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Corruption in public sector is a complex, ‘messy’ and ‘fuzzy’ phenomenon which involves calculus machinations between actors and constantly growing in sophistication. Consequently, an attempt to prevent, control or fight it requires systems thinking that ranges from public officials with integrity and personal ethics [strong personalities]; administrative rules and procedures as well as governments adopting, enforcing and monitoring appropriate systems [strong institutions]. This paper provides a systems approach to enhancing public sector ethics through ‘a corruption control tripod’ in preventing, controlling and combating corruption in all its forms. This framework discusses three overarching pillars and argues that adopting a reductionist approach in corruption control would yield futility; there is a need for synthesis so that each one would reinforce the other.  相似文献   

Policy-makers and practitioners are seeking to promote the development of established firms. This paper suggests they may need to target customized export programmes to the specific situational demands of established ‘micro’ and ‘small’ firms. The following broad research question is explored: are there differences between ‘micro’ and ‘small’ firms with regard to the decision to sell goods or services abroad? In 1990/91, survey responses were gathered from 621 independent businesses located in Great Britain. In 1997, a follow-on telephone survey was conducted with 150 surviving firms. This survey gathered information on the propensity to export goods or services abroad and the mode of export behaviour reported by established ‘micro’ as well as ‘small’ firms. The performance of exporting and non-exporting firms was also compared. Implications for policy-makers, practitioners and researchers are highlighted.  相似文献   

Firm internationalisation has for long been regarded as an incremental process, wherein firms gravitate towards ‘psychologically close’ markets and increase commitment to international markets in a gradual, stepwise manner through a series of evolutionary ‘stages.’ However, much of the recent literature provides clear evidence of rapid and dedicated internationalisation by ‘born global’ firms. Typically, these are smaller entrepreneurial firms that internationalise from inception or begin shortly thereafter. Their main source of competitive advantage is often related to a more sophisticated knowledge base that they use to exploit the dynamics of an increasingly global market environment. This contribution posits that there is growing evidence of another phenomenon, that of the emergence of ‘born-again’ global firms. These are firms that have been well established in their domestic markets, with apparently no great motivation to internationalise, but which have suddenly embraced rapid and dedicated internationalisation. The underlying motivations and triggers leading to such a strategy are explored and illustrated through a number of case studies. Research and public policy implications of the ‘born-again’ global phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

<正> 我国1994年外汇体制改革统一汇率,标志着汇率改革取得了重大历史性突破,向国际规范和社会主义市场经济前进了一大步。如今两年时间过去了,全面审视一番,不难发现,统一后的人民币汇率并没有象人们原来所想象的那样合理完善,相反存在着较为严重的“隐形双轨制”(名义汇率和实际汇率)。  相似文献   

在其位不谋其政与干事有一手,腐败也有一手的干部监管问题一直以来都是我国吏治的难题之一。最近,全国各地再次掀起治庸风暴,  相似文献   

王书生 《领导广角》2002,(12):17-17
时下,在我们的领导干部中,存在着一种对下属发生的错误和“不端”不敢管、不愿管、不用心管的消极不作为心态。在此,笔者姑且把有这些行为的领导称之为“三不’领导”,并作如下解析。  相似文献   

<正>举世瞩目的"浙商"现象,蕴含着丰富和深刻的人文精神。"浙商"的人文精神,既是悠久灿烂的中国传统文化的当代表现,也是西方文化和经济全球化影响的体现,更是无数当代"浙商"传承和发扬了浙江区域工商文化传统,在实践活动中创造和积累的思想、理念和品行等的结晶,是"浙商"发展的精神宝库。  相似文献   

正党的十八大以来,中央加大了对领导干部群体的治理力度,一方面彻查严惩了一大批贪污腐败、违法乱纪的领导干部,另一方面从严巨细地规范领导干部行为,从公共权力的运用到个人的食用住行,都进行了限制和约束。在此背景下,一些领导干部觉得当官没有以前舒服了,慨叹"为官不易""官不聊生",个别领导干部甚至选择了"官而不为"。对中央的反腐治吏措施,群众无不拍手称好,群众满意度在不断提高;但同时,随着领导干部"舒适度"的降低,"官而不为"现象如果蔓延开来,最终还是会损害人民群众的利益,人民群众  相似文献   

人的美不再外表,而在内心.思想工作极为艰辛,育德工作任重而道远,我们只有齐心协力、众人拾柴,才能营造浓厚的育人氛围,才能取得德育的实效.  相似文献   

邵道生 《领导文萃》2010,(13):37-38
<正>"疑似‘凡是论’"这几个字过去没有见过,这是我的"发明创造"。譬如,小平同志说的"发展才是硬道理"对不对?当然对,而且一点都没错。它简洁明快、朴实无华,一是针对几千年旧中国的闭关自守、夜郎自大、安于现状和故步自封;二是针对几十年的"以阶级斗争为纲"的折腾,将发展作为执政兴国的第一要务。中国之所以有今天这样的繁荣,与这个"发展"就是"硬道理"分不开。但是,邓小平在"南巡"中讲的"发展才是硬道理"中的"发展"是有特定内  相似文献   

<正> 一、市场调研不可缺 孙武在《谋攻篇》中说:“知彼知己者,百战不殆。”这是孙武的调查研究思想,它贯穿于《孙子兵法》全书,是世人皆知的名言。其意是说,在战争中既了解敌人又了解自己,明了敌我情势,有把握才打,虽经百战也不会陷入危险的境地。知彼知己的目的是为了百战不殆,它的手段是深入实际进行调查研究,它的作用是达到胸中  相似文献   

The clothing sector is currently characterised by frequent assortment rotation in stores, a quick response product development and a focus on minimising end-of-campaign stock levels. This paper is based on a case study carried out at a value brand retailer, with a purpose to show how the company increased competitiveness in a market requiring more responsiveness. The case presented shows that the establishment of an adequate supply strategy for differentiated product segments, the introduction of mini-collections, the redesign of business processes (especially the new product development and the order fulfilment processes) and the redesign of the supply chain, lead to a sales increase and purchasing savings. Moreover, the study treats how a value brand retailer, facing different supply chain challenges compared with the leading brands, balance global and local production, lean and agile manufacturing and how it is possible to abandon the traditional two-campaign paradigm in favour of more rapid replenishment.  相似文献   

从政府、开发商和社区三方共同参与城市更新的角度,以不动产证券化方式和融合民间资本方法加强‘社区’力量在城市更新中的作用,对于解决我国城市更新中系列问题的意义。  相似文献   

Many managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are more concerned about survival rather than growth. There are consistent findings that indicate managers in SMEs do not respond favourably to offers of HRD interventions and government policy now recognizes the value of informal learning and demand-led intervention. A social constructionist approach is suggested to consider engaging and working with SME managers. A framework of SME ‘worlds’ is considered before the case of one SME is examined. Using data from three different sources, the various positionings are considered. The case shows how from an apparently antagonistic view of external training, the manager was prepared to allow a coach/mentor to work with him towards his vision for expansion and growth. Conclusions are provided concerning engagement and stretch with SMEs, policy and future funding for HRD and the definition of skills development.  相似文献   

正经济社会的发展、物质生活条件的改善、体力劳动强度的降低、医疗及工作保障水平的提高等,在提高人的工作和生活舒适度、消除或减少营养不良导致的一系列疾病的同时,也造成人体适应的脆弱性,诱发了一系列新的病症,"富贵病"就是其中的典型表现。高血压、冠心病、糖尿病、肥胖症、脑中风、抑郁症甚至癌症等"富贵病"多发,成为当前危害人类健康的主要病种。与此类似,单位在经历了初创期、成长期,进入成熟期后,由于积累资源的增加和物质条件的  相似文献   

正这些日子,美国两党总统候选人的角力战硝烟弥漫,其中以共和党的特朗普(Donald Trump)最为引人注目。他多次对媒体人士和政治对手出言不逊、粗口谩骂、挖苦讽刺。在美国政治人物中显然是个异类。近来,我在美国媒体上看到有关特朗普言行表现的报道,禁不住会想起一篇中国人写的评论文章。文章说,"‘文革’中的一些遗风在西方政党斗争中也比比皆是,这让我们想到,或许它们  相似文献   

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