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一、我国劳动就业的基本形势1.就业渠道拓宽,国有经济吸纳就业的能力下降,就业的所有制结构得到改善。改革开放以来,随着各种合营、外资经营和个体经济等的发展,我国的就业渠道拓宽,国有经济作为吸纳城镇就业主渠道的作用减弱。据统计部门的资料,1978年国有经...  相似文献   

《财经科学》1985年第3期发表胡小平的文章指出,不少同志提出用调整所有制结构,发展集体和个体经济,调整产业和产品结构,发展劳动密集型经济,增加商业网点等办法,吸收更多人就业。  相似文献   

大学生就业决定因素分析——基于多层模型的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用山东2007届高校毕业生就业调查数据,建立多层交叉随机效应模型,检验了个体、专业和学校等多层变量对大学生就业的影响。结果发现,初次就业概率在学校和专业之间存在显著差异,且学校因素对就业的作用大于专业,但学校与专业对就业的交互作用不显著。就业能力以及与专业相关的实习经历对就业具有显著的正向作用。因此,大学生就业政策的重点是提高教育质量和突出专业特色,提升就业能力,完善就业导向的实习指导和服务。  相似文献   

尚海洋 《西北人口》2014,(5):125-128
新型城镇化应该强化产业支撑作用,产业是新型城镇化的持续动力。本文在宏观比较西部地区主要省份的经济发展与城镇化现状之后,分析了甘肃省内各市州,特别是临夏州城镇化发展中存在的产业支撑问题,利用就业弹性系数量化了经济发展对于就业人口的拉动作用。通过细分行业的就业创造能力系数,建立预测模型,并利用临夏州2016年、2020年的经济发展预期,估算了三种情景下产业发展对于新型城镇化战略的就业人口吸收能力。  相似文献   

文章在对技术进步的技能偏态性理论回顾与总结的基础上,利用制造业企业的微观数据,用成本函数和生产函数形式的计量模型,对中国企业技术进步的技能偏态性进行了计量检验.研究结果表明,中国企业的技术进步在一定程度上呈现出技能偏态性的特点,导致了企业对高技能劳动力需求的增加,以及高技能劳动力所占的就业比重和收入比重的增加.同时,研究结果在一定程度上解释了劳动力市场中"技工荒"与"民工荒"并存的现象.  相似文献   

为了协调我国人口就业与不同产业经济增长的关系,对1978~2005年期间我国的人口就业与不同产业经济增长之间进行了协整分析,得出我国人口就业与第二、第三产业经济增长之间存在长期的均衡关系;同时构建模型对我国不同产业的GDP与就业人数进行了回归分析,利用我国不同产业的GDP就业弹性,比较分析了我国不同产业对就业吸纳作用的差异;以及利用得出的结论提出保持适度的经济增长,进行产业结构调整,扩大劳务输出等政策建议是缓解和扩大我国人口就业的必然途径。  相似文献   

利用江苏地区农户调研资料,归纳总结新生代农村劳动力的非农就业行为及主要特征,并利用结构方程模型进一步剖析资本类型对非农就业行为的影响机制和作用路径。研究结果表明,以职业规划能力和受教育程度为主的个体资本正向影响新生代农村劳动力非农就业行为,但作用程度低于其它资本。其它资本中以社会资源衡量的社会资本对非农就业行为影响尤其显著。资本类型对非农就业区域的影响远高于非农就业行业。基于上述研究结论,文章最后提出提升群体受教育水平和职业规划能力、构建多维度非农就业权益保障机制与公共就业服务体系、优化产业区域布局与发挥城市集聚效应的政策建议。  相似文献   

建立我国就业质量量化评价体系的步骤与方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
就业质量是就业过程中劳动者与生产资料相结合并取得报酬或收入的具体状况的优劣程度。对就业质量进行客观评价并不断提升就业质量是当前就业领域一项突出而紧迫的任务。本文认为,建立我国就业质量量化评价体系包括三项重要内容:设计就业质量评价指标体系、设计就业质量评价标准、制定就业质量评分表。依据评价指标体系、评价标准和评分表,就可以对就业质量进行规范的评价测量。  相似文献   

中国外商直接投资就业效应传导渠道研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
金碧  陈仲常 《人口与经济》2007,(1):36-40,35
随着我国外商直接投资的大量利用,以及就业问题的日益严重,外商直接投资就业效应值得关注。本文从一个新的角度———外商直接投资就业效应的三个传导渠道出发,分析了外商直接投资对我国就业的影响机制,然后在此基础上建立模型进行实证分析。因为近些年来外商进入我国越来越多的选择独资模式,因而特别在模型中加入反映外商直接投资独资化倾向的变量,来研究其对就业的影响。  相似文献   

内蒙古人口就业与经济增长的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口就业与经济增长有着密切的关系。我们通过建立回归分析模型 ,分析 1985年至 2 0 0 1年期间内蒙古人口就业与经济增长的数量关系 ,使我们了解近年来内蒙古就业增长的基本状况 ,为今后解决就业问题提供参考建议  相似文献   

为研究国有企业改革以来我国城镇非正规就业者的境遇变化,本文利用1997-2011年CHNS数据库,采用倾向得分匹配(PSM)方法,对城镇非正规就业者和正规就业者收入差距进行实证研究.结果发现,城镇非正规就业者与正规就业者收入存在显著差异,且呈现不断扩大的趋势,尤其是有雇工的非正规雇佣者、无雇工的非正规自雇者与正规就业者收入差距越来越大,表明我国城镇非正规就业者的生存境遇正不断恶化,劳动力市场向着不利于非正规就业的方向发展.这要求在劳动力市场改革中应充分考虑非正规就业者的生存空间,加大对非正规就业者的扶持力度的同时,注重非正规就业政策的差异性,减少劳动力市场扭曲对非正规就业者的影响.  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2014,(3):10-16
随着人口老龄化程度的不断加深,学界对劳动力状况的研究呈现数量、结构、质量并重的局面。本文利用2012年CLDS数据,对中国劳动力群体进行了基于雇员、雇主、自雇、务农四种从业状态的人口学描述,并分析了四种从业状态的劳动力群体在人力资本、工作时间与场所、收入与社会保障、工作评价、工作价值观及社会阶层认同等方面的差异。这些差异对相关劳动政策的制定具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

The issue of what determines subjective well-being has been at the centre of a recent flurry of research in the economics field. A necessary part of this understanding is the role relative positions (economic, social, geographic) of economic agents, particularly individuals, play in life (commonly referred to in the literature as rivalry). In this paper, we concentrate on whether the structure of happiness equations of South Africa are the same/similar to those of developed countries. The analysis uses three of the Durban Quality of Life Studies. Firstly these three data series are pooled and a variety of covariates are tested for their significance on happiness. These include age, marital status, employment status, household income and relative household income. Next we estimate yearly cross-sectional models to see if there are consistent findings of what determines happiness across the period considered. Our findings indicate there may be some structural differences between results from the Durban studies and those of international findings. Age appears to play no role in happiness likelihood, nor does marital status. Being unemployed does significantly and negatively effect happiness as does the size of household income, relative household income and whether living in a formal dwelling place. When we distinguish between employment categories we find that being self-employed negatively affects happiness, contradicting findings for developed countries. The authors wish to thank members of the Department of Economics, University of the Witwatersrand, participants at the 10th African Econometric Conference, Nairobi 2005 and International Society of Quality of Life Studies, Grahamstown South Africa 2006 as well as one anonymous referee for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

This article explores the discrimination practices encountered by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals in education, income, employment, and health care in Turkey. Limited quantitative data on LGBT individuals are available in Turkey. This study collected data from 2,875 LGBT individuals through a Web-based survey. The findings suggest that LGBT individuals report perceived direct and indirect discrimination in accessing education, employment, and health care. In a country where LGBT rights are not yet recognized and antidiscrimination legislation covering sexual orientation and gender identity is still nonexistent, findings demonstrate perceived discrimination of LGBTs rarely turns into a legal complaint. Even when they do, most LGBTs in our sample report that they did not feel that the justice system addressed their grievances.  相似文献   

针对我国就业增长缓慢和劳动收入占比下降同时存在的现实,本文从就业增长与工资、劳动收入上涨之间的动态关系及劳动收入占比的决定因素两个方面入手,通过分析发现:在我国,工资上涨对就业增长的抑制作用有限,劳动收入占比是影响就业增长的重要因素;就业增长与劳动收入占比只是单向影响关系。  相似文献   

The findings of this study contradict the popular belief that self-employment is especially beneficial as a path to economic progress for those from more disadvantaged backgrounds. Data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort (NLSY79) show that the relative earnings gain from being self-employed rather than working for an organization actually increases with the level of socioeconomic background. Those from a higher socioeconomic background can expect to earn much more in self-employment than in organizational employment while those from the lower socioeconomic background can expect to earn much less. While there are some indications that the more disadvantaged are more likely to attain very high incomes if they do become self-employed, the percentage of this group who attain higher incomes through self-employment is lower than it is for higher socioeconomic groups.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - Some studies using either objective or subjective indicators, find that self-employed individuals are less likely to be or to report being skill-mismatched in...  相似文献   

刘洪银 《西北人口》2011,32(1):6-10
农村劳动力非农就业对农村收入分配的影响关系到农村社会发展。借助社会调查数据,文章通过模拟参与方程和收入方程,采用直接法计算出调查地区农村劳动力非农就业的农村收入分配效应。研究表明,农村劳动力非农就业促进了农村收入分布的均等,非农就业量与农村收入均等化之间呈倒U型关系趋势。研究进一步提出了合理选择农村劳动力非农就业方式的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the level of work–family conflict of self-employed persons, a changing but neglected group in work–life research, compared to employees in Europe. Differences between the two groups are explained by looking at job demands and resources. The inclusion of work–family state support makes it possible to examine differences between countries. Multilevel analysis has been applied to data from the European Social Survey (ESS 2010). The results show that job demands and resources operate differently for employees and the self-employed. The relationship between employment type and WFC is mediated mainly by job demands such as working hours, working at short notice, job insecurity and supervisory work. The results also reveal variation across countries that cannot be explained by state support, signalling the need for a more complete understanding of WFC from a cross-national perspective.  相似文献   


Despite significant interest in the changing nature of employment as a critical social and economic challenge facing society—especially the decline in the so-called Standard Employment Relationship (SER) and rise in more insecure, precarious forms of employment—scholars have struggled to operationalize the multifaceted and heterogeneous nature of contemporary worker-employer relationships within empirical analyses. Here we investigate the character and distribution of employment relationships in the U.S., drawing on a representative sample of wage-earners and self-employed from the General Social Survey (2002–2018). We use the multidimensional construct of employment quality, which includes both contractual (e.g., wages, contract type) and relational (e.g., employee representation and participation) aspects of employment. We further employ a typological measurement approach, using latent class analysis, to explicitly examine how the multiple aspects of employment cluster together in modern labor markets. We present eight distinct employment types in the U.S., including one resembling the historical conception of the SER model (24% of the total workforce), and others representing various constellations of favorable and adverse employment features. These employment types are unevenly distributed across society, in terms of who works these jobs and where they are found in the labor market. Importantly, women, those with lower education, and younger workers are more likely to be in precarious forms of employment. More generally, our typology reveals limitations associated with binary conceptions of standard vs. non-standard employment, or insider–outsider dichotomies envisioned within dual labor market theories.


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