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The present paper introduces methods of constructing quantile functions as models of lifetimes with monotone and nonmonotone hazard functions. This is accomplished on the basis of the relationships the hazard quantile function has with the score function introduced by Parzen in connection with the tail heaviness of probability distributions. Three models illustrated here contain several existing models as particular cases. The appropriateness of the models in real situations is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new class of distributions defined by a quantile function, which nests several distributions as its members. The quantile function proposed here is the sum of the quantile functions of the generalized Pareto and Weibull distributions. Various distributional properties and reliability characteristics of the class are discussed. The estimation of the parameters of the model using L-moments is studied. Finally, we apply the model to a real life dataset.  相似文献   

Abstract. We propose a Bayesian semiparametric methodology for quantile regression modelling. In particular, working with parametric quantile regression functions, we develop Dirichlet process mixture models for the error distribution in an additive quantile regression formulation. The proposed non‐parametric prior probability models allow the shape of the error density to adapt to the data and thus provide more reliable predictive inference than models based on parametric error distributions. We consider extensions to quantile regression for data sets that include censored observations. Moreover, we employ dependent Dirichlet processes to develop quantile regression models that allow the error distribution to change non‐parametrically with the covariates. Posterior inference is implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. We assess and compare the performance of our models using both simulated and real data sets.  相似文献   

A number of nonstationary models have been developed to estimate extreme events as function of covariates. A quantile regression (QR) model is a statistical approach intended to estimate and conduct inference about the conditional quantile functions. In this article, we focus on the simultaneous variable selection and parameter estimation through penalized quantile regression. We conducted a comparison of regularized Quantile Regression model with B-Splines in Bayesian framework. Regularization is based on penalty and aims to favor parsimonious model, especially in the case of large dimension space. The prior distributions related to the penalties are detailed. Five penalties (Lasso, Ridge, SCAD0, SCAD1 and SCAD2) are considered with their equivalent expressions in Bayesian framework. The regularized quantile estimates are then compared to the maximum likelihood estimates with respect to the sample size. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are developed for each hierarchical model to simulate the conditional posterior distribution of the quantiles. Results indicate that the SCAD0 and Lasso have the best performance for quantile estimation according to Relative Mean Biais (RMB) and the Relative Mean-Error (RME) criteria, especially in the case of heavy distributed errors. A case study of the annual maximum precipitation at Charlo, Eastern Canada, with the Pacific North Atlantic climate index as covariate is presented.  相似文献   

Use of Bayesian modelling and analysis has become commonplace in many disciplines (finance, genetics and image analysis, for example). Many complex data sets are collected which do not readily admit standard distributions, and often comprise skew and kurtotic data. Such data is well-modelled by the very flexibly-shaped distributions of the quantile distribution family, whose members are defined by the inverse of their cumulative distribution functions and rarely have analytical likelihood functions defined. Without explicit likelihood functions, Bayesian methodologies such as Gibbs sampling cannot be applied to parameter estimation for this valuable class of distributions without resorting to numerical inversion. Approximate Bayesian computation provides an alternative approach requiring only a sampling scheme for the distribution of interest, enabling easier use of quantile distributions under the Bayesian framework. Parameter estimates for simulated and experimental data are presented.  相似文献   

In this article, we derive explicit expansions for the moments of beta generalized distributions from power series expansions for the quantile functions of the baseline distributions. We apply our formula to the beta normal, beta Student t, beta gamma and beta beta generalized distributions. We propose a simple way to express the quantile function of any beta generalized distribution as a power series expansion with known coefficients.  相似文献   

Partial moments are extensively used in literature for modeling and analysis of lifetime data. In this paper, we study properties of partial moments using quantile functions. The quantile based measure determines the underlying distribution uniquely. We then characterize certain lifetime quantile function models. The proposed measure provides alternate definitions for ageing criteria. Finally, we explore the utility of the measure to compare the characteristics of two lifetime distributions.  相似文献   

We propose a new three-parameter continuous model called the McDonald arcsine distribution, which is a very competitive model to the beta, beta type I and Kumaraswamy distributions for modelling rates and proportions. We provide a mathematical treatment of the new distribution including explicit expressions for the density function, moments, generating and quantile functions, mean deviations, two probability measures based on the Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, Shannon entropy, Rényi entropy and cumulative residual entropy. Maximum likelihood is used to estimate the model parameters and the expected information matrix is determined. An application of the proposed model to real data shows that it can give consistently a better fit than other important statistical models.  相似文献   

Varying coefficient models are flexible models to describe the dynamic structure in longitudinal data. Quantile regression, more than mean regression, gives partial information on the conditional distribution of the response given the covariates. In the literature, the focus has been so far mostly on homoscedastic quantile regression models, whereas there is an interest in looking into heteroscedastic modelling. This paper contributes to the area by modelling the heteroscedastic structure and estimating it from the data, together with estimating the quantile functions. The use of the proposed methods is illustrated on real-data applications. The finite-sample behaviour of the methods is investigated via a simulation study, which includes a comparison with an existing method.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a quantile survival model to analyze censored data. This approach provides a very effective way to construct a proper model for the survival time conditional on some covariates. Once a quantile survival model for the censored data is established, the survival density, survival or hazard functions of the survival time can be obtained easily. For illustration purposes, we focus on a model that is based on the generalized lambda distribution (GLD). The GLD and many other quantile function models are defined only through their quantile functions, no closed‐form expressions are available for other equivalent functions. We also develop a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for parameter estimation. Extensive simulation studies have been conducted. Both simulation study and application results show that the proposed quantile survival models can be very useful in practice.  相似文献   

Abstract.  For the analysis with recurrent events, we propose a generalization of the accelerated failure time model to allow for evolving covariate effects. These so-called accelerated recurrence time models postulate that the time to expected recurrence frequency, upon transformation, is a linear function of covariates with frequency-dependent coefficients. This modelling strategy shares the same spirit as quantile regression. An estimation and inference procedure is developed by generalizing the celebrated Powell's ( J. Econometrics 25, 1984, 303; J. Econometrics 32, 1986, 143) estimator for censored quantile regression. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimator are established. An algorithm is devised to attain good computational efficiency. Simulations demonstrate that this proposal performs well under practical settings. This methodology is illustrated in an application to the well-known bladder cancer study.  相似文献   

Continuous non-Gaussian stationary processes of the OU-type are becoming increasingly popular given their flexibility in modelling stylized features of financial series such as asymmetry, heavy tails and jumps. The use of non-Gaussian marginal distributions makes likelihood analysis of these processes unfeasible for virtually all cases of interest. This paper exploits the self-decomposability of the marginal laws of OU processes to provide explicit expressions of the characteristic function which can be applied to several models as well as to develop efficient estimation techniques based on the empirical characteristic function. Extensions to OU-based stochastic volatility models are provided.  相似文献   

Consider distributions F and G such that G -1 F is star-shaped. In the problem of estimating the quantile functions for lifetime distributions, the estimators developed by Rojo (1998) are compared with the commonly used empirical quantile function. Both the one-sample and the two-sample methods of estimation are considered for a wide class of lifetime distributions. In addition, the behavior of the estimators is examined for star-shaped ordered lifetime distributions of the important class of coherent k- out-of-n reliability systems. Results of a Monte Carlo study are presented which compare the behavior of the new estimators with that of the empirical quantile function interms of bias and mean-squared error. As the behavior of these estimators typically depends on the tail behavior of the underlying distributions, the examples presented here include distributions with short, medium and long tails. A formula for the inverse of the Kaplan-Meier estimator is provided and used to generate the simulations in the case of censored data.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a resampling method based on perturbing the estimating functions to compute the asymptotic variances of quantile regression estimators under missing at random condition. We prove that the conditional distributions of the resampling estimators are asymptotically equivalent to the distributions of quantile regression estimators. Our method can deal with complex situations, where the response and part of covariates are missing. Numerical results based on simulated and real data are provided under several designs.  相似文献   

In this article, we proposed a new three-parameter probability distribution, called Topp–Leone normal, for modelling increasing failure rate data. The distribution is obtained by using Topp–Leone-X family of distributions with normal as a baseline model. The basic properties including moments, quantile function, stochastic ordering and order statistics are derived here. The estimation of unknown parameters is approached by the method of maximum likelihood, least squares, weighted least squares and maximum product spacings. An extensive simulation study is carried out to compare the long-run performance of the estimators. Applicability of the distribution is illustrated by means of three real data analyses over existing distributions.  相似文献   

This article introduces a five-parameter lifetime model called the McDonald Gompertz (McG) distribution to extend the Gompertz, generalized Gompertz, generalized exponential, beta Gompertz, and Kumaraswamy Gompertz distributions among several other models. The hazard function of new distribution can be increasing, decreasing, upside-down bathtub, and bathtub shaped. We obtain several properties of the McG distribution including moments, entropies, quantile, and generating functions. We provide the density function of the order statistics and their moments. The parameter estimation is based on the usual maximum likelihood approach. We also provide the observed information matrix and discuss inferences issues. The flexibility and usefulness of the new distribution are illustrated by means of application to two real datasets.  相似文献   

A five-parameter extension of the Weibull distribution capable of modelling a bathtub-shaped hazard rate function is introduced and studied. The beauty and importance of the new distribution lies in its ability to model both monotone and non-monotone failure rates that are quite common in lifetime problems and reliability. The proposed distribution has a number of well-known lifetime distributions as special sub-models, such as the Weibull, extreme value, exponentiated Weibull, generalized Rayleigh and modified Weibull (MW) distributions, among others. We obtain quantile and generating functions, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves and reliability. We provide explicit expressions for the density function of the order statistics and their moments. For the first time, we define the log-Kumaraswamy MW regression model to analyse censored data. The method of maximum likelihood is used for estimating the model parameters and the observed information matrix is determined. Two applications illustrate the potentiality of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

This article studies design selection for generalized linear models (GLMs) using the quantile dispersion graphs (QDGs) approach in the presence of misspecification in the link and/or linear predictor. The uncertainty in the linear predictor is represented by a unknown function and estimated using kriging. For addressing misspecified link functions, a generalized family of link functions is used. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The notion of inverse stochastic dominance is gaining increasing support in risk, inequality, and welfare analysis as a relevant criterion for ranking distributions, which is alternative to the standard stochastic dominance approach. Its implementation rests on comparisons of two distributions’ quantile functions, or of their multiple partial integrals, at fixed population proportions. This article develops a novel statistical inference model for inverse stochastic dominance that is based on the influence function approach. The proposed method allows model-free evaluations that are limitedly affected by contamination in the data. Asymptotic normality of the estimators allows to derive tests for the restrictions implied by various forms of inverse stochastic dominance. Monte Carlo experiments and an application promote the qualities of the influence function estimator when compared with alternative dominance criteria.  相似文献   

This study examines estimation and inference based on quantile regression for parametric nonlinear models with an integrated time series covariate. We first derive the limiting distribution of the nonlinear quantile regression estimator and then consider testing for parameter restrictions, when the regression function is specified as an asymptotically homogeneous function. We also study linear-in-parameter regression models when the regression function is given by integrable regression functions as well as asymptotically homogeneous regression functions. We, furthermore, propose a fully modified estimator to reduce the bias in the original estimator under a certain set of conditions. Finally, simulation studies show that the estimators behave well, especially when the regression error term has a fat-tailed distribution.  相似文献   

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