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The Rayleigh distribution has been used to model right skewed data. Rayleigh [On the resultant of a large number of vibrations of the some pitch and of arbitrary phase. Philos Mag. 1880;10:73–78] derived it from the amplitude of sound resulting from many important sources. In this paper, a new goodness-of-fit test for the Rayleigh distribution is proposed. This test is based on the empirical likelihood ratio methodology proposed by Vexler and Gurevich [Empirical likelihood ratios applied to goodness-of-fit tests based on sample entropy. Comput Stat Data Anal. 2010;54:531–545]. Consistency of the proposed test is derived. It is shown that the distribution of the proposed test does not depend on scale parameter. Critical values of the test statistic are computed, through a simulation study. A Monte Carlo study for the power of the proposed test is carried out under various alternatives. The performance of the test is compared with some well-known competing tests. Finally, an illustrative example is presented and analysed.  相似文献   

Sample size determination is essential during the planning phases of clinical trials. To calculate the required sample size for paired right-censored data, the structure of the within-paired correlations needs to be pre-specified. In this article, we consider using popular parametric copula models, including the Clayton, Gumbel, or Frank families, to model the distribution of joint survival times. Under each copula model, we derive a sample size formula based on the testing framework for rank-based tests and non-rank-based tests (i.e., logrank test and Kaplan–Meier statistic, respectively). We also investigate how the power or the sample size was affected by the choice of testing methods and copula model under different alternative hypotheses. In addition to this, we examine the impacts of paired-correlations, accrual times, follow-up times, and the loss to follow-up rates on sample size estimation. Finally, two real-world studies are used to illustrate our method and R code is available to the user.  相似文献   

A two–sample test statistic for detecting shifts in location is developed for a broad range of underlying distributions using adaptive techniques. The test statistic is a linear rank statistics which uses a simple modification of the Wilcoxon test; the scores are Winsorized ranks where the upper and lower Winsorinzing proportions are estimated in the first stage of the adaptive procedure using sample the first stage of the adaptive procedure using sample measures of the distribution's skewness and tailweight. An empirical relationship between the Winsorizing proportions and the sample skewness and tailweight allows for a ‘continuous’ adaptation of the test statistic to the data. The test has good asymptotic properties, and the small sample results are compared with other populatr parametric, nonparametric, and two–stage tests using Monte Carlo methods. Based on these results, this proposed test procedure is recommended for moderate and larger sample sizes.  相似文献   

Tests based on rank statistics are introduced to test for systematic changes in a sequence of independent observations. Proposed tests include a rank test analogous to the parametric likelihood ratio test and others analogous to parametric Bayes tests. The tests are usable with either one- or two-sided alternative hypotheses, and their asymptotic distributions are studied. The results of the general model are applied to two special cases, and their asymptotic distributions are also investigated. A Monte Carlo study verifies the applicability of asymptotic critical points in samples of moderate size, and other simulation studies compare power of the competing tests and their special-case versions. Finally, these tests are applied to a data set of traffic fatalities.  相似文献   

The exponential family structure of the joint distribution of generalized order statistics is utilized to establish multivariate tests on the model parameters. For simple and composite null hypotheses, the likelihood ratio test (LR test), Wald's test, and Rao's score test are derived and turn out to have simple representations. The asymptotic distribution of the corresponding test statistics under the null hypothesis is stated, and, in case of a simple null hypothesis, asymptotic optimality of the LR test is addressed. Applications of the tests are presented; in particular, we discuss their use in reliability, and to decide whether a Poisson process is homogeneous. Finally, a power study is performed to measure and compare the quality of the tests for both, simple and composite null hypotheses.  相似文献   

This article proposes new model checks for dynamic count models. Both portmanteau and omnibus-type tests for lack of residual autocorrelation are considered. The resulting test statistics are asymptotically pivotal when innovations are uncorrelated but possibly exhibit higher order serial dependence. Moreover, the tests are able to detect local alternatives converging to the null at the parametric rate T? 1/2, with T the sample size. The finite sample performance of the test statistics are examined by means of Monte Carlo experiments. Using a dataset on U.S. corporate bankruptcies, the proposed tests are applied to check if different risk models are correctly specified. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

A new approach of randomization is proposed to construct goodness of fit tests generally. Some new test statistics are derived, which are based on the stochastic empirical distribution function (EDF). Note that the stochastic EDF for a set of given sample observations is a randomized distribution function. By substituting the stochastic EDF for the classical EDF in the Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Cramér–von Mises, Anderson–Darling, Berk–Jones, and Einmahl–Mckeague statistics, randomized statistics are derived, of which the qth quantile and the expectation are chosen as test statistics. In comparison to existing tests, it is shown, by a simulation study, that the new test statistics are generally more powerful than the corresponding ones based on the classical EDF or modified EDF in most cases.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of comparing (k + 1) coefficients of variation. We are interested in testing the null hypothesis that the coefficients of variation are equal against each of the alternatives: (a) some populations have different coefficients of variation and (b) the coefficients of variation are ordered. Three nonparametric test statistics are proposed and their asymptotic theory is developed. We compared the proposed tests together with another parametric test using two Monte Carlo studies to estimate their probabilities of Type I error and powers. An illustration of the proposed tests using a real data set is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, tests for the skewness parameter of the two-piece double exponential distribution are derived when the location parameter is unknown. Classical tests like Neyman structure test and likelihood ratio test (LRT), that are generally used to test hypotheses in the presence of nuisance parameters, are not feasible for this distribution since the exact distributions of the test statistics become very complicated. As an alternative, we identify a set of statistics that are ancillary for the location parameter. When the scale parameter is known, Neyman–Pearson's lemma is used, and when the scale parameter is unknown, the LRT is applied to the joint density function of ancillary statistics, in order to obtain a test for the skewness parameter of the distribution. Test for symmetry of the distribution can be deduced as a special case. It is found that power of the proposed tests for symmetry is only marginally less than the power of corresponding classical optimum tests when the location parameter is known, especially for moderate and large sample sizes.  相似文献   

Exact tests for the equality of several linear models are developed using permutation techniques. Two cases of the linear model, characterized by either stochastic or nonstochastic predictors, are considered: the linear regression model (LRM) and the general linear model (GLM). A general class of test statistics using the volume of simplexes as the basic unit of analysis is proposed for this problem. The resulting class of statistics is shown to be a natural generalization of the multi-response permutation procedure (MRPP) test statistics which have been shown to comprise many of the statistics used in both parametric and nonparametric analysis of the standard g—sample problem. In the LRM case, exact moments of all orders are derived for the permutation distribution of any test statistic in the general class. Moment-based approximation of significance levels is shown to be computationally feasible in the simple LRM.  相似文献   

The inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution is widely used to model data and then it is important to develop efficient goodness of fit tests for this distribution. In this article, we introduce some new test statistics for examining the IG goodness of fit based on correcting moments of nonparametric probability density functions of entropy estimators. These tests are consistent against all alternatives. Critical points and power of the tests are explored by simulation. We show that the proposed tests are more powerful than competitor tests. Finally, the proposed tests are illustrated by real data examples.  相似文献   

This article presents the goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution based on its maximum entropy characterization result. The critical values of the test statistics estimated by Monte Carlo simulations are tabulated for various window and sample sizes. The test statistics use an entropy estimator depending on the window size; so, the choice of the optimal window size is an important problem. The window sizes for yielding the maximum power of the tests are given for selected sample sizes. Power studies are performed to compare the proposed tests with goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical distribution function. Simulation results report that entropy-based tests have consistently higher power than EDF tests against almost all alternatives considered.  相似文献   

This article derives the large-sample distributions of Lagrange multiplier (LM) tests for parameter instability against several alternatives of interest in the context of cointegrated regression models. The fully modified estimator of Phillips and Hansen is extended to cover general models with stochastic and deterministic trends. The test statistics considered include the SupF test of Quandt, as well as the LM tests of Nyblom and of Nabeya and Tanaka. It is found that the asymptotic distributions depend on the nature of the regressor processes—that is, if the regressors are stochastic or deterministic trends. The distributions are noticeably different from the distributions when the data are weakly dependent. It is also found that the lack of cointegration is a special case of the alternative hypothesis considered (an unstable intercept), so the tests proposed here may also be viewed as a test of the null of cointegration against the alternative of no cointegration. The tests are applied to three data sets—an aggregate consumption function, a present value model of stock prices and dividends, and the term structure of interest rates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the Andrews–Pregibon (AP), COVRATIO and Cook–Weisberg (CW) statistics to determine the influential observations on the confidence ellipsoids in linear regression model with correlated errors and correlated regressors. A real example and a Monte Carlo simulation study are given to detect the effects of autocorrelation coefficient and ridge parameter on the AP, COVRATIO and CW statistics.  相似文献   

In this article, tests are developed which can be used to investigate the goodness-of-fit of the skew-normal distribution in the context most relevant to the data analyst, namely that in which the parameter values are unknown and are estimated from the data. We consider five test statistics chosen from the broad Cramér–von Mises and Kolmogorov–Smirnov families, based on measures of disparity between the distribution function of a fitted skew-normal population and the empirical distribution function. The sampling distributions of the proposed test statistics are approximated using Monte Carlo techniques and summarized in easy to use tabular form. We also present results obtained from simulation studies designed to explore the true size of the tests and their power against various asymmetric alternative distributions.  相似文献   

In this article, a technique based on the sample correlation coefficient to construct goodness-of-fit tests for max-stable distributions with unknown location and scale parameters and finite second moment is proposed. Specific details to test for the Gumbel distribution are given, including critical values for small sample sizes as well as approximate critical values for larger sample sizes by using normal quantiles. A comparison by Monte Carlo simulation shows that the proposed test for the Gumbel hypothesis is substantially more powerful than some other known tests against some alternative distributions with positive skewness coefficient.  相似文献   

Properties of Bayes Factors Based on Test Statistics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  This article examines the consistency, interpretation and application of Bayes factors constructed from standard test statistics. Primary conclusions are that Bayes factors based on multinomial and normal test statistics are consistent for suitable choices of the hyperparameters used to specify alternative hypotheses, and that such constructions can be extended to obtain consistent Bayes factors based on likelihood ratio statistics. A connection between Bayes factors based on likelihood ratio statistics and the Bayesian information criterion is exposed, as is a connection between Bayes factors based on F statistics and parametric Bayes factors based on normal-inverse gamma models. Similarly, Bayes factors based on chi-squared statistics for multinomial data are shown to provide accurate approximations to Bayes factors based on multinomial/Dirichlet models. An illustration of how the simple form of these Bayes factors can be exploited to generate easily interpretable summaries of the experimental 'weight of evidence' is provided.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new goodness-of-fit test for Type I or Type II censored samples from a completely specified distribution. This test is a generalization of Michael's test for censored data, which is based on the empirical distribution and a variance stabilizing transformation. Using Monte Carlo methods, the distributions of the test statistics are analyzed under the null hypothesis. Tables of quantiles of these statistics are also provided. The power of the proposed test is studied and compared to that of other well-known tests also using simulation. The proposed test is more powerful in most of the considered cases. Acceptance regions for the PP, QQ, and Michael's stabilized probability plots are derived, which enable one to visualize which data contribute to the decision of rejecting the null hypothesis. Finally, an application in quality control is presented as illustration.  相似文献   

The Durbin–Watson (DW) test for lag 1 autocorrelation has been generalized (DWG) to test for autocorrelations at higher lags. This includes the Wallis test for lag 4 autocorrelation. These tests are also applicable to test for the important hypothesis of randomness. It is found that for small sample sizes a normal distribution or a scaled beta distribution by matching the first two moments approximates well the null distribution of the DW and DWG statistics. The approximations seem to be adequate even when the samples are from nonnormal distributions. These approximations require the first two moments of these statistics. The expressions of these moments are derived.  相似文献   

This article modifies and extends the test against nonstationary stochastic seasonality proposed by Canova and Hansen. A simplified form of the test statistic in which the nonparametric correction for serial correlation is based on estimates of the spectrum at the seasonal frequencies is considered and shown to have the same asymptotic distribution as the original formulation. Under the null hypothesis, the distribution of the seasonality test statistics is not affected by the inclusion of trends, even when modified to allow for structural breaks, or by the inclusion of regressors with nonseasonal unit roots. A parametric version of the test is proposed, and its performance is compared with that of the nonparametric test using Monte Carlo experiments. A test that allows for breaks in the seasonal pattern is then derived. It is shown that its asymptotic distribution is independent of the break point, and its use is illustrated with a series on U.K. marriages. A general test against any form of permanent seasonality, deterministic or stochastic, is suggested and compared with a Wald test for the significance of fixed seasonal dummies. It is noted that tests constructed in a similar way can be used to detect trading-day effects. An appealing feature of the proposed test statistics is that under the null hypothesis, they all have asymptotic distributions belonging to the Cramér–von Mises family.  相似文献   

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