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北京的外国人数量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据统计资料、从政府机构获得的信息以及其他搜集到的资料,对近年来在北京工作、投资、学习的外国人和他们的家属、以及到北京旅游的外国人数量变动做了分析,得出外国人占北京的总人口的比例,约在1%以上,并且有继续增大的趋势。根据目前我国对外国人管理和服务方面存在的问题,文章提出了一些改进意见。  相似文献   

张鸣宇 《社会工作》2008,(11):40-40
在浙江义乌,有这样一个特点:到处都是外国人。这里有来自一百多个国家的八千多名外国商人在这里淘金,加上家属,共有一万多名外籍人士在这里长期居住。他们有的已经买了房、车把家安在义乌,有的租住在义乌的居民家中,就拿义乌江东街道的鸡鸣山社区来说,这里长期居住着二十多个国家的四百多名人员,鸡鸣山社区被称为“联合国”社区。他们与当地居民和谐地生活在一起。  相似文献   

王小东 《东西南北》2008,(12):69-69
自信,是一个人得以撑起脊梁的柱石。我们中国人似乎并不太在意自己的国人怎么看自己,倒是特别在意外国人怎么看自己;不太敢用自己的标准衡量事物,而是特别喜欢用想象中的外国人的标准衡量事物。评价一个电影,或其它什么艺术作品好不好,不是自己喜不喜欢,而是外国人喜不喜欢,在外国拿没拿奖;评价一个人的学术水平高不高,不是他有多少原创性,回答了中国  相似文献   

秦筱 《东西南北》2013,(20):37-37
478万人次,这是1983年至2013年,中国累计引进外国专家的数量。7月10日,中央文献研究室和国家外国专家局(以下简称国家外专局)在北京开了一场座谈会,会上有15个外国人,他们都是“外国专家”。这个会是为了纪念30年前邓小平发表的谈话——1983年7月8日,邓小平在工作汇报中提出要“请一些外国人来参加我们的重点建设以及各方面的建设”。  相似文献   

李研 《东西南北》2012,(18):59-59
“奢侈品就是外国人的专利吗?我们就是要做自己的奢侈品,让自己人和外国人都收藏。”随着高端白酒价格的节节飙升,茅台、五粮液等品牌纷纷避谈“奢侈品牌”之时,泸州老窖股份有限公司(下称“泸州老窖”)总经理张良在接受专访时却坦然表示,泸州老窖就是要做白酒中的奢侈品。  相似文献   

游本章 《东西南北》2010,(12):43-43
在巴西首都巴西利亚,有家中式快餐厅,不仅当地的华人爱去,外国人尤其是年轻时尚的女性也常去。该店张老板介绍,过去,快餐厅的生意并不好,他接受了女儿的一条建议后,生意逐渐变得兴隆火暴起来。  相似文献   

从2012年7月1日《社会保险法》施行以来,有关外国人在中国境内就业是否参加社会保险的问题一直受到社会的关注。社保法规定,外国人在中国境内就业的,参照本法规定参加社会保险,维护在中国境内就业的外国人依法参加社会保险和享受社会保险待遇的合法权益。问:外国人参加社会保险范围有哪些?答:在中国境内就业的外国人,是指依法获得《外国人就业证》、《外国专家证》、《外国常驻记者证》等  相似文献   

用人单位雇用外国人须为其上社保人力资源和社会保障部9月8日公布《在中国境内就业的外国人参加社会保险暂行办法》。人社部明确规定,在中国境内依法注册或者登记的企业、事业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位、基金会、律师事务所、会计师事务所等用人单位,在招用外国人时,应参加职工基本养老保险、职工基本医疗保  相似文献   

关艳玲 《今日辽宁》2014,(11):92-95
不久前闭幕的2014CCTV“汉语桥”全球外国人汉语大会上,活泼开朗的美国大妞黄小猫给观众留下了深刻印象.最终,这个会说相声、演小品、一口东北腔儿的金发美女获得了大会季军.  相似文献   

社工所在街镇的服务对象(社区服刑人员)年龄段为30岁至40岁之间,案由大多为职务侵占类、经济类犯罪,面临的问题也较相近。如在日常生活中,他们一般自认为判了刑就是有案底,总觉得低人一等,或多或少存在着自卑、  相似文献   

The average temperature in Alaska and the North American Arctic has risen at twice the rate of the global average due to climate change, causing changes to the natural environment that affect the physical, social, and emotional well‐being of people and communities. Social workers must be prepared to respond. Using a non‐probability, convenience sample, this study surveyed 159 social workers in Alaska to assess their attitudes and their perceptions of the effects of climate change on their clients and constituents. Results indicate that social workers in Alaska believe that climate change is happening, that human activities are responsible, and that it is a large threat to people in Alaska. Over 75% believe that climate change is dangerous for their clients now or will be dangerous in 10 years. Social workers report that in the past year their clients or constituents have experienced multiple climate change‐related problems with community infrastructure, health, and mental health.  相似文献   

Research in child development suggests that parents' emotional competence and emotion socialization practices are related to children's emotional functioning, including child internalizing difficulties. This research has not yet been translated into intervention or prevention programs targeting parents of older children and adolescents. The current study examined the efficacy of the Tuning in to Teens parenting program in improving emotion socialization practices in parents of preadolescents and reducing youth internalizing difficulties. Schools were randomized into intervention and control conditions. Data were collected from 225 parents and 224 youth during the young person's final year of elementary school (sixth grade) and again 10 months later in their first year of secondary school (seventh grade). Multilevel analyses showed significant improvements in parental emotion socialization and reductions in youth internalizing difficulties for the intervention condition. This study provides support for the efficacy of the TINT parenting program with a community sample.  相似文献   

This article unveils the voices of the international students of the Universiti Sains Malaysia by exploring their belongingness and community well-being in Malaysia. This study was conducted with 14 international students (seven males and seven females) studying at the Universiti Sains Malaysia for at least a year. A qualitative approach was employed using in-depth case interviews to examine the socio-cultural challenges they experienced while studying abroad. The specific challenges reported among the international students are their well-being in distinct aspects such as physical, mental, and emotional. This study seeks to explore the international students' reliability on conational communities for social support. When achieving belongingness with their conational friends, international students can flourish well in their current community in Malaysia, thus achieving social community well-being although they are far away. Besides maintaining established close friendships, the international students develop a sense of comfort and familiarity by forming new friendships with conational and other international students. Sharing similar backgrounds and nationalities, as well as experiences and struggles, are significant for international students in maintaining close friendships and situational harmony. This study highlighted the meaning behind physical and emotional distance, as well as the situation of “being temporarily abroad” and its relations to intimacy practices and belongingness in close friendships. The results presented in this article contribute to an increasing understanding of international students' challenges and the future of social harmony and community well-being while temporarily living in Malaysia. Correspondingly, as a result of this study, students will be more deferential of cultural differences and cross-cultural sensitivity, which will also help to decrease prejudice and discrimination.  相似文献   

The literature clearly denotes that spouses differ from other family members in their reactions to caregiving, their patterns of service use and their assessment of specific services. Yet, despite their prevalence as caregivers, little is known about their unique perceptions of community services and the factors that impact their experiences with the service system. The purpose of this study was to explore the relative influence of (a) spouses' personal factors (e.g., gender, family support) and (b) service factors (e.g., one-on-one professional support), on spousal caregivers' perceptions of community services. The study employed a survey design with a sample of 73 spousal caregivers caring for their partners with dementia at home.

This study found that spousal caregivers have more negative perceptions of the service system when their in-home workers are not informed about their spouses' likes, dislikes and routines. This service factor was the most significant predictor of caregivers' service perceptions. The study further found that most spousal caregivers receive fewer than five consultations from a non-medical professional over a one year period. While spouses longed for more professional support, this service factor was not uniquely associated with service related stress. The policy and practice implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

With only one academic year in which to develop a communityproject, social work students can hardly gain the experiencethey need in this field, while providing their clients witha suitable service. The present study investigates the relationshipbetween implementation of the marketing approach and the successfulexecution of a community project. Four aspects of this issueare probed: adherence to the programme implementation plan,the programme’s effectiveness, its contribution to theorganization it is intended to serve, and client empowerment.Participants were 146 social work students at a university inIsrael; the findings show a statistically significant connectionbetween the market variables and each of the project’ssuccess variables. On the multivariable level, all the successvariables proved to be clearly influenced by different marketvariables. The application of a marketing approach by socialwork students undergoing their training in community practiceis discussed.  相似文献   

Dr Ann Cartwright, Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care, 14 South Hill Park, London NW3 2SB. Summary Almost a quarter of a random sample of adults dying in 1987had spent at least part of the last year of their lives in aresidential or nursing home; one in eight spent all of thatyear in one. The old, the unmarried, those with difficulty lookingafter themselves, the confused, the incontinent, the blind,the deaf, and the bad tempered were more likely to be in suchhomes than others. With their greater dependency, people living in residentialhomes received rather more consultations and home visits—althoughnot night calls—from their general practitioners. Butthey did not get more help from community nurses and they wereless likely to be admitted to, or to die in, a hospital or hospice. According to the assesments of relatives, friends, and neighbourswho answered the questions, the quality of life of people whohad been in a residential home for a year or more before theirdeath was similar to that of others who died but had never beenin such a home. It was those who were admitted in the year beforethey died who were perceived as having a relatively poor qualityof life in that year. Increasingly, the quality of life duringthe year before death is going to depend on the attributes ofresidential homes and their staff.  相似文献   

秦钠 《社会》2008,28(2):181-181
在中国改革开放和社会转型过程中,具有现代特征的社区教育在上海崛起并迅速发展,受到学界的关注。本文以非西方后起社会现代化背景下的都市社区学校(上海市静安区静安寺街道社区学校和大阪市福岛区大开市民终身学习室)为个案,以跨国比较研究的视角,通过对都市社区学校(学习室)中的管理者、施教者和学习者进行访谈,对社区学校(学习室)的组织运作形式、教学活动特点,以及产生的社会成效等问题进行实证考察和比较分析,阐述社区教育对个体社会化、社区发展的功能,总结提炼大阪市社会教育的理念和成熟经验,提出社区教育比较研究后的启示。  相似文献   

The issues of sexuality and premature parenthood with the background of the Black experience in the United States are discussed. According to a 1986 study, 40% of US girls get pregnant at least once before the age of 20. In 1981, 45% of teenage pregnancies were terminated, and in 1982, 46% of girls 14-19 years old had had sexual intercourse. The gap between Black and White adolescent women regarding sexual intercourse has essentially disappeared, indicating that the underlying causes of teenage pregnancy are social not racial. The costs of adolescent childbearing are huge: in 1985 the public cost was at least 16.65 million dollars. In response to this crisis, many states have been searching for effective solutions enlisting clinics, schools, and social service agencies. The Black church has been a central institution within the Black community, in the forefront of many social changes with the ability to mobilize congregations and the community. Therefore, the cooperation of social service agencies, community groups, and the religious community could be fruitful in preventing adolescent pregnancies and childbearing. Such a venture would first require understanding the processes of adolescent development, self-esteem, socialization, relationship building, gender differences in physical and psychological changes, and moral development. A 1986 Gallup poll showed that 74% of 13-15 year old youth said that religion was one of the most important influences in their lives, indicating that they would be perceptive to moral reasoning. However, the fear of genocide was significant among the Black population (39%) when birth control and family planning programs were mentioned. This had to do with their brutal treatment in the past and coercive sterilization proposals to reduce welfare rolls. To overcome such fears and still prevent adolescent pregnancy, the Black church should organize workshops for parents and adolescents about sexual development, birth control, and the consequences of sexual activity with a view to postponing sexual activity and parenthood.  相似文献   

论农民工在金融危机下的弹性就业应对机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁松  邢成举 《创新》2010,4(4):111-114,119
从长时段的生命历程来看,农民工会依循年龄的层级不断变换工种,直至最后回村务农,这意味着村庄在同一时间点通过农民的年龄分层构成了并存的"外出流"与"返乡流"。在宏观经济下行时,年龄处于返乡期的农民工提前回村,而当经济回暖时,他们中的一部分又会到城市寻找工作。在以"年"为单位的时间循环中,不同年龄段的村民通过土地使用权的流转形成了动态的分工,乡村社会呈现出富有弹性的就业格局,从而在经济波动中具备了一定的承受能力。  相似文献   

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