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1.  Losses in workers and reproductives due to the ichneumonid parasitoidLatibulus sp. were determined in a haplometrotic, temperate paper wasp,Polistes riparius, during a 5-year study.
2.  Fifty-four to 79% of pre-emergence nests were parasitized on worker brood, resulting in a worker loss of 25–31% on average. Worker brood reared in outer cells were much more often parasitized than those in central ones, possibly because outer cells are more accessible to the parasitoid. Infestation of worker brood was not random but aggregated among nests.
3.  Seventy-eight to 100% of nests were parasitized on reproductive brood, and lost 10–34% of reproductives.
4.  The number of emerged workers positively correlated with that of reproductives produced and that of cells made during the season. This suggests that worker loss reduces reproductive output of colonies. Hence, the parasitoid can reduce colonial reproductive output not only by killing reproductive brood but by reducing worker force.

Summary More than 50% of nests ofRopalidia fasciata were founded by association of foundresses (multifemale nests). The multifemale nests were generally initiated earlier and grew faster than the single-female nests. The survival rate of the multifemale nests was significantly higher than that of single-female nests, and the productivity as measured by the number of cells produced per foundress had a peak at a foundress-group size from 6 to 10. The number of marked foundresses which were seen on their original nest decreased as the colony cycle proceeded, but some of them continued to coexist on the original nests after emergency of many female progeny. Except in the case where a large number of foundresses attended a young nest so that some foundresses could not sit on the nest, the dominance interactions among cofoundresses were mild. More than twothirds (71.4%) of nests (including those at the post-emergence stage) had multiple egg-layers. The foundress association in this species is considered to be beneficial for every foundress because it raises ability to avoid predation or to reconstruct their nests when the nests are destroyed by typhoons. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research on Biological Aspect of Optimal Strategy and Social Structure from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.  相似文献   

Summary Females in hibernation site (FH) were significantly larger than foundresses (FO), suggesting that larger FH were less successful in founding their nest. Body size of FO did not correlate with two nest characters, i.e., the number of cells at pupal stage (CP) and the timing of nest foundation (DP). However, CP negatively correlated with DP in 2 of 3 studied years, suggesting that foundress who founded her nest earlier than others tended to construct larger number of cells irrespective of her body size.  相似文献   

The antLasius niger was observed collecting honeydew and preying on the two aphid speciesLachnus tropicalis andMyzocallis kuricola on the chestnut treesCastanea crenata. Observation determined how the antL. niger controlled their predation on the aphids in response to the density and honeydew-productivity of the aphids.Lachnus tropicalis was a better honeydew source thanM. kuricola forL. niger in terms of the amount of honeydew collected per unit time by the ants. The number of foraging workers on a tree increased with the number ofL. tropicalis on the tree, but not with the number ofM. kuricola. The density ofL. tropicalis perL. niger worker on a tree had a positive effect on the predation activity ofL. niger on both aphids, whereas the density ofM. kuricola per ant did not have any significant effect. The predation pressure by the ant which increased withL. tropicalis density, however, directed toM. kuricola rather than toL. tropicalis. These facts suggest (1) thatL. niger control their predation activities on aphids with regards to the densities of the attended aphids per worker, and (2) that the ants prey on the aphid species producing less honeydew. The effects of the ant predation on aphids and the importance of these predation effect in antaphids interactions were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of patchy habitats by adult populations of threePieris butterflies,P. rapae, P. melete andP. napi was studied throughout the flight season in an area of their coexistence, about 3×1.5 km, in a farm village in the mountains in Inabu, Aichi Prefecture. Field study was by the mark-recapture method. Results were analyzed by dispersal distances and recapture duration decay curves for adults of different age-classes estimated on the basis of physical condition of their wings, together with supplementary information of daliy egg-laying rate of females, obtained in field cages. Sexually immature, mated femals ofP. rapae after teneral stage showed a migratory flight. On the other hand, reproductive females and all males ofP. rapae were strongly resident within suitable habitats, and reproductive females begun to lay eggs abundantly at sunny places of newly suitable areas within a short period.P. melete seemed to disperse gradually from emerged stites and females of this species continued to lay some constant numbers of eggs for more than ten days over a wider area.P. napi appeared more likeP. melete thanP. rapae. The habitats of the three species can be characterized as follows:P. rapae, temporary, continued for pre-reproductive females but localized for reproductive females and all males, and unstable;P. melete, permanent, widespread, and stable;P. napi, permanent, localized, and stable. The numbers of generations ofP. rapae, P. melete andP. napi were estimated to be about six, three and three, respectively. Seasonal fluctuations in the number of adults were influenced by the stability of their habitats, i. e., the population size fluctuated sharply inP. rapae, but it was much more stable inP. melete andP. napi. In view of these results, it can be said thatP. rapae fits the general characteristics of a r-strategist whereasP. melete andP. napi are more K-strategic thanP. rapae.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspecies competition in a field population ofGregopimpla himalayensis (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) parasitic on the prepupae ofMalacosoma neustria testacea (Lep.: Lasiocampidae) was investigated. The parasite oviposits the sufficient number of progeny (5 individuals/0.1 g dry weight of host) to exhaust a single host in a single attack. However, at the intensity less than 22–26 individuals/0.1 g d.w. of host, all individuals can emerge, i.e. density-dependent mortality does not occur. Within this range of intensity, survival of parasite larvae is guaranteed by diminution in body size and decreasing sex ratio. In contrast, total biomass of parasites showed a peak at 5 individuals/0.1 g d.w. of host at which a single host is exhausted. Above the intensity of 22–26, extraordinary minute individuals appeared and they died before maturation. If intraspecies competition play a role in regulation ofG. himalayensis population in the field, the process is usually not through density-dependent mortality but through decreasing reproductive rate caused by decrease in the sex ratio, adult longevity and fecundity. Contribution Ser. 2, No. 275. Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University.  相似文献   

Summary Optimal clutch size of the chestnut gall-wasp,Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), was examined in galls on wild and resistant chestnut trees in 1988 and 1989. The rate of escape success of newly-emerged adults from galls was an average of 60%, irrespective of cell numbers per gall. Dry mass per cell of a gall (as an index of nutritive condition) decreased with increasing cell number per gall, but was proportional to the mean number of mature eggs of new adults per gall. The number of cells per gall that occurred most frequently did not agree with that attained by the maximum survival rate from young larva to adult emergence of the gall-wasp. This discrepancy was examined from the viewpoint of three factors: 1) quality of offspring, 2) defensive response of the host plant causing mortality of the gall-wasp before cell formation, and 3) fitness per gall vs. fitness per egg. It is concluded that the third factor is most likely to be the one best in explaining the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Summary We performed multiple-generation competition experiments betweenCallosobruchus analis andC. phaseoli with different bean sizes. In each system, we supplied 5 g of mung beans (Vigna radiata) every 10 days. We examined three types of bean conditions: 5 g of large beans, 5 g of small beans, and a mixture of 2.5 g of large and small beans. In small bean condition,C. analis dominatedC. phaseoli in all three replicates andC. phaseoli was extinct by the 260th day. On the contrary,C. phaseoli overcameC. analis within 250 days in large beans in all three replicates. In mixed beans condition the two bruchid species coexisted more than 500 days in two out of the three replicates. Even in the exceptional case, both species coexisted for 460 days. These results were examined in the light of the predictions from short-term larval competition experiments and a game theoretical model by Smith and Lessells (1985). The density and frequency dependent results during larval competition inside a bean was concluded to be a main factor to produce the above long-term competition results.  相似文献   

Following four hypotheses on the production of soldiers were tested in thePheidole fervida colonies collected in the natural field:
1.  The proportion of new soldiers is primarily dependent on the population size of old workers.
2.  The abundance of old soldiers reduces the proportion of new soldiers.
3.  The production of sexuals reduces the proportion of new soldiers.
4.  The number of soldiers is correlated with the size of defense zone.
The present test suggested that the last idea was most likely to the wild colonies ofP. fervida.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of tortoise beetles,Aspidomorpha miliaris (AM) andA. sanctaecrucis (AS) feeding on a shrub-like morning glory,Ipomoea carnea, were reared under laboratory conditions to study their survivorship and fertility schedules. AM and AS required 34–39 days and 30–37, respectively, for the development of the immature stages. The mean longevity of the males was 88.4 days in AM and 63.8 in AS, and that of females was 87.9 days in AM and 83.3 in AS. The mean length of the pre-reproductive period (27.2 days in AM and 33.8 in AS) was much longer than that of the post-reproductive period (10.9 days in AM and 14.3 in AS). Females laid eggs at a nearly constant rate throughout their reproductive period. The reproductive valueV x /V 0 of the two species remained high for most of their adult life, as a result of prolonged survivorship and fertility periods. The total number of eggs produced per female was 442.9 (AM) and 80.1 (AS). The intrinsic rate of natural increaser was 0.070 (AM) and 0.044 (AS) per capita per day. The prolonged reproductive schedules, coupled with strong dispersal power, of these species no doubt have an adaptive value for living in highly disturbed tropical environments, where rainfall is ample but unpredictable and food resources are available throughout the year in a wide area, but distributed in widely flung patches. Contributions to the knowledge of population dynamics of tortoise beetles in Sumatra 3. Contribution No. 33 of Sumatra Nature Study (Entomology). Partly supported by Grants from Japan Society for Promotion of Science for JSPS-DGHE Scientific Cooperation (1980, 1982) and Grants-in-Aid for Overseas Scientific Survey from Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (Nos. 56041027 and 58041030).  相似文献   

Summary We studied the stopping rule obeyed by the female parasitoid,Chrysocharis pentheus, in deciding when to leave the leaflet on which she is searching for larvae ofPhytomyza ranunculi. She seemed not to employ some stopping rules that have been suggested; i.e., a fixed-number rule and a fixed-time rule and others. The stopping model formulated forDapsilarthra rufiventris parasitic on the same host species fitted well to the results. The model assumes that the searching female will deposit a marking pheromone on the leaflet at a rate proportional to the search speed and will leave the leaflet when the amount of the pheromone that has accumulated on the leaflet reaches the threshold,L. In this model,L denotes the amount of search effort spent on the leaflet. A comparison of the observed results with the predictions from the model suggested thatL increased markedly at the first encounter with the mine (host), but less at later encounters.C. pentheus appears to employ a mixed strategy of a fixed search-effort and an area-concentrated search. This would confer an adaptive advantage in foraging forP. ranunculi larvae, which are distributed in clumps among leaflets in the field.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments are described showing the long-term dynamics of two species of bruchid beetles (Callosobruchus chinensis andC. maculatus) in arenas in which the resource of 50 black-eyed beans is divided between 5, 10 or 50 ‘patches’. Both species of adult beetles exhibit clumped distributions between patches. Within a patch there is a tendency for a density dependent reduction in (1) eggs laid per female, (2) the proportion of eggs hatching per bean (C. chinensis only) and (3) larval survival which is strongly overcompensating (particularly inC. maculatus). A discrete generation model is used as a framework to draw these results together and show how the different factors affecting natality and mortality can influence the population dynamics. Finally, the importance of the resource renewal interval in influencing the period of the population cycles is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The biology of the veliid bugM. d. atrolineata, its predatory behavior, and the effects of plural hunting were studied to evaluate its role as a predator of the brown planthopperNilaparvata lugens in the Philippines. The probability of planthoppers falling onto the water surface and provision of habitat continuity was measured by a sticky trap placed at the base of rice hills in a greenhouse and in paddy fields. The developmental period of immature stages combined was 21 days. If given prey, females laid 25 eggs on the average during an adult life span of 18 days. Starved adults could survive for only 3–5 days. The functional response to prey density was sigmoid, and the maximum number of prey killed was 7 per day. Prey feeding was completed in 12–36 min. The percentage of successful prey attacks averaged 5–8%, decreasing with higher (and larger) developmental. stages of prey, but adult prey were found the soonest. Plural hunting increased the probability of capturing prey by as much as 2.5 times that by individual hunting. Late-instar nymphs, which may be more active, fell from rice hills in a greenhouse more than early-instar nymphs, and the number falling increased with density. In the field the percentage of planthoppers falling to the water in 1 day varied considerably, from 1% for nymphs in one field to 67% for adults in another field. On the basis of work described above and given the high density of veliid predators in flooded paddy fields of tropical Asia,M. d. atrolineata is considered one of the most important natural enemies of the brown planthopper.  相似文献   

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