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We consider semiparametric multivariate data models based on copula representation of the common distribution function. A copula is characterized by a parameter of association and marginal distribution functions. This parameter and the marginal distributions are unknown. In this article, we study the estimator of the parameter of association in copulas with the marginal distribution functions assumed as nuisance parameters restricted by the assumption that the components are identically distributed. Results of this work could be used to construct special kinds of tests of homogeneity for random vectors having dependent components.  相似文献   


In incident cohort studies, survival data often include subjects who have had an initiate event at recruitment and may potentially experience two successive events (first and second) during the follow-up period. When disease registries or surveillance systems collect data based on incidence occurring within a specific calendar time interval, the initial event is usually subject to double truncation. Furthermore, since the second duration process is observable only if the first event has occurred, double truncation and dependent censoring arise. In this article, under the two sampling biases with an unspecified distribution of truncation variables, we propose a nonparametric estimator of the joint survival function of two successive duration times using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach. The consistency of the proposed estimator is established. Based on the estimated marginal survival functions, we also propose a two-stage estimation procedure for estimating the parameters of copula model. The bootstrap method is used to construct confidence interval. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed estimation approaches perform well with moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   


We consider independence tests and the methods to evaluate their efficiency. First, we observe that many of the most used independence tests are functions of the empirical copula, which is a sufficient statistic. Hence, the power of these tests, such as the tests based on Spearman's ρ, on Kendall's τ, and on Gini's γ, depend solely on the theoretical copula, and not on the marginal distributions. Then, we consider monotone dependence tests and we propose a parametric model to define the power function. Such a model is based on a path of copulas, from the copula of discordance to the copula of concordance, and can be characterized by the copula of the underlying joint distribution. Moreover, we introduce a consistent estimator of the path of copulas. Finally, we provide some examples of applications, and in particular, a bootstrap-plug-in estimator of the power curve, all useful for power comparison.  相似文献   

A copula model for bivariate survival data with hybrid censoring is proposed to study the association between survival time of individuals infected with HIV and persistence time of infection with an additional virus. Survival with HIV is right censored and the persistence time of the additional virus is subject to interval censoring case 1. A pseudo-likelihood method is developed to study the association between the two event times under such hybrid censoring. Asymptotic consistency and normality of the pseudo-likelihood estimator are established based on empirical process theory. Simulation studies indicate good performance of the estimator with moderate sample size. The method is applied to a motivating HIV study which investigates the effect of GB virus type C (GBV-C) co-infection on survival time of HIV infected individuals.  相似文献   

In survival analysis, the classical Koziol-Green random censorship model is commonly used to describe informative censoring. Hereby, it is assumed that the distribution of the censoring time is a power of the distribution of the survival time. In this article, we extend this model by assuming a general function between these distributions. We determine this function from a relationship between the observable random variables which is described by a copula family that depends on an unknown parameter θ. For this setting, we develop a semi-parametric estimator for the distribution of the survival time in which we propose a pseudo-likelihood estimator for the copula parameter θ. As results, we show first the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator for θ. Afterwards, we prove the weak convergence of the process associated to the semi-parametric distribution estimator. Furthermore, we investigate the finite sample performance of these estimators through a simulation study and finally apply it to a practical data set on survival with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector with joint distribution function FX, Y(x, y) = C(F(x), G(y)), where C is a copula and F and G are marginal distributions of X and Y, respectively. Suppose that (Xi, Yi), i = 1, 2, …, n is a random sample from (X, Y) but we are able to observe only the data consisting of those pairs (Xi, Yi) for which Xi ? Yi. We denote such pairs as (X*i, Yi*), i = 1, 2, …, ν, where ν is a random variable. The main problem of interest is to express the distribution function FX, Y(x, y) and marginal distributions F and G with the distribution function of observed random variables X* and Y*. It is shown that if X and Y are exchangeable with marginal distribution function F, then F can be uniquely determined by the distributions of X* and Y*. It is also shown that if X and Y are independent and absolutely continuous, then F and G can be expressed through the distribution functions of X* and Y* and the stress–strength reliability P{X ? Y}. This allows also to estimate P{X ? Y} with the truncated observations (X*i, Yi*). The copula of bivariate random vector (X*, Y*) is also derived.  相似文献   

Copulas characterize the dependence among components of random vectors. Unlike marginal and joint distributions, which are directly observable, the copula of a random vector is a hidden dependence structure that links the joint distribution with its margins. Choosing a parametric copula model is thus a nontrivial task but it can be facilitated by relying on a nonparametric estimator. Here the authors propose a kernel estimator of the copula that is mean square consistent everywhere on the support. They determine the bias and variance of this estimator. They also study the effects of kernel smoothing on copula estimation. They then propose a smoothing bandwidth selection rule based on the derived bias and variance. After confirming their theoretical findings through simulations, they use their kernel estimator to formulate a goodness-of-fit test for parametric copula models.  相似文献   

Let T, X and Y be non-negative random variables, where T is the time of occurrence of an event of interest, X and Y being the lefl and right censoring variables respectively.

In this paper we propose a nonparametric estimator of the survival function, ST, when T, X and Y are supposed to be independent and their corresponding hazard rates are proportionally related. In this way, our results extend Ebrahimi's work (1985) to the doubly censored data case.  相似文献   

Rivest Wells (2001) showed that in situations where the dependence between a lifetime and a censoring variable can be modeled by a given Archimedean copula, the copula‐graphic estimator of Zheng Klein (1995) has an explicit form. The authors extend this work to the fixed design regression case. They show that the copula‐graphic estimator then has an asymptotic representation and a Gaussian limit. They also assess the influence of a misspecified copula function on the performance of the estimator. Their developments are illustrated with data on the survival of the Atlantic halibut.  相似文献   

This paper establishes a nonparametric estimator for the treatment effect on censored bivariate data under unvariate censoring. This proposed estimator is based on the one from Lin and Ying(1993)'s nonparametric bivariate survival function estimator, which is itself a generalized version of Park and Park(1995)' quantile estimator. A Bahadur type representation of quantile functions were obtained from the marginal survival distribution estimator of Lin and Ying' model. The asymptotic property of this estimator is shown below and the simulation studies are also given  相似文献   

Copulas and frailty models are important tools to model bivariate survival data. Equivalence between Archimedean copula models and shared frailty models, e.g. between the Clayton-Oakes copula model and the shared gamma frailty model, has often been claimed in the literature. In this note we show that, in both the models, there is indeed a well-known equivalence between the copula functions; the modeling of the marginal survival functions, however, is quite different. The latter fact leads to different joint survival functions.  相似文献   

Copula models describe the dependence structure of two random variables separately from their marginal distributions and hence are particularly useful in studying the association for bivariate survival data. Semiparametric inference for bivariate survival data based on copula models has been studied for various types of data, including complete data, right-censored data, and current status data. This article discusses the boundary effect on these inference procedures, a problem that has been neglected in the previous literature. Specifically, asymptotic distribution of the association estimator on the boundary of parameter space is derived for one-dimensional copula models. The boundary properties are applied to test independence and to study the estimation efficiency. Simulation study is conducted for the bivariate right-censored data and current status data.  相似文献   


Motivated by a breast cancer research program, this paper is concerned with the joint survivor function of multiple event times when their observations are subject to informative censoring caused by a terminating event. We formulate the correlation of the multiple event times together with the time to the terminating event by an Archimedean copula to account for the informative censoring. Adapting the widely used two-stage procedure under a copula model, we propose an easy-to-implement pseudo-likelihood based procedure for estimating the model parameters. The approach yields a new estimator for the marginal distribution of a single event time with semicompeting-risks data. We conduct both asymptotics and simulation studies to examine the proposed approach in consistency, efficiency, and robustness. Data from the breast cancer program are employed to illustrate this research.


A new nonparametric estimator is proposed for the copula function of a bivariate survival function for data subject to random right-censoring. We consider two censoring models: univariate and copula censoring. We show strong consistency and we obtain an i.i.d. representation for the copula estimator. In a simulation study we compare the new estimator to the one of Gribkova and Lopez [Nonparametric copula estimation under bivariate censoring; doi:10.1111/sjos.12144].  相似文献   

This article introduces a novel non parametric penalized likelihood hazard estimation when the censoring time is dependent on the failure time for each subject under observation. More specifically, we model this dependence using a copula, and the method of maximum penalized likelihood (MPL) is adopted to estimate the hazard function. We do not consider covariates in this article. The non negatively constrained MPL hazard estimation is obtained using a multiplicative iterative algorithm. The consistency results and the asymptotic properties of the proposed hazard estimator are derived. The simulation studies show that our MPL estimator under dependent censoring with an assumed copula model provides a better accuracy than the MPL estimator under independent censoring if the sign of dependence is correctly specified in the copula function. The proposed method is applied to a real dataset, with a sensitivity analysis performed over various values of correlation between failure and censoring times.  相似文献   

Summary. In many biomedical studies, covariates are subject to measurement error. Although it is well known that the regression coefficients estimators can be substantially biased if the measurement error is not accommodated, there has been little study of the effect of covariate measurement error on the estimation of the dependence between bivariate failure times. We show that the dependence parameter estimator in the Clayton–Oakes model can be considerably biased if the measurement error in the covariate is not accommodated. In contrast with the typical bias towards the null for marginal regression coefficients, the dependence parameter can be biased in either direction. We introduce a bias reduction technique for the bivariate survival function in copula models while assuming an additive measurement error model and replicated measurement for the covariates, and we study the large and small sample properties of the dependence parameter estimator proposed.  相似文献   

与阿基米德copula相比,分层阿基米德copula(HAC)的结构更具一般性,而相比于椭圆型copula它的待估参数个数更少。用两阶段极大似然法来估计HAC函数,主要的步骤是先估计出每个分量的边际分布,以此为基础再估计copula函数。实证分析中,采取Clayton和Gumbel型的HAC分析四只股票价格序列之间的相关性。在得出HAC的结构和估计其参数之前,运用ARMA-GARCH过程消除了序列的自相关性和条件异方差。通过比较赤迟信息准则,认为完全嵌套的Gumbel型HAC能更好地刻画这种相关性。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of UMVU estimation of a U-estimable function of four unknown truncation parameters based on two independent random samples from two two-truncation parameter families. In particular, we obtain the UMVU estimator of functional, P (Y > X). Also the confidence intervals for some parametric functions are obtained.  相似文献   

The author recalls the limiting behaviour of the empirical copula process and applies it to prove some asymptotic properties of a minimum distance estimator for a Euclidean parameter in a copula model. The estimator in question is semiparametric in that no knowledge of the marginal distributions is necessary. The author also proposes another semiparametric estimator which he calls “rank approximate Z‐estimator” and whose asymptotic normality he derives. He further presents Monte Carlo simulation results for the comparison of various estimators in four well‐known bivariate copula models.  相似文献   

Current survival techniques do not provide a good method for handling clinical trials with a large percent of censored observations. This research proposes using time-dependent surrogates of survival as outcome variables, in conjunction with observed survival time, to improve the precision in comparing the relative effects of two treatments on the distribution of survival time. This is in contrast to the standard method used today which uses the marginal density of survival time, T. only, or the marginal density of a surrogate, X, only, therefore, ignoring some available information. The surrogate measure, X, may be a fixed value or a time-dependent variable, X(t). X is a summary measure of some of the covariates measured throughout the trial that provide additional information on a subject's survival time. It is possible to model these time-dependent covariate values and relate the parameters in the model to the parameters in the distribution of T given X. The result is that three new models are available for the analysis of clinical trials. All three models use the joint density of survival time and a surrogate measure. Given one of three different assumed mechanisms of the potential treatment effect, each of the three methods improves the precision of the treatment estimate.  相似文献   

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