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国际行政法是针对跨国行政活动和国际治理中的国际行政合作关系作出的规制和调整,是在传统国际法体系中出现的一个新兴分支领域,其逻辑起点和理论根基是全球治理的提出。全球治理中善治标准的实现需要引入行政法等一系列工具,因而全球治理的提出与行政法有着与生俱来、不可分离的关联性,行政法构成全球治理的微观基础。全球治理的大部分内容可以作为行政行为来加以理解和分析,即规则制定、冲突利益间的行政裁决,以及其他形式规制性和行政性的决定和管理。目前,一个规范等级逐渐鲜明的"国际行政法"体系正在产生并逐步形成,中国应该积极参与到这一进程当中。  相似文献   

论全球法治治理与中国和平发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高翔 《学术交流》2007,(3):37-40
全球治理理论是伴随着经济全球化的过程而发展起来的一种全新理论。传统的全球治理理论主要从单个要素进行孤立研究,而真正意义上的全球治理是全球法治模式下的系统治理,即全球法治治理。全球法治治理模式包括静态意义上的完善的国际法制体系和动态意义上的全球治理过程。全球法治治理的本质便是国际社会的结构性力量(国际权威机构、全球公民社会与全球经济市场)在国际法制体系内更好的实现自己合法权益的立体互动。和平发展战略不仅符合中国自身发展的需要,也符合全球化、全球法治治理的本质和发展趋势,必将有力促进中华民族在21世纪的伟大复兴和全球共赢。  相似文献   

当前,全球环境治理在各种内外因素的共同作用下正经历"多中心"的价值核变。就引发全球环境治理范式转换的外在致因而言,呈现国际政治、经济与社会结构中强化环境公共规制的基本转向,涵盖国内与国际层面的环境政策联动、世界经济振兴与整体性生态环保的交叠融合,以及多层级治理权威的社会互构。而全球环境治理所依存的国际法内生秩序孕育着自身规范结构与实施机制的复合性演进。全球环境治理范式转换在治理实践中表现为多层级协商合作体系的雏形初现,并已在贸易、投资、金融等国际法领域展露出环保规制策略统筹互补的特征。一方面,主要依靠合作网络权威与法律导向的公众参与;另一方面,强调跨领域整合多样化、竞争性的治理工具。全球环境治理的范式变迁将有效促动国际司法控制与环境条约遵约管理的共融支持,为滋养国际环境法执行的民主正当性与环境效率的共向发展创造有机土壤。  相似文献   

上个世纪20-30年代,英国著名学者齐默恩就如何建构国际社会进行了系统的阐述.他提出了将国联公约作为国际社会的框架,并以国际法与社会意识为基石的理论.这种强调法律机制与倚重社会道德来规范国家行为的论点,是当时自由主义理论的核心价值观.梳理齐默恩建构国际社会的学术思想,对理解当今国际关系理论体系和追溯国际问题研究的发展颇有助益.  相似文献   

当今国际社会从未停止过对人权和主权之间张力的反思,"保护的责任"这一概念应运而生。这一尚待完善的概念得到了国际社会和国际法以及国际关系学者的关注和讨论。以国际关系规范理论为基础,可以分析"保护的责任"这一概念的产生和发展成为国际社会一个新规范的过程。本文以中国为例,考察了"保护的责任"在中国扩散的原因以及中国如何灵活地处理这一规范与"不干涉主义"之间产生的张力。由此分析可得,国际规范的创制和扩散是国际社会与个别国家之间互动的结果,而在这一过程中国家本身对规范背后的价值认可至关重要。  相似文献   

刘洪岩 《求是学刊》2014,41(6):96-103
环境问题全球性的凸显已将人类置于空前的生态风险窘境之中。当下,无论各国发展程度如何,解决和保障生态安全都是其面临的一项至关重要的任务。正是由于环境问题的全球渗透,促使生态保护的国际合作实践成为可能,并促成了国际生态法律规范遵循着国际合作实践面向的维度发展。国际生态法律规范编撰的"逐渐发展"、国际生态"软法"规范在国际生态保护、国际合作方面对传统国际生态"硬法"的修正和补充,以及应对环境问题国际生态标准的制定等理论问题,一方面,构成了对传统的国际法理论及实践的挑战和修正,另一方面,为国际生态法独立的法律部门的确立建构了实践理性的前提。  相似文献   

随着20世纪60年代西方社会运动的兴起,西方国家的国内政治由此发展出有别于常规制度、正式政治的独特政治形态——抗争政治。诸多的理论认为,这一政治形态对其国内政治的民主和治理都具有积极的促进作用。本文通过对抗争政治历程的研究,指出:一方面,全球化及反全球化运动、全球风险社会都使得全球政治和治理发生大转型,由此引发全球社会运动,抗争从国内走向国际;而另一方面,抗争功能也具有局限性。同时认为,国内和国际层面上的抗争政治,关注全球抗争与民主、治理的关系,呈现出与常规政治不同的性质、特点和功能,具有重大的理论和实践价值。  相似文献   

李威 《太平洋学报》2011,19(1):33-42
国际社会正依托《哥本哈根协议》继续推进气候变化的国际法治理进程,未来气候变化的全球治理仍将围绕“共同但有区别责任”的适用而展开,并向“区别而又共同责任”的目标转型。《协议》经由“人类共同关切事项”认同了“共同责任”的内涵,通过实质性公平原则,明确了“区别责任”的要旨,随着《协议》的落实和发展,国际社会将认同《协议》表现出来的“软法”特性,弥合各方分歧,促进“为今世后代保护全球气候”的可持续发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

北极地区除北极沿岸国的主权区域和管辖权区域外,绝大部分地区属于公海区域,为人类共同继承财产,其应该按照《联合国海洋法公约》的规定实行全球治理,而非由北极国家共治。作为区域性政府间国际组织的北极理事会缺少国际法基础,我国不应将加入北极理事会作为参与北极事务的成就,更不应将北极理事会作为参与北极事务的重要平台。联合国国际海底管理局是符合国际法要求的合法组织,北极地区的治理适用于《联合国海洋法公约》的区域制度,而不是某几个国家或组织制定的区域性条约或规章。我国应在增强北极地区实质性目标的基础上,按照《联合国海洋法公约》的规定调整参与北极事务的工作思路,依托符合国际法的国际组织实现对北极的治理,同时加强对北极地区区域性国际制度和理论的研究,倡导全球共治北极。  相似文献   

朝鲜第四次核试验再次触动了国际社会的敏感神经。禁核试国际规范是否能够约束和规制法外国家的核扩散行为频受质疑。法外国家是指秉持其国际法基本立场而拒不按照国际体系的规则行事的国家。主权的绝对性和平等性是法外国家的基本国际法立场。法外国家的形成和行为方式有着深刻的规范诱因,其政治回应和规范抵制挑战禁核试国际规范的普遍效力。朝鲜第四次核试验使地区政治与军事对抗加剧,客观上损害了各方政治和外交努力进程的规范基础。国际社会必须着力削减和化解禁核试规范共识与规范约束得以确立和实施的阻碍因素,使朝核问题在规范约束与政治运作的良性互动中得到解决。  相似文献   

In the traditional understanding, the social basis of the emergence and existence of international law can be summed up as an international society in which interstate conflict and cooperation and interests and contradictions coexist. In recent years, the term “international community” has been widely used in national practice and academic discourse. Many scholars believe that the development of interstate relations indicates that the international community is being transformed into a global international community. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” reflects China’s new understanding of the social foundations of international law. It introduces Chinese traditional culture into global governance, develops Marxist theory on the community, is concerned both for mankind as a whole and for individuals, highlights the ultimate issues of the international community, and emphasizes the international community’s union of diversity and interdependence. The idea of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great significance for the theory and practice of international law; it reflects the emergence of methodological holism, the response of international law to the questioning of its legitimacy, and the trend toward hierarchical systematization in international law. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great value to China’s participation in the reform of the global governance system. It will help promote appreciation of the relations between China and the world, enhance China’s international discourse power and discourse force, and promote the rule of law in international relations that China advocates.  相似文献   

Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC put forward the goal of modernizing the state governance system and state governance capacity, research on state governance theory and practice has taken off in the Chinese academic community. However, very little research has been undertaken on the relationship between state governance and global governance. In an interdependent world where domestic and international boundaries are becoming ever more blurred, state and global governance are not just mutually connected and consistent; they also influence and constrain each other. This paper looks into the influence of state governance on global governance in terms of the differences and internal linkages between state and global governance, arguing that enhancing governance capacity is an effective way for China to participate in global governance, promote the transformation of global governance system, wield its influence as a major power, and boost its right of discourse.  相似文献   

当今世界面临百年未有之大变局,逆全球化思潮、保护主义、区域主义和单边主义愈演愈烈,多边机制受到严重冲击,加强全球治理、推进全球治理体系变革势在必行。习近平总书记构建人类命运共同体的重要思想,是我国引领时代潮流和人类文明进步的鲜明旗帜,是对国际社会的重要贡献。推动构建人类命运共同体是一项伟大的系统工程,需要加快国际治理人才的培养。国际治理人才不仅需要较强的语言能力和渊博的专业知识,而且更需要自觉的家国情怀、崇高的理想抱负和真正的全球视野。需要从国家层面制定相应的政策和措施,重视国际治理人才的培养,更要重视国际治理人才的使用。  相似文献   

Breakthroughs in the global governance of terrorism depend mainly on the development on the part of the international community of thorough and effective mechanisms. At present, global governance targets terrorism via four regimes: hegemonic governance; governance by international organizations; hybrid governance; and coordinated governance by major powers. These strategies have made a contribution to counter-terrorism, but they do have shortcomings. We start with the judgment that governance entities should adhere to the logic of consequences, the logic of appropriateness, the logic of emotion and the logic of habitus, and on this basis make a preliminary assessment of the global governance of terrorism. Present terrorism governance regimes tend to be based on the thinking of the logic of consequences with only partial implementation of the logic of appropriateness and no use, so far, of counterterrorism measures based on the logic of emotion and the logic of habitus. To address both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism, international society should encourage governance strategies that implement counter-terrorism measures based on the four types of logic above and should promote coordination and cooperation based on this platform. In this course, China could promote a more significant role in global terrorism governance for such counter-terrorism platforms as the United Nations, including the Security Council, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.  相似文献   

“海洋命运共同体”是“人类命运共同体”治理理念在海洋问题上的具体体现。“海洋命运共同体”建设是一项国际性的社会工程。知识所反映的发展规律可以形成说服其他行为体参与集体行动的软实力。引领未来的海洋治理需要我们具备提出治理方案的完整的知识体系。与此同时,还需要推动制度建设,构建区域性制度、领域性制度,形成完善的制度体系。在“海洋命运共同体”建设中,中国要赢得全球伙伴的尊重,就必须提供相应的公共产品,为全球公正、合理、可持续的海洋秩序做出贡献。建设“海洋命运共同体”是全人类的共同目标。中国需要在国际社会中团结在理念和利益方面的志同道合者,支持以“海洋命运共同体”为伦理基础的治理方案。  相似文献   

本文根据重要国际海洋法平台的实践,研究了国际海洋法发展的一些重要动向。当前海洋事务管理协调机制进一步发展健全,国际海底区域、公海渔业、海洋环境保护、外大陆架方面的法律规则进一步细化和发展,国家管辖范围外海域生物多样性、全球海洋环境评估、打击海盗以及航行自由等领域,正在酝酿产生新的规则或海洋事务管理机制等。上述动向反映出全球海洋治理正逐步揭开面纱,各国在海上的活动将一步步走向依法有序。  相似文献   

Within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, international carbon politics inevitably presents itself as the logic or essence of “ecological imperialism,” reflecting a few Western countries’ expansion and development of their historically formed international hierarchical superiority or exclusive hegemony on the basis of their domestic capitalist economies and politics. This is an intrinsic obstacle to creating a more equitable, democratic and effective global climate or environmental governance system. Criticism of international carbon politics and its “ecological imperialism,” based on traditional “green-left” theories from Marxist philosophy and political economy, provides a theoretical basis for seeking an alternative way to cope with global climate change effectively. As a responsible developing country, China’s response to climate change is not only an internal requirement for the promotion of its own sustainable development, but also reflects its responsibility to create a community of shared future for mankind. This rationale for our time determines that it is necessary for China to become a world leader in coping with global climate change and environmental governance through a leadership which lies in making a contribution rather than fighting for hegemony.  相似文献   

State governance and global governance are two intertwining aspects in the construction of world order. A peaceful, prosperous and equitable world order encompasses internal order of sovereign states and international order of the international systems. Effective state governance nurtures internal order of sovereign states, eschews internal disorder, and prevents the spillover of negative externality into the international systems. In this sense, state governance is the cornerstone for constructing world order. In the meantime, effective global governance constructs world order and assists sovereign states in constructing internal order. In the construction of world order, different actors in the international systems represented by sovereign states inter alia must cooperate with a view to dissolving conflicts of interests and policies among states, managing global public domain, responding to common challenges and sharing responsibilities in assisting internally disordered states to govern effectively. Since the reform and opening up, China has contributed its distinctive part to the construction of world order by means of responsible state governance and global partnership governance.  相似文献   

魏光启 《太平洋学报》2010,18(12):36-44
尽管中等国家的概念内涵存在争议,但是它们在国际社会中的地位、利益、共有观念和认同等使其成为塑造全球多边治理的重要力量。中等国家可根据不同情势,灵活选择个体主义、社会交往及制度主义方式中的一种或多种,旨在实现全球多边治理的系列目标和努力提升它们在国际舞台上的话语权和影响力。从现实层面来看,多边主义是中等国家在准确定位自身能力之后而形成的"利他"与"利己"彼此交错的优先选择,但这种选择面临着巨大的挑战。  相似文献   

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