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A number of goodness-of-fit and model selection procedures related to the Weibull distribution are reviewed. These procedures include probability plotting, correlation type goodness-of-fit tests, and chi-square goodness-of-fit tests. Also the Kolmogorow-Smirniv, Kuiper, and Cramer-Von Mises test statistics for completely specified hypothesis based on censored data are reviewed, and these test statistics based on complete samples for the unspecified parameters case are considered. Goodness-of-fit tests based on sample spacings, and a goodness-of-fit test for the Weibull process, is also discussed.

Model selection procedures for selecting between a Weibull and gamma model, a Weibull and lognormal model, and for selecting from among all three models are considered. Also tests of exponential versus Weibull and Weibull versus generalized gamma are mentioned.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose several goodness-of-fit methods for location–scale families of distributions under progressively Type-II censored data. The new tests are based on order statistics and sample spacings. We assess the performance of the proposed tests for the normal and Gumbel models against several alternatives by means of Monte Carlo simulations. It has been observed that the proposed tests are quite powerful in comparison with an existing goodness-of-fit test proposed for progressively Type-II censored data by Balakrishnan et al. [Goodness-of-fit tests based on spacings for progressively Type-II censored data from a general location–scale distribution, IEEE Trans. Reliab. 53 (2004), pp. 349–356]. Finally, we illustrate the proposed goodness-of-fit tests using two real data from reliability literature.  相似文献   

In many dose-response studies, each of several independent groups of animals is treated with a different dose of a substance. Many response variables are then measured on each animal. The distributions of the response variables may be nonnormal, and Jonckheere's (1954) test for ordered alternatives in the one-way layout is sometimes used to test whether the level of a single variable increases with increasing dose. In some applications, however, it is important to consider a set of response variables simultaneously. For instance, an increase in each of certain enzymes in the blood serum may suggest liver damage. To test whether these enzyme levels increase with increasing dose, it may be preferable to consider these enzymes as a group, rather than individually.

I propose two multivariate generalizations of Jonckheere's univariate test. Each multivariate test statistic is a function of coordinate-wise Jonckheere statistics—one a sum, the other a quadratic form. The sum statistic can be used to test the alternative hypothesis that each variable is stochastically increasing with increasing dose. The quadratic form statistic is designed for the more general alternative hypothesis that each variable is stochastically ordered with increasing dose.

For each of these two alternatives, I also propose a multivariate generalization of a normal theory test described by Puri (1965). I examine the asymptotic distributions of the four test statistics under the null hypothesis and under translation alternatives and compare each distribution-free test to the corresponding normal theory test in terms of asymptotic relative efficiency.

The multivariate Jonckheere tests are illustrated using does-response data from a subchronic toxicology study carried out by the National Toxicology Program. Four groups of ten male rats each were treated with increasing doses of vinylidene flouride, and the serum enzymes SDH, SGOT, and SGPT were measured. A comparison of univariate Jonckheere tests on each variable, bivariate tests on SDH and SGOT, and multivariate tests on all three variables gives insight into the behavior of the various procedures.  相似文献   

The two-sample, distribution-free statistics of Smirnov (1939) are used to define a new statistic. While the Smirnov statistics are used as a general goodness-of-fit test, a distribution-free scale test based on this new statistic is developed. It is shown that this new test has higher power than the two-sided Smirnov statistic in detecting differences in scale for some symmetric distributions with equal means/medians. The critical values of the proposed test statistic and its limiting distribution are given  相似文献   

The surveillance of multivariate processes has received growing attention during the last decade. Several generalizations of well-known methods such as Shewhart, CUSUM and EWMA charts have been proposed. Many of these multivariate procedures are based on a univariate summarized statistic of the multivariate observations, usually the likelihood ratio statistic. In this paper we consider the surveillance of multivariate observation processes for a shift between two fully specified alternatives. The effect of the dimension reduction using likelihood ratio statistics are discussed in the context of sufficiency properties. Also, an example of the loss of efficiency when not using the univariate sufficient statistic is given. Furthermore, a likelihood ratio method, the LR method, for constructing surveillance procedures is suggested for multivariate surveillance situations. It is shown to produce univariate surveillance procedures based on the sufficient likelihood ratios. As the LR procedure has several optimality properties in the univariate, it is also used here as a benchmark for comparisons between multivariate surveillance procedures  相似文献   

We propose a multivariate extension of the univariate chi-squared normality test. Using a known result for the distribution of quadratic forms in normal variables, we show that the proposed test statistic has an approximated chi-squared distribution under the null hypothesis of multivariate normality. As in the univariate case, the new test statistic is based on a comparison of observed and expected frequencies for specified events in sample space. In the univariate case, these events are the standard class intervals, but in the multivariate extension we propose these become hyper-ellipsoidal annuli in multivariate sample space. We assess the performance of the new test using Monte Carlo simulation. Keeping the type I error rate fixed, we show that the new test has power that compares favourably with other standard normality tests, though no uniformly most powerful test has been found. We recommend the new test due to its competitive advantages.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider some non-parametric goodness-of-fit statistics for testing the partial Koziol–Green regression model. In this model, the response at a given covariate value is subject to random right censoring by two independent censoring times. One of these censoring times is informative in the sense that its survival function is some power of the survival function of the response. The goodness-of-fit statistics are based on an underlying empirical process for which large sample theory is obtained.  相似文献   

This article develops a new distribution-free multivariate procedure for statistical process control based on minimal spanning tree (MST), which integrates a multivariate two-sample goodness-of-fit (GOF) test based on MST and change-point model. Simulation results show that our proposed procedure is quite robust to nonnormally distributed data, and moreover, it is efficient in detecting process shifts, especially moderate to large shifts, which is one of the main drawbacks of most distribution-free procedures in the literature. The proposed procedure is particularly useful in start-up situations. Comparison results and a real data example show that our proposed procedure has great potential for application.  相似文献   

We revisit the question about optimal performance of goodness-of-fit tests based on sample spacings. We reveal the importance of centering of the test-statistic and of the sample size when choosing a suitable test-statistic from a family of statistics based on power transformations of sample spacings. In particular, we find that a test-statistic based on empirical estimation of the Hellinger distance between hypothetical and data-supported distribution does possess some optimality properties for moderate sample sizes. These findings confirm earlier statements about the robust behaviour of the test-statistic based on the Hellinger distance and are in contrast to findings about the asymptotic (when sample size approaches infinity) of statistics such as Moran's and/or Greenwood's statistic. We include simulation results that support our findings.  相似文献   

In many situations, we want to verify the existence of a relationship between multivariate time series. In this paper, we generalize the procedure developed by Haugh (1976) for univariate time series in order to test the hypothesis of noncorrelation between two multivariate stationary ARMA series. The test statistics are based on residual cross-correlation matrices. Under the null hypothesis of noncorrelation, we show that an arbitrary vector of residual cross-correlations asymptotically follows the same distribution as the corresponding vector of cross-correlations between the two innovation series. From this result, it follows that the test statistics considered are asymptotically distributed as chi-square random variables. Two test procedures are described. The first one is based on the residual cross-correlation matrix at a particular lag, whilst the second one is based on a portmanteau type statistic that generalizes Haugh's statistic. We also discuss how the procedures for testing noncorrelation can be adapted to determine the directions of causality in the sense of Granger (1969) between the two series. An advantage of the proposed procedures is that their application does not require the estimation of a global model for the two series. The finite-sample properties of the statistics introduced were studied by simulation under the null hypothesis. It led to modified statistics whose upper quantiles are much better approximated by those of the corresponding chi-square distribution. Finally, the procedures developed are applied to two different sets of economic data.  相似文献   

A random sample is to be classified as coming from one of two normally distributed populations with known parameters. Combinatoric procedures which classify the sample based upon the sample mean(s) and variance(s) are described for the univariate and multivariate problems. Comparisons of misclassification probabilities are made between the combinatoric and the likelihood ratio procedure in the univariate case and between two alternative combinatoric procedures in the bivariate case.  相似文献   

Based on data depth, three types of nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate distribution are proposed in this paper. They are Pearson’s chi-square test, tests based on EDF and tests based on spacings, respectively. The Anderson–Darling (AD) test and the Greenwood test for bivariate normal distribution and uniform distribution are simulated. The results of simulation show that these two tests have low type I error rates and become more efficient with the increase in sample size. The AD-type test performs more powerfully than the Greenwood type test.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider some nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests for right censored samples, viz., the modified Kolmogorov, Cramer–von Mises–Smirnov, Anderson–Darling, and Nikulin–Rao–Robson χ2 tests. We also consider an approach based on a transformation of the original censored sample to a complete one and the subsequent application of classical goodness-of-fit tests to the pseudo-complete sample. We then compare these tests in terms of power in the case of Type II censored data along with the power of the Neyman–Pearson test, and draw some conclusions. Finally, we present an illustrative example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a nonparametric test procedure for multivariate data with grouped components under the two sample problem setting. For the construction of the test statistic, we use linear rank statistics which were derived by applying the likelihood ratio principle for each component. For the null distribution of the test statistic, we apply the permutation principle for small or moderate sample sizes and derive the limiting distribution for the large sample case. Also we illustrate our test procedure with an example and compare with other procedures through simulation study. Finally, we discuss some additional interesting features as concluding remarks.  相似文献   

A goodness-of-fit test for multivariate normality is proposed which is based on Shapiro–Wilk's statistic for univariate normality and on an empirical standardization of the observations. The critical values can be approximated by using a transformation of the univariate standard normal distribution. A Monte Carlo study reveals that this test has a better power performance than some of the best known tests for multinormality against a wide range of alternatives.  相似文献   

Sample entropy based tests, methods of sieves and Grenander estimation type procedures are known to be very efficient tools for assessing normality of underlying data distributions, in one-dimensional nonparametric settings. Recently, it has been shown that the density based empirical likelihood (EL) concept extends and standardizes these methods, presenting a powerful approach for approximating optimal parametric likelihood ratio test statistics, in a distribution-free manner. In this paper, we discuss difficulties related to constructing density based EL ratio techniques for testing bivariate normality and propose a solution regarding this problem. Toward this end, a novel bivariate sample entropy expression is derived and shown to satisfy the known concept related to bivariate histogram density estimations. Monte Carlo results show that the new density based EL ratio tests for bivariate normality behave very well for finite sample sizes. To exemplify the excellent applicability of the proposed approach, we demonstrate a real data example.  相似文献   

Familiar distribution-free goodness-of-fit tests like the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test are all biased tests. In this paper, we show how to compute the bias of any distribution-free goodness-of-fit test that corresponds to a distribution-free confidence band for the cumulative distribution function (CDF). The bias of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test turns out to be smaller than the biases of other distribution-free goodness-of-fit tests. We also develop a method for obtaining unbiased goodness-of-fit tests, which can then be inverted to obtain unbiased confidence bands for the CDF. Interestingly, only a discrete set of levels are available for the unbiased tests. Our power comparisons show that while removing bias improves the power of a test at some alternatives, it does not improve the overall power properties of the test.  相似文献   

The asymptotic distribution theory of test statistics which are functions of spacings is studied here. Distribution theory under appropriate close alternatives is also derived and used to find the locally most powerful spacing tests. For the two-sample problem, which is to test if two independent samples are from the same population, test statistics which are based on “spacing-frequencies” (i.e., the numbers of observations of one sample which fall in between the spacings made by the other sample) are utilized. The general asymptotic distribution theory of such statistics is studied both under the null hypothesis and under a sequence of close alternatives.  相似文献   

Multiresponse experiments in two-faoior manova are considered. StalibLical procedures of the test and estimation, based on studentized robust statistics. for location parameters in the models arc piupused. Large sample properties of their procedures as the cell sizes tend to infinity are investigated. Although Fisher's consistency is assumed in the theory ol ili-estimators, it is not needed. in this paper. For the univariate case, it is found that the asymptotic relative efficiencies (ARE's) of the proposed procedures relative to classical procedures agrees with the classical A/Sisresults of Huber's one sample Mestimator relative to the sample mean. By simulation studies, it can be seen that the proposed estimators are more efficient than the least squares estimators except for the case where the underlying distribution is normal  相似文献   

Several conventional and new goodness-of-fit techniques are developed to assess random partitioning of a finite population into disjoint subsets. These nonparametric methods focus on indicator, spacing, and placement statistics. Mathematical development reminiscent of Fourier analysis yields distribution-free orthogonal indicator and spacing component goodness-of-fit procedures for simple random sampling assessment. Providing directional and omnibus criteria to detect between-subset differences, a main contribution of this survey is a unified treatment of the rank indicator procedures in Boos (1986) and the rank spacing methods in Kaigh (1994) with immediate applications to the nonparametric K-sample problem  相似文献   

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