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In this article, we propose two testing procedures for the serial correlation in single index models by virtue of B spline approximation for unknown single index function. Under some regular conditions, we show that our proposed statistics asymptotically follow normal and χ2 distribution. Many numerical studies illustrate that the proposed procedures can perform very well for moderate sample size.  相似文献   

We propose two test statistics for testing serial correlation in semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models. The proposed test statistics are not only for testing zero first-order serial correlation, but also for testing higher-order serial correlations. Under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation, the test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or chi-square distributions. By using R, some Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to examine the finite sample performances of the proposed tests. Simulation results show that the estimated size and power of the proposed tests behave well.  相似文献   

利用分位数回归方法,讨论了非参数固定效应Panel Data模型的估计和检验问题,得到了参数估计的渐近正态性及收敛速度。同时,建立一个秩得分(rank score)统计量来检验模型的固定效应,并证明了这个统计量渐近服从标准正态分布。  相似文献   

对面板数据双因素误差回归模型构造了检验序列相关和随机效应的一种联合LM检验,发现该LM统计量也是检验联合假设H0:σμ^2=λ=0的Baltagi-Li LM统计量和检验假设H0:σv^2=λ=0的Breusch-Pagan-LM统计量之和。当面板数据的个体数N充分大时,该联合LM统计量的渐近分布是χ^2(3)分布;无论双因素误差面板数据回归模型的剩余误差项是AR(1)过程还是MA(1)过程,联合LM检验是相同的,即对随机效应和一阶序列相关的联合LM检验是独立于序列相关的形式。  相似文献   

This article considers testing serial correlation in partially linear additive errors-in-variables model. Based on the empirical likelihood based approach, a test statistic was proposed, and it was shown to follow asymptotically a chi-square distribution under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. Finally, some simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Modified Profile Likelihood for Fixed-Effects Panel Data Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We show how modified profile likelihood methods, developed in the statistical literature, may be effectively applied to estimate the structural parameters of econometric models for panel data, with a remarkable reduction of bias with respect to ordinary likelihood methods. Initially, the implementation of these methods is illustrated for general models for panel data including individual-specific fixed effects and then, in more detail, for the truncated linear regression model and dynamic regression models for binary data formulated along with different specifications. Simulation studies show the good behavior of the inference based on the modified profile likelihood, even when compared to an ideal, although infeasible, procedure (in which the fixed effects are known) and also to alternative estimators existing in the econometric literature. The proposed estimation methods are implemented in an R package that we make available to the reader.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose an empirical likelihood-based test to check the existence of serial correlation in partial linear errors-in-variables models. A nonparametric version of Wilk' theorem is derived, which says that our proposed test has an asymptotic chi-square distribution. Simulation results reveal that the finite sample performance of our proposed test is satisfactory in both size and power.  相似文献   

This study develops a new bias-corrected estimator for the fixed-effects dynamic panel data model and derives its limiting distribution for finite number of time periods, T, and large number of cross-section units, N. The bias-corrected estimator is derived as a bias correction of the least squares dummy variable (within) estimator. It does not share some of the drawbacks of recently developed instrumental variables and generalized method-of-moments estimators and is relatively easy to compute. Monte Carlo experiments provide evidence that the bias-corrected estimator performs well even in small samples. The proposed technique is applied in an empirical analysis of unemployment dynamics at the U.S. state level for the 1991–2000 period.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose two test statistics for testing the underlying serial correlation in a partially linear single-index model Y = η(Z τα) + X τβ + ? when X is measured with additive error. The proposed test statistics are shown to have asymptotic normal or chi-squared distributions under the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. Monte Carlo experiments are also conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed test statistics. The simulation results confirm that these statistics perform satisfactorily in both estimated sizes and powers.  相似文献   

We introduce covariance analysis models for circular dependent variables. In addition, we have also developed hypothesis tests to evaluate the significance of the parameters used. One of the tests is an extension of the Watson–Williams test. The tests performances have been evaluated using simulation studies.  相似文献   

可加模型是一类应用广泛的半参数模型,为了检验模型误差是否存在有限阶数的序列相关,基于由Backfitting估计方法得到残差构造了检验统计量,并证明了该统计量的渐近零分布为正态分布或卡方分布,最后通过模拟试验验证了该检验方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This article proposes a joint test for conditional heteroscedasticity in dynamic panel data models. The test is constructed by checking the joint significance of estimates of second to pth-order serial correlation in the squares sequence of the first differenced errors. To avoid any distribution assumptions of the errors and the effects, we adopt the GMM estimation for the parameter coefficient and higher order moment estimation for the errors. Based on the estimations, a joint test is constructed for conditional heteroscedasticity in the error. The resulted test is asymptotically chi-squared under the null hypothesis and easy to implement. The small sample properties of the test are investigated by means of Monte Carlo experiments. The evidence shows that the test performs well in dynamic panel data with large number n of individuals and short periods T of time. A real data is analyzed for illustration.  相似文献   

面板数据的自适应Lasso分位回归方法研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
如何在对参数进行估计的同时自动选择重要解释变量,一直是面板数据分位回归模型中讨论的热点问题之一。通过构造一种含多重随机效应的贝叶斯分层分位回归模型,在假定固定效应系数先验服从一种新的条件Laplace分布的基础上,给出了模型参数估计的Gibbs抽样算法。考虑到不同重要程度的解释变量权重系数压缩程度应该不同,所构造的先验信息具有自适应性的特点,能够准确地对模型中重要解释变量进行自动选取,且设计的切片Gibbs抽样算法能够快速有效地解决模型中各个参数的后验均值估计问题。模拟结果显示,新方法在参数估计精确度和变量选择准确度上均优于现有文献的常用方法。通过对中国各地区多个宏观经济指标的面板数据进行建模分析,演示了新方法估计参数与挑选变量的能力。  相似文献   

韩本三  徐凤  黎实 《统计研究》2011,28(12):83-88
 相关系数的绝对值形式可以很好的避免Pesaran(2004)的CD统计量中异向相关性相互抵消的情况,相应得到一个新的检验面板数据模型扰动项截面相关的统计量。蒙特卡洛模拟显示,无论是在因子模型下还是在空间移动平均模型下,新提出的统计量水平扭曲(size distortion)检验和功效(power)检验表现较好。通过模拟还发现当存在序列相关的扰动项时,先将扰动项进行去序列相关处理可以有效地避免序列相关导致的水平扭曲,并且不会降低统计量的功效。  相似文献   

When genuine panel data samples are not available, repeated cross-sectional surveys can be used to form so-called pseudo panels. In this article, we investigate the properties of linear pseudo panel data estimators with fixed number of cohorts and time observations. We extend standard linear pseudo panel data setup to models with factor residuals by adapting the quasi-differencing approach developed for genuine panels. In a Monte Carlo study, we find that the proposed procedure has good finite sample properties in situations with endogeneity, cohort interactive effects, and near nonidentification. Finally, as an illustration the proposed method is applied to data from Ecuador to study labor supply elasticity. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

部分线性模型是一类非常重要的半参数回归模型,由于它既含有参数部分又含有非参数部分,与常规的线性模型相比具有更强的适应性和解释能力。文章研究带有局部平稳协变量的固定效应部分线性面板数据模型的统计推断。首先提出一个两阶段估计方法得到模型中未知参数和非参数函数的估计,并证明估计量的渐近性质,然后运用不变原理构造出非参数函数的一致置信带,最后通过数值模拟研究和实例分析验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

We study estimation and hypothesis testing in single‐index panel data models with individual effects. Through regressing the individual effects on the covariates linearly, we convert the estimation problem in single‐index panel data models to that in partially linear single‐index models. The conversion is valid regardless of the individual effects being random or fixed. We propose an estimating equation approach, which has a desirable double robustness property. We show that our method is applicable in single‐index panel data models with heterogeneous link functions. We further design a chi‐squared test to evaluate whether the individual effects are random or fixed. We conduct simulations to demonstrate the finite sample performance of the method and conduct a data analysis to illustrate its usefulness.  相似文献   


A new parametric hypothesis test of mean interval for interval-valued data set, which can deal with massive information contained in nowadays massive data “Big data” sets, is proposed. An approach using an orthogonal transformation is introduced to obtain an equivalent hypothesis test of mean interval in terms of the mid-point and mid-range of the interval-valued variable. The new test is very efficient in small interval-valued sample scenarios. Some simulation studies are conducted for the investigation of the sample size and the power of test. The performance of the proposed test is illustrated with two real-life examples.  相似文献   


Standard econometric methods can overlook individual heterogeneity in empirical work, generating inconsistent parameter estimates in panel data models. We propose the use of methods that allow researchers to easily identify, quantify, and address estimation issues arising from individual slope heterogeneity. We first characterize the bias in the standard fixed effects estimator when the true econometric model allows for heterogeneous slope coefficients. We then introduce a new test to check whether the fixed effects estimation is subject to heterogeneity bias. The procedure tests the population moment conditions required for fixed effects to consistently estimate the relevant parameters in the model. We establish the limiting distribution of the test and show that it is very simple to implement in practice. Examining firm investment models to showcase our approach, we show that heterogeneity bias-robust methods identify cash flow as a more important driver of investment than previously reported. Our study demonstrates analytically, via simulations, and empirically the importance of carefully accounting for individual specific slope heterogeneity in drawing conclusions about economic behavior.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a general method for testing the Granger noncausality hypothesis in stationary nonlinear models of unknown functional form. These tests are based on a Taylor expansion of the nonlinear model around a given point in the sample space. We study the performance of our tests by a Monte Carlo experiment and compare these to the most widely used linear test. Our tests appear to be well-sized and have reasonably good power properties.  相似文献   

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