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张永岳  崔裴 《科学发展》2013,(11):101-103
目前,我国基本形成了以廉祖住房为基础、以公共租赁房为重点,包括适当发展经济适用房和限价商品房、加快各类棚户区改造在内的城镇住房保障体系。这种住房保障制度和体系存在诸多问题,如产品种类偏多、管理不善、退出机制缺失等。针对租赁型保障房,应创新运行管理模式,逐步将廉租房与公租房并轨,统一规划、统一建设、统一审核、统一管理,实行分级补贴、租补分离、明收明补,以完善租赁型保障房制度体系。  相似文献   

包蕾萍  吴岩 《科学发展》2013,(12):97-102
上海推进的公共租赁住房建设,是上海"十二五"期间住房保障体系的重要组成部分,符合深化住房制度改革和加快完善住房保障体系的总体要求,同时也与上海推进新型城镇化建设相呼应。新型城镇化的核心是"人的城镇化",人的安居乐业是新型城镇化的关键所在。上海公租房政策对推动"人的城镇化",具有极为重要的引导作用:强化了对非沪籍居民和中等收入阶层居住权的保障;有助于对工作者居住权利的保障;有助于带动整个区域的和谐、均衡发展。政府在推动公共租赁住房建设的过程中,还须适度扩大规模,改变产权式保障的传统思路;从严实行进出筛选机制,鼓励向上流动;坚持运作市场化、社区社会化、政策政府化;关注产业布局,突出其人才属性。  相似文献   

石薇 《科学发展》2011,(5):108-112
在美国住房保障政策从单一政府投入到多元化社会资金参与、从直接供应到间接住房租金补贴的演变过程中,以下经验值得借鉴:采用利息补贴、税制优惠等政策吸引社会力量提供租赁房;通过多种措施有效解决公共住房"种族隔离"和"贫民窟"等社会问题,提高社会效率;政府在住房保障方式的调整中不断强化市场的作用。当前上海市的公共租赁房政策类似于美国早期的公共住房政策,即以政府为主导建设低收入家庭租赁房。从长期来看,美国公共住房政策的经验教训表明,单一以政府为主导建设公共住房是不可持续的,公共租赁房应建立市场化的运作机制,广泛发动社会力量参与。  相似文献   

公共租赁住房面向的是新就业职工群体,属于政策支持的租赁住房,是一种过渡周转性住房。通过发展公共租赁住房,上海将形成一个由廉租房、经济适用房、公共租赁住房三者共同构成的多层次住房保障体系。上海发展公共租赁住房要坚持政府主导、市场运作等基本原则,以及明确准入标准等基本思路,近期可采取加快相关制度建设、开展先行试点、搭建信息平台等具体措施。  相似文献   

杨玲 《城市观察》2014,(4):127-134
公租房社区是在新的住房保障形势下随公租房的大量建设而涌现的新型城市社区,这种社区不能完全套用现有一般城市社区管理方法。本文以大规模建设公租房的典型城市——重庆为样本,在分析其公租房社区管理现状、问题的基础上,通过借鉴国内外经验及分析公租房社区不同于一般城市社区的特点,提出完善公租房社区管理的思考。  相似文献   

庹川  徐漫辰 《城市观察》2021,74(4):95-104
近些年公共租赁住房(简称公租房)逐步受到中央与地方政府重视,成为保障房建设的重中之重,但是各地政府对于公租房的面积标准规定差异较大,缺乏明确的统一思想与细化标准,存在针对家庭人口结构的套型适应性不足、户型面积标准精细化不足的问题.在总结与借鉴欧洲、日本等发达地区的基本住房保障标准思路上,提出了基于家庭人口结构的精细化户型与面积标准,同时针对家庭结构演变提出了加强户型适应性的设计思路与建议.  相似文献   

Stakeholder theory posits that accountability systems depend on the strength and the number of their stakeholders. This paper aims to analyze the empirical validity of stakeholder theory, focusing on accountability systems in the museum sector. Based on Wikipedia resources, we have selected all of the “National Museums” (134 museums) in the major developed countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the US. After we control for type of activity (art or other), cost per visitor and country, the results of an OLS multivariate model show that size of the museum, which is assumed to represent the strength and number of stakeholders, and the amount of funds received, which represents the power of a particularly salient category of stakeholders (donors), are the two main determinants of the accountability level. We conclude that accountability, in the absence of shareholders, is driven by the number and the power of different stakeholders, validating the stakeholder theory.  相似文献   

This study investigated policies of retention and transfer among housing authorities in North Carolina which had projects with 50% or more elderly (N = 40). Results showed approximately 90% of the housing authorities had written eligibility and continued residence policies but few reported having services offered within their projects. Reconsideration of eligibility status was done by a combination of participants, but the ultimate decicision to evict a tenant usually lay with upper level management. Approximately one-half of the authorities reported having no resident staff persons in their projects and fewer than this amount required special training of their managers in the services and needs of their older clients. Recommendations are made to decision makers in public housing.  相似文献   

We analyze a case study of an innovative intergenerational housing arrangement in the Netherlands as an example of how a local long-term elderly care practice evolved in response to contemporary challenges. Identified elements of the established local practice relate to the characteristics and strategies of an institutional entrepreneur and elements of the new practice that comes into being, in which reciprocity and mutual learning have a central place. These elements might benefit future elderly housing initiatives as well.  相似文献   


Addressing the relationship between housing tenure and social disadvantage, this research examines social capital among public tenants in Australia, concentrating on their level of interpersonal trust and confidence in a range of public institutions. Through multivariate analyses of national survey data it also profiles the social and political background of public housing tenants. As expected, public tenants tend to have lower incomes, lower levels of education, and working-class backgrounds, or do not identify with any class location at all. They are less likely to be married or in de facto relationships than people in other housing tenures, but are more likely to identify with the Australian Labor Party than with the Coalition parties. Although public housing tenants have access to secure and affordable housing, they appear to be generally less trusting than private renters or homeowners and exhibit less confidence in government institutions such as the Australian parliament. Public housing tenants express lower levels of interpersonal trust even controlling for a range of social background factors, suggesting that as a form of tenure, public housing in some ways exacerbates the disadvantage of tenants.  相似文献   

上海的城市发展空间格局正在不断优化调整,随着自贸试验区临港新片区、长三角一体化发展示范区等国家战略在远郊布局,完善和加强郊区新城城市功能进一步受到重视.中心城区受限于开发空间和开发成本限制,很难承载租赁住房供应,未来上海城市发展格局还将以中心城区向外拓展为主导.因此,上海租赁住房市场发展与城市重要战略承载区和发展热点地区布局应紧密结合,稳妥有序推进住房租赁体系建设.  相似文献   

Public housing has been on the chopping block for almost two decades now in an effort to deconcentrate poverty. In 1992 the federal government created the Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere (HOPE) VI program. HOPE VI is driven by the assumption that deconcentrating neighborhood‐level poverty will yield better access to upward mobility opportunities for former public housing residents. To accomplish this, existing public housing is demolished and replaced with mixed‐income developments. Public housing residents are relocated, many with Housing Choice Voucher subsidies to private‐market rental housing. However, by its very definition mixed income means that only a small percentage of former residents get the opportunity to return. Do voucher relocated residents end up in lower poverty neighborhoods with greater upward mobility opportunities? We examine the spatial organization of relocation within the critical discourse on the deconcentration imperative. We highlight Atlanta because it recently became the first city in the nation to eliminate all of its public housing. Findings reveal that voucher relocatees end up in neighborhoods with modestly less poverty than the public housing neighborhoods they left. Questions remain about what poverty deconcentration means vis‐à‐vis policy goals. We provide recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

服务型政府将满足公民需求作为最高工作目标,不仅要求强化社会管理和公共服务职能,更需要通过体制机制创新来促进公共服务的有效供给。其中,公共服务的供给机制有效与否是政府不同层级和不同部门都要面对的普遍性问题。针对公共服务的混合性和复杂性,以及我国在公共服务提供方面的问题,参考发达国家的政府改革经验,我国应培育多元化的公共服务供给主体,通过将分散、异质性的服务需求与非规模化的服务供给对接来间接满足服务需求。多元化供给机制有利于发挥行政机制、市场机制和社会机制的各自优势,并实现三者的有机结合,从而有利于整合各种社会资源,满足公民的异质性公共服务需求。  相似文献   

This article investigates how a start-up foundation can build its organisational social capital, meaning a network of strategic partnerships with other organisations based on trust relationships, in order to fulfil its mission. Based on a case study analysis of Fondazione Welfare Ambrosiano—an Italian foundation created in partnership with private organisations and local public institutions—we explored whether and how some characteristics of the social capital of the foundation’s members contributed to the organisational social capital. By applying Nahapiet and Ghoshal’s (Acad Manag Rev 23(2):242–266, 1998) social capital framework, we discovered that the social capital configuration of the founders and staff, linked to some characteristics of the foundation, had driven the development of the organisational social capital. Our paper contributes to an understanding of what constitutes the best configuration of social capital to allow a start-up foundation to take off.  相似文献   

Housing is an area in which the active involvement of citizens in the provision of services has the potential to enrich individual lifestyles, local communities and the organisations providing housing, regardless of whether public, private for-profit or non-profit. Yet in current housing markets, housing tends to be purely individual, in the form of home ownership, or collectively managed through social rented housing. The article explores the conditions under which co-production in this field could be successful, as an alternative model. The analysis, which draws upon the work of Ostrom, is based on empirical fieldwork carried out among German housing cooperatives. As it turns out, successful co-production depends primarily on the long-term maintenance of group boundaries and specific trajectories of organisational development. This can make co-production an attractive model for specific social groups, but there are drawbacks: it also tends to lead to limited use of the invested capital and an inward orientation.  相似文献   


This study seeks to evaluate whether interorganizational trust and interpersonal trust influence the nature of state control in Brazilian public/non-profit partnerships (PNPs) by considering the social organization model with a non-profit partner that did not evolve organically from civil society as an equal and interdependent partner but instead was engineered by the state. We conducted qualitative research on two PNPs and analysed their historical trajectories through participant observation, documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with the state and non-profit partners as well as other actors involved indirectly in the PNPs. Our findings call into question the assumption of current studies that trust tends to be built over time and reveal that PNPs embedded in state-dominant and low-social-capital contexts are more vulnerable to the effects of interpersonal trust. This vulnerability influences the volatile patterns of the PNPs’ trajectories and leads to strong informal state-partner control as reflected by PNP disruptions and lower levels of interorganizational trust.


Just as the lives of adults may be turned upside down when a move is made from public housing, so too may be the lives of children. Over the course of 5 years, mothers relocated out of a housing development in the southwest U.S. participated in surveys and focus groups, discussing among many topics the lives of their children after the move. Mothers talked about their children's behaviour, the lack of play spaces, their children experiences in their schools, and the schools' responses. The mothers offered insights into ways to ease the relocation process and make the new space home.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This article investigates the implications of the move from public administration to new public management to new public...  相似文献   

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