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We consider mixtures of general angular central Gaussian distributions as models for multimodal directional data. We prove consistency of the maximum‐likelihood estimates of model parameters and convergence of their numerical approximations based on an expectation–maximization algorithm. Then, we focus on mixtures of special angular central Gaussian distributions and discuss the details of a fast numerical algorithm, which allows to fit multimodal distributions to massive data, occurring, for example, in the study of the microstructure of materials. We illustrate the applicability with some data from fibre composites and from ceramic foams.  相似文献   


Mixed Poisson distributions are widely used in various applications of count data mainly when extra variation is present. This paper introduces an extension in terms of a mixed strategy to jointly deal with extra-Poisson variation and zero-inflated counts. In particular, we propose the Poisson log-skew-normal distribution which utilizes the log-skew-normal as a mixing prior and present its main properties. This is directly done through additional hierarchy level to the lognormal prior and includes the Poisson lognormal distribution as its special case. Two numerical methods are developed for the evaluation of associated likelihoods based on the Gauss–Hermite quadrature and the Lambert's W function. By conducting simulation studies, we show that the proposed distribution performs better than several commonly used distributions that allow for over-dispersion or zero inflation. The usefulness of the proposed distribution in empirical work is highlighted by the analysis of a real data set taken from health economics contexts.  相似文献   

For the data from multivariate t distributions, it is very hard to make an influence analysis based on the probability density function since its expression is intractable. In this paper, we present a technique for influence analysis based on the mixture distribution and EM algorithm. In fact, the multivariate t distribution can be considered as a particular Gaussian mixture by introducing the weights from the Gamma distribution. We treat the weights as the missing data and develop the influence analysis for the data from multivariate t distributions based on the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function in the EM algorithm. Several case-deletion measures are proposed for detecting influential observations from multivariate t distributions. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate our methodology.  相似文献   

We display the first two moment functions of the Logitnormal(μ, σ2) family of distributions, conveniently described in terms of the Normal mean, μ, and the Normal signal-to-noise ratio, μ/σ, parameters that generate the family. Long neglected on account of the numerical integrations required to compute them, awareness of these moment functions should aid the sensible interpretation of logistic regression statistics and the specification of “diffuse” prior distributions in hierarchical models, which can be deceiving. We also use numerical integration to compare the correlation between bivariate Logitnormal variables with the correlation between the bivariate Normal variables from which they are transformed.  相似文献   

For the case where at least two sets have an odd number of variables we do not have the exact distribution of the generalized Wilks Lambda statistic in a manageable form, adequate for manipulation. In this article, we develop a family of very accurate near-exact distributions for this statistic for the case where two or three sets have an odd number of variables. We first express the exact characteristic function of the logarithm of the statistic in the form of the characteristic function of an infinite mixture of Generalized Integer Gamma distributions. Then, based on truncations of this exact characteristic function, we obtain a family of near-exact distributions, which, by construction, match the first two exact moments. These near-exact distributions display an asymptotic behaviour for increasing number of variables involved. The corresponding cumulative distribution functions are obtained in a concise and manageable form, relatively easy to implement computationally, allowing for the computation of virtually exact quantiles. We undertake a comparative study for small sample sizes, using two proximity measures based on the Berry-Esseen bounds, to assess the performance of the near-exact distributions for different numbers of sets of variables and different numbers of variables in each set.  相似文献   

The generalized Rayleigh distribution was introduced and studied quite effectively in the literature. The closeness and separation between the distributions are extremely important for analyzing any lifetime data. In this spirit, both the generalized Rayleigh and Weibull distributions can be used for analyzing skewed datasets. In this article, we compare these two distributions based on the Fisher information measures and use it for discrimination purposes. It is evident that the Fisher information measures play an important role in separating between the distributions. The total information measures and the variances of the different percentile estimators are computed and presented. A real life dataset is analyzed for illustration purposes and a numerical comparison study is performed to assess our procedures in separating between these two distributions.  相似文献   

In this work we propose Bayesian measures to quantify the influence of observations on the structural parameters of the simple measurement error model (MEM). Different influence measures, like those based on q-divergence between posterior distributions and Bayes risk, are studied to evaluate the influence. A strategy based on the perturbation function and MCMC samples is used to compute these measures. The samples from the posterior distributions are obtained by using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and assuming specific proper prior distributions. The results are illustrated with an application to a real example modeled with MEM in the literature.  相似文献   

In a sequence of independent and identically distributed (iid) random variables, the upper (lower) current records and record range are studied. We derive general recurrence relations between the single and product moments for the upper and lower current records based on Weibull and positive Weibull distributions, as well as Pareto and negative Pareto distributions, respectively. Moreover, some asymptotic results for general current records are established. In addition, a recurrence relation and an explicit formula for the moments of record range based on the exponential distribution are given. Finally, numerical examples are presented to illustrate and corroborate theoretical results.  相似文献   

Statistical distributions generated from any J- or U-shaped random variables are cumbersome to derive if not completely indefinable and thus are unavailable analytically because of the singularities at the tails of the basic random variable. This paper presents a computational method for providing a numerical convolution derived from a basic U-shaped random variable composed of a continuous part mixed with (or contaminated by) a discrete part at the tails. The J-shaped sampling distribution case is implied as a special case. Though the computations are based on a background Normal Distribution, it can be generalized on any other distribution.Such distributions will open up an area of sampling distributions of mixed random variables that are not elaborately covered in textbooks dealing with the theory of distributions.  相似文献   

In this article, a family of distributions, namely the exponentiated family of distributions, is defined and for the unknown parameters, different point estimates are derived based on record statistics. Prediction for future record values is presented from a Bayesian view point. Two numerical examples and a Monte Carlo simulation study are presented to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

This paper primarily is concerned with the sampling of the Fisher–Bingham distribution and we describe a slice sampling algorithm for doing this. A by-product of this task gave us an infinite mixture representation of the Fisher–Bingham distribution; the mixing distributions being based on the Dirichlet distribution. Finite numerical approximations are considered and a sampling algorithm based on a finite mixture approximation is compared with the slice sampling algorithm.  相似文献   

It is common for a linear regression model that the error terms display some form of heteroscedasticity and at the same time, the regressors are also linearly correlated. Both of these problems have serious impact on the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates. In the presence of heteroscedasticity, the OLS estimator becomes inefficient and the similar adverse impact can also be found on the ridge regression estimator that is alternatively used to cope with the problem of multicollinearity. In the available literature, the adaptive estimator has been established to be more efficient than the OLS estimator when there is heteroscedasticity of unknown form. The present article proposes the similar adaptation for the ridge regression setting with an attempt to have more efficient estimator. Our numerical results, based on the Monte Carlo simulations, provide very attractive performance of the proposed estimator in terms of efficiency. Three different existing methods have been used for the selection of biasing parameter. Moreover, three different distributions of the error term have been studied to evaluate the proposed estimator and these are normal, Student's t and F distribution.  相似文献   

Triangular distributions are a well-known class of distributions that are often used as an elementary example of a probability model. Maximum likelihood estimation of the mode parameter of the triangular distribution over the unit interval can be performed via an order statistic based method. It had been conjectured that such a method can be conducted using only a constant number of likelihood function evaluations, on average, as the sample size becomes large. We prove two theorems that validate this conjecture. Graphical and numerical results are presented to supplement our proofs.  相似文献   

We consider two analytical and a bootstrap bias correction scheme existing in the literature for maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) in the special case of a particular biparametric exponential family, the estimators being obtained from i.i.d. samples. We assess the performances of the estimators through numerical simulations for three particular cases of the family explored here. We observe that the two analytical proposals display very similar behavior for these distributions and that all proposed estimators are effective in reducing bias and mean square error of the MLEs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a procedure for testing the hypothesis that the underlying distribution of the data is elliptical when using robust location and scatter estimators instead of the sample mean and covariance matrix. Under mild assumptions that include elliptical distributions without first moments, we derive the test statistic asymptotic behavior under the null hypothesis and under special alternatives. Numerical experiments allow to compare the behavior of the tests based on the sample mean and covariance matrix with that based on robust estimators, under various elliptical distributions and different alternatives. We also provide a numerical comparison with other competing tests.  相似文献   

We investigate use of empirical and exponential empirical likelihood, and Hotelling and James statistics, to test the null hypothesis of equal population means based on two independent samples of data on the simplex. We perform an extensive numerical study using data simulated from various distributions on the simplex. The results, taken together with practical considerations regarding implementation, support the use of bootstrap-calibrated James statistic.  相似文献   

In this note, we examine the four parameter beta family of distributions in the context of the beta-normal and beta-logistic distributions. In the process, we highlight the concept of numerical and limiting alias distributions, which in turn relate to numerical instabilities in the numerical maximum likelihood fitting routines for these families of distributions. We conjecture that the numerical issues pertaining to fitting these multiparameter distributions may be more widespread than has originally been reported across several families of distributions.  相似文献   

Summary. Reversible jump methods are the most commonly used Markov chain Monte Carlo tool for exploring variable dimension statistical models. Recently, however, an alternative approach based on birth-and-death processes has been proposed by Stephens for mixtures of distributions. We show that the birth-and-death setting can be generalized to include other types of continuous time jumps like split-and-combine moves in the spirit of Richardson and Green. We illustrate these extensions both for mixtures of distributions and for hidden Markov models. We demonstrate the strong similarity of reversible jump and continuous time methodologies by showing that, on appropriate rescaling of time, the reversible jump chain converges to a limiting continuous time birth-and-death process. A numerical comparison in the setting of mixtures of distributions highlights this similarity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an exponential form for the underlying distributionand a conjugate prior, and develop a procedure for deriving the maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators based on an observed generalized Type-I hybrid censored sample. The problems of predicting the future order statistics from the same sample and that from a future sample are also discussed from a Bayesian viewpoint. For the illustration of the developed results, the exponential and Pareto distributions are used as examples. Finally, two numerical examples are presented for illustrating all the inferential procedures developed here.  相似文献   

We are concerned with three different types of multivariate chi-square distributions. Their members play important roles as limiting distributions of vectors of test statistics in several applications of multiple hypotheses testing. We explain these applications and consider the computation of multiplicity-adjusted p-values under the respective global hypothesis. By means of numerical examples, we demonstrate how much gain in level exhaustion or, equivalently, power can be achieved with corresponding multivariate multiple tests compared with approaches which are only based on univariate marginal distributions and do not take the dependence structure among the test statistics into account. As a further contribution of independent value, we provide an overview of essentially all analytic formulas for computing multivariate chi-square probabilities of the considered types which are available up to present. These formulas were scattered in the previous literature and are presented here in a unified manner.  相似文献   

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