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We propose two test statistics for testing serial correlation in semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models. The proposed test statistics are not only for testing zero first-order serial correlation, but also for testing higher-order serial correlations. Under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation, the test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or chi-square distributions. By using R, some Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to examine the finite sample performances of the proposed tests. Simulation results show that the estimated size and power of the proposed tests behave well.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of testing for variance breaks in time series in the presence of a changing trend. In performing the test, we employ the cumulative sum of squares (CUSSQ) test introduced by Inclán and Tiao (1994, J.?Amer.?Statist.?Assoc., 89, 913 ? 923). It is shown that CUSSQ test is not robust in the case of broken trend and its asymptotic distribution does not convergence to the sup of a standard Brownian bridge. As a remedy, a bootstrap approximation method is designed to alleviate the size distortions of test statistic while preserving its high power. Via a bootstrap functional central limit theorem, the consistency of these bootstrap procedures is established under general assumptions. Simulation results are provided for illustration and an empirical example of application to a set of high frequency real data is given.  相似文献   

S. Zhou  R. A. Maller 《Statistics》2013,47(1-2):181-201
Models for populations with immune or cured individuals but with others subject to failure are important in many areas, such as medical statistics and criminology. One method of analysis of data from such populations involves estimating an immune proportion 1 ? p and the parameter(s) of a failure distribution for those individuals subject to failure. We use the exponential distribution with parameter λ for the latter and a mixture of this distribution with a mass 1 ? p at infinity to model the complete data. This paper develops the asymptotic theory of a test for whether an immune proportion is indeed present in the population, i.e., for H 0:p = 1. This involves testing at the boundary of the parameter space for p. We use a likelihood ratio test for H 0. and prove that minus twice the logarithm of the likelihood ratio has as an asymptotic distribution, not the chi-square distribution, but a 50–50 mixture of a chi-square distribution with 1 degree of freedom, and a point mass at 0. The result is proved under an independent censoring assumption with very mild restrictions.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the performance of tests for a single structural change at unknown date when regressors are stationary, trending and when they have a break in mean. Size and power of the test procedures are compared in a simulation setup particularly aimed at autoregressive models using their limiting distribution and some bootstrap approximations. The comparisons are performed using graphical methods, namely P value discrepancy plots and size–power curves. The simulation study gives some interesting insights to the test procedures. Indeed, it documents that tests based on the conventional asymptotic distribution are oversized in small samples. The size correction is achieved by some bootstrap methods which appear to possess reasonable size properties. For the power study, the proposed bootstrap method improves on the asymptotic approximations of some tests for heteroskedastic regression errors especially when there is a mean-shift in the regressors. This result has not been found for the case of i.i.d. errors where the bootstrap tests have the same power properties as the tests based on the asymptotic approximations. We finally study the relationship between two monthly US interest rates. The results show that such relationship has been altered by a regime-shift located in May 1981.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of modelling errors, such as underfitting and overfitting, on the asymptotic power of tests of association between an explanatory variable x and an outcome in the setting of generalized linear models. The regression function for x is approximated by a polynomial or another simple function, and a chi-square statistic is used to test whether the coefficients of the approximation are simultaneously equal to zero. Adding terms to the approximation increases asymptotic power if and only if the fit of the model increases by a certain quantifiable amount. Although a high degree of freedom approximation offers robustness to the shape of the unknown regression function, a low degree of freedom approximation can yield much higher asymptotic power even when the approximation is very poor. In practice, it is useful to compute the power of competing test statistics across the range of alternatives that are plausible a priori. This approach is illustrated through an application in epidemiology.  相似文献   

A test for the mutual independence of subvectors of the p-dimensional random vector X , distributed as N( 0, S? ), is described. The test is based on the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of the off-(block) diagonal elements of S?. It is shown that the resulting test statistic is much easier to compute than the likelihood ratio (LR) test statistic while retaining the same asymptotic power properties in view of the general properties of tests based on the MLEs (ML test) and the likelihood ratio (LR test).  相似文献   

This article presents a multiple hypothesis test procedure that combines two well known tests for structural change in the linear regression model, the CUSUM test and the recursive t test. The CUSUM test is run through the sequence of recursive residuals as usual; if the CUSUM plot does not violate the critical lines, one more step is taken to perform the t test for hypothesis of zero mean based on all recursive residuals. The asymptotic size of this multiple hypothesis test is derived; power simulation results suggest that it outperforms the traditional CUSUM test and complements other tests that are currently stressed in econometrics.  相似文献   

This article presents a multiple hypothesis test procedure that combines two well known tests for structural change in the linear regression model, the CUSUM test and the recursive t test. The CUSUM test is run through the sequence of recursive residuals as usual; if the CUSUM plot does not violate the critical lines, one more step is taken to perform the t test for hypothesis of zero mean based on all recursive residuals. The asymptotic size of this multiple hypothesis test is derived; power simulation results suggest that it outperforms the traditional CUSUM test and complements other tests that are currently stressed in econometrics.  相似文献   

Many nonparametric tests have been proposed for the hypothesis of no row (treatment) effect in a one-way layout design. Examples of such tests are Kruskal-Wallis H-test, Bhapkar's (1961) V-test and Deshpande's (1965) L-test. However not many tests are available for testing the same hypothesis in a two-way layout design without interaction. Perhaps the only “established” test is the one due to Friedman (1937). However, it applies to the case of one observation per cell only. In this paper, a new distribution-free test is proposed for the hypothesis of row effect in a two-way layout design. It applies to the case of several observations per cell, not necessarily equal. The asymptotic efficiency of the proposed test relative to other tests is studied.  相似文献   

The asymptotic local power of least squares–based fixed-T panel unit root tests allowing for a structural break in their individual effects and/or incidental trends of the AR(1) panel data model is studied. Limiting distributions of these tests are derived under a sequence of local alternatives, and analytic expressions show how their means and variances are functions of the break date and the time dimension of the panel. The considered tests have nontrivial local power in a N?1/2 neighborhood of unity when the panel data model includes individual intercepts. For panel data models with incidental trends, the power of the tests becomes trivial in this neighborhood. However, this problem does not always appear if the tests allow for serial correlation in the error term and completely vanishes in the presence of cross-section correlation. These results show that fixed-T tests have very different theoretical properties than their large-T counterparts. Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate the usefulness of the asymptotic theory in small samples.  相似文献   

The detection of (structural) breaks or the so called change point problem has drawn increasing attention from the theoretical, applied economic and financial fields. Much of the existing research concentrates on the detection of change points and asymptotic properties of their estimators in panels when N, the number of panels, as well as T, the number of observations in each panel are large. In this paper we pursue a different approach, i.e., we consider the asymptotic properties when N→∞ while keeping T fixed. This situation is typically related to large (firm-level) data containing financial information about an immense number of firms/stocks across a limited number of years/quarters/months. We propose a general approach for testing for break(s) in this setup. In particular, we obtain the asymptotic behavior of test statistics. We also propose a wild bootstrap procedure that could be used to generate the critical values of the test statistics. The theoretical approach is supplemented by numerous simulations and by an empirical illustration. We demonstrate that the testing procedure works well in the framework of the four factors CAPM model. In particular, we estimate the breaks in the monthly returns of US mutual funds during the period January 2006 to February 2010 which covers the subprime crises.  相似文献   

A probability distribution function F is said to be symmetric when 1 ‐ F(x) ‐ F(‐x) = 0 for all x∈ R. Given a sequence of alternatives contiguous to a certain symmetric F0, the authors are concerned with testing for the null hypothesis of symmetry. The proposed tests are consistent against any nonsymmetric alternative, and their power with respect to the given sequence can easily be optimized. The tests are constructed by means of transformed empirical processes with an adequate selection of the underlying isometry, and the optimum power is obtained by suitably choosing the score functions. The test statistics are very easy to compute and their asymptotic distributions are simple.  相似文献   

For the two-sample location problem with continuous data we consider a general class of tests, all members of it are based on U-statistics. The asymptotic efficacies are investigated in detail. We construct an adaptive test where all statistics involved are suitably chosen U-statistics. It is shown that the proposed adaptive test has good asymptotic and finite sample power properties.  相似文献   

This article considers an empirical Bayes testing problem for the guarantee lifetime in the two-parameter exponential distributions with non identical components. We study a method of constructing empirical Bayes tests under a class of unknown prior distributions for the sequence of the component testing problems. The asymptotic optimality of the sequence of empirical Bayes tests is studied. Under certain regularity conditions on the prior distributions, it is shown that the sequence of the constructed empirical Bayes tests is asymptotically optimal, and the associated sequence of regrets converges to zero at a rate O(n? 1 + 1/[2(r + α) + 1]) for some integer r ? 0 and 0 ? α ? 1 depending on the unknown prior distributions, where n is the number of past data available when the (n + 1)st component testing problem is considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of testing the hypothesis on whether the density f of a random variable on a sphere belongs to a given parametric class of densities. We propose two test statistics based on the L2 and L1 distances between a non‐parametric density estimator adapted to circular data and a smoothed version of the specified density. The asymptotic distribution of the L2 test statistic is provided under the null hypothesis and contiguous alternatives. We also consider a bootstrap method to approximate the distribution of both test statistics. Through a simulation study, we explore the moderate sample performance of the proposed tests under the null hypothesis and under different alternatives. Finally, the procedure is illustrated by analysing a real data set based on wind direction measurements.  相似文献   

A test for homogeneity of g ? 2 covariance matrices is presented when the dimension, p, may exceed the sample size, ni, i = 1, …, g, and the populations may not be normal. Under some mild assumptions on covariance matrices, the asymptotic distribution of the test is shown to be normal when ni, p → ∞. Under the null hypothesis, the test is extended for common covariance matrix to be of a specified structure, including sphericity. Theory of U-statistics is employed in constructing the tests and deriving their limits. Simulations are used to show the accuracy of tests.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new family of goodness-of-fit tests based on the negative exponential disparities. This family includes the popular Pearson's chi-square as a member and is a subclass of the general class of disparity tests (Basu and Sarkar, 1994) which also contains the family of power divergence statistics. Pitman efficiency and finite sample power comparisons between different members of this new family are made. Three asymptotic approximations of the exact null distributions of the negative exponential disparity famiiy of tests are discussed. Some numerical results on the small sample perfomance of this family of tests are presented for the symmetric null hypothesis. It is shown that the negative exponential disparity famiiy, Like the power divergence family, produces a new goodness-of-fit test statistic that can be a very attractive alternative to the Pearson's chi-square. Some numerical results suggest that, application of this test statistic, as an alternative to Pearson's chi-square, could be preferable to the I 2/3 statistic of Cressie and Read (1984) under the use of chi-square critical values.  相似文献   


When analyzing categorical data using loglinear models in sparse contingency tables, asymptotic results may fail. In this paper the empirical properties of three commonly used asymptotic tests of independence, based on the uniform association model for ordinal data, are investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulation. Five different bootstrapped tests of independence are presented and compared to the asymptotic tests. The comparisons are made with respect to both size and power properties of the tests. Results indicate that the asymptotic tests have poor size control. The test based on the estimated association parameter is severely conservative and the two chi-squared tests (Pearson, likelihood-ratio) are both liberal. The bootstrap tests that either use a parametric assumption or are based on non-pivotal test statistics do not perform better than the asymptotic tests in all situations. The bootstrap tests that are based on approximately pivotal statistics provide both adjustment of size and enhancement of power. These tests are therefore recommended for use in situations similar to those included in the simulation study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and study a new global test, namely, GPF test, for the one‐way anova problem for functional data, obtained via globalizing the usual pointwise F‐test. The asymptotic random expressions of the test statistic are derived, and its asymptotic power is investigated. The GPF test is shown to be root‐n consistent. It is much less computationally intensive than a parametric bootstrap test proposed in the literature for the one‐way anova for functional data. Via some simulation studies, it is found that in terms of size‐controlling and power, the GPF test is comparable with two existing tests adopted for the one‐way anova problem for functional data. A real data example illustrates the GPF test.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of testing the mean vector in the multivariate normal distribution, where the dimension p is greater than the sample size N. We propose a new test TBlock and obtain its asymptotic distribution. We also compare the proposed test with other two tests. The simulation results suggest that the performance of the new test is comparable to the existing two tests, and under some circumstances it may have higher power. Therefore, the new statistic can be employed in practice as an alternative choice.  相似文献   

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