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Pseudo maximum likelihood estimation (PML) for the Dirich-let-multinomial distribution is proposed and examined in this pa-per. The procedure is compared to that based on moments (MM) for its asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) relative to the maximum likelihood estimate (ML). It is found that PML, requiring much less computational effort than ML and possessing considerably higher ARE than MM, constitutes a good compromise between ML and MM. PML is also found to have very high ARE when an estimate for the scale parameter in the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution is all that is needed.  相似文献   

In this work, we show that the Dagum distribution [3 Dagum, C. 1977. A new model of personal income distribution: Specification and estimation. Econ. Appl., XXX: 413436.  [Google Scholar]] may be a competitive model for describing data which include censored observations in lifetime and reliability problems. Maximum likelihood estimates of the three parameters of the Dagum distribution are determined from samples with type I right and type II doubly censored data. We perform an empirical analysis using published censored data sets: in certain cases, the Dagum distribution fits the data better than other parametric distributions that are more commonly used in survival and reliability analysis. Graphical comparisons confirm that the Dagum model behaves better than a number of competitive distributions in describing the empirical hazard rate of the analyzed data. A probability plot to provide graphical check of the appropriateness of the Dagum model for right censored data is constructed, and the details are given in the appendix. Finally, a simulation study that shows the good performance of the maximum likelihood estimators of the Dagum shape parameters for finite type II doubly censored samples is carried out.  相似文献   

It is known that the maximum likelihood methods does not provide explicit estimators for the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution based on Type II censored samples. In this paper we present a simple method of deriving explicit estimators by approximating the likelihood equations appropriately. We obtain the variances and covariance of these estimators. We also show that these estimators are almost as eficient as the maximum likelihood (ML) estimators and just as eficient as the best linear unbiased (BLU), and the modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimators. Finally, we illustrate this method of estimation by applying it to Gupta's and Darwin's data.  相似文献   

In this paper, by considering a progressively Type-II censored sample from the two-parameter Gompertz distribution, a necessary and sufficient condition is established for the existence and uniqueness of the maximum-likelihood estimates of the shape and scale parameters. The results for the special cases of complete and ordinary Type-II right censored samples are then deduced. Several numerical examples from the literature are presented for the purpose of illustrating the established results.  相似文献   

In this paper, the estimation of parameters, reliability and hazard functions of a inverted exponentiated half logistic distribution (IEHLD) from progressive Type II censored data has been considered. The Bayes estimates for progressive Type II censored IEHLD under asymmetric and symmetric loss functions such as squared error, general entropy and linex loss function are provided. The Bayes estimates for progressive Type II censored IEHLD parameters, reliability and hazard functions are also obtained under the balanced loss functions. However, the Bayes estimates cannot be obtained explicitly, Lindley approximation method and importance sampling procedure are considered to obtain the Bayes estimates. Furthermore, the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimates is used to obtain the approximate confidence intervals. The highest posterior density credible intervals of the parameters based on importance sampling procedure are computed. Simulations are performed to see the performance of the proposed estimates. For illustrative purposes, two data sets have been analyzed.  相似文献   

A general procedure is developed for bias-correcting the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the parameters of Weibull regression model with either complete or right-censored data. Following the bias correction, variance corrections and hence improved t-ratios for model parameters are presented. Potentially improved t-ratios for other reliability-related quantities are also discussed. Simulation results show that the proposed method is effective in correcting the bias of the MLEs, and the resulted t-ratios generally improve over the regular t-ratios.  相似文献   

We develop exact inference for the location and scale parameters of the Laplace (double exponential) distribution based on their maximum likelihood estimators from a Type-II censored sample. Based on some pivotal quantities, exact confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses are constructed. Upon conditioning first on the number of observations that are below the population median, exact distributions of the pivotal quantities are expressed as mixtures of linear combinations and of ratios of linear combinations of standard exponential random variables, which facilitates the computation of quantiles of these pivotal quantities. Tables of quantiles are presented for the complete sample case.  相似文献   

It is well-known that classical Tobit estimator of the parameters of the censored regression (CR) model is inefficient in case of non-normal error terms. In this paper, we propose to use the modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimator under the Jones and Faddy''s skew t-error distribution, which covers a wide range of skew and symmetric distributions, for the CR model. The MML estimators, providing an alternative to the Tobit estimator, are explicitly expressed and they are asymptotically equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimator. A simulation study is conducted to compare the efficiencies of the MML estimators with the classical estimators such as the ordinary least squares, Tobit, censored least absolute deviations and symmetrically trimmed least squares estimators. The results of the simulation study show that the MML estimators work well among the others with respect to the root mean square error criterion for the CR model. A real life example is also provided to show the suitability of the MML methodology.  相似文献   

Continuing increases in computing power and availability mean that many maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problems previously thought intractable or too computationally difficult can now be tackled numerically. However, ML parameter estimation for distributions whose only analytical expression is as quantile functions has received little attention. Numerical MLE procedures for parameters of new families of distributions, the g-and-k and the generalized g-and-h distributions, are presented and investigated here. Simulation studies are included, and the appropriateness of using asymptotic methods examined. Because of the generality of these distributions, the investigations are not only into numerical MLE for these distributions, but are also an initial investigation into the performance and problems for numerical MLE applied to quantile-defined distributions in general. Datasets are also fitted using the procedures here. Results indicate that sample sizes significantly larger than 100 should be used to obtain reliable estimates through maximum likelihood.  相似文献   

Boxplots are among the most widely used exploratory data analysis (EDA) tools in statistical practice. Typical applications of boxplots include eliciting information about the underlying distribution (shape, location, etc.) as well as identifying possible outliers. This article focuses on a modification using a type of lower and upper fences similar in concept to those used in a traditional boxplot; however, instead of constructing the upper and lower fences using the upper and lower quartiles, respectively, and a multiple of the interquartile range (IQR), multiples of the upper and the lower semi-interquartile ranges (SIQR), respectively, measured from the sample median, are used. Any observation beyond the proposed fences is labeled a potential outlier. An exact expression for the probability that at least one sample observation is wrongly classified as an outlier, the so-called “some-outside rate per sample” (Hoaglin et al. (1986)), is derived for the family of location-scale distributions and is used in the determination of the fence constants. Tables for the fence constants are provided for a number of well-known location-scale distributions along with some illustrations with data; the performance of the outlier detection rule is explored in a simulation study.  相似文献   

Using the likelihood equations, a method based on the generalized inverse of matrices is proposed to derive closed-form estimates for the mixing proportions in a finite mixture, when the component distributions are known.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with modifications of both maximum likelihood and moment estimators for parameters of the three-parameter Wei bull distribution. Modifications presented here are basically the same as those previously proposed by the authors (1980, 1981, 1982) in connection with the lognormal and the gamma distributions. Computer programs were prepared for the practical application of these estimators and an illustrative example is included. Results of a simulation study provide insight into the sampling behavior of the new estimators and include comparisons with the traditional moment and maximum likelihood estimators. For some combinations of parameter values, some of the modified estimators considered here enjoy advantages over both moment and maximum likelihood estimators with respect to bias, variance, and/or ease of calculation.  相似文献   

A new algorithm is stated for the evaluation of the maximum likelihood estimators of the two-parameter gamma density. This, along with other approximations, is used to evaluate by quadrature, moments of the estimators of the shape and scale parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose estimating equations estimators (EEE) based on the order statistics for the generalized Logistic distribution. Some asymptotic results are provided. Two simulation studies are undertaken to assess the performance of the proposed method and to compare them with other methods suggested in this paper. The simulation results indicate that EEE performs better than some other methods in terms of MSE. Finally, the proposed method is applied to two real data sets.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with modifications of both maximum likelihood and moment estimators for parameters of the three-parameter gamma distribution. Modifications employed here are essentially the same as those previously considered by the authors (1980, 1981) in connection with the lognormal distribution. Sampling behavior of the estimates is indicated by a Monte Carlo simulation. For certain combinations of parameter values, these new estimators appear better than both maximum likelihood and moment estimators with respect to bias, variance and/or ease of calculation.  相似文献   

Certain recurrence relations for the single and product moments of the order statistics of a random sample of sizen arising from a beta distribution are derived. The usefulness of these relations in evaluating the single and product moments of beta order statistics is also discussed.  相似文献   

This article deals with the statistical inference and prediction on Burr Type XII parameters based on Type II censored sample. It is observed that the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) cannot be obtained in closed form. We use the expectation-maximization algorithm to compute the MLEs. We also obtain the Bayes estimators under symmetric and asymmetric loss functions such as squared error and Linex By applying Lindley's approximation and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. Further, MCMC samples are used to calculate the highest posterior density credible intervals. Monte Carlo simulation study and two real-life data-sets are presented to illustrate all of the methods developed here. Furthermore, we obtain a prediction of future order statistics based on the observed ordered because of its important application in different fields such as medical and engineering sciences. A numerical example carried out to illustrate the procedures obtained for prediction of future order statistics.  相似文献   

The generalized Poisson distribution;containing two

parameters and studied by many researchers; describes the distribution of busy periods under a queueing system and has very interesting properties; The probabilities for successive classes depend upon the previous occurrences; The problem of admissible maximum likelihood estimators for for the parameters Is discussed and a necessary and sufficient condition is derived for which unique admissible maximum likelihood estimators exist; The first; order terms in the biases; variances and the covariance of these maximum likelihood estimators are obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the four-parameter bivariate generalized exponential distribution proposed by Kundu and Gupta [Bivariate generalized exponential distribution, J. Multivariate Anal. 100 (2009), pp. 581–593] and propose an expectation–maximization algorithm to find the maximum-likelihood estimators of the four parameters under random left censoring. A numerical experiment is carried out to discuss the properties of the estimators obtained iteratively.  相似文献   

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