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文化旅游产业的发展问题近年来在国内多有讨论,但从学术角度看,仍有一些基本问题需要研究.从概念界定、供需与管理、发展模式与制约因素等方面梳理国内外在该领域的研 究,发现以下主要不足:对文化旅游的界定尚无一致的看法,争论的焦点在于文化旅游资源的范畴,实质就是文化旅游资源的形成究竞是自发的还是人为规划的结果;在文化旅游产业的发展方面,很多研究集中在对某地或某类文化资源的开发经营思路上,从产业经济学理论高度对区域文化旅游产业的关联、组织、布局等问题进行的系统研究明显欠缺.由于文化旅游产业是文化产业与旅游产业的渗透交叉产业,涉及的产品类型较多,且供给主体往往还没有实现企业化、市场化,统计及产业细分上的问题使得我们在现阶段运用产业经济学理论进行研究仍有不少困难,这也将是学术界今后的研究可以寻求突破的方向.  相似文献   

李伟山 《创新》2015,(4):59-65
《印象·刘三姐》实景演出项目掀起了刘三姐文化旅游开发研究的热潮。刘三姐文化旅游开发的研究由最初的区域旅游资源开发视角,到以《印象·刘三姐》为代表的文化创意旅游开发及运作模式创新,再到文化旅游开发持续发展的探索,研究的视角和内容不断深入。刘三姐文化旅游可持续发展等问题提示着包括刘三姐文化旅游在内的中国文化旅游开发实践和理论研究需要进一步突破和创新。  相似文献   

高校科研团队是知识创新的中坚力量,高校科研团队的创新绩效日益成为学术界和管理界的焦点。国内关于高校科研团队创新绩效的研究并不充分,仍处在探索阶段。本文从高校科研团队创新绩效的内涵、影响因素及评价三方面,梳理近年来国内外已有的高校科研团队创新绩效的理论和实证研究,以期为相关领域的研究和实践应用提供更系统的理论支持和研究思路。  相似文献   

近年来,我国西部少数民族地区以其优美的自然风光和独特的民族风情吸引着国内外大批游客前往。但如何使当地村民真实有效的参与到旅游开发过程,落实好旅游惠民政策,从而保证人人公平享有旅游发展带来的成果?本文的研究目的在于立足于社区参与旅游理论的基本观点,从旅游社区可持续发展的角度探索扎尕那少数民族社区参与旅游的具体开发运行策略,及该策略对扎尕那未来旅游发展的影响。  相似文献   

通过对国内外乡村旅游研究成果的梳理,文章对甘南藏族自治州乡村旅游产品开发体系进行了探析,研究了农业、牧业、林业乡村旅游产品开发内涵。研究发现甘南藏族自治州乡村旅游产品开发过程中存在产品挖掘深度不够、布局单一、产学错位、促销滞后等问题。在此基础上提出了改进建议,以期推动甘南藏族自治州乡村旅游持续、健康发展。  相似文献   

本世纪20年代以来,经过70多年的发展,旅游经济学已成为一门独立的科学。它是一门年轻而趋于成熟的新学科。然而,由于其形成历史较短和多学科交叉性较强等原因,迄今为止,国内外学者的研究对旅游经济学学科体系与定位的理论规范,却显得薄弱和欠完善。本文在明确界定和揭示旅游经济学研究的对象、内容和方法的基础上,进一步系统梳理和阐述了旅游经济学与旅游学和其他旅游学科之间的关系,并探索了旅游经济与精神文明建设的辩证关系。该文对于深化和完善旅游经济学的学科建设,是一个积极。有益的尝试。  相似文献   

研究西北城市旅游开发问题对于实现西北地区旅游经济快速增长具有十分现实的意义。本文以甘肃省为例,分析了发展城市旅游的政策条件、资源条件及市场条件等优势条件,并对制约城市旅游发展的因素进行了分析,进而对甘肃城市旅游的开发提出了相应的策略。  相似文献   

红色旅游是把革命传统教育与旅游活动结合起来的一种专题旅游项目,是我国旅游产业的重要组成部分。在对红色旅游各阶段分析研究的基础上,提出了红色旅游在发展过程中面临着经济效益不佳、客源市场单一、产品缺乏吸引力等问题,进而将社区参与的理论引入到红色旅游的研究中来,论述了在旅游规划决策、旅游经营活动、旅游资源保护、旅游服务培训等环节中社区参与的作用。最后以吉林省为例,探讨了社区参与视域下的红色旅游产品的创新思路。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外青少年药物滥用逐渐引起社会的关注,随着青少年药物滥用群体数量的增加,国内外学者围绕青少年药物滥用现象的原因、后果及解决措施等进行了相关研究.家庭治疗被许多学者认为是改善或消除青少年药物滥用的方法之一,然而在国内有关家庭治疗运用于青少年药物滥用领域的研究却较为少见.通过搜集、梳理国内外有关青少年药物滥用家庭治疗的研究理论、研究过程、文化因素和发展趋势,对中外家庭治疗模式的差异进行比较和反思,进一步发展丰富中国家庭文化背景下的治疗内容,充实理论框架,以提出适应中国本土的整合式家庭治疗模式.  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,实行对内搞活经济和对外开放的政策,我国的旅游业异军突起,发展迅猛。旅游经济的发展,迫切要求我们对其客观的发展规律进行深入的研究和探索,对其发展进程中的经验和教训作出理论上的概括和总结;对国外旅游经济的理论进行马克思主义批判的借鉴。为此,本文拟对旅游经济中几个理论问题作初步的探讨。一、关于“旅游收入的增殖”问题“旅游收入增殖论”(亦称“旅游花费的增殖效果”,“旅游收益增殖”),在国外的  相似文献   

The politics of case management and social work   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A case study analysing the introduction of case management into British social services supports the argument that social work is constructed through political processes. In such processes, the interaction among the interests of stakeholders within service innovations influences the construction of the role of social work. Case management was introduced to Britain, but developed in three different forms: social care entrepreneurship, brokerage and multiprofessional case management, including assertive outreach. The forms adopted were affected by the political interaction of stakeholders rather than the professional possibilities offered by case management itself. Evidence for the politics of case management is drawn from analysis of professional literature, the texts of official documents and empirical research outcomes. The introduction of case management led to a debate about how the nature of social work was affected by the innovation. Three alternative views were that social work was improved, or attacked by case management, or made a valid contribution to case management as a different form of practice. It is proposed that to understand the impact of a service innovation on social work, four factors must be considered: the character of the innovation itself; the economic, political and social contexts in which it is introduced; the political and social interests of the stakeholders themselves; and the political and social processes that take place during the introduction of the innovation.  相似文献   

The importance of innovation development is determined by the strategic role that true innovations play in the development of the state and the formation of a healthy, competitive economy. The organization of massive industrial production—which applies advanced technological achievements and science-intensive knowledge to form an infrastructure for innovation—should be a key component of the government’s strategic policy to develop the national economy. In Russia, the infrastructure for innovation is less developed than other industrialized countries. This article considers the consequences of this underdevelopment, and proposes several ways of financing basic and applied research on the basis of foreign precedent and domestic practice.  相似文献   

站在城市发展的新起点上,北京旅游业应将资源开发作为工作重心,把北京旧城等四大旅游资源作为发展创新的基础和主体,采用旅游资源整合、区域旅游合作与专项旅游三项战略举措,走出一条富有北京特色的旅游业发展道路。  相似文献   

Global research has shown that most young people who are care experienced are not prepared to transition to independent living at 18 years of age and require support into early adulthood. We used rigorous systematic methods to identify English-based peer reviewed and grey literature describing innovations relevant to care experienced young people as they transition into adulthood, with a focus upon lessons for their implementation and diffusion. We synthesised the evidence narratively and organise data linked to seven key areas important to the transition to adulthood: (1) Health and well-being; (2) relationships; (3) education and training; (4) employment; (5) participation in society; (6) accommodation; (7) other. Twenty-five papers met our inclusion criteria. This review has found that, whilst there are a broad spectrum of innovations taking place within the social care environment for care experienced young people to support their transition into adulthood, there exists limited insight into how best to support implementation and diffusion of evidence-based innovation. We drew upon the ‘Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research’, developed in the setting of clinical service delivery, to highlight challenges in implementing and diffusing evidence-based innovation for care experienced young people transitioning into adulthood.  相似文献   

陕西现代旅游业发展的症结与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵精兵  张丹 《唐都学刊》2002,18(3):100-103
陕西是旅游资源丰富的大省 ,但旅游业发展总体效益相对低下 ,旅游产品相对滞后 ,没有适时推出有特色的新产品进入市场 ,以至于旅游业收入增长缓慢 ,没有发挥出旅游业收益高、产业关联度大、带动性强的优势。为了改变此种状况 ,政府应加大对旅游业的资金投入 ,注重高品位旅游资源的深度开发 ,推出名牌产品 ,深化旅游体制和管理体制改革 ,进一步完善旅游交通服务 ,形成与旅游相配套的公路网、铁路网、航空网  相似文献   

周玲 《唐都学刊》2001,17(4):78-81
北宋前期词人张先在词的体制方面所进行的种种探索与尝试具有其创新性,这不仅表现在他对慢词写作的重视和积极实践上,而且还反映在他的词作中出现了不少的题序与和韵。从其16首慢词、38首中调的创作实际便可看出张先精通音律、迎接市井新声、自制声调新曲的创新意识,66个题序及8首和韵词都预示着崭新词风和词之创作高潮的到来。这些努力具有导夫先路的作用,对苏轼等人的创作起了直接的影响。  相似文献   

许宁宁  冉旭 《创新》2007,1(1):3-6
自从1991年中国与东盟建立对话关系以来,中国与东盟经贸合作快速发展,这得益于双方不断创新。组建自由贸易区、举办中国—东盟博览会等均是中国和东盟经贸合作的重大创新举措。尤其是双方积极合作,把新机制、新举措落在了实处,并使之转化成了实实在在的经济利益,惠及中国和东盟各国,乃至整个东亚地区。在今后双方关系发展的新阶段,我们应继续坚持创新,积极增强合作活力。作者建议:双方政府间应继续坚持平等互利、协商一致的原则,应充分发挥非政府组织的作用,企业间合作应以创新为本。坚持开拓创新,中国与东盟经贸合作的发展必将带来“双赢”的局面。  相似文献   

许多中国企业在迎接新经济挑战中陷入"不搞技术创新等死,搞技术创新找死"的怪圈.企业技术创新跳出这个怪圈的路径应从宏观管理角度建立国家创新体系,营造有利于技术创新的法律、法规和政策环境,建立有效的风险投资制度模式;从微观管理角度讲,应从管理方式创新、构建技术创新开发模式两大方面入手,努力塑造企业技术创新的微观体系.  相似文献   

Evidence-based adoption of organizational innovations requires explicit definition of the outcomes the innovations are intended to produce. Implementation theory, however, suggests that organizational innovations are often politicized in the sense that the prospect of implementing them provokes conflicts of interests among the parties affected. Then the intended outcomes of the innovation are liable to be formulated ambiguously, misleadingly or not at all, which makes evidence-based organizational innovation unattainable. Analysis of 61 organizational innovations in nine English NHS primary care trusts suggests that while the majority of innovations were not politicized in this way, a substantial minority were. Innovations whose adoption is motivated by evidence can therefore be differentiated from politicized innovations whose adoption is not so motivated, even when they nevertheless do have evidential support .  相似文献   

This paper investigates the question whether different forms of policy learning influence each other. The focus is on relationships between different forms of policy learning, which are explored on the basis of case study research in the field of research, technology and innovation policy-making in Austria. Methods utilised are expert interviews and document analysis besides literature and media recherché. With the goal to better understand the mechanisms behind learning processes, different forms of knowledge utilisation are linked to organisation types. The analysis suggests that the introduction of radical policy innovations was possible because different forms of learning were mutually beneficial and enabled actors to reach their goals. Learning about how to obtain political goals provided opportunities to increase the leverage of learning on policy instruments and goals, whilst insights into policies from other countries were also utilised for political learning.  相似文献   

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