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We develop and apply an approach to the spatial interpolation of a vector-valued random response field. The Bayesian approach we adopt enables uncertainty about the underlying models to be représentés in expressing the accuracy of the resulting interpolants. The methodology is particularly relevant in environmetrics, where vector-valued responses are only observed at designated sites at successive time points. The theory allows space-time modelling at the second level of the hierarchical prior model so that uncertainty about the model parameters has been fully expressed at the first level. In this way, we avoid unduly optimistic estimates of inferential accuracy. Moreover, the prior model can be upgraded with any available new data, while past data can be used in a systematic way to fit model parameters. The theory is based on the multivariate normal and related joint distributions. Our hierarchical prior models lead to posterior distributions which are robust with respect to the choice of the prior (hyperparameters). We illustrate our theory with an example involving monitoring stations in southern Ontario, where monthly average levels of ozone, sulphate, and nitrate are available and between-station response triplets are interpolated. In this example we use a recently developed method for interpolating spatial correlation fields.  相似文献   

Summary.  The method of Bayesian model selection for join point regression models is developed. Given a set of K +1 join point models M 0,  M 1, …,  M K with 0, 1, …,  K join points respec-tively, the posterior distributions of the parameters and competing models M k are computed by Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations. The Bayes information criterion BIC is used to select the model M k with the smallest value of BIC as the best model. Another approach based on the Bayes factor selects the model M k with the largest posterior probability as the best model when the prior distribution of M k is discrete uniform. Both methods are applied to analyse the observed US cancer incidence rates for some selected cancer sites. The graphs of the join point models fitted to the data are produced by using the methods proposed and compared with the method of Kim and co-workers that is based on a series of permutation tests. The analyses show that the Bayes factor is sensitive to the prior specification of the variance σ 2, and that the model which is selected by BIC fits the data as well as the model that is selected by the permutation test and has the advantage of producing the posterior distribution for the join points. The Bayesian join point model and model selection method that are presented here will be integrated in the National Cancer Institute's join point software ( http://www.srab.cancer.gov/joinpoint/ ) and will be available to the public.  相似文献   

Given spatially located observed random variables ( x , z = {( x i , z i )} i , we propose a new method for non-parametric estimation of the potential functions of a Markov random field p ( x | z ), based on a roughness penalty approach. The new estimator maximizes the penalized log-pseudolikelihood function and is a natural cubic spline. The calculations involved do not rely on Monte Carlo simulation. We suggest the use of B-splines to stabilize the numerical procedure. An application in Bayesian image reconstruction is described.  相似文献   

Time-varying parameter models with stochastic volatility are widely used to study macroeconomic and financial data. These models are almost exclusively estimated using Bayesian methods. A common practice is to focus on prior distributions that themselves depend on relatively few hyperparameters such as the scaling factor for the prior covariance matrix of the residuals governing time variation in the parameters. The choice of these hyperparameters is crucial because their influence is sizeable for standard sample sizes. In this article, we treat the hyperparameters as part of a hierarchical model and propose a fast, tractable, easy-to-implement, and fully Bayesian approach to estimate those hyperparameters jointly with all other parameters in the model. We show via Monte Carlo simulations that, in this class of models, our approach can drastically improve on using fixed hyperparameters previously proposed in the literature. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

Let ( Xk ) k be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables taking values in a set , and consider the problem of estimating the law of X1 in a Bayesian framework. We prove, under mild conditions on the prior, that the sequence of posterior distributions satisfies a moderate deviation principle.  相似文献   

Bayesian selection of variables is often difficult to carry out because of the challenge in specifying prior distributions for the regression parameters for all possible models, specifying a prior distribution on the model space and computations. We address these three issues for the logistic regression model. For the first, we propose an informative prior distribution for variable selection. Several theoretical and computational properties of the prior are derived and illustrated with several examples. For the second, we propose a method for specifying an informative prior on the model space, and for the third we propose novel methods for computing the marginal distribution of the data. The new computational algorithms only require Gibbs samples from the full model to facilitate the computation of the prior and posterior model probabilities for all possible models. Several properties of the algorithms are also derived. The prior specification for the first challenge focuses on the observables in that the elicitation is based on a prior prediction y 0 for the response vector and a quantity a 0 quantifying the uncertainty in y 0. Then, y 0 and a 0 are used to specify a prior for the regression coefficients semi-automatically. Examples using real data are given to demonstrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Networks of ambient monitoring stations are used to monitor environmental pollution fields such as those for acid rain and air pollution. Such stations provide regular measurements of pollutant concentrations. The networks are established for a variety of purposes at various times so often several stations measuring different subsets of pollutant concentrations can be found in compact geographical regions. The problem of statistically combining these disparate information sources into a single 'network' then arises. Capitalizing on the efficiencies so achieved can then lead to the secondary problem of extending this network. The subject of this paper is a set of 31 air pollution monitoring stations in southern Ontario. Each of these regularly measures a particular subset of ionic sulphate, sulphite, nitrite and ozone. However, this subset varies from station to station. For example only two stations measure all four. Some measure just one. We describe a Bayesian framework for integrating the measurements of these stations to yield a spatial predictive distribution for unmonitored sites and unmeasured concentrations at existing stations. Furthermore we show how this network can be extended by using an entropy maximization criterion. The methods assume that the multivariate response field being measured has a joint Gaussian distribution conditional on its mean and covariance function. A conjugate prior is used for these parameters, some of its hyperparameters being fitted empirically.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian model selection approach to estimate the intrinsic dimensionality of a high-dimensional dataset. To this end, we introduce a novel formulation of the probabilisitic principal component analysis model based on a normal-gamma prior distribution. In this context, we exhibit a closed-form expression of the marginal likelihood which allows to infer an optimal number of components. We also propose a heuristic based on the expected shape of the marginal likelihood curve in order to choose the hyperparameters. In nonasymptotic frameworks, we show on simulated data that this exact dimensionality selection approach is competitive with both Bayesian and frequentist state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

We propose Bayesian parameter estimation in a multidimensional item response theory model using the Gibbs sampling algorithm. We apply this approach to dichotomous responses to a questionnaire on sleep quality. The analysis helps determine the underlying dimensions.  相似文献   

Summary.  We consider the problem of multistep-ahead prediction in time series analysis by using nonparametric smoothing techniques. Forecasting is always one of the main objectives in time series analysis. Research has shown that non-linear time series models have certain advantages in multistep-ahead forecasting. Traditionally, nonparametric k -step-ahead least squares prediction for non-linear autoregressive AR( d ) models is done by estimating E ( X t + k  | X t , …,  X t − d +1) via nonparametric smoothing of X t + k on ( X t , …,  X t − d +1) directly. We propose a multistage nonparametric predictor. We show that the new predictor has smaller asymptotic mean-squared error than the direct smoother, though the convergence rate is the same. Hence, the predictor proposed is more efficient. Some simulation results, advice for practical bandwidth selection and a real data example are provided.  相似文献   

Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary. We consider the problem of comparing complex hierarchical models in which the number of parameters is not clearly defined. Using an information theoretic argument we derive a measure p D for the effective number of parameters in a model as the difference between the posterior mean of the deviance and the deviance at the posterior means of the parameters of interest. In general p D approximately corresponds to the trace of the product of Fisher's information and the posterior covariance, which in normal models is the trace of the 'hat' matrix projecting observations onto fitted values. Its properties in exponential families are explored. The posterior mean deviance is suggested as a Bayesian measure of fit or adequacy, and the contributions of individual observations to the fit and complexity can give rise to a diagnostic plot of deviance residuals against leverages. Adding p D to the posterior mean deviance gives a deviance information criterion for comparing models, which is related to other information criteria and has an approximate decision theoretic justification. The procedure is illustrated in some examples, and comparisons are drawn with alternative Bayesian and classical proposals. Throughout it is emphasized that the quantities required are trivial to compute in a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with making predictive inference on the basis of a doubly censored sample from a two-parameter Rayleigh life model. We derive the predictive distributions for a single future response, the ith future response, and several future responses. We use the Bayesian approach in conjunction with an improper flat prior for the location parameter and an independent proper conjugate prior for the scale parameter to derive the predictive distributions. We conclude with a numerical example in which the effect of the hyperparameters on the mean and standard deviation of the predictive density is assessed.  相似文献   

Let σ1, …, σk be the covariance matrices of k p -variate normal populations. Let Λij be the j th largest characteristic root of σi (j=1, …, p; i=1, …, k). In this note we obtain simultaneous confidence intervals on (i)Λi+1, pipand by using methods similar to those of Khatri (1965).  相似文献   

Generalized linear models (GLMs) with error-in-covariates are useful in epidemiological research due to the ubiquity of non-normal response variables and inaccurate measurements. The link function in GLMs is chosen by the user depending on the type of response variable, frequently the canonical link function. When covariates are measured with error, incorrect inference can be made, compounded by incorrect choice of link function. In this article we propose three flexible approaches for handling error-in-covariates and estimating an unknown link simultaneously. The first approach uses a fully Bayesian (FB) hierarchical framework, treating the unobserved covariate as a latent variable to be integrated over. The second and third are approximate Bayesian approach which use a Laplace approximation to marginalize the variables measured with error out of the likelihood. Our simulation results show support that the FB approach is often a better choice than the approximate Bayesian approaches for adjusting for measurement error, particularly when the measurement error distribution is misspecified. These approaches are demonstrated on an application with binary response.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Let Ω be a space of densities with respect to some σ -finite measure μ and let Π be a prior distribution having support Ω with respect to some suitable topology. Conditional on f , let X n  = ( X 1 ,…, X n ) be an independent and identically distributed sample of size n from f . This paper introduces a Bayesian non-parametric criterion for sample size determination which is based on the integrated squared distance between posterior predictive densities. An expression for the sample size is obtained when the prior is a Dirichlet mixture of normal densities.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to propose a Bayesian estimation through Markov chain Monte Carlo of a multidimensional item response theory model for graded responses with an additive structure with correlated latent traits. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the model parameter recovery under different conditions (sample size, test and subtest length, number of response categories, and correlation structure). The results show that the parameters are well reproduced when the sample size is sufficiently large (n = 1, 000), while the worst recovery is observed for small sample size (n = 500), and four response categories with a short number of test items.  相似文献   

Simple Transformation Techniques for Improved Non-parametric Regression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose and investigate two new methods for achieving less bias in non- parametric regression. We show that the new methods have bias of order h 4, where h is a smoothing parameter, in contrast to the basic kernel estimator's order h 2. The methods are conceptually very simple. At the first stage, perform an ordinary non-parametric regression on { xi , Yi } to obtain m^ ( xi ) (we use local linear fitting). In the first method, at the second stage, repeat the non-parametric regression but on the transformed dataset { m^ ( xi , Yi )}, taking the estimator at x to be this second stage estimator at m^ ( x ). In the second, and more appealing, method, again perform non-parametric regression on { m^ ( xi , Yi )}, but this time make the kernel weights depend on the original x scale rather than using the m^ ( x ) scale. We concentrate more of our effort in this paper on the latter because of its advantages over the former. Our emphasis is largely theoretical, but we also show that the latter method has practical potential through some simulated examples.  相似文献   

Motivated by the Singapore Longitudinal Aging Study (SLAS), we propose a Bayesian approach for the estimation of semiparametric varying-coefficient models for longitudinal continuous and cross-sectional binary responses. These models have proved to be more flexible than simple parametric regression models. Our development is a new contribution towards their Bayesian solution, which eases computational complexity. We also consider adapting all kinds of familiar statistical strategies to address the missing data issue in the SLAS. Our simulation results indicate that a Bayesian imputation (BI) approach performs better than complete-case (CC) and available-case (AC) approaches, especially under small sample designs, and may provide more useful results in practice. In the real data analysis for the SLAS, the results for longitudinal outcomes from BI are similar to AC analysis, differing from those with CC analysis.  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) models provide an important contribution in the analysis of polytomous items, such as Likert scale items in survey data. We propose a bifactor generalized partial credit model (bifac-GPC model) with flexible link functions - probit, logit and complementary log-log - for use in analysis of ordered polytomous item scale data. In order to estimate the parameters of the proposed model, we use a Bayesian approach through the NUTS algorithm and show the advantages of implementing IRT models through the Stan language. We present an application to marketing scale data. Specifically, we apply the model to a dataset of non-users of a mobile banking service in order to highlight the advantages of this model. The results show important managerial implications resulting from consumer perceptions. We provide a discussion of the methodology for this type of data and extensions. Codes are available for practitioners and researchers to replicate the application.  相似文献   

On Smooth Statistical Tail Functionals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many estimators of the extreme value index of a distribution function F that are based on a certain number k n of largest order statistics can be represented as a statistical tail function al, that is a functional T applied to the empirical tail quantile function Q n. We study the asymptotic behaviour of such estimators with a scale and location invariant functional T under weak second order conditions on F . For that purpose first a new approximation of the empirical tail quantile function is established. As a consequence we obtain weak consistency and asymptotic normality of T ( Q n) if T is continuous and Hadamard differentiable, respectively, at the upper quantile function of a generalized Pareto distribution and k pn tends to infinity sufficiently slowly. Then we investigate the asymptotic variance and bias. In particular, those functionals T re characterized that lead to an estimator with minimal asymptotic variance. Finally, we introduce a method to construct estimators of the extreme value index with a made-to-order asymptotic behaviour  相似文献   

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