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The significance of deferred taxes was increased by the introduction of international financial reporting standards. However, the usefulness of the information provided by interperiod tax allocation is regarded with skepticism by researchers and practitioners alike. This is largely due to the overestimation of the book value of non-current deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets as the present value of these items is disregarded. The IASB refuses to discount deferred taxes even though this would comply with the underlying asset-liability-concept. The IASB justifies the ban on discounting deferred taxes by the ??supposed?? high complexity; hence, cost-benefit considerations. The paper at hand analyses critical issues regarding the determination of the present value of deferred taxes. An approach for determining the maturity of deferred taxes, a risk-adequate discount rate and an approach for the derivation of a feasible net present value calculation are proposed. It is shown that discounting of deferred taxes is generally possible without resulting in more complex estimations than in those of other accounting areas. Despite the inevitable discretion management has in estimating the present value, it is still possible to represent such information faithfully so that the relevant information is useful to external users.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the current and controversial debate about costs and benefits of conservatism in financial reporting. It presents a formalization of conservatism of an information system and shows that, holding precision constant, an increase of the probability of bad signals reduces their information content. This can make the interpretation of bias as conservative or aggressive ambiguous. It has also consequences for the association of market returns and earnings, which is used in empirical estimates of accounting conservatism. The paper discusses several models that show economic benefits of conservatism.  相似文献   

In this article the understanding of the scientific functions of business taxation represented by Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Dirk Kiesewetter and Caren Sureth is critically analyzed. It is argued that hypotheses on the influence of taxes on decisions, as far as they are based on neoclassical models, are not applicable to explain the actions of tax payers. These arguments at the same time object the realization of a neutral tax system. They further contradict the realization of a tax system, which is supposed to have an impact or which avoids taxes to have an effect on decisions, provided that the criticized hypotheses are used as a basis. Fiscal law standards should rather fulfil the principle of equability of taxation. It is supposed that such fiscal law standards have an effect on decisions of tax payers, which are contradictory to the aim of an equable taxation. Therefore hypotheses from scientific experience of the actual effect of taxes on decisions must be taken into account. Hence the object of this analysis is to investigate the real influence of taxes on decisions detached from neo-classical models.  相似文献   

Acting in organizations is characterized by strategies of “Bemächtigung” (repression) just as “Ermächtigung” (empowerment): Everyone tries to push through its individual interests, legitimate or not. Thereby in every organization specific rules of game and stiles of play are developed. Altogether these rules constitute the specific organizational culture. In unfair games, strategies of repression are dominant. In fair games, all players try to realize over and over again a just balance of legitimate interests of all stakeholders. Supervision aims to strengthen “Spielmächtigkeit” (ability of play and game) so that its addressees are able to change unfair games into fair games. The know-how for this is here called “technology of empowerment”.  相似文献   

The present article provides a quantitative overview of the state of coaching research. It first provides an insight into the status quo of the academic publishing landscape. Afterwards, results of the four meta-analyes that have been published on coaching research up to now are summarized. First, results on the efficacy of coaching or coaching outcomes are presented. Findings for different outcome measures as well as different study designs are reported. Next, results on predictors of coaching success are presented. They include specific features of the coaching process and setting, the coach-coachee-relationship as well as characteristics of coaches and coachees. The article closes with a summary and an assessment of the state of coaching research.  相似文献   

This article deals with the contribution of scientific knowledge and methods for the ongoing professionalization of organizational consulting. There is a need for a unique selling point as well as for a proof of efficacy. That can be achieved by generating own knowledge, exclusive key competencies and a code of ethics. Science can make valuable contribution at this point. The various options and there shortcomings are discussed.  相似文献   



Tagungsbericht der Veranstalter  相似文献   

In Germany capital gains have to be taxed independently of the holding period, according to the withholding tax regulations. Nevertheless, investors can initially avoid taxation by not realizing capital gains. Then, taxes are postponed into the future. Thereby investors can make use of an interest-free tax loan (tax deferral). Equally beneficial would be the immediate realization of negative capital gains, if this leads to reduced taxes by balancing these losses against other gains. The potential use of interest-free tax loans leads to the necessity of making assumptions on the investors?? strategy with respect to liquidation when it comes to business valuation based on discounting future after-tax payments towards investors (DCF-methods). It will be shown how much firm value depends on these assumptions by taking alternative, inflexible and flexible strategies of investors into account. Our considerations generate a lower and an upper bound for the firm value, and easier to calculate medium values. The calculations are illustrated by a numerical example which is also the subject of a comparative static analysis.  相似文献   

Negative effects of business-coaching and their causes have been barely addressed in research so far. In this qualitative pilot-study the perspective of organisations is being addressed for the first time. The most frequently stated negative effects were a too strong development of clients in the perception of the interviewees, a termination of the job by clients, a lack of sustainability of the results and an insufficient return on investment. As influencing factors e.?g. the attitude of the organisation towards coaching, imprecise clarification of coaching assignments, lack of motivation of the client or the working methods of coaches were reported.  相似文献   

Power in organization counseling. A qualitative study in a hospital in East Germany Power is a main topic of this analysis of a consulting process in an East German hospital: How power is appearing within organizational consulting? What is the power the client has, and the consultants have? And what is the interrelation between power and the resistance to change? In recourse to the theory of micropolitics, power is understood as the combination of rules and distribution of resources within an organization. The consulting process itself is interpreted as the consultant’s introduction to the ongoing game the organization is playing. The qualitative case study of the consulting process in an East German hospital clearly shows, how ineffective interventions remain, if the consultants fail to recognize and take into consideration the valid combination of rules and distribution of resources. In the presented case this combination is based on the peculiar history of East Germany. It was only after the project had failed that the consultants realized that they had been practiced upon.  相似文献   

Metaphors are bridges between verbal expression and nonverbal imagination. Hence, they are of central importance for consulting contexts: to appropriately instruct the perceptive and mindful consultant, qua verbal and body language, about the inner experience, the “psychescape”, of the client. And, mediated by the same means vice versa, to enable interventions that support the client’s inner work towards reaching more desired states. This way, consulting is more than a mere “language game”. The paper offers multiple entry points to the interaction between left brain and right brain, cortex and limbic system, and opens a rich treasure and tool-box for consulting situations.  相似文献   

Coaching in the software development industry. The author describes the basic principles and starting points of a coaching concept within the context of the software development industry. The structures and processes in this context create a special need for support that can be addressed by different forms of coaching. A company-specific coaching concept has to define the goals and rationality of coaching, to determine the different ways coaching is requested and provided and to outline the overall strategy to introduce and to integrate coaching within the organization. The special need for coaching is related to the communication-intensive collaboration within software development teams and the complexity of the overall process. In particular forms of internal coaching are discussed to address these needs and a way of implementing an internal coaching pool is sketched.  相似文献   

The German Corporate Tax Reform Act of 2008 requires an adjustment of classic valuation concepts because it limits interest deduction from taxable income depending on the operating performance of the company. By using time- and state-contingent discount rates in a risk-neutral valuation with predetermined debt levels, a theoretically sound valuation result is obtained. However, a modified APV-concept which assumes deterministic debt over the planning horizon and constant leverage in the terminal value phase also yields consistent valuation results when two types of tax shields with different levels of risk are distinguished.  相似文献   

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