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A two-dimensional model of inner and outer self-esteem is discussed wherein inner self-esteem is hypothesized to be an outcome of self-evaluations of performance in prominent role identities. Outer self-esteem is hypothesized to be related to self-evaluations of both prominent and nonprominent role identities. The research context is a comparison of the different processes facilitating self-esteem in innovative schools (emphasis on student-initiated activities and control) and traditional (emphasis on pre-determined curriculum and teacher-administrator control). Data across school type demonstrate a modest correlation between positive self-evaluations of performance in prominent role identities and both types of self-esteem. The data suggest that high evaluation of performance in nonprominent role identities is related to outer self-esteem but not to inner self-esteem. Further empirical clarification of the concepts was established by viewing the relationships within school type. In the innovative schools both types of self-esteem were predominantly related to positive evaluations of prominent role identities, whereas in the traditional schools both types of self-esteem were related to both performance in prominent and nonprominent role identities. Thus the theoretical distinction gained partial support while the process of gaining self-esteem was shown to be essentially different between alternate school structures. Controls for social desirability, race, sex, and father's occupation did not change these findings.  相似文献   

Science studies have not yet provided a heuristic that distinguishes creative accomplishments from other research contributions. Likewise, there is no commonly agreed typology of creative scientific results. This article takes up these two desiderata. It is argued that scientific creativity springs from the fundamental tension between originality and scientific relevance. Based on this consideration, a heuristic is introduced that singles out creative research accomplishments from other contributions in science. Furthermore, it is shown that creative contributions are not only advances in theory, but also new methods, new empirical phenomena, and the development of new research instrumentation. The article introduces examples from science history and presents results from bibliometric studies.  相似文献   

A review of empirical literature reveals improvements in service utilization and outcomes for women when substance abuse and child welfare services are integrated. The increased use of substances by women involved in the child welfare system has resulted in a call for integrated, coordinated, evidence-based practices. Since the late 1990s, specific system- and service-level strategies have been developed to coordinate and integrate the provision of substance abuse and child welfare services such that women are remaining in treatment longer and are more likely to reduce substance use and be reunited with their children. The strategies reviewed provide useful guidelines for developing components of effective, evidence-based programs for substance-involved women in the child welfare system.  相似文献   

This paper briefly and informally surveys different theoretical models of relative concerns and their relation to inequality. Models of inequity aversion in common use in experimental economics imply a negative relation between inequality and happiness. In contrast, empirical studies on happiness typically employ models of relative concerns that assume that increases in others’ income always have a negative effect on own happiness. However, in these latter models, the relation between inequality and happiness can be positive. One possible solution is a rivalry model where a distinction is made between endowment and reward inequality which have respectively a negative and positive effect on happiness. These different models and their contrasting results may clarify why the empirical relationship between inequality and happiness has been difficult to establish. I would like to thank Ravi Kanbur, Tatiana Kornienko and, especially, Andrew Oswald for very helpful comments. Any errors are mine.  相似文献   

This article contends that one key to understanding different forms of work organization lies in the nature of the products being created. Product characteristics are proposed to be critical determinants of the type of human capital, either general or firm specific. Following from prior theory, labor market barriers develop based on type of human capital. These barriers then have a direct bearing on employee rewards. The nature of the product distinction is captured with a comparison of two product-types (goods and services) conceived as theoretically distinct. General skills are hypothesized to be more important in the service-producing sector, while firm-specific skills are hypothesized to be more important in the goods-producing sector. Empirical analyses using the 1991 General Social Survey compare workers in the service-producing and goods-producing sectors to illustrate differences in the salience of firm-specific and general skills. Two hypotheses are supported. Firm-specific skills have a stronger effect on earnings in manufacturing industries than in service industries. Also, skills acquired from on-the-job training, when compared with other skills, are more weakly related to service employee rewards. These distinctions between sectors suggest insights into structures unique to the service employment workplace.  相似文献   

Official estimates suggest that self-neglect is the most common type of elder mistreatment. Interestingly, very few researchers have empirically assessed self-neglect as a type of elder mistreatment. In the current study, attention is given to how self-neglect cases handled by adult protective services agencies compare to other types of elder mistreatment. Comparisons are made between the needs of self-neglect clients and other protective services clients as well as the role of stress in the different types of abuse. Findings suggest that self-neglect clients are less likely to need help with certain functional activities. In addition, those who are married and those who have completed fewer years of education are less likely to be labeled as experiencing self-neglect. City differences in rates of self-neglect were also found. Not surprisingly, self-neglect clients were more likely than other protective services clients to refuse services. Implications are provided.  相似文献   

In his detailed response to our paper on sample size in qualitative research, Norman Blaikie raises important issues concerning conceptual definitions and taxonomy. In particular, he points out the problems associated with a loose, generic application of adjectives such as ‘qualitative’ or ‘inductive’. We endorse this concern, though we suggest that in some specific contexts a broad categorization may be more appropriate than a more nuanced distinction – provided that it is clear in which sense the terms are employed. However, other concepts, such as saturation, do not lend themselves to generic use, and require a more detailed conceptualization. Blaikie’s analysis also makes it clear that meaningful discussion of sample size in qualitative research cannot occur with reference to an undifferentiated conception of the nature of qualitative research; clear distinctions need to be made within this approach in terms of methodology, ontological and epistemological assumptions and broader research paradigms.  相似文献   

This analysis explores whether propositions and empirical findings of contemporary theories of organizations directly apply to both private product producing organizations (PPOs) and public human service organizations (PSOs). Eight central characteristics are compared: organizational values and goals, incentives, organizational structure, raw materials, power-dependency relationships, technology, revenues and accountability, and environmental constraints. Major differences between PPOs and PSOs suggest that organization theories developed from findings about PPOs inadequately describe PSOs. Comparative research would demonstrate the need for new models of these organizational types. Since these types derive from contradictory assumptions and have differing characteristics, each should be sampled to the other's exclusion and generalizations made only to that type. The findings refute the popular assumption that all PSOs can privatize with equal success This is not a failure by PSOs to achieve PPOs' standards; rather the types pursue different values and accomplish different goals.  相似文献   

The article reviews findings on neighbourhood effects. First, methodological problems, such as the choice of spatial units, selection bias and social mechanisms are discussed. To overcome the problem of varying lists of neighbourhood effects, I suggest a methodological distinction between characteristics of the neighbourhood and social mechanisms. In the following section, these typologies are applied to analyse findings from empirical studies on topics such as the impact of the physical environment, perceived social capital and income. The complex relationship between neighbourhood characteristics and individual outcomes is then examined using studies on the impact on physical and mental health.Several research problems, such as the impact of different contexts on individuals of the same status are outlined in the following section. In the final chapter major findings are resumed and suggestions for further research are made.  相似文献   

To serve African-American families effectively, marriage and family therapists need to develop a level of cultural competence. This content analysis of the relevant treatment literature was conducted to examine the most common expert recommendations for family therapy with African Americans. Fifteen specific guidelines were generated, including orient the family to therapy, do not assume familiarity, address issue of racism, intervene multi-systemically, do home visits, use problem-solving focus, involve religious leader, incorporate the father, and acknowledge strengths. Conceptual and empirical support for each guideline is discussed, and conclusions are made regarding culturally competent therapy with African-American families.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to point out and clear up some of the major conceptual and methodological issues in the study of role-taking accuracy. Three conceptual issues are discussed: the relationship between roles and role-taking, the distinction between role-taking and related concepts such as empathy and sympathy, and the distinction between role-taking accuracy and role-taking ability. Methodological criticisms by Cronbach and others of the type of measure that is typically used to measure role-taking accuracy are reviewed and evaluated. It is concluded that these criticisms pertain mainly to the measurement of role-taking ability and empathy, and not to the measurement of role-taking accuracy.  相似文献   

The authors have spent 2 1/2 years investigating the process of change in family systems presenting with addictive symptoms in one or more of their members. The context of this research has been the systemic family therapy of more than 36 families in a hospital based drug and alcohol service. Emergent from this research is evidence of potentially destructive effects upon families and addicts who present requesting help, by referring them to programmes which are educative or preventative in nature. The case will be put for a clear distinction to be made between the functions of ‘prevention’ and ‘treatment’ in multi-disciplinary teams in addiction services (and by implication other community health services); and for establishing a more rigorous intake system based upon such a distinction and designed to respond more appropriately to presenting requests by potential users of such a service.  相似文献   


Just as sociologists in the past have been insistent upon making a distinction between the history of social thought and sociological theory, so is it argued here than an equally important distinction be made between the history of social thought and the history of sociology. It is suggested that the history of social thought is no more useful to the advance of sociological theory than any other contiguously related field of study. Since the history of social thought is not directly concerned with the discipline of sociology, it is suggested that it be eliminated from the curricula of sociology. Not only is this area of study unlikely to contribute to the development of sociological theory but also such a study can have unanticipated consequences that hinder such a contribution. The genetic fallacy is less likely to be committed when the distinction between the history of social thought and the history of sociology is kept clearly in mind.  相似文献   

Many economic and political organizations have some relational structure, meaning that participating agents do not only differ with respect to certain individual characteristics such as wealth and preferences, but also belong to some relational structure in which they usually take different positions. Two examples of such structures are communication networks and hierarchies. In the literature, the distinction between these two types of relational structures is not always clear. In models of restricted cooperation, this distinction should be defined by properties of the set of feasible coalitions. We characterize the sets of feasible coalitions in communication networks and compare them with sets of feasible coalitions arising from hierarchies.  相似文献   

This article examines the demands which have been made in the over 800 US protests this author has analyzed. Some demands are cross-disability, meaning they could apply to people with all types of impairments; these include demands for rights and accessibility in all domains. Other demands are disability-specific: they apply to people with specific types of impairments, ranging from mobility impairments to developmental disabilities. Many demands have been related to services, which can be either cross-disability or disability-specific. The paper examines the implications of these demands for social work practice. These include that disability be de-stigmatized by practitioners, that people with disabilities have choices, that they have control over their services, and that all aspects of social work practice be accessible to people with any type of disability.  相似文献   

Starting with a distinction of two types of discourse analysis—the analysis of a discourse and discursive analysis—the article discusses an analytical genealogy of truth and knowledge production, that can fulfill both empirical and archival requirements. The model’s main purpose lies in understanding diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making in doctor–patient interactions. Historically, diagnostic and therapeutic discourses, in particular in “experimental medicine and medical theory”, used to be part of natural philosophy in the 18th and 19th century in the form of dietetics, respectively, psychosomatic medicine and medical semiotics, as well as proto-semiotic philosophy and proto-pragmatism did belong to the same discourses. Subsequently, pragmatic and semiotic social sciences should be enabled to invoke this conceptual legacy to build a bridge between contemporary medical practice and semiotic theories. In discussing the genealogical model in light of the discourse of Norbert Wiley and Margaret Archer, it will be made clear that the model, combined with a deeper understanding of the history of ideas, and a combination of archival and empirical attitude in research, is an effective tool for sociologists of knowledge and medicine.  相似文献   

Many decisions made by consumers are intertemporal. Life cycle cost (LCC) conditions represent a specific type of intertemporal decisions, typically referring to items involving two cost components: present purchase price and future maintenance costs. This paper presents a conceptual framework for analyzing consumer LCC decision making. Within this framework the notion of choice efficiency is highlighted. The main contribution of the study is the direct estimation of consumers’ choice efficiency, as compared to previous studies that estimate only consumers’ implicit discount rates. Effects of situational and personal variables on efficiency of choice are estimated by means of a series of manipulated choice settings. The main empirical findings show situational effects of monetary size, type of object and time horizon. Additional findings show the effect of personal variables such as gender, marital status and education.  相似文献   

Mobile-based social messengers have overtaken social networking sites as the new frontier for organizations to engage online stakeholders. This study provides one of the earliest empirical investigations on the antecedents and relational outcomes of pubic engagement with companies via WeChat—one of the world’s most popular social messaging apps. Publics’ social messenger dependency and privacy perception of the medium are found to effectively drive public engagement, which in turn enhances organization-public relationships. Strategic guidelines based on the study findings are provided.  相似文献   

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