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Bayesian analyses often take for granted the assumption that the posterior distribution has at least a first moment. They often include computed or estimated posterior means. In this note, the authors show an example of a Weibull distribution parameter where the theoretical posterior mean fails to exist for commonly used proper semi–conjugate priors. They also show that posterior moments can fail to exist with commonly used noninformative priors including Jeffreys, reference and matching priors, despite the fact that the posteriors are proper. Moreover, within a broad class of priors, the predictive distribution also has no mean. The authors illustrate the problem with a simulated example. Their results demonstrate that the unwitting use of estimated posterior means may yield unjustified conclusions.  相似文献   

Thompson (1997) considered a wide definition of p-value and found the Baves p-value for testing a ooint null hypothesis H0: θ= θ0 versus H1: θ ≠ θ0. In this paper, the general case of testing H0: θ ∈ ?0 versus H1: θ ∈ ?c 0 is studied. A generalization of the concept of p-value is given, and it is proved that the posterior predictive p-value based on the posterior odds is (asymptotically) a Bayes p-value. Finally, it is suggested that this posterior predictive p-value could be used as a reference p-value  相似文献   


The Poisson distribution is here used to illustrate Bayesian inference concepts with the ultimate goal to construct credible intervals for a mean. The evaluation of the resulting intervals is in terms of “mismatched” priors and posteriors. The discussion is in the form of an imaginary dialog between a teacher and a student, who have met earlier, discussing and evaluating the Wald and score confidence intervals, as well as confidence intervals based on transformation and bootstrap techniques. From the perspective of the student the learning process is akin to a real research situation. The student is supposed to have studied mathematical statistics for at least two semesters.  相似文献   

In this note the problem of nonparametric regression function estimation in a random design regression model with Gaussian errors is considered from the Bayesian perspective. It is assumed that the regression function belongs to a class of functions with a known degree of smoothness. A prior distribution on the given class can be induced by a prior on the coefficients in a series expansion of the regression function through an orthonormal system. The rate of convergence of the resulting posterior distribution is employed to provide a measure of the accuracy of the Bayesian estimation procedure defined by the posterior expected regression function. We show that the Bayes’ estimator achieves the optimal minimax rate of convergence under mean integrated squared error over the involved class of regression functions, thus being comparable to other popular frequentist regression estimators.  相似文献   


In queuing theory, a major interest of researchers is studying the behavior and formation process and analyzing the performance characteristics of queues, particularly the traffic intensity, which is defined as the ratio between the arrival rate and the service rate. How these parameters can be estimated using some statistical inferential method is the mathematical problem treated here. This article aims to obtain better Bayesian estimates for the traffic intensity of M/M/1 queues, which, in Kendall notation, stand for Markovian single-server infinity queues. The Jeffreys prior is proposed to obtain the posterior and predictive distributions of some parameters of interest. Samples are obtained through simulation and some performance characteristics are analyzed. It is observed from the Bayes factor that Jeffreys prior is competitive, among informative and non-informative prior distributions, and presents the best performance in many of the cases tested.  相似文献   

Bayes estimators of the reliability function of the logistic distribution are obtained using the methods of Lindley (1980) and Tierney & Kadane (1986). Squared-error and log-odds squared-error loss functions are used. A numerical example is presented. Comparisons are made between these two procedures, based on a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   

In this article, an importance sampling (IS) method for the posterior expectation of a non linear function in a Bayesian vector autoregressive (VAR) model is developed. Most Bayesian inference problems involve the evaluation of the expectation of a function of interest, usually a non linear function of the model parameters, under the posterior distribution. Non linear functions in Bayesian VAR setting are difficult to estimate and usually require numerical methods for their evaluation. A weighted IS estimator is used for the evaluation of the posterior expectation. With the cross-entropy (CE) approach, the IS density is chosen from a specified family of densities such that the CE distance or the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the optimal IS density and the importance density is minimal. The performance of the proposed algorithm is assessed in an iterated multistep forecasting of US macroeconomic time series.  相似文献   

贝叶斯统计推断及其主要进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
贝叶斯统计推断作为现代统计分析方法的重要内容,对于统计学理论的发展具有里程碑的作用。深入总结其研究的主要进展,具有重要的现实意义。在查阅国内外重要学术研究资料的基础上,从贝叶斯统计推断的思想、与古典统计的研究思路比较和贝叶斯统计推断研究的主要进展三个方面作了综述与介绍,力图达到认识贝叶斯统计推断及其研究现状的目的。  相似文献   

When two random variables are bivariate normally distributed Stein's original lemma allows to conveniently express the covariance of the first variable with a function of the second. Landsman and Neslehova (2008) extend this seminal result to the family of multivariate elliptical distributions. In this paper we use the technique of conditioning to provide a more elegant proof for their result. In doing so, we also present a new proof for the classical linear regression result that holds for the elliptical family.  相似文献   

As an approximation to the Dirichlet process which involves the infinite-dimensional distribution, finite-dimensional Dirichlet prior is a widely appreciated method to model the underlying distribution in non parametric Bayesian analysis. In this short note, we present some key characteristics of finite-dimensional Dirichlet process and exploit some important sampling properties which are very useful in Bayesian non parametric/semiparametric analysis.  相似文献   

In practice, a financial or actuarial data set may be a skewed or heavy-tailed and this motivates us to study a class of distribution functions in risk management theory that provide more information about these characteristics resulting in a more accurate risk analysis. In this paper, we consider a multivariate tail conditional expectation (MTCE) for multivariate scale mixtures of skew-normal (SMSN) distributions. This class of distributions contains skewed distributions and some members of this class can be used to analyse heavy-tailed data sets. We also provide a closed form for TCE in a univariate skew-normal distribution framework. Numerical examples are also provided for illustration.  相似文献   

This study looks at the minimaxity of the maximum likelihood estimator (m.1.e), of the mean of a p-normal population, that has been given by Dahel, Giri and Lepage (1985). This estimator is computed on the basis of three independent samples: the first one is drawn from the whole vector of dimension p and the two others are based on the first p1 and the last p2 components respectively, such as p1 +p2=p.  相似文献   

The posterior distribution of the likelihood is used to interpret the evidential meaning of P-values, posterior Bayes factors and Akaike's information criterion when comparing point null hypotheses with composite alternatives. Asymptotic arguments lead to simple re-calibrations of these criteria in terms of posterior tail probabilities of the likelihood ratio. (Prior) Bayes factors cannot be calibrated in this way as they are model-specific.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present conditions on the likelihood function and on the prior distribution which permit us to assess the effect of the sample on the posterior distribution. Our work is inspired by Whitt (1979) J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 74, and is based on the notions of multivariate totally positive and (strongly) mul-tivariate reverse rule functions introduced and studied by Karlin and Rinott (1980a, b)  相似文献   

Just as frequentist hypothesis tests have been developed to check model assumptions, prior predictive p-values and other Bayesian p-values check prior distributions as well as other model assumptions. These model checks not only suffer from the usual threshold dependence of p-values, but also from the suppression of model uncertainty in subsequent inference. One solution is to transform Bayesian and frequentist p-values for model assessment into a fiducial distribution across the models. Averaging the Bayesian or frequentist posterior distributions with respect to the fiducial distribution can reproduce results from Bayesian model averaging or classical fiducial inference.  相似文献   

In the multiparameter case, this paper characterizes priors so as to match, up to o(n-1/2), the posterior joint cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.) of a posterior standardized version of the parametric vector with the corresponding frequentist c.d.f.  相似文献   

Suppose in a distribution problem, the sample information W is split into two pieces W 1 and W 2, and the parameters involved are split into two sets, π containing the parameters of interest, and θ containing nuisance parameters. It is shown that, under certain conditions, the posterior distribution of π does not depend on the data W 2, which can thus be ignored. This also has consequences for the predictive distribution of future (or missing) observations. In fact, under similar conditions, the predictive distributions using W or just W 1 are identical.  相似文献   

This paper develops an objective Bayesian analysis method for estimating unknown parameters of the half-logistic distribution when a sample is available from the progressively Type-II censoring scheme. Noninformative priors such as Jeffreys and reference priors are derived. In addition, derived priors are checked to determine whether they satisfy probability-matching criteria. The Metropolis–Hasting algorithm is applied to generate Markov chain Monte Carlo samples from these posterior density functions because marginal posterior density functions of each parameter cannot be expressed in an explicit form. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to investigate frequentist properties of estimated models under noninformative priors. For illustration purposes, a real data set is presented, and the quality of models under noninformative priors is evaluated through posterior predictive checking.  相似文献   

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