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Block and Basu bivariate exponential distribution is one of the most popular absolute continuous bivariate distributions. Recently, Kundu and Gupta [A class of absolute continuous bivariate distributions. Statist Methodol. 2010;7:464–477] introduced Block and Basu bivariate Weibull (BBBW) distribution, which is a generalization of the Block and Basu bivariate exponential distribution, and provided the maximum likelihood estimators using EM algorithm. In this paper, we consider the Bayesian inference of the unknown parameters of the BBBW distribution. The Bayes estimators are obtained with respect to the squared error loss function, and the prior distributions allow for prior dependence among the unknown parameters. Prior independence also can be obtained as a special case. It is observed that the Bayes estimators of the unknown parameters cannot be obtained in explicit forms. We propose to use the importance sampling technique to compute the Bayes estimates and also to construct the associated highest posterior density credible intervals. The analysis of two data sets has been performed for illustrative purposes. The performances of the proposed estimators are quite satisfactory. Finally, we generalize the results for the multivariate case.  相似文献   

Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of reliability in stress-strength model (known stress) is obtained for a multicomponent survival model based on exponential distributions for parallel system. The variance of this estimator is compared with Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRB) for the variance of unbiased estimator of reliability, and the mean square error (MSE) of maximum likelihood estimator of reliability in case of two component system.  相似文献   

In this paper, the estimation of parameters for a three-parameter Weibull distribution based on progressively Type-II right censored sample is studied. Different estimation procedures for complete sample are generalized to the case with progressively censored data. These methods include the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs), corrected MLEs, weighted MLEs, maximum product spacing estimators and least squares estimators. We also proposed the use of a censored estimation method with one-step bias-correction to obtain reliable initial estimates for iterative procedures. These methods are compared via a Monte Carlo simulation study in terms of their biases, root mean squared errors and their rates of obtaining reliable estimates. Recommendations are made from the simulation results and a numerical example is presented to illustrate all of the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to develop the approximate Bayes estimation of the five-dimensional vector of the parameters and reliability function of a mixture of two inverse Weibull distributions (MTIWD) under Type-2 censoring. Usually, the posterior distribution is complicated under the scheme of Type-2 censoring and the integrals that are involved cannot be obtained in a simple explicit form. In this study, we use Lindley's [Approximate Bayesian method, Trabajos Estadist. 31 (1980), pp. 223–237] approximate form of Bayes estimation in the case of an MTIWD under Type-2 censoring. Later, we calculate the estimated risks (ERs) of the Bayes estimates and compare them with the corresponding ERs of the maximum-likelihood estimates through Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, we analyse a real data set using the findings.  相似文献   

The main object of this paper is the approximate Bayes estimation of the five dimensional vector of parameters and the reliability function of a mixture of two Weibull distributions under Type-2 censoring. Under Type-2 censoring, the posterior distribution is complicated, and the integrals involved cannot be obtained in a simple closed form. In this work, Lindley's (1980) approximate form of Bayes estimation is used in the case of a mixture of two Weibull distributions under Type-2 censoring. Through Monte Carlo simulation, the root mean squared errors (RMSE's) of the Bayes estimates are computed and compared with the corresponding estimated RMSE's of the maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

The property of identifiability is an important consideration on estimating the parameters in a mixture of distributions. Also classification of a random variable based on a mixture can be meaning fully discussed only if the class of all finite mixtures is identifiable. The problem of identifiability of finite mixture of Gompertz distributions is studied. A procedure is presented for finding maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of a mixture of two Gompertz distributions, using classified and unclassified observations. Based on small sample size, estimation of a nonlinear discriminant function is considered. Throughout simulation experiments, the performance of the corresponding estimated nonlinear discriminant function is investigated.  相似文献   

A problem of Bayesian sequential estimating an unknown parameter of a time-transformed exponential model is considered. It is supposed that the loss associated with the error of estimation is weighted squared or precautionary and the cost of observing the process is a function of time and the number of observations. Bayes sequential procedures for estimating the unknown parameter are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are interested in the weighted distributions of a bivariate three parameter logarithmic series distribution studied by Kocherlakota and Kocherlakota (1990). The weighted versions of the model are derived with weight W(x,y) = x[r] y[s]. Explicit expressions for the probability mass function and probability generating functions are derived in the case r = s = l. The marginal and conditional distributions are derived in the general case. The maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters, in both two parameter and three parameter cases, is studied. A procedure for computer generation of bivariate data from a discrete distribution is described. This enables us to present two examples, in order to illustrate the methods developed, for finding the maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on an adaptive Type-II progressively censored sample from the generalized exponential distribution, the maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators are derived for the unknown parameters as well as the reliability and hazard functions. Also, the approximate confidence intervals of the unknown parameters, and the reliability and hazard functions are calculated. Markov chain Monte Carlo method is applied to carry out a Bayesian estimation procedure and in turn calculate the credible intervals. Moreover, results from simulation studies assessing the performance of our proposed method are included. Finally, an illustrative example using real data set is presented for illustrating all the inferential procedures developed here.  相似文献   

This paper considers the estimation of the stress–strength reliability of a multi-state component or of a multi-state system where its states depend on the ratio of the strength and stress variables through a kernel function. The article presents a Bayesian approach assuming the stress and strength as exponentially distributed with a common location parameter but different scale parameters. We show that the limits of the Bayes estimators of both location and scale parameters under suitable priors are the maximum likelihood estimators as given by Ghosh and Razmpour [15 M. Ghosh and A. Razmpour, Estimation of the common location parameter of several exponentials, Sankhyā, Ser. A 46 (1984), pp. 383394. [Google Scholar]]. We use the Bayes estimators to determine the multi-state stress–strength reliability of a system having states between 0 and 1. We derive the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators of the reliability function. Interval estimation using the bootstrap method is also considered. Under the squared error loss function and linex loss function, risk comparison of the reliability estimators is carried out using extensive simulations.  相似文献   

We compare the performance of seven robust estimators for the parameter of an exponential distribution. These include the debiased median and two optimally-weighted one-sided trimmed means. We also introduce four new estimators: the Transform, Bayes, Scaled and Bicube estimators. We make the Monte Carlo comparisons for three sample sizes and six situations. We evaluate the comparisons in terms of a new performance measure, Mean Absolute Differential Error (MADE), and a premium/protection interpretation of MADE. We organize the comparisons to enhance statistical power by making maximal use of common random deviates. The Transform estimator provides the best performance as judged by MADE. The singly-trimmed mean and Transform method define the efficient frontier of premium/protection.  相似文献   

A simulation experiment compares the accuracy and precision of three alternate estimation techniques for the parameters of the STARMA model. Maximum likelihood estimation, in most ways the "best" estimation procedure, involves a large amount of computational effort so that two approximate techniques, exact least squares and conditional maximum likelihood, are often proposed for series of moderate lengths. This simulation experiment compares the accuracy of these three estimation procedures for simulated series of various lengths, and discusses the appropriateness of the three procedures as a function of the length of the observed series.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the Bayes and empirical Bayes problem of the current population mean of a finite population when the sample data is available from other similar (m-1) finite populations. We investigate a general class of linear estimators and obtain the optimal linear Bayes estimator of the finite population mean under a squared error loss function that considered the cost of sampling. The optimal linear Bayes estimator and the sample size are obtained as a function of the parameters of the prior distribution. The corresponding empirical Bayes estimates are obtained by replacing the unknown hyperparameters with their respective consistent estimates. A Monte Carlo study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed empirical Bayes procedure.  相似文献   

We develop and evaluate analytic and bootstrap bias-corrected maximum-likelihood estimators for the shape parameter in the Nakagami distribution. This distribution is widely used in a variety of disciplines, and the corresponding estimator of its scale parameter is trivially unbiased. We find that both ‘corrective’ and ‘preventive’ analytic approaches to eliminating the bias, to O(n ?2), are equally, and extremely, effective and simple to implement. As a bonus, the sizeable reduction in bias comes with a small reduction in the mean-squared error. Overall, we prefer analytic bias corrections in the case of this estimator. This preference is based on the relative computational costs and the magnitudes of the bias reductions that can be achieved in each case. Our results are illustrated with two real-data applications, including the one which provides the first application of the Nakagami distribution to data for ocean wave heights.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and develop a doubly restricted exponential dispersion model, i.e. a varying dispersion generalized linear model with two sets of restrictions, a set of linear restrictions for the mean response, and at the same time, for another set of linear restrictions for the dispersion of the distribution. This model would be useful to consider several situations where it is necessary to control/analyze drug-doses, active effects in factorial experiments, mean-variance relationships, among other situations. A penalized likelihood function is proposed and developed in order to achieve the restricted parameters and to develop the inferential results. Several special cases from the literature are commented on. A simply restricted varying dispersion beta regression model is exemplified by means of real and simulated data. Satisfactory and promising results are found.  相似文献   

A theorem is presented which provides a simple sufficient condition for a weakly consistent estimator of a parameter in a regular family of distributions to be best asymptotically normal (B.A.N.). As a corollary the B.A.N. property of a maximum likelihood estimator is established under weaker conditions than those of Zacks (1971). Two examples are provided to illustrate the technique.  相似文献   


Recently Mondal and Kundu [Mondal S, Kundu D. A new two sample type-II progressive censoring scheme. Commun Stat Theory Methods. 2018. doi:10.1080/03610926.2018.1472781] introduced a Type-II progressive censoring scheme for two populations. In this article, we extend the above scheme for more than two populations. The aim of this paper is to study the statistical inference under the multi-sample Type-II progressive censoring scheme, when the underlying distributions are exponential. We derive the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the unknown parameters when they exist and find out their exact distributions. The stochastic monotonicity of the MLEs has been established and this property can be used to construct exact confidence intervals of the parameters via pivoting the cumulative distribution functions of the MLEs. The distributional properties of the ordered failure times are also obtained. The Bayesian analysis of the unknown model parameters has been provided. The performances of the different methods have been examined by extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We analyse two data sets for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

The necessary statistic for constructing (1-α)% contour semiellipses of the distribution surface corresponding to the singly truncated bivariate normal is derived and 1t5 percentages tabulated, An approximate goodness-of-fit test which uses the derived statistic is indicated and an example given.  相似文献   

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