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社会学视野中的网络社区   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
“网络社区”或“虚拟社区”的提法最近越来越多了 ,在我看来 ,虚拟只是假象或表象 ,网络赋予社会或社会成员的很多东西其实是再真实不过的了。“社区”这一概念在社会学领域本来就有很多不同的界定。中文的“社区”是从英文的“community”翻译过来 ,原意是共同的东西和亲密的伙伴关系。通常我们在社区研究中 ,指的是一种区域性社会。从这样的意义上讲 ,网络社区只能是虚拟存在 ,因为它不具备物理空间上的地域特征。基于此 ,从人文区位意义上 ,讨论人口的空间分布(区位)也十分勉强。但一定的人口及其互动关系 ,以及由此带来的情…  相似文献   

走向网络社区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩丽丽 《社会》2002,(2):36-38
社区是一个社会分析单位 ,社区指的是一定地域范围内具有归属感的人群及社会性活动和现象的总称。按地域的不同 ,社区可大致分为城市社区、城镇社区和农村社区三种。但是从20世纪后半叶开始 ,信息革命席卷全球 ,随着电子计算机技术、通讯技术的发展 ,电脑网络开始进入人类社会生活的各个领域 ,越来越多的人和地域开始卷入网络之中 ,这时一种全新的社区形式出现了 ,即网络社区 ,并且在新世纪来临之际 ,它还在以迅猛的态势发展和壮大 ,这已经引起了人们的广泛关注。所谓网络社区 ,它不具备普通社区涵义中的物理空间上的地域特征 ,而代之以更…  相似文献   

“技术决定论“与“社会建构论“:互斥还是互补?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王建设 《探求》2006,18(6):63-68
一般认为,“技术决定论”与“社会建构论”是观点冲突、意见对立和互不相容的两种主张。本文在对两种理论的基本观点进行概括归纳基础上,通过对两种理论的论题、独立性、历史关系等几方面加以分析,认为“技术决定论”与“社会建构论”分别揭示了技术与社会关系的不同方面,具有相互补充、相辅相成的辩证关系。  相似文献   

关于家庭文化与现代化的关系,在当今世界上有三种不同的理论与实践模式,一种是西方社会的“冲突论”,另一种是日本社会的“改造论”,第三种则是中国社会(或者说华人社会)的“融合论”。三种不同的模式从不同的方面表现了家庭文化与现代化的密切关系。建立在婚姻和血缘关系基础上的家庭,在不同的社会中对不同的现代化进程产生了不同的影响。 一、“冲突论” 以欧美为代表的“冲突论”的主要观点认为传统家庭文化与现代化进程是冲突的、不协调的。现代化的进程将抵制传统家庭文化,并使传统家庭走向淡化和解体。 美国社会学家、结构功能主义的主要代表人物科特·帕森斯在谈到家庭与现代化之间的关系时,强调了家庭在现代工业社会中的解组过程。他认为  相似文献   

曹正汉 《社会》2023,(5):22-55
顾炎武在《郡县论》中提出一种著名的改革理论,即在郡县制的框架内引入封建制的自治原则,形成“寓封建之意于郡县之中”的混合体制。对于这种混合体制论的意义,当代学者通常把它视为中央与地方关系的理论,或者视为地方分权论或“地方自治论”,认为其目的是在中央集权与地方分权之间实现平衡。本文的观点是,顾炎武的混合体制论不只是中央与地方关系的理论,也不只是地方分权论,还是处理“一统”与“治理”之关系的理论,特别是处理“一统”与“治理”之矛盾的理论,其中的核心思想可以概括为“统一而治殊”。本文的目的是论证这种观点,并进一步探讨“统一而治殊”的内在含义和思想来源及其实现机制和制度条件。  相似文献   

张小东 《社科纵横》2007,22(3):38-40
和谐社会构建中,社区社会的关系构建是社会基层关系构建中的基础性关系.伴随着中国社区建设和改革的不断深化,和谐社区建设工作已全面展开,除了政策性的引导工作以外,如何认识与理解和谐社区建设工作的基本理论,这关系到和谐社区建设的价值理论趋向问题.本文结合夏学銮在<中国社区建设的理论架构探讨>中提出的"三个实施模式"理论观点,从和谐社区建设的现实意义出发,借助公共管理学的科学发展观点,论述了和谐社区建设的理论现实意义.  相似文献   

在社会转型、体制转轨过程中,社会工作不应该沦为一种“治理术”,而应是一种致力于实现以人为本、回应社区需求的社会保护机制,这促使我们从长期以来对社会工作的技术型塑转向对社会工作“社会性”的关注.通过反思性地批判了现有关于上述议题的理论范式及其限度,笔者借助波兰尼的“嵌入性”思想和社会保护理论,尝试从社会公正、社会理性、社会保护和社会团结等维度构建社会工作“社会性”的理论内核,以作为思考中国社会工作发展的一种可能框架.同时,要实现对社会工作社会性的重塑,应将“社区”带回社会工作理论和实践的中心,将“社区”视为社会工作与社区大众互动的实践场域,重构“社区”作为人们生活、情感、精神共同体的社会属性,以在社区治理实践中探寻社会工作的“社会”真意.这是社会工作之于中国语境所需具有的“社会想象力”品质.  相似文献   

当代西方经济学家论市场与企业的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为市场经济社会最重要的两种组织,市场与企业要么是互补关系,要么是替代关系。传统西方经济学持前一种观点,即认为企业是市场的主体。而现代西方企业理论则认为市场与企业是可以相互替代的资源配置机制或分工协调机制,其中的主流——“弱替代论”认为企业是与市场相对立的协调机制,而“强替代论”则认为企业是一种特别的市场  相似文献   

李兴睿 《社会工作》2008,(20):44-46
物业服务管理公司作为与社区紧密联系的组织,在地域发展中呈现不同特点。本文运用半结构访谈方法,以帕森斯的社会进化论为理论视角,分析了北方城镇物业服务管理发展“瓶颈”形成的原因:一是物业服务管理公司内部组织分化不明晰;二是社区系统本身的发展与物管系统内部发展一致,出现偏差行为后,缺乏必要的社会控制:三是社区中价值主体多元化,而又缺乏有效整合。  相似文献   

社区工作者如何进行社区工作和社区发展建设,从而提高社区居民的生活质量,这是一项刚刚起步的社会试点工作,倍受各界人士重视,其理论与实践方法正处在探讨和发展阶段。本文以优势视角的观点出发,从四个方面阐述了自己的看法:第一,从优势角度对社会工作的涵义进行了论述;第二,对居民与社区的关系展开讨论,强调社区与居民自身的切实利益紧密相连;第三,对社区工作提出若干策略行动;第四,对如何落实社区工作进行了分析和思考。全文四点互为联系,较完备地构成了优势视角的社区工作的理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

This article contains a presentation and analysis of the results from two qualitative studies, which examined female drug abusers' everyday lives and the social support available to them within their close relationships. Both studies concerned women who were participating in work-training or treatment programmes and who were in the process of giving up drug abuse. The two main questions concerned the supply of social support from the women's social networks and whether the amount of support available or lack of support had any impact on the exit process. Social support within different relationships of the women's social networks is presented, as well as different types of professional social support and treatment. The results in relation to previous research about female drug abusers and social support from gender and class perspectives are discussed. Conclusions about three important factors when creating a new life after drug abuse are drawn.  相似文献   

Relations between humans and nonhuman animals are morally significant, intense, enduring, and pervasive. Presented here are current perspectives on social and psychological aspects of human–animal interactions. The articles in this issue focus on three broad themes—attitudes toward the use of other species, the effects of relationships with companion animals on human health and well-being, and the ethical and policy implications of our interactions with other species. The article represent a mix of theory, qualitative and quantitative empirical approaches, review, and policy recommendations on a topic that has historically been neglected by social scientists.  相似文献   

李国武 《社会》2010,30(3):199-225

摘要:本文是对近二三十年来国外关于组织的网络形式的实证研究成果的一项选择性综述。组织的网络形式是一种不同于市场和等级制的组织形式,社会学家们特别强调信任、互惠等在其中的作用。对于企业而言,进入特定的组织网络形式有利于促进学习和创新、提高合法性和地位、增进经济收益,这也是组织间结成关系网络的主要原因。已有研究多从制度主义、资源依赖、社会网络和交易成本等角度,探讨国家制度环境、产业属性、企业特征、社会结构和网络位置、交易特征等因素对组织网络形式形成的影响。作者认为,今后需要在网络组织的演化和绩效、不同网络组织类型的差异以及理论视角的融合等三个方面深化研究。  相似文献   

This study compares three variations in how researchers construct middle childhood social networks: (1) with friendships or affiliations as a relational tie; (2) with children providing self reports of relationships, or in addition, multi-informant reports of relationships in which they are not involved; and (3) whether network computation is correlational or distance-based . The sample was 357 fourth- and fifth-grade students in 17 classrooms. The strongest differences were between self-reported friendship and affiliative networks. Results showed that compared with affiliations, friendship networks had smaller groups, more isolates, and lower fall-to-spring stability. Agreement in social placement between friendship and affiliative networks was generally average, but poor for unpopular and aggressive children. Multi-informant affiliative networks were most robust in their positioning of aggressive children. Multi-informant centrality was uniquely uncorrelated with aggression. Network computation differences were not substantial. Discussion focuses on recommendations for research and the educational promise of network technology.  相似文献   

社会流动与流动者的关系网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张云武 《社会》2009,29(1):122-141
本研究通过对厦门市流入者的关系网络的实证考察,主要的发现是:农村出身者的网络总量以及邻居、同乡关系的量大于城市出身者,但是网络持续性较弱;流动距离对同乡关系产生正向影响;在关系网络的量以及同质性方面,到达阶层较低的流动者大于或强于到达阶层较高的流动者;流入年数对亲戚关系以及网络持续性、职业同质性产生正向影响;教育年数的增加可以促进同事、同学、朋友关系的形成,并导致网络选择性、扩大性增强,网络持续性减弱;政治身份的向上流动可以导致网络总量以及邻居、同学、同乡关系增多,并导致网络同质性增强。这些发现说明,国外学者的先行理论在中国社会的应用具有一定的局限性。作者认为,这是由在漫长的农业社会中形成的血缘、地缘意识被深深内化,以及城乡社会结构的差异、社会流动的特性、人口城市化与生活城市化的不一致性等中国社会独特的社会历史文化所导致的。  相似文献   

尉建文 《社会》2008,28(6):60-70
本文采用“网络闭合”和“结构洞”两种社会资本的理论视角,提出“信任”和“网络位置”是企业社会资本的最主要特征的观点,并从组织和群体两个层面及企业内部和外部两个部分对企业的社会资本测量进行了分析。在本文所提出的企业社会资本测量的分析框架中,在组织层面上,将企业看作是网络中的节点,关注企业的正式关系以及网络结构特征;在群体层面上,将企业社会资本看作是企业“班底”的内部信任程度以及在他们在人际关系网络中的位置。  相似文献   

The United Kingdom joined the European Community in 1973, since when there has been a growing awareness of the international context to the making and delivery of social security. Obligations imposed under the Treaty of Rome to allow for the application of equal opportunities and the free movement of workers were bound to require changes to social security entitlements. It may have been hypothezised that membership of the European Community would promote the convergence of social security systems: the coming together of policies and the equalization of benefit levels. In the event, bilateral agreements between countries remain important and, with the important exception of the decisions of the European Court of Justice, the impact of the European Community (latterly European Union) on policy and practice in the United Kingdom has remained limited.  相似文献   

Research finds gender differences in the size, quality, and consequences of social networks in the workplace. Building on these studies, we focus on one type of social network: task advice networks, which we define as the networks that act as conduits for information and knowledge directly related to work task completion. Using data on over 1300 employees, we test the relationships between task advice network size and two variables – organizational tenure and core self-evaluations, examining differences by gender. We find a larger positive association between core self-evaluations and task advice network size for men than for women. Additionally, we find that men, but not women, have larger networks when lower in tenure.  相似文献   

Social isolation and inadequate social support have been identified as correlates of depression in older adults, although the relationship between depression and social isolation is not entirely understood (Dorfman et al., 1995). This study was conducted to describe the social networks of depressed older adults living in the community and to compare the social networks of depressed and nondepressed individuals, thus adding to the body of knowledge regarding social networks, older adults, and depression.

The sample consisted of 91 respondents aged 65 and older who were randomly selected using the voter registry. About 27% (25) respondents reported significant levels of depressive symptomology as measured by the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). All respondents completed semistructured interviews that included questions about social contacts with family and others during the prior week. All participants reported social contact with family and friends during this period.

In this sample, depressed elders were not socially isolated. They were more likely to report contacts with friends than those who were not depressed, and equally likely to report involvement in volunteer activities. Their likelihood of seeking social support was also comparable. Results emphasize the importance of peer relationships and suggest that, in some groups of older adults, social isolation may not be a hallmark of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Social isolation and inadequate social support have been identified as correlates of depression in older adults, although the relationship between depression and social isolation is not entirely understood (Dorfman et al., 1995). This study was conducted to describe the social networks of depressed older adults living in the community and to compare the social networks of depressed and nondepressed individuals, thus adding to the body of knowledge regarding social networks, older adults, and depression. The sample consisted of 91 respondents aged 65 and older who were randomly selected using the voter registry. About 27% (25) respondents reported significant levels of depressive symptomology as measured by the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D). All respondents completed semistructured interviews that included questions about social contacts with family and others during the prior week. All participants reported social contact with family and friends during this period. In this sample, depressed elders were not socially isolated. They were more likely to report contacts with friends than those who were not depressed, and equally likely to report involvement in volunteer activities. Their likelihood of seeking social support was also comparable. Results emphasize the importance of peer relationships and suggest that, in some groups of older adults, social isolation may not be a hallmark of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

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