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Quasi-random sequences are known to give efficient numerical integration rules in many Bayesian statistical problems where the posterior distribution can be transformed into periodic functions on then-dimensional hypercube. From this idea we develop a quasi-random approach to the generation of resamples used for Monte Carlo approximations to bootstrap estimates of bias, variance and distribution functions. We demonstrate a major difference between quasi-random bootstrap resamples, which are generated by deterministic algorithms and have no true randomness, and the usual pseudo-random bootstrap resamples generated by the classical bootstrap approach. Various quasi-random approaches are considered and are shown via a simulation study to result in approximants that are competitive in terms of efficiency when compared with other bootstrap Monte Carlo procedures such as balanced and antithetic resampling.  相似文献   

In empirical Bayes inference one is typically interested in sampling from the posterior distribution of a parameter with a hyper-parameter set to its maximum likelihood estimate. This is often problematic particularly when the likelihood function of the hyper-parameter is not available in closed form and the posterior distribution is intractable. Previous works have dealt with this problem using a multi-step approach based on the EM algorithm and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). We propose a framework based on recent developments in adaptive MCMC, where this problem is addressed more efficiently using a single Monte Carlo run. We discuss the convergence of the algorithm and its connection with the EM algorithm. We apply our algorithm to the Bayesian Lasso of Park and Casella (J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 103:681–686, 2008) and on the empirical Bayes variable selection of George and Foster (J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 87:731–747, 2000).  相似文献   

Summary.  The expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm is a popular tool for maximizing likelihood functions in the presence of missing data. Unfortunately, EM often requires the evaluation of analytically intractable and high dimensional integrals. The Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm is the natural extension of EM that employs Monte Carlo methods to estimate the relevant integrals. Typically, a very large Monte Carlo sample size is required to estimate these integrals within an acceptable tolerance when the algorithm is near convergence. Even if this sample size were known at the onset of implementation of MCEM, its use throughout all iterations is wasteful, especially when accurate starting values are not available. We propose a data-driven strategy for controlling Monte Carlo resources in MCEM. The algorithm proposed improves on similar existing methods by recovering EM's ascent (i.e. likelihood increasing) property with high probability, being more robust to the effect of user-defined inputs and handling classical Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods within a common framework. Because of the first of these properties we refer to the algorithm as 'ascent-based MCEM'. We apply ascent-based MCEM to a variety of examples, including one where it is used to accelerate the convergence of deterministic EM dramatically.  相似文献   

The random walk Metropolis algorithm is a simple Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme which is frequently used in Bayesian statistical problems. We propose a guided walk Metropolis algorithm which suppresses some of the random walk behavior in the Markov chain. This alternative algorithm is no harder to implement than the random walk Metropolis algorithm, but empirical studies show that it performs better in terms of efficiency and convergence time.  相似文献   

The present work addresses the question how sampling algorithms for commonly applied copula models can be adapted to account for quasi-random numbers. Besides sampling methods such as the conditional distribution method (based on a one-to-one transformation), it is also shown that typically faster sampling methods (based on stochastic representations) can be used to improve upon classical Monte Carlo methods when pseudo-random number generators are replaced by quasi-random number generators. This opens the door to quasi-random numbers for models well beyond independent margins or the multivariate normal distribution. Detailed examples (in the context of finance and insurance), illustrations and simulations are given and software has been developed and provided in the R packages copula and qrng.  相似文献   

Recent work on point processes includes studying posterior convergence rates of estimating a continuous intensity function. In this article, convergence rates for estimating the intensity function and change‐point are derived for the more general case of a piecewise continuous intensity function. We study the problem of estimating the intensity function of an inhomogeneous Poisson process with a change‐point using non‐parametric Bayesian methods. An Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm is proposed to obtain estimates of the intensity function and the change‐point which is illustrated using simulation studies and applications. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 604–618; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We describe a new Monte Carlo algorithm for the consistent and unbiased estimation of multidimensional integrals and the efficient sampling from multidimensional densities. The algorithm is inspired by the classical splitting method and can be applied to general static simulation models. We provide examples from rare-event probability estimation, counting, and sampling, demonstrating that the proposed method can outperform existing Markov chain sampling methods in terms of convergence speed and accuracy.  相似文献   

The ordinal probit, univariate or multivariate, is a generalized linear model (GLM) structure that arises frequently in such disparate areas of statistical applications as medicine and econometrics. Despite the straightforwardness of its implementation using the Gibbs sampler, the ordinal probit may present challenges in obtaining satisfactory convergence.We present a multivariate Hastings-within-Gibbs update step for generating latent data and bin boundary parameters jointly, instead of individually from their respective full conditionals. When the latent data are parameters of interest, this algorithm substantially improves Gibbs sampler convergence for large datasets. We also discuss Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) implementation of cumulative logit (proportional odds) and cumulative complementary log-log (proportional hazards) models with latent data.  相似文献   

We present the parallel and interacting stochastic approximation annealing (PISAA) algorithm, a stochastic simulation procedure for global optimisation, that extends and improves the stochastic approximation annealing (SAA) by using population Monte Carlo ideas. The efficiency of standard SAA algorithm crucially depends on its self-adjusting mechanism which presents stability issues in high dimensional or rugged optimisation problems. The proposed algorithm involves simulating a population of SAA chains that interact each other in a manner that significantly improves the stability of the self-adjusting mechanism and the search for the global optimum in the sampling space, as well as it inherits SAA desired convergence properties when a square-root cooling schedule is used. It can be implemented in parallel computing environments in order to mitigate the computational overhead. As a result, PISAA can address complex optimisation problems that it would be difficult for SAA to satisfactory address. We demonstrate the good performance of the proposed algorithm on challenging applications including Bayesian network learning and protein folding. Our numerical comparisons suggest that PISAA outperforms the simulated annealing, stochastic approximation annealing, and annealing evolutionary stochastic approximation Monte Carlo.  相似文献   

We present a maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the multivariate frailty model. The estimation is based on a Monte Carlo EM algorithm. The expectation step is approximated by averaging over random samples drawn from the posterior distribution of the frailties using rejection sampling. The maximization step reduces to a standard partial likelihood maximization. We also propose a simple rule based on the relative change in the parameter estimates to decide on sample size in each iteration and a stopping time for the algorithm. An important new concept is acquiring absolute convergence of the algorithm through sample size determination and an efficient sampling technique. The method is illustrated using a rat carcinogenesis dataset and data on vase lifetimes of cut roses. The estimation results are compared with approximate inference based on penalized partial likelihood using these two examples. Unlike the penalized partial likelihood estimation, the proposed full maximum likelihood estimation method accounts for all the uncertainty while estimating standard errors for the parameters.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with improving the performance of certain Markov chain algorithms for Monte Carlo simulation. We propose a new algorithm for simulating from multivariate Gaussian densities. This algorithm combines ideas from coupled Markov chain methods and from an existing algorithm based only on over-relaxation. The rate of convergence of the proposed and existing algorithms can be measured in terms of the square of the spectral radius of certain matrices. We present examples in which the proposed algorithm converges faster than the existing algorithm and the Gibbs sampler. We also derive an expression for the asymptotic variance of any linear combination of the variables simulated by the proposed algorithm. We outline how the proposed algorithm can be extended to non-Gaussian densities.  相似文献   


Motivated by penalized likelihood maximization in complex models, we study optimization problems where neither the function to optimize nor its gradient has an explicit expression, but its gradient can be approximated by a Monte Carlo technique. We propose a new algorithm based on a stochastic approximation of the proximal-gradient (PG) algorithm. This new algorithm, named stochastic approximation PG (SAPG) is the combination of a stochastic gradient descent step which—roughly speaking—computes a smoothed approximation of the gradient along the iterations, and a proximal step. The choice of the step size and of the Monte Carlo batch size for the stochastic gradient descent step in SAPG is discussed. Our convergence results cover the cases of biased and unbiased Monte Carlo approximations. While the convergence analysis of some classical Monte Carlo approximation of the gradient is already addressed in the literature (see Atchadé et al. in J Mach Learn Res 18(10):1–33, 2017), the convergence analysis of SAPG is new. Practical implementation is discussed, and guidelines to tune the algorithm are given. The two algorithms are compared on a linear mixed effect model as a toy example. A more challenging application is proposed on nonlinear mixed effect models in high dimension with a pharmacokinetic data set including genomic covariates. To our best knowledge, our work provides the first convergence result of a numerical method designed to solve penalized maximum likelihood in a nonlinear mixed effect model.


Albert and Chib introduced a complete Bayesian method to analyze data arising from the generalized linear model in which they used the Gibbs sampling algorithm facilitated by latent variables. Recently, Cowles proposed an alternative algorithm to accelerate the convergence of the Albert-Chib algorithm. The novelty in this latter algorithm is achieved by using a Hastings algorithm to generate latent variables and bin boundary parameters jointly instead of individually from their respective full conditionals. In the same spirit, we reparameterize the cumulative-link generalized linear model to accelerate the convergence of Cowles’ algorithm even further. One important advantage of our method is that for the three-bin problem it does not require the Hastings algorithm. In addition, for problems with more than three bins, while the Hastings algorithm is required, we provide a proposal density based on the Dirichlet distribution which is more natural than the truncated normal density used in the competing algorithm. Also, using diagnostic procedures recommended in the literature for the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (both single and multiple runs) we show that our algorithm is substantially better than the one recently obtained. Precisely, our algorithm provides faster convergence and smaller autocorrelations between the iterates. Using the probit link function, extensive results are obtained for the three-bin and the five-bin multinomial ordinal data problems.  相似文献   

We extend the family of multivariate generalized linear mixed models to include random effects that are generated by smooth densities. We consider two such families of densities, the so-called semi-nonparametric (SNP) and smooth nonparametric (SMNP) densities. Maximum likelihood estimation, under either the SNP or the SMNP densities, is carried out using a Monte Carlo EM algorithm. This algorithm uses rejection sampling and automatically increases the MC sample size as it approaches convergence. In a simulation study we investigate the performance of these two densities in capturing the true underlying shape of the random effects distribution. We also examine the implications of misspecification of the random effects distribution on the estimation of the fixed effects and their standard errors. The impact of the assumed random effects density on the estimation of the random effects themselves is investigated in a simulation study and also in an application to a real data set.  相似文献   

We define a notion of de-initializing Markov chains. We prove that to analyse convergence of Markov chains to stationarity, it suffices to analyse convergence of a de-initializing chain. Applications are given to Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms and to convergence diagnostics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm, the so-called annealing evolutionary stochastic approximation Monte Carlo (AESAMC) algorithm as a general optimization technique, and study its convergence. AESAMC possesses a self-adjusting mechanism, whose target distribution can be adapted at each iteration according to the current samples. Thus, AESAMC falls into the class of adaptive Monte Carlo methods. This mechanism also makes AESAMC less trapped by local energy minima than nonadaptive MCMC algorithms. Under mild conditions, we show that AESAMC can converge weakly toward a neighboring set of global minima in the space of energy. AESAMC is tested on multiple optimization problems. The numerical results indicate that AESAMC can potentially outperform simulated annealing, the genetic algorithm, annealing stochastic approximation Monte Carlo, and some other metaheuristics in function optimization.  相似文献   

The particle Gibbs sampler is a systematic way of using a particle filter within Markov chain Monte Carlo. This results in an off‐the‐shelf Markov kernel on the space of state trajectories, which can be used to simulate from the full joint smoothing distribution for a state space model in a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme. We show that the particle Gibbs Markov kernel is uniformly ergodic under rather general assumptions, which we will carefully review and discuss. In particular, we provide an explicit rate of convergence, which reveals that (i) for fixed number of data points, the convergence rate can be made arbitrarily good by increasing the number of particles and (ii) under general mixing assumptions, the convergence rate can be kept constant by increasing the number of particles superlinearly with the number of observations. We illustrate the applicability of our result by studying in detail a common stochastic volatility model with a non‐compact state space.  相似文献   

Pseudo-marginal Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for sampling from intractable distributions have gained recent interest and have been theoretically studied in considerable depth. Their main appeal is that they are exact, in the sense that they target marginally the correct invariant distribution. However, the pseudo-marginal Markov chain can exhibit poor mixing and slow convergence towards its target. As an alternative, a subtly different Markov chain can be simulated, where better mixing is possible but the exactness property is sacrificed. This is the noisy algorithm, initially conceptualised as Monte Carlo within Metropolis, which has also been studied but to a lesser extent. The present article provides a further characterisation of the noisy algorithm, with a focus on fundamental stability properties like positive recurrence and geometric ergodicity. Sufficient conditions for inheriting geometric ergodicity from a standard Metropolis–Hastings chain are given, as well as convergence of the invariant distribution towards the true target distribution.  相似文献   

We examine the sizes and powers of three tests of convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo draws: the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, fluctuation test, and Geweke's test. We show that the sizes and powers are sensitive to the existence of autocorrelation in the draws. We propose a filtered test that is corrected for autocorrelation. We present a numerical illustration using the Federal funds rate.  相似文献   

We consider analysis of complex stochastic models based upon partial information. MCMC and reversible jump MCMC are often the methods of choice for such problems, but in some situations they can be difficult to implement; and suffer from problems such as poor mixing, and the difficulty of diagnosing convergence. Here we review three alternatives to MCMC methods: importance sampling, the forward-backward algorithm, and sequential Monte Carlo (SMC). We discuss how to design good proposal densities for importance sampling, show some of the range of models for which the forward-backward algorithm can be applied, and show how resampling ideas from SMC can be used to improve the efficiency of the other two methods. We demonstrate these methods on a range of examples, including estimating the transition density of a diffusion and of a discrete-state continuous-time Markov chain; inferring structure in population genetics; and segmenting genetic divergence data.  相似文献   

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