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We consider partial likelihood analysis of a truncated Poisson regression model for time series of counts. We focus our attention on the study of asymptotic theory for the maximum partial likelihood estimator of a vector of regression parameters. Simulations and data analysis integrate the presentation.  相似文献   

Given a multiple time series sharing common autoregressive patterns, we estimate an additive model. The autoregressive component and the individual random effects are estimated by integrating maximum likelihood estimation and best linear unbiased predictions in a backfitting algorithm. The simulation study illustrated that the estimation procedure provides an alternative to the Arellano–Bond generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator of the panel model when T > N and the Arellano–Bond generally diverges. The estimator has high predictive ability. In cases where T ≤ N, the backfitting estimator is at least comparable to Arellano–Bond estimator.  相似文献   

We propose methods for detecting structural changes in time series with discrete‐valued observations. The detector statistics come in familiar L2‐type formulations incorporating the empirical probability generating function. Special emphasis is given to the popular models of integer autoregression and Poisson autoregression. For both models, we study mainly structural changes due to a change in distribution, but we also comment for the classical problem of parameter change. The asymptotic properties of the proposed test statistics are studied under the null hypothesis as well as under alternatives. A Monte Carlo power study on bootstrap versions of the new methods is also included along with a real data example.  相似文献   

This article focuses on estimating an autoregressive regression model for circular time series data. Simulation studies have shown the difficulties involved in obtaining good estimates from low concentration data or from small samples. It presents an application using real data.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Variable selection is an important issue in all regression analyses, and in this paper we discuss this in the context of regression analysis of panel count data. Panel count data often occur in long-term studies that concern occurrence rate of a recurrent event, and their analysis has recently attracted a great deal of attention. However, there does not seem to exist any established approach for variable selection with respect to panel count data. For the problem, we adopt the idea behind the non-concave penalized likelihood approach and develop a non-concave penalized estimating function approach. The proposed methodology selects variables and estimates regression coefficients simultaneously, and an algorithm is presented for this process. We show that the proposed procedure performs as well as the oracle procedure in that it yields the estimates as if the correct submodel were known. Simulation studies are conducted for assessing the performance of the proposed approach and suggest that it works well for practical situations. An illustrative example from a cancer study is provided.  相似文献   

The added variable plot is useful for examining the effect of a covariate in regression models. The plot provides information regarding the inclusion of a covariate, and is useful in identifying influential observations on the parameter estimates. Hall et al. (1996) proposed a plot for Cox's proportional hazards model derived by regarding the Cox model as a generalized linear model. This paper proves and discusses properties of this plot. These properties make the plot a valuable tool in model evaluation. Quantities considered include parameter estimates, residuals, leverage, case influence measures and correspondence to previously proposed residuals and diagnostics.  相似文献   

A new variable selection approach utilizing penalized estimating equations is developed for high-dimensional longitudinal data with dropouts under a missing at random (MAR) mechanism. The proposed method is based on the best linear approximation of efficient scores from the full dataset and does not need to specify a separate model for the missing or imputation process. The coordinate descent algorithm is adopted to implement the proposed method and is computational feasible and stable. The oracle property is established and extensive simulation studies show that the performance of the proposed variable selection method is much better than that of penalized estimating equations dealing with complete data which do not account for the MAR mechanism. In the end, the proposed method is applied to a Lifestyle Education for Activity and Nutrition study and the interaction effect between intervention and time is identified, which is consistent with previous findings.  相似文献   

In this article we propose a method called GLLS for the fitting of bilinear time series models. The GLLS procedure is the combination of the LASSO method, the generalized cross-validation method, the least angle regression method, and the stepwise regression method. Compared with the traditional methods such as the repeated residual method and the genetic algorithm, GLLS has the advantage of shrinking the coefficients of the models and saving the computational time. The Monte Carlo simulation studies and a real data example are reported to assess the performance of the proposed GLLS method.  相似文献   

This paper documents situations where the variance inflation model for outliers has undesirable properties. The model is commonly used to accommodate outliers in a Bayesian analysis of regression and time series models. The alternative approach provided here does not suffer from these undesirable properties but gives inferences similar to those of the variance inflation model when this is appropriate. It can be used with regression, time series, and regression with correlated errors in a unified way, and adheres to the scientific principle that inference should be based on the data after obvious outliers have been discarded. Only one parameter is required for outliers; it is interpretable as the a priori willingness to remove observations from the analysis.  相似文献   


We propose a method to determine the order q of a model in a general class of time series models. For the subset of linear moving average models (MA(q)), our method is compared with that of the sample autocorrelations. Since the sample autocorrelation is meant to detect a linear structure of dependence between random variables, it turns out to be more suitable for the linear case. However, our method presents a competitive option in that case, and for nonlinear models (NLMA(q)) it is shown to work better. The main advantages of our approach are that it does not make assumptions on the existence of moments and on the distribution of the noise involved in the moving average models. We also include an example with real data corresponding to the daily returns of the exchange rate process of mexican pesos and american dollars.  相似文献   

In linear regression the structure of the hat matrix plays an important part in regression diagnostics. In this note we investigate the properties of the hat matrix for regression with censored responses in the presence of one or more explanatory variables observed without censoring. The censored points in the scatterplot are renovated to positions had they been observed without censoring in a renovation process based on Buckley-James censored regression estimators. This allows natural links to be established with the structure of ordinary least squares estimators. In particular, we show that the renovated hat matrix may be partitioned in a manner which assists in deciding whether further explanatory variables should be added to the linear model. The added variable plot for regression with censored data is developed as a diagnostic tool for this decision process.  相似文献   

This article proves that the block-block bootstrap of Andrews (2004 Andrews , D. W. K. ( 2004 ). The block-block bootstrap: improved asymptotic refinements . Econometrica 72 ( 3 ): 673700 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) can be helpful to provide asymptotic refinements for the GMM estimator when autocorrelation structures of moment functions are unknown (i.e., incorporating the HAC covariance matrix) and when we allow for statistics that are inefficient. The asymptotic refinements of this block-block bootstrap in the time series context are shown to exist with the use of less restricted kernels than in the block bootstrap in Inoue and Shintani (2006 Inoue , A. , Shintani , M. ( 2006 ). Bootstrapping GMM estimators for time series . J. Econometrics 113 : 531555 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), since they do not require to have a characteristic exponent larger than 2. The procedure allows to apply in practice kernels that guarantee that the HAC covariance matrix estimator is positive semidefinite, and to get asymptotic refinements at the same time.  相似文献   

In this article, a new class of models is proposed for modeling nonlinear and nonstationary time series. This new class of models, referred to as the periodic bilinear models, has a state space representation and can be characterized by a set of recursive equations. Condition for the stationarity is presented. Procedures for parameter estimation using the cumulants of order less than four are described and the accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated in the Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of the conditional quantile function when the covariates take values in some abstract function space. The main goal of this article is to establish the almost complete convergence and the asymptotic normality of the kernel estimator of the conditional quantile under the α-mixing assumption and on the concentration properties on small balls of the probability measure of the functional regressors. Some applications and particular cases are studied. This approach can be applied in time series analysis to the prediction and building of confidence bands. We illustrate our methodology with El Niño data.  相似文献   

高维面板数据降维与变量选择方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从介绍高维面板数据的一般特征入手,在总结高维面板数据在实际应用中所表现出的各种不同类型及其研究理论与方法的同时,主要介绍高维面板数据因子模型和混合效应模型;对混合效应模型随机效应和边际效应中的高维协方差矩阵以及经济数据中出现的多指标大维数据的研究进展进行述评;针对高维面板数据未来的发展方向、理论与应用中尚待解决的一些关键问题进行分析与展望。  相似文献   

For the class of autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) processes, we examine the relationship between the dual and the inverse processes. It is demonstrated that the inverse process generated by a causal and invertible ARMA (p, q) process is a causal and invertible ARMA (q, p) model. Moreover, it is established that this representation is strong if and only if the generating process is Gaussian. More precisely, it is derived that the linear innovation process of the inverse process is an all-pass model. Some examples and applications to time reversibility are given to illustrate the obtained results.  相似文献   

Univariate time series models are estimated for sample periods ending with the enactment of major tax reductions in 1964 and 1981. These models are used to forecast government revenue for the period following the tax cut, and the pattern of forecast errors is examined. Unforecast revenue is negative and large relative to its standard error following the 1981 tax cuts but is close to zero following the 1964 cuts. This disparity occurs because national output behaved differently in the two cases, suggesting that short-run movements in output are dominated by factors other than tax rate changes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the weighted composite quantile regression for linear model with left-truncated data. The adaptive penalized procedure for variable selection is proposed. The asymptotic normality and oracle property of the resulting estimators are also established. Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper considers residuals for time series regression. Despite much literature on visual diagnostics for uncorrelated data, there is little on the autocorrelated case. To examine various aspects of the fitted time series regression model, three residuals are considered. The fitted regression model can be checked using orthogonal residuals; the time series error model can be analysed using marginal residuals; and the white noise error component can be tested using conditional residuals. When used together, these residuals allow identification of outliers, model mis‐specification and mean shifts. Due to the sensitivity of conditional residuals to model mis‐specification, it is suggested that the orthogonal and marginal residuals be examined first.  相似文献   

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