no assumptions on the relationship between the conditional mean and variance. The new model has several advantages: (a) it provides a coherent semiparametric framework for discrete variate time series, in which the conditional mean and variance can be modeled separately; (b) it allows negative values both for the series and its autocorrelation function; (c) its autocorrelation structure is the same as that of a standard autoregressive (AR) process; (d) standard software for its estimation is directly applicable. For the new model, conditions for stationarity, ergodicity and the existence of moments are established and the consistency and asymptotic normality of the conditional least squares estimator are proved. Simulation experiments are carried out to assess the performance of the model. The analyses of real data sets illustrate the flexibility and usefulness of the RRINARCH model for obtaining more realistic forecast means and variances.  相似文献   

Different priors have been suggested to reflect spatial dependence in area health outcomes or in spatial regression residuals. However, to assume that residuals demonstrate spatial clustering only is a strong prior belief and alternatives have been suggested. A scheme suggested by Leroux et al. [B. Leroux, X. Lei, N. Breslow, Estimation of disease rates in small areas: A new mixed model for spatial dependence, in: M. Halloran, D. Berry (Eds.), Statistical Models in Epidemiology, the Environment and Clinical Trials, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999, pp. 135–178] involves a single set of random effects and a spatial correlation parameter with extreme values corresponding to pure spatial and pure unstructured residual variation. This paper considers a spatially adaptive extension of that prior to reflect the fact that the appropriate mix between local and global smoothing may not be constant across the region being studied. Local smoothing will not be indicated when an area is disparate from its neighbours (e.g. in terms of social or environmental risk factors for the health outcome being considered). The prior for varying spatial correlation parameters may be based on a regression structure which includes possible observed sources of disparity between neighbours. A case study considers probabilities of long term illness in 133 small areas in NE London, with disparities based on a measure of socio-economic deprivation.  相似文献   

Models that allow for autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) in the error process have recently found widespread application. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate, through Monte Carlo analysis, the small sample properties of an exact Lagrange multiplier test for the presence of ARCH, and to compare the power of this test with that of an asymptotically equivalent TR2 version. The comparison involves first-and higher-order variants of these processes. The results indicate substantial power differentials in favor of the exact LM test, by up to 15% for sample sizes smaller than 100.  相似文献   

Two new methods for improving prediction regions in the context of vector autoregressive (VAR) models are proposed. These methods, which are based on the bootstrap technique, take into account the uncertainty associated with the estimation of the model order and parameters. In particular, by exploiting an independence property of the prediction error, we will introduce a bootstrap procedure that allows for better estimates of the forecasting distribution, in the sense that the variability of its quantile estimators is substantially reduced, without requiring additional bootstrap replications. The proposed methods have a good performance even if the disturbances distribution is not Gaussian. An application to a real data set is presented.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a double-sampling (DS) np control chart. We assume that the time interval between samples is fixed. The choice of the design parameters of the proposed chart and also comparisons between charts are based on statistical properties, such as the average number of samples until a signal. The optimal design parameters of the proposed control chart are obtained. During the optimization procedure, constraints are imposed on the in-control average sample size and on the in-control average run length. In this way, required statistical properties can be assured. Varying some input parameters, the proposed DS np chart is compared with the single-sampling np chart, variable sample size np chart, CUSUM np and EWMA np charts. The comparisons are carried out considering the optimal design for each chart. For the ranges of parameters considered, the DS scheme is the fastest one for the detection of increases of 100% or more in the fraction non-conforming and, moreover, the DS np chart is easy to operate.  相似文献   

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