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衣华亮 《西北人口》2008,29(2):86-89
海外华人“搭伙夫妻”现象不仅是当前媒体关注的一个热点,更是一个值得深入研究的社会问题。所谓“搭伙夫妻”,是指夫妻双方或其中一方已结婚,由于与配偶无法团聚,临时与他人结成像家庭般的伴侣关系而居家度日。从孤单寂寞方面的心理原因、异性渴望方面的生理原因、物质条件方面的经济原因、社会压力方面的社会原因等方面入手分析了其产生的原因。探讨了会产生诸如影响婚姻的瓦解、家庭的和睦、滋生家庭问题和导致犯罪行为、导致华人优良传统和伦理道德的滑坡等方面的社会负面影响,并指出应该如何正确看待这一现象,以期引起社会的进一步关注和讨论。  相似文献   

北京市区居民家庭性别角色态度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经历了对“妇女是就业还是回家”等问题的争论以后,人们对夫妻在家庭中的角色分工有了新的认识。本文将在对北京市居民的抽样调查资料进行分析的基础上,指出城市家庭中夫妻对性别角色分工的态度差异,以及这种差异产生的家庭背景和社会背景。  相似文献   

空巢家庭:是指子女离家在外,大部分时间只剩下夫妻两个人居住的家庭。上个世纪八九十年代,空巢现象多发生在老年人身上,而现在50岁中年人就开始走入“空巢”生活,这对中年群体是个新的考验。解决好这个问题关系到社会稳定,关系到他们的生活质量和身体健康。  相似文献   

“单身”热潮的社会学解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜双燕 《西北人口》2008,29(5):49-54
单身现象已经成为世界范围内一个不可忽视的社会现象,尽管今天的“单身”已经是一种生活方式,但是仍然有其相似特征和产生的深层原因,并且对社会产生了物质、精神、制度文明等方面的影响,针对其产生的消极影响,提出初步的建议和对策,引导和规范“单身”行为,使之朝向更积极的方向前行。  相似文献   

电话那边一个男孩子的声音传过来……“老师,什么叫偷窥?”“谁偷窥?“是我自己”“能告诉我你多大吗?”“19岁。”“在上学,还是工作?”“什么也没干。”“嗅。”“您说,什么叫偷窥?”“你自己想过这个词的解释吗?你认为呢?”“我不知道。”“你现在在家干什么?”“闲待着。”  相似文献   

“婚姻之道,谓嫁娶之礼”,即婚姻之成立,是以男女双方依照法律和宗教习俗的规定结合为夫妻的一种社会现象。它是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,并随着社会的进步而演变进化。今天的一夫一妻制婚姻形态与社会发展的现阶段相适应。我国少数民族目前的婚姻  相似文献   

苏萍  张娜艳 《西北人口》2007,28(2):48-50
近年来,知识分子“过劳死”现象屡见媒体,造成了巨大的社会效应。知识分子“过劳死”现象的产生有其生理、心理、社会性根源,但笔者认为,“过劳死”现象更深层次的是社会文化价值方面的原因。本文试从中国文化的“官本位”思想入手,探索知识分子“过劳死”之根源。  相似文献   

选择“丁克”家庭的多学科透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“丁克”家庭这种现象在中国的大都市已经相当普遍。本文尝试从经济学、社会学、医学等角度探讨了这种现象产生的社会根源。本文认为这一现象在中国产生有其“历史必然性”。从我国人口众多这一国情出发,从宏观上说这种现象暂时还不会产生多大的社会问题,但是有可能出现“人口逆淘汰”现象,这一点不得不引起我们警视。  相似文献   

厦门市翔安区大嶝街道加大力度落实政府对“失独家庭”的关怀关爱。一是建立“失独家庭”联系户机制。街道、社区工作者包片。包组、包至户,以“一对一?结对子的形式,加大“失独户”在生产、生活、生育等方面的扶持力度毒二是落实再生育资金补助。对那些?失独户”申请再生育有困难的家庭(特别是35周岁以上的),帮助他们联系医院医生,对自愿实行人工辅助技术受孕(人工受精、试管婴儿)的,给予一次性扶助10000元。三是对育妇年满55周岁、男方年满60周岁,未再生育收养子女且符合被征地人员基本养老保险规定的“失独家庭”,给予一次性补助夫妻双方被征地人员基本养老保险个人缴费金额46533元(扣除区财政补助外)。  相似文献   

婚姻稳定是社会和谐的基础。然而,伴随着农村人口大规模外出打工,留守妇女问题日益突出。由于夫妻长期分居,一些留守妻子出现精神出轨和行为出轨现象。这些留守妇女看似稳定的婚姻事实上已经处于失序状态,婚姻作为丈夫和妻子之间一种合约的作用受到削弱。本文通过深度访谈,对8个典型个案进行深入剖析,采用叙事性表达方式,深入揭示婚姻合约弱化的本质及其产生的社会后果。在此基础上,提出维护留守妇女婚姻合约、促进社会稳定的对策建议。  相似文献   

基于对河南省新乡市Y社区的个案研究认为,新型城镇化进程中老年人群体发生了社会隔离。这种社会隔离体现在制度、社区、家庭、自我四个维度,集体失语导致制度隔离,社会资本流失和国家在场导致社区隔离,代际关系嬗变导致家庭隔离,身份标签化及自我认同困境导致自我隔离。老年人社会隔离的应对策略为拒绝搬迁和跟儿子走。提出了老年人社会融合的路径:构建老年人利益诉求的制度吸纳机制;重塑社区公共空间,构建老年人社区行政吸纳机制;积极探索农村老年人居家照顾新模式,通过专业社会工作的介入,促进老年人社区融合。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe cultural phenomenon of “teenage pregnancy and motherhood” has been socially constructed and (mis)represented in social and health care discourses for several decades. Despite a growing body of qualitative research that presents an alternative and positive view of young motherhood, there remains a significant gap between pregnant and young women's experience of young motherhood and current global health and social policy that directs service delivery and practice.AimThis paper aims to heighten awareness of how a negative social construction of young motherhood influences global health and social policy that directs current community health models of practice and care for young mothers in the community.DiscussionThere is clear evidence on the vital role social support plays in young women's experience of pregnancy and motherhood, particularly in forming a positive motherhood identity. This discussion paper calls us to start open and honest dialogue on how we may begin to re-vision the ‘deficit view’ of young motherhood in order to address this contradiction between research evidence, policy discourse and current practice and service provision. Qualitative research that privileges young women's voices by considering the multidimensional experiences of young motherhood is an important step towards moving away from universally prescribed interventions to a non-standard approach that fosters relational and responsive relationships with young mothers that includes addressing the immediate needs of young mothers at the particular time.  相似文献   


Understanding the structure of knowledge communities, and particularly the organization of “epistemic communities”, or groups of agents sharing common knowledge concerns, is usually based on either social relationships or semantic similarity. To link social and semantic aspects, a formal framework based on Galois lattices (or concept lattices) categorizes epistemic communities in an automated and hierarchically structured way. The process rebuilds a whole community structure and taxonomy, and notably fields and subfields gathering a certain proportion of agents. It is applied to empirical data to exhibit these alleged structural properties, successfully compared with categories given by domain experts.  相似文献   

关于当前中国农村养老问题及其研究的思考   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
作为社会的一员 ,老年人有获得社会扶养的权利。如果这种权利不能实现或不能很好实现 ,便形成养老问题。养老问题的研究只能是以认识老年人获得社会保障权利实现过程中的问题并为之谋求对策为根本目的。从这个角度出发 ,养老问题应涵盖四个方面的内容 :(1)“谁来养”的问题 ;(2 )“养不养”的问题 ;(3)“怎么养”的问题 ;(4 )“养得怎么样”的问题。目前 ,这四个方面的问题在农村都存在。而此前的研究因被置于计划生育和老龄化等背景之下而显得不力及过于偏狭 :有限的研究集中于老龄化条件下农村老年人“谁来养”和“怎么养”的问题。这种状况不利于对农村养老问题的全面认识和解决。故笔者认为 ,今后应 (1)全面研究农村养老问题 ;(2 )重视现实 ,分清层次 ,切实研究急需解决的问题 ;(3)在社会变迁的视野下加强农村经济发展、社区建设、文化培育与养老关系的研究  相似文献   

This article analyses the Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET ) concept and related indicators and its effects on both youth policies and the perception of young people. It is argued that a “weak version” of social exclusion is often used to explain the phenomenon. This leads both to defective policies (as a “victim blaming” approach tends to be developed instead of structural policies) and to the negative labelling of the NEET young people (as research and policies tend to focus on the individual’s deficits and thus associate them with negative values). An alternative indicator is proposed, aimed at reducing the heterogeneity of the situations the concept includes and focus on the core NEET group. This restricted concept centres on those individuals who do not seem to have any objective impediment to study or work. Figures are calculated for the Spanish region of Catalonia and results show a lower proportion of people in a NEET situation; that the NEET rates for young people and adults are similar; that the phenomenon is not new; and confirm that it is related to the risk of social exclusion. These results reinforce the need for an approach which is more sensitive to inequalities to improve our understanding of the NEET population and to avoid the stigmatisation of individuals, generations and countries.  相似文献   

Based on a qualitative-empirical study of the Turkish food retail sector in Vienna, this article discusses the social embeddedness of break-out-processes. In socio-scientific literature, the term “break-out” is used to describe the process by which immigrant entrepreneurs leave their “ethnic enclave economy” by gaining consumers beyond their own community. While research appears to reduce break-out to an individual and economically driven marketing strategy, the social dimension has been neglected so far. Our findings demonstrate that the entrepreneurs’ market orientation is located between the contradictory contexts of different expectations—those of the immigrant community as well as those of the majority community. On basis of a typology of different ways of dealing with these expectations we want to reveal the interrelationships between economic and social factors and, furthermore, to contribute to a deeper understanding of the social embeddedness of immigrant economies.  相似文献   

Virtual communication continuously gains importance in modern society, as the growing success of “social networking platforms”(SNPs) like Facebook, XING or StudiVZ indicates. In this article we compare such platforms in regard to their instrumental vs. expressive orientation. It is supposed, that amore expressive orientation of a platform like Facebook or StudiVZ is not only functional to manage contacts to friends already known outside the internet (“social searching”), like studies on user's reports on their own motivations have recently shown for Facebook, but also helps generating new contacts to people not already known before (“social browsing”). This more implicit function might be promoted by the trust-promising visuability of a person's network contacts, especially in the face of strangers. An online survey on StudiVZ with n = 1316 randomized participants confirms both hypotheses.  相似文献   

王承强 《西北人口》2008,29(2):50-54
在人口转变过程中。由于出生率与死亡率下降初始时间与速度的不同步,后者先于前者发生。会形成一个“中间大,两头小”有利于经济发展的人口年龄结构,人口学家称这段时期为“人口机会窗口”或“人口红利(demo-graphic dividend)”。本文根据人口类型划分标准对山东省及其区域人口红利进行了过程判断,并通过计算劳动力对经济增长的贡献率即劳动贡献率来显示人口红利对经济增长的推动作用,最后提出了充分实现山东省人口红利的途径。  相似文献   

The residential segregation of families by income and by stage of the family life cycle within Milwaukee’s black community resembles in both pattern and degree that in the white community. The greater the difference in income, the more dissimilar are the distributions by census tract. Dissimilarity is greater between younger couples without children and older couples with children than between any other pair of family types defined by husband’s age and presence of children. However, segregation by income was substantially greater than by family type in 1960. The bases of selectivity of blacks in“changing” areas of the city, where the proportion black is still relatively low, and of whites in the“suburban” areas adjoining the city are similar. Families in the higher income groups and couples with children are over-represented in these areas. It would appear that given the pressures of limited housing space in the inner core of the black community, given the fact that certain amenities are not available in that area, and given the economic and social barriers which restrict the movement of blacks into the suburbs, the changing areas must function as“suburbs” for the black community.  相似文献   

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