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高等教育研究的社会责任内涵主要包括:关注社会发展,服务于社会;预测高等教育可能面临的问题,引领社会发展;紧贴高等教育实践,促进改革与发展;加快高等教育学科建设,为理论创新作贡献;遵循研究中的伦理道德规范,保持高教研究队伍的纯洁性等方面。高教研究主体的使命包括提高以高等教育理论为对象的研究、以高等教育现象为对象的研究和以高等教育实践为对象的研究。  相似文献   

黄家庆 《创新》2012,6(2):117-120
广西地市本科高校实行的"区市共建、以市为主"管理体制强化了高校与市的发展关系,强化了市政府办学主体的责任,有利于促进各地市高等教育的平衡发展,但缺乏科学的论证和界定划分,缺乏共建的工作规章制度和引导、监督,地市缺乏管理高校的机构与人员等问题,有碍学校的发展提高。应以法规条文明确该体制,清晰确定区、市政府的职责与权限,两级政府要切实将责任落实到工作中。  相似文献   

基于企业社会责任促进的政府角色和国外研究经验,梳理中国企业社会责任政策发展现状,针对中国政府企业社会责任政策的相关发展动向,分析其责任促进政策的特点和若干问题。鉴于此,结合中国企业社会责任政策与政府在企业社会责任中的角色,立足于中国政府企业社会责任促进政策角度,从完善制度化建设、规范企业社会责任标准体系、设立权威管理机构、完善激励为主的措施四个方面提供对策建议。目前中国企业社会责任的制度建设、落实以及管理模式等尚不健全,国内针对性研究薄弱,对政府工作的开展指导意义不足。因此,聚焦政府促进企业社会责任政策问题,可以为中国政府推进企业社会责任政策建设提供理论参考和建议。  相似文献   

陈淮 《青岛画报》2011,(8):36-37
企业社会责任,特别是房地产企业社会责任是一个非常重大的、有意义的话题。"由于房价较高、住房质量差、虚假广告、恶性拆迁等问题屡禁不绝,使得房地产企业在社会上的形象普遍不佳"。这句话说得有点沉重,恐怕是把很多该政府承担的社会责任,包括社会转轨过程中、利益关系调整过程中的矛盾冲突,以及社会发展不足带来的与人们预期之间的差距,都加到房地产企业之上,以为这是它们的社会责任。以为房地产企业可以在一  相似文献   

信息时代对政府责任的的强化,虚拟公共领域的安全性对政府治理提出的挑战和多元主体格局的有序性对责任智力的需求凸显了电子政府构建中的责任结构问题研究的紧迫性。当前,政府与企业、政府与社会、政府与公民之间的关系存在的问题桎梏了电子政府的继续纵深发展,需要通过加强信息基础设施,提升电子政府治理能力和制度建设几个方面加以厘清。  相似文献   

责任结构是社会福利制度发展中的核心议题。为了科学界定政府、社会组织、家庭、社区等多元主体间的社会福利责任,推进社会福利创新,更好地满足社会成员的社会福利需要,由中国社会福利研究专业委员会主办的"社会福利制度创新:政府责任与社会组织责任"论坛于2012年7月15日在宁夏回族自治区银川市胜利召开。论坛由中国社  相似文献   

基本公共服务不仅存在"供给不足"的问题,也存在"享受不均"的问题.本文以浙江省为案例,主要分析了基础教育、医疗卫生以及社会保障等基本公共服务的均等化现状,指出影响浙江省基本公共服务不均等的主要因素包括城乡二元体制、地区发展差异、政府间关系不顺以及财权与事权的不对等.我们认为,实现基本公共服务均等化从根本上是要从体制改革和政策创新上着手,进一步加大公共服务的财政投入,合理划分政府间公共服务的责任,建立服务均衡导向的财政投入机制,深化公共服务部门及事业单位改革等.  相似文献   

经纬 《阅江学刊》2011,3(4):35-40
以企业社会责任理论作为分析依据,我国企业履行社会责任存在问题的原因有:现代企业制度建立历史较短、责任主体层次单一、履行责任动力不足、缺少文化根基、相关法律法规不健全、政府监管缺失、劳动力市场供求不平衡、企业家社会责任意识淡薄等。企业要履行好社会责任,应树立科学发展理念,建立信息披露机制,建立责任追究制度,健全公司治理结构,加强企业道德文化建设,加强社会责任分类指导等。  相似文献   

刘志强 《社科纵横》2010,25(10):58-60
促进型法律是一种新兴的法律现象,其特点是较少甚至没有设置法律责任。它的理论背景包括立法妥协、理想追求和公共治理模式下的"软法"理论。促进型法律文本中的责任主要包括行政主体责任、其他主体责任以及援引其他法律等形式。过错责任原则是促进型法律的主要归责原则。政府责任包括法律责任以及道义责任、社会责任和政治责任等。  相似文献   

农用地是国家发展与国民生存的基本载体。对其进行修复和治理不仅是应对污染的现实需要,也是建设生态文明的要求。政府作为国家治理体系的核心力量,对农用地污染的防治有着当然且法定的责任。当前,我国农用地修复政府责任的立法存在碎片化、制度设计粗糙、政府责任不明确等缺陷,使得政府对农用地污染的治理失之于"软",失之于"粗"。对此,需从制定刚性健全的立法、设立农用地土壤污染治理基金及完善土地监察制度等方面构建完善统一的农用地污染治理长效机制。  相似文献   

责任政府及其公务员职责   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"主权在民"思想和代议民主制的产生促进了责任政府的产生。在责任政府建立过程中,各国逐步确立起政府及其公务员对人民承担责任的责任体系。责任政府中公务员的职责应包括作为善良管理人所应具有的两大方面,即要履行注意和忠诚的义务。  相似文献   

The study concerns altruistic behaviour in Hong Kong and its relation to social responsibility and support of government responsibility for social welfare. The findings indicated that the community as a whole is likely to engage in altruistic acts. The responses reflect a sense of social responsibility as the most important factor contributing to the explanation of altruism. Independent of other characteristics, those respondents who were more socially responsible were more altruistic. These findings suggest that the people's willingness to help others is largely independent of concern about the interests of society as a priority of responsibility. The general finding is that people are more concerned with individual or familial interests and would sacrifice the interests of society in situations where the two are in conflict.  相似文献   

在1980和1990年代,中国是世界教育领域分权改革的重要组成部分。主流研究当时都强调“低重心”、多渠道的教育经费体制的内在合理性,强调分权化是难以逆转的趋势。可是从2001年开始,中国调整了农村义务教育管理体制。我们通过实证分析发现,这一改革不再是分权化改革的延续和完善,而是重新确立政府责任的一种尝试。它既导致了教育投入的快速增长,也在相当程度上促进了教育公平,尤其是在小学教育阶段。这为世界教育改革提供了有益经验,也为主流研究的一系列命题和假设提供了反思的机会。  相似文献   

争夺地带:从基层政府化解劳资纠纷看社会转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张永宏 《社会》2009,29(1):89-108
摘要:本文通过对华南PS街道办事处化解劳资纠纷的过程及相关事件的田野研究,提供了一个关于2008年劳动合同制度实施的具体案例分析。笔者发现,在《劳动合同法》生效以后,街道办事处在劳资纠纷中的角色由过去的放任转向了干预,并人为地降低了法律的执行标准,以预防可能出现的社会不稳定因素。笔者认为,劳动合同制度未能得到有效实施是受制于多个相互联系的社会过程——如基层政府的组织环境、城市化以后街道办事处与社区关系的变化、产业的升级转型等——的互动。本研究表明,在评估地方政府在社会转型中的作用时,需要特别关注地方背景和具体的制度条件。  相似文献   

"扩权强县"与地区公共产品供给研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘卫东 《学术交流》2007,(8):100-103
提供更多的以公共产品为主的公共服务是转型期政府的主要责任和职能,政府为减少行政成本提高行政效率的层级改革同样应考虑公共产品的供给。"扩权强县"是近年来在我国部分省区为促进县域经济发展采取的一种分权措施,这种以扩大县(市)地方政府权力为手段,以提高行政效率,推动地区经济发展为目标的改革,对我国当前地区公共产品的供给产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

China has achieved a dramatic development in scientific research over the last few decades. However, just like many other countries, it has also seen a surge of scientific misconducts. With its expansion of international publications, retractions due to suspected research misconduct are also on the rise. A transcultural case study was conducted by investigating the perception of research misbehaviors by Chinese researchers compared to their Belgian Flemish colleagues. The study was designed to find out variation in research practices in different countries and to see how research was shaped and influenced by cultural contexts. An online questionnaire was sent to 3,236 researchers by e-mails and it received a response rate of 13.09%. They were asked to score 32 research misbehaviors on a 5-point scale. The findings suggested that compared to Flemish respondents, the Chinese had a significantly higher acceptance toward most research misbehaviors. To be more specific, the Chinese respondents felt less unacceptable toward behaviors violating such values as honesty, fairness, and verifiability than the Flemish, while their perceptions of behaviors that violated such values as responsibility, objectivity, and truth were not different compared to the Flemish. This case study implies that the Chinese research community is in an urgent need of training in responsible conduct of research and strong as well as sound guidelines for responsible research practices in place.  相似文献   

蔡政忠 《社会工作》2012,(9):12-18,21
公益信托是以慈善、文化、艺术、宗教或其他公益性质为目的的信托模式,因公益信托具有设立手续弹性简便与营运成本低的优点,较容易引导大众支持参与。但现阶段的非营利组织面临着同构型的机构募款竞争以及企业界对非营利组织的商业化包装竞争,导致发展空间处处受限。本文先以老牌信托王国的英国开始探讨公益信托事业的历史演变,再参酌重视资本运营效益的美国模式,最后以信托业融入东方社会价值观的日本进行比较分析,借鉴国际公益信托事业可持续发展的运作手法。相对于中国公益信托事业还处于萌芽阶段,除了不具英国有庞大民间财力可左右城市开发政策之外,加上人民过度依赖政府、信托法令不周全、中央地方政策冲突、领导过于重视经济开发、企业社会责任淡薄、非营利管理人才欠缺等等都让公益信托事业无法深入民心。因此本文以第三部门为视角,探索除政府、企业职能之外,对自然环境与文化资产保护该如何协助政府对公共利益观念的落实并因此创造可观的文化观光财。  相似文献   

In this article, we argue that intergenerational tensions in the United States reflect a strategy for serving the aged that stresses the underlying values of individualism and self-reliance. Using national survey data, we examine the extent to which Americans' view of public responsibility for the aged has shifted between the mid-1980s and late-1990s, a period characterized by the intensification of "generational" politics, as well as a growing hostility toward "big government." We consider four factors that may be responsible for the escalation of intergenerational tensions as they are manifest in the erosion of public support for programs and policies serving the elderly: (1) Declining intergenerational solidarity with the aged ; (2) Increasing concerns over age-inequity in public programs ; (3) Increasing concerns over resource-inequity in public programs; and (4) Increasing opposition to big government . Results indicate that the public has generally grown more apprehensive about the value and costs of government programs serving both the elderly and the poor. Yet, the fact that Social Security enjoys far more support than social programs serving the poor suggests that the elderly are perceived as more deserving of their benefits than other dependent groups in society. The public also appears increasingly reluctant to redistribute old age benefits according to need. Age-group contrasts revealed little evidence of direct tension between the generations. The results suggest that growing distrust of government and reluctance to help the poor has indirectly fueled opposition to public spending on the older population. Proposed changes to programs and policies affecting the elderly will need to take into account the ambivalence felt by many Americans toward a government they expect to make good on its promise to care for all older citizens, but to use fewer resources in doing so.  相似文献   

The rise in access to complex consumer credit arrangements has taken place against a backdrop of a call for increased individual responsibility. Consumers are required to behave in a way which recognizes both their rights and responsibilities. But how much responsibility should they be expected to shoulder in critical areas of complex choice? Students represent a particular group of novice, sometimes vulnerable and often targeted consumers, who may display limited financial capability and responsibility. In addition to arguments for a more nuanced understanding of individual responsibility in different environments, the role of commercial agents and their marketing practices, which can have major implications for social policy, should also be considered. From the perspective of both students and relevant agencies and organizations, this article examines the nature, role and limitations of individual responsibility in managing credit and debt. While the social and economic system confers rights on lenders, their responsibility in marketing remains limited. It is argued that a framework for more responsible marketing of credit is a critical element of social policy acting as a bridge between individual responsibility and regulation. Qualitative research is used to illustrate the argument for marketing's social responsibility from the point of view of students entering credit arrangements to meet short‐term needs but with long‐term implications.  相似文献   

申亚民 《唐都学刊》2013,29(4):112-118
2006年以来,陕西省按照中央部署,对义务教育“校财局管”模式进行了积极有益的探索。从校财局管的“局”是教育局还是财政局看,“校财局管”在我省有三种模式:教育局主导的?‘校财局管”模式、财政局主导的“校财局管”模式和混合型的“校财局管”模式;从是否实行国库集中支付来看,分为两种模式即实行国库集中支付的“校财局管”模式和非国库集中支付的“校财局管”模式。陕西省义务教育经费“校财局管”模式的完善,应按照中央关于教育资金管理的相关规定,对义务教育“校财局管”的管理、使用权限与责任进行科学界定。对目前正在运行的教育局主导的“校财局管”模式从两个方面进行改造:一是对接国库中支付模式,二是实行远程核算。  相似文献   

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