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An earlier paper (Wendorf, 1984) presented the pragmatic aspects and theoretical model of The Family Therapy Consortium, a group set up to provide supervision and continuing education in family therapy. The emphasis was on the development of each individual therapist's competency, the isomorphic relationship between the supervisor, group, therapist, and family levels of the therapeutic system, and the legitimacy of the term "peer supervision." Beginning under the leadership of an expert supervisor hired from outside the group, the Family Therapy Consortium has developed into a peer supervision group with a "floating," rather than fixed, supervisory hierarchy. The present paper charts this development and explores the peer supervision process as it currently works in the Consortium. The focus is on the growth of the individual behind the mirror as therapist, person, leader and group member, and on the growth of the group as a "mature sibling subsystem" no longer in need of outside supervision. Individual and group development are seen as complementary aspects of the same growth process.  相似文献   

Social work supervision has been traditionally seen as central to social work training. Its focus was the emphasis on the one-to-one relationship between student and supervisor. The master-apprentice model prevailed. It is probably because of this that group supervision is a relatively late and still quite rare development, in spite of the fact that field placement resources are strained in practically every School.  相似文献   

The professionals use social services supervision as an educational and administrative process, meant to support. Supervision is a relatively new field introduced in the Romanian social welfare institutions. The article approaches the role of supervision in the process of professional development of social workers, following a research based on Grounded theory. We conducted this research into an elite NGO, in the North-Eastern Romania, in the domain of child protection. Supervision is a social practice based on the relationship between a person with extensive professional experience and a professional effectively involved in case management. Supervision is seen as a prerequisite to quality social services organization. Effectiveness of the supervision process may be an indicator of the quality of social work practice in an organization. The data were collected through interviews of participants in the research. The interviewed subjects operate with a definition of the supervision as being a practice based on individual or group interview, formal or informal, consisting in a series of specific phases (initial, development, end). Supervision involves the establishment of professional relationships between the participants and the quality of services and training received. This definition is partially different from those in the literature.  相似文献   


Effective clinical supervision is increasingly recognised as essential in supporting staff who are working in the field of social care. Using a case study approach, this paper illustrates the processes involved in planning and implementing a group supervision pilot with a team working in a homeless service. The supervision models used to inform and guide this initiative are described and the style and structure of the supervision sessions are discussed. The paper additionally provides a reflective analysis of group dynamics and group processes observed during this work. Subsequent conclusions identify the key features of this process and may provide guidance for other practice settings.  相似文献   

Parallel process has been observed in the social work and psychiatric literature as an element in the psychodynamics of individual treatment and supervisory relationships. This paper suggests that it is present during group treatment as well and examines its emergence during the termination phase of a milieu group. A review of the literature on both parallel process and termination with groups is presented. It is noted that the conditions necessary for the emergence of parallel process are exactly those found during the termination period of group treatment. Clinical illustrations from the forced termination of a milieu group are presented, documenting a variety of parallel processes which were observed. The dynamics of these processes are examined. Potential indicators of parallel process are discussed, as well as implications for both treatment and supervision.  相似文献   

In continuing education and in counselling the application of supervision and group dynamics, which go back to different origins, meet and, with a view to the problems that have to be solved in the various fields of work, produce considerable synergy effects. Starting out from the possible reasons for a cooperation between supervision and group dynamics, the lines of intersection, the problem solving capacities as well as the limits of both methods are described. It is only when you look at the distinction between the structural characteristics and the intervention concepts of group training and team supervision as important work settings that the differences as well as the things they have in common are highlighted. The author is advocating an integration of both methods because they can solve both interaction as well as organisational problems.  相似文献   

Child welfare supervision is fundamental to advancing the quality of practice when seeking to ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of children. Child welfare supervisors serve administrative, educational, and support functions as they oversee frontline caseworkers and direct service providers. Clinical supervision, a dialog-driven process of case review and consultation is situated within the educational function. The process of clinical supervision is essential to child welfare practice, because it prompts reflection and builds analytical thinking skills needed to address complex situations involved in child protection. Despite increased recognition regarding the importance of clinical supervision, child welfare supervision continues to focus primarily on administrative tasks. Organizational climate and external pressures push this administrative agenda. In addition, many child welfare supervisors lack experience, training, and therefore competency in facilitating clinical case reviews. Strengths-Based Supervision (SBS; Lietz 2013) is a model of clinical supervision that was developed to (a) increase child welfare supervisors’ intentionality regarding the importance of infusing clinical supervision into child welfare supervision and (b) advance the skills needed to implement this practice effectively representing one solution to this ongoing challenge.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief review of a relational approach to clinical supervision and argues for its application in social work settings. Although an integral and essential part of practice, clinical supervision is underrepresented in the practice literature. Given this paucity of writings on supervision, the recent book by Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea and Joan Sarnat, The Supervisory Relationship: A Contemporary Psychodynamic Approach, stands out as a seminal contribution because the authors present a fully developed relational model of supervision that fills a major gap in the development of contemporary relational theory and practice. We selectively review the basic concepts and principles of Frawley-O'Dea and Sarnat's model and apply this supervisory approach to current social work practice. Our focus will be on exploring three controversial and much-debated topics: self-disclosure, regression, and the teach or treat dilemma. Case vignettes from two supervisory experiences will serve to illustrate how a relational approach enhances both the treatment and the supervisory relationship.  相似文献   

Professionals in all fields are pressing for more autonomy in their work. Social work has never achieved full professional status because of its reluctance to grant autonomy to practitioners. The hierarchical bureaucratic structure of social agencies, which enforces prolonged individual supervision of workers, has achieved uniformity of practice at the expense of creativity and innovation. The author proposes Georg Simmel's model of superordination—subordination as a framework for considering new forms of supervision. Peer group supervision, consultation, and in-service training are potentially more democratic training methods than individual supervision, and could encourage self-confidence and creativity.  相似文献   

Literature in family therapy training neglects to address the usefulness of individual supervision. Just as family members struggle to integrate needs for autonomy with needs for family membership, so the individual family therapy trainee has individual concerns. Psychoanalytic literature fully recognises the power of the emotional responses of the psychotherapist, but is uncertain how to handle these reactions, especially in terms of the parallel process between psychotherapy and supervision. The integration of individual process-centred supervision with live group supervision and training provides a structure within which to maximize the supervisory experience.  相似文献   

The establishment of a cross-discipline peer consultation group in regional Australia is described. A research project, which explored the impact of the peer consultation on participants, using pre-group and post-group evaluation surveys along with data from an externally facilitated group evaluation session is discussed. Key findings reveal the value of access to varied modes of supervision; the importance of supervision not feeling like being subjected to surveillance; and the contribution that positive experiences of peer consultation have for our participants' well-being. The potential for improved connection and mutual benefits for practice and academia in sponsorship of professional peer consultation by regional universities also emerges from this research. The effectiveness of contemporary workplace counselling supervision arrangements, and of what, precisely, the enjoyment of engaging in case discussions in peer consultation groups is constituted are areas for more exploration.  相似文献   

This article presents a new program of collegial supervision called ‘Collegial Introvision-Supervision’ (KIS). This phased program is based upon different concepts of collegial supervision (Pallasch, 1996; Spiess, 1996; Voss, 1996) and in particular on concepts of the TZI group supervision (Meister, 1996). The theoretical development is based on the ‘Integrative Introvision-Councelling’ and the practical foundation builds upon numerous supervision experiences of the author as well as upon tests in two projects of the professional education of teachers and social workers. A substantial aim of this new program is to find a procedure that optimises the perception of the factors taking part in the educational situation in order to make, based on that new perception, a new situational processing possible which allows a more appropriate educational reaction. The core of this change of perception is to reduce biographically caused aspects of a stress-generating estimation of the situation and to establish a calmer educational-acting mode.  相似文献   

Empathy plays an important role in clinical supervision. It is the link between the client whose treatment is being supervised, the clinician/supervisee, and the supervisor. The supervisor uses an empathic capacity as well as theoretical knowledge to understand the clinical work and build the supervisory relationship. Often the progress of a case can be traced through the development of empathic understanding in the supervision. The transmission of empathy requires creativity and openness and is one of the major challenges in supervision. By analyzing the different uses of empathy in clinical supervision we can increase our understanding of the supervisory process.  相似文献   

This research presents the findings from an evaluation and organizational development initiative that was requested by a Canadian youth agency working in a large urban setting. A team of four researchers affiliated with the Center for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS) at the University of Ottawa conducted the evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation was to identify the supervision needs and challenges of coordinators and front line staff, assess the efficiency of the current supervision practices, and evaluate the supervisors’ and supervisees’ satisfaction with these current practices. A literature review was performed to help provide a clear definition of ‘supervision’ and the different professional roles it encompasses. Additionally, research evidence pertaining both to what contributes to supervision efficacy and supervisor competency was reviewed to distill the most robust findings in the existing literature. The lines of evidence consisted of a document and file review, an online employee survey, group discussions (i.e. focus groups), and interviews with key informants. The results of the evaluation helped the research team formulate recommendations to the agency for the development of enhanced supervision practices across its various service areas.  相似文献   

The supervision of intercultural groups is explained based on a practice example. The setup of the initial situation is of great importance in this context. The interactions within the group are considered from different points of views. This method enhances mutual understanding and negotiating capabilities within intercultural groups.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the value of action learning for social work supervisors. Recent years have seen renewed focus on supervision as a reflective space and some indications that the tide may be turning in regard to the dominance of managerial priorities within the supervision of direct practice. It is less evident that a similar shift is taking place for supervisors themselves and, anecdotally, many describe their own supervision as having a business focus with limited scope for reflective dialogue. While the traditional functions of supervision need to adapt to fit the responsibilities of those in management positions, it remains true that these staff provide a vital containing role within the organisational hierarchy. For that to be sustained, it is important that supervisors have space and structure within which to process the emotional, intellectual and practical challenges of their work. The integration of action learning sets within post-qualifying courses for supervisors has demonstrated a useful dual function. Firstly, they provide an effective model for group supervision, facilitating in-depth reflection on complex practice issues. Secondly, they offer managers a peer supervision forum; a safe place to explore dilemmas and share the vulnerabilities which belong to management roles as well as practice.  相似文献   

Koping-Gruppen und Praxistandems als Elemente kollegialer Supervision   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Koping groups and practice tandems are elements of collegial supervision that are used within and without a training context to modify the behavior of experts and novices. They are important factors within this change process and are based on the assumption, that behavior modifications must start with a modification of the subjective theories of the actors in order to be effective. This contribution gives a review of the experiences with koping groups and practice tandems in different practice fields and describes their theoretical basis. It also shows which are the important factors for the effectivity of koping groups and practice tandems. Without using elements of collegial supervision the modification of professional behavior will not be very effective.  相似文献   


This article, in two parts, describes first the development of a seminar group which Win Roberts and I set up for social workers, to promote the use of group work with clients in hospital settings. Each fortnightly seminar consisted of a discussion on aspects of group work theory and practice, followed by our experiential group. The second part describes one of the client groups that was established for people attending hospital for sub-fertility treatment. Parallels are drawn between group processes in the seminar group and the client group, indicating the value of such a seminar group to provide training, supervision and experience of group work.  相似文献   

While the benefit of live supervision on clinical training is largely unquestioned, research that examines how live supervision affects the therapeutic process is lacking. Although marriage and family therapy has embraced this method of supervision, there is little empirical evidence suggesting it "works." This study uses hierarchical linear modeling to examine how therapy cases utilizing live supervision affect perceptions of progress on the problem. Findings indicated that live supervision does appear to make a difference for therapists' ratings of progress on the problem over the course of therapy; however, clients did not rate their progress as improving to the same degree. Implications for the use of live supervision as well as limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

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