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In this paper, distributions of items sampled inversely in clusters are derived. In particular, negative binomial type of distributions are obtained and their properties are studied. A logarithmic series type of distribution is also defined as a limiting form of the obtained generalized negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   

Generalized discrete distributions such as the double Poisson and the double binomial family of Lagrange distributions are considered when the probabilities are inflated by a constant λ (0 < λ < 1). In each of the above cases, the effect of inflation on the variance is discussed. Also, the Bayesian estimate of inflation as well as those of the parameters are attempted. A maximum likelihood method is also suggested.  相似文献   

A new class of location-parameter discrete probability distributions (LDPD) has been defined where the population mean is the location parameter. It has been shown that some single parameter discrete distributions do not belong to this class and all discrete probability distributions belonging to this class can be characterized by their variances only. Expressions are given for the first four central moments and a recurrence formula for higher central moments has been obtained. Eight theorems are given to characterize the various distributions in the LDPD class.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the minimum variance unbiased estimation in the modified power series distribution introduced by the author (1974a). Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of minimum variance unbiased estimate (MVUE) of the parameter based on sufficient statistics are obtained. These results are, then, applied to obtain MVUE of θr (r ≥ 1) for the generalized negative binomial and the decapitated generalized negative binomial distributions (Jain and Consul, 1971). Similar estimates are obtained for the generalized Poisson (Consul and Jain, 1973a) and the generalized logarithmic series distributions (Jain and Gupta, 1973). Several of the well-known results follow trivially from the results obtained here.  相似文献   

Ihis paper reviews the use of different discrete distributions in the modelling of consumer purchasing behaviour.. A feature of the work is the extensive empirical validation of the models. Some interesting characterizations are briefly discussed.. Ihe paper concludes with some unresolved problems and suggested areas for future research  相似文献   

Many models have been used to represent the distributions of random variables in statistics, engineering, business, and the physical and social science. This paper considers two, four-parameter generalized bea distributions that include nearly all the models actually used as special or limiting cases. Properties and the interrelationships among these distributions are considered. Expressions are reported that facilitate parameter estimation and the analysis of associated means, variances, hazard functions and other distributional characteristics.

Estimation procedures corresponding to different data types are considered. Maximum likelihood estimation is used and the value of the likelihood function provides and important criterion for model selection. The relative performance of the various models is compared for several data sets.  相似文献   

New Polya and inverse Polya distributions of order k are derived by means of generalized urn models and by compounding the binomial and negative binomial distributions of order k of Philippou (1986, 1983) with the beta distribution. It i s noted that the present Polpa distribution of order k includes as special cases a new hypergeometric distribution of order k, a negative one,an inverse one, and a discrete uniform of the same order. The probability generating functions, means and variances of the new distributions are obtained, and five asymptotic results are established relating them to the abovedmentioned binomial and negative binomial distributions of order k, and to the Poisson distribution of the same order of Philippou (1983).Moment estimates are also given and applications are indicated.  相似文献   

A new generalization of the Poisson distribution was given by Consul and Jain (1970, 73). Since then more than twenty papers, written by various researchers, have appeared on this model under the titles of Generalized Poisson Distribution (GPD), Lagrangian Poisson distribution or modified power series distribution. Here the author provides two physical models, based on differential-difference equations, which lead to the GPD. A number of axioms are given for a steady state point process which produce the generalized Poisson process. Also, the GPD is derived as the limiting distribution of the two quasi-binomial distributions based on urn models.  相似文献   


In this paper, we derive the Bayes estimators of functions of parameters of the size-biased generalized power series distribution under squared error loss function and weighted square error loss function. The results of size-biased GPSD are then used to obtain particular cases of the size-biased negative binomial, size-biased logarithmic series, and size-biased Poisson distributions. These estimators are better than the classical minimum variance unbiased estimators in the sense that they increase the range of the estimation. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the results and a goodness of fit test is done using the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators.  相似文献   

The Steffensen inequality is applied to derive quantile bounds for the expectations of generalized order statistics from a distribution belonging to a particular subclass of distributions. The subclass consists of F having the property that F?1(0+)=x0>0 and that x →[1? F(x)]xz is nonincreasing for all x > X0 and some z > 0.  相似文献   

Multivariate distributions are more and more used to model the dependence encountered in many fields. However, classical multivariate distributions can be restrictive by their nature, while Sarmanov's multivariate distribution, by joining different marginals in a flexible and tractable dependence structure, often provides a valuable alternative. In this paper, we introduce some bivariate mixed Sarmanov distributions with the purpose to extend the class of bivariate Sarmanov distributions and to obtain new dependency structures. Special attention is paid to the bivariate mixed Sarmanov distribution with Poisson marginals and, in particular, to the resulting bivariate Sarmanov distributions with negative binomial and with Poisson‐inverse Gaussian marginals; these particular types of mixed distributions have possible applications in, for example modelling bivariate count data. The extension to higher dimensions is also discussed. Moreover, concerning the dependency structure, we also present some correlation formulas.  相似文献   

Several types of multivariate extensions of the inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution and the reciprocal inverse Gaussian (RIG) distribution are proposed. Some of these types are obtained as random-additive-effect models by means of well-known convolution properties of the IG and RIG distributions, and they have one-dimensional IG or RIG marginals. They are used to define a flexible class of multivariate Poisson mixtures.  相似文献   

The paper generalizes the univariate discrete exponential family of distributions to the multivariate situation, and this generalization includes the multivariate power series distributions, the multivariate Lagrangian distributions, and the modified multivariate power-series distributions. This provides a unified approach for the study of these three classes of distributions. We obtain recurrence relations for moments and cumulants, and the maximum likelihood estimation for the discrete exponential family. These results are applied to some multivariate discrete distributions like the Lagrangian Poisson, Lagrangian (negative) multinomial, logarithmic series distributions and multivariate Lagrangian negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   

H. M. Barakat 《Statistics》2013,47(5):1005-1012
In this paper, we show that both the class of beta-generated distributions GF and its base distribution F belong to the same domain of maximal (or minimal or upper record value or lower record value) attraction. Moreover, it is shown that the weak convergence of any non-extreme order statistic (central or intermediate order statistic), based on a base distribution F, to a non-degenerate limit type implies the weak convergence of GF to a non-degenerate limit type. The relations between the two limit types are deduced.  相似文献   

Here, we consider a generalized form of the alternative zero-inflated logarithmic series distribution of Kumar and Riyaz (J. Statist. Comp. Simul., 2015) and study some of its important aspects. The parameters of the distribution are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood and some test procedures are developed for testing the significance of the additional parameter of the model. All these estimation and testing procedures are illustrated with the help of certain real life datasets. A simulation study is also carried out for assessing the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the efficiency of sampling schemes suggested by Hosmer(1973), termed models Ml and M2, relative to the regular random sampling, termed model MO, when samples are drawn from a population having the Inverse Gaussian-Weibull (IG-W) mixture distribution.

It has been shown that whether the efficiency is based on relative variances of the maximum likelihood estimates (ML,E's) of the components of the vector of parameters or on the generalized variances of the MLE's of that vector, Hosmer's models Ml or M2 perform better than model MO.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, we introduce the matrix-variate generalized hyperbolic distribution by mixing the matrix normal distribution with the matrix generalized inverse Gaussian density. The p-dimensional generalized hyperbolic distribution of [Barndorff-Nielsen, O. (1978). Hyperbolic distributions and distributions on hyperbolae. Scand. J. Stat., 5, 151–157], the matrix-T distribution and many well-known distributions are shown to be special cases of the new distribution. Some properties of the distribution are also studied. The second part of the paper deals with the application of the distribution in the Bayesian analysis of the normal multivariate linear model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have derived exact and explicit expressions for the ratio and inverse moments of dual generalized order statistics from Topp-Leone distribution. This result includes the single and product moments of order statistics and lower records . Further, based on n dual generalized order statistics, we have deduced the expression for Maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) for the shape parameter of Topp-Leone distribution. Finally, based on order statistics and lower records, a simulation study is being carried out to check the efficiency of these estimators.  相似文献   

In this note we give recurrence relations satisfied by single and product momenrs of k-th upper-record values from the Pareto, generalized Pareto and Burr distributions. From these relations one can obtain all the single and product moments of all k-th record values and at the same time all record values ( k=1). Moreover, we see that the single and product moment of all k-th record values from these distributions can be exprrssed in terms of the moments of the minimal statistic of a k-sample from the exponential distribution may be deduced by letting the shape parameter deptend to 0. At the end we give characterizations of the three distributions considered. These results generalize, among other things, those given by Balakrishnan and Abuamllah (1994).  相似文献   

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