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A class of estimators for the variance of sample mean is defined and its properties are studied in case of normal population. It is identified that the usual unbiased estimator, Singh, Pandey and Hirano (1973) -type estimator and Lee (1931) estimator are particular members of the proposed class of estimators. It is found that the minimum Mean Squared Error (MSE) of the proposed class of estimators is less than that of other estimators.  相似文献   

Some shrunken estimators of the normal population variance 2 are proposed and compared with the usual estimator, s2, in terms of mean squared error.  相似文献   

Let θ be a nonlinear function of the regression parameters and θ be its estimator based on the least-squares method. This paper studies the bootstrap estimators of the variance and bias of θ. The bootstrap estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically unbiased under some conditions. Asymptotic orders of the mean squared errors of the bootstrap estimators are also obtained. The bootstrap and the classical linearization method are compared in a simulation study. Discussions about when to use the bootstrap are given.  相似文献   

In this paper four regression estimators are considered for a finite population total based on interpenetrating subsamples, two of which are with jackknifing and the other two are without jackknifing. Both theoretical and empirical comparisons of the four proposed estimators are done with respect to bias, variance and mean square error.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimating the population variance S2y of the study variable y using auxiliary information in sample surveys. We have suggested a class of estimators of the population variance S2y of the study variable y when the population variance S2x of the auxiliary variable x is known. Asymptotic expressions of bias and mean squared error (MSE) of the proposed class of estimators have been obtained. Asymptotic optimum estimators in the proposed class of estimators have also been identified along with its MSE formula. A comparison has been provided. We have further provided the double sampling version of the proposed class of estimators. The properties of the double sampling version have been provided under large sample approximation. In addition, we support the present study with aid of a numerical illustration.  相似文献   

Taking Albert's (1976) formulation of a mixed model ANOVA, we consider improved estimation of the variance components for balanced designs under squared error loss. Two approaches are presented. One extends the ideas of Stein (1964), The other is developed from the fact that variance components can be expressed as linear combinations of chi-square scale parameters. Encouraging simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

Bias and mean squared error for linear combinations of the isotonic regression estimators are computed. The case of sampling three distinct populations and the case of sampling seven or fewer populations having common mean are studied in detail. Numerical results are given, and comparisons between isotonic and unbiased estimation procedures are made.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider chain ratio and regression type estimators for estimating median in survey sampling. We find expressions for the variance of the chain-ratio and chain-regression type estimators considered in the present investigation. The optimum values of the first phase and second phase sample sizes are also obtained for the fixed cost of survey. The relative efficiency of chain-ratio and chain-regression type estimators have been studied in comparison to ratio and regression type estimators of median proposed by Singh, Joarder and Tracy (2001).  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating the population variance S2y of the study variable y using the auxiliary information in sample surveys. We have suggested the (i) chain ratio-type estimator (on the lines of Kadilar and Cingi (2003)), (ii) chain ratio-ratio-type exponential estimator and their generalized version [on the lines of Singh and Pal (2015)] and studied their properties under large sample approximation. Conditions are obtained under which the proposed estimators are more efficient than usual unbiased estimator s2y and Isaki (1893) ratio estimator. Improved version of the suggested class of estimators is also given along with its properties. An empirical study is carried out in support of the present study.  相似文献   


The availability of some extra information, along with the actual variable of interest, may be easily accessible in different practical situations. A sensible use of the additional source may help to improve the properties of statistical techniques. In this study, we focus on the estimators for calibration and intend to propose a setup where we reply only on first two moments instead of modeling the whole distributional shape. We have proposed an estimator for linear calibration problems and investigated it under normal and skewed environments. We have partitioned its mean squared error into intrinsic and estimation components. We have observed that the bias and mean squared error of the proposed estimator are function of four dimensionless quantities. It is to be noticed that both the classical and the inverse estimators become the special cases of the proposed estimator. Moreover, the mean squared error of the proposed estimator and the exact mean squared error of the inverse estimator coincide. We have also observed that the proposed estimator performs quite well for skewed errors as well. The real data applications are also included in the study for practical considerations.  相似文献   

The kernel method of estimation of curves is now popular and widely used in statistical applications. Kernel estimators suffer from boundary effects, however, when the support of the function to be estimated has finite endpoints. Several solutions to this problem have already been proposed. Here the authors develop a new method of boundary correction for kernel density estimation. Their technique is a kind of generalized reflection involving transformed data. It generates a class of boundary corrected estimators having desirable properties such as local smoothness and nonnegativity. Simulations show that the proposed method performs quite well when compared with the existing methods for almost all shapes of densities. The authors present the theory behind this new methodology, and they determine the bias and variance of their estimators.  相似文献   

The minimum bias estimator was introduced as an alternative to the least squares estimator for approximating response functions by low-order polynomials. Here we show how to obtain an admissible estimator with smaller squared bias.  相似文献   

The relative 'performances of improved ridge estimators and an empirical Bayes estimator are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The empirical Bayes method is seen to perform consistently better in terms of smaller MSE and more accurate empirical coverage than any of the estimators considered here. A bootstrap method is proposed to obtain more reliable estimates of the MSE of ridge esimators. Some theorems on the bootstrap for the ridge estimators are also given and they are used to provide an analytical understanding of the proposed bootstrap procedure. Empirical coverages of the ridge estimators based on the proposed procedure are generally closer to the nominal coverage when compared to their earlier counterparts. In general, except for a few cases, these coverages are still less accurate than the empirical coverages of the empirical Bayes estimator.  相似文献   

The uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of the variance of the inverse Gaussian distribution is shown to be inadmissible in terms of the mean squared error, and a dominating estimator is given. A dominating estimator to the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the variance and estimators dominating the MLE's and the UMVUE's of other parameters are also given.  相似文献   

In estimating the population median, it is common to encounter estimators which are linear combinations of a small number of central observations. Sample medians, sample quasi medians, trimmed means, jackknifed (and delete‐d jackknifed) medians and jackknifed quasi medians are all familiar examples. The objective of this paper is to show that within this class the quasi medians turn out to have the best asymptotic mean squared error.  相似文献   

In this article, some conditions on variances are presented under which the (Generalized) Pitman Nearness Criterion Would Prefer one estimator over another. Results for univariate as well as multivariate cases are derived. An exact expression for a result of Rao, Keating and Mason (1985) is provided.  相似文献   

A local orthogonal polynomial expansion (LOrPE) of the empirical density function is proposed as a novel method to estimate the underlying density. The estimate is constructed by matching localised expectation values of orthogonal polynomials to the values observed in the sample. LOrPE is related to several existing methods, and generalises straightforwardly to multivariate settings. By manner of construction, it is similar to local likelihood density estimation (LLDE). In the limit of small bandwidths, LOrPE functions as kernel density estimation (KDE) with high-order (effective) kernels inherently free of boundary bias, a natural consequence of kernel reshaping to accommodate endpoints. Consistency and faster asymptotic convergence rates follow. In the limit of large bandwidths LOrPE is equivalent to orthogonal series density estimation (OSDE) with Legendre polynomials, thereby inheriting its consistency. We compare the performance of LOrPE to KDE, LLDE, and OSDE, in a number of simulation studies. In terms of mean integrated squared error, the results suggest that with a proper balance of the two tuning parameters, bandwidth and degree, LOrPE generally outperforms these competitors when estimating densities with sharply truncated supports.  相似文献   

Numerical performance of block thresholded wavelet estimators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Usually, methods for thresholding wavelet estimators are implemented term by term, with empirical coefficients included or excluded depending on whether their absolute values exceed a level that reflects plausible moderate deviations of the noise. We argue that performance may be improved by pooling coefficients into groups and thresholding them together. This procedure exploits the information that coefficients convey about the sizes of their neighbours. In the present paper we show that in the context of moderate to low signal-to-noise ratios, this block thresholding approach does indeed improve performance, by allowing greater adaptivity and reducing mean squared error. Block thresholded estimators are less biased than term-by-term thresholded ones, and so react more rapidly to sudden changes in the frequency of the underlying signal. They also suffer less from spurious aberrations of Gibbs type, produced by excessive bias. On the other hand, they are more susceptible to spurious features produced by noise, and are more sensitive to selection of the truncation parameter.  相似文献   

A slight improvement on the stratification methodology in Godfrey et al. (1984) is proposed and an example is advanced to demonstrate its usefulness.  相似文献   

The accuracy of orthogonal series types of density estimators can be conveniently measured in terms of their Mean Integrated Squared Error, or MISE. Further reduction In MISE is achieved by introducing certain weighting factors into the estimators. In this paper we consider optimal weighting matrices, and the result is a new class of density estimators, the collection of matrix density estimators.  相似文献   

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