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In regression, detecting anomalous observations is a significant step for model-building process. Various influence measures based on different motivational arguments are designed to measure the influence of observations through different aspects of various regression models. The presence of influential observations in the data is complicated by the existence of multicollinearity. The purpose of this paper is to assess the influence of observations in the Liu [9] and modified Liu [15] estimators by using the method of approximate case deletion formulas suggested by Walker and Birch [14]. A numerical example using a real data set used by Longley [10] and a Monte Carlo simulation are given to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, two new multiple influential observation detection methods, GCD.GSPR and mCD*, are introduced for logistic regression. The proposed diagnostic measures are compared with the generalized difference in fits (GDFFITS) and the generalized squared difference in beta (GSDFBETA), which are multiple influential diagnostics. The simulation study is conducted with one, two and five independent variable logistic regression models. The performance of the diagnostic measures is examined for a single contaminated independent variable for each model and in the case where all the independent variables are contaminated with certain contamination rates and intensity. In addition, the performance of the diagnostic measures is compared in terms of the correct identification rate and swamping rate via a frequently referred to data set in the literature.  相似文献   

Plots are presented which are based on the singular value decomposition of the augmented data matrix in regression. In general, these plots assist in identifying discrepant observations, and in conjunction with associated diagnostics they are useful for identifying influential observations.  相似文献   

This paper presents influence diagnostics for simultaneous equations models. It proposes residuals, leverage and other influence measures. A missing data method is adopted to minimize the masking effect due to case deletions. The assessment of local influence is also considered. The paper shows how to evaluate the effects that perturbations to the endogenous variables, predetermined variables and case weights may have on the parameter estimates. The diagnostics are illustrated with two examples.  相似文献   

The influence of observations in estimating the misclassification probability in multiple discriminant analysis is studied using the common omission approach. An empirical influence function for the misclassification probability is also derived, It can give a very good approximation to the omission approach, but the computational load is much reduced, Various extensions of the measures are suggested. The proposed measures are applied to the famous Iris data set. The same three observations are identified as having the most influence under different measures.  相似文献   

Both the least squares estimator and M-estimators of regression coefficients are susceptible to distortion when high leverage points occur among the predictor variables in a multiple linear regression model. In this article a weighting scheme which enables one to bound the leverage values of a weighted matrix of predictor variables is proposed. Bounded-leverage weighting of the predictor variables followed by M-estimation of the regression coefficients is shown to be effective in protecting against distortion due to extreme predictor-variable values, extreme response values, or outlier-induced multieollinearites. Bounded-leverage estimators can also protect against distortion by small groups of high leverage points.  相似文献   

Under the normality assumption, some statistics for monitoring a multivariate process variance for individual observations can be used to detect a variance shift, but the distribution of their in-control run length has a high variance as well as the median that is extremely smaller than the mean, which leads to many false alarms in the in-control process. In this paper, we propose a chi-square quantile-based monitoring statistic which is free of the problems. The numerical experiments show that the proposed monitoring statistics outperform the existing monitoring statistics in terms of the detection of a shift for the variance.  相似文献   

Graphical methods of diagnostic regression analysis are applied to three examples in which least squares and robust regression analyses give substantially different results. The diagnostic tools lead to the identification of data deficiencies and model inadequacies. The analyses serve as a reminder that robust regressions depend upon the linear model and upon the scale in whicli the response is analysed. The robust analysis may also be sensitive to gross errors in one or more explanatory variables  相似文献   

Earlier work has provided an efficient method for the prediction of missing data in a dependent variable series using a system of grouped regression equations. This paper extends the previous literature in two ways. First, a test statistic capable of indicating the advantage of the grouped procedure is derived. Second, it is demonstrated through an empirical application that the most prevalent methodology used for examining the impact of financial economic events is a special case of the missing data estimation problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the influence of individual observations on inferences about the Box–Cox power transformation parameter from a Bayesian point of view. We compare Bayesian diagnostic measures with the ‘forward’ method of analysis due to Riani and Atkinson. In particular, we look at the effect of omitting observations on the inference by comparing particular choices of transformation using the conditional predictive ordinate and the k d measure of Pettit and Young. We illustrate the methods using a designed experiment. We show that a group of masked outliers can be detected using these single deletion diagnostics. Also, we show that Bayesian diagnostic measures are simpler to use to investigate the effect of observations on transformations than the forward search method.  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce Liu estimator for the vector of parameters in linear measurement error models and discuss its asymptotic properties. Based on the Liu estimator, diagnostic measures are developed to identify influential observations. Additionally, the analogs of Cook’s distance and likelihood distance are proposed to determine influential observations using case deletion approach. A parametric bootstrap procedure is used to obtain empirical distributions of the test statistics. Finally, the performance of the influence measures have been illustrated through simulation study and analyzing a real data set.  相似文献   

Recommended methods for analyzing unbalanced two-way data may be classified into two major categories:the parametric interpretation approach and the model comparison approach. Each approach has its advantages and its drawbacks. The main drawback of the parametric interpretation approach is non-orthogonality.For the model comparison approach the main drawback is the dependence of the hypothesis tested on the cell sizes. In this paper we provide examples to illustrate these drawbacks.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with sensitivity analysis in maximum likelihood factor analysis. To investigate the influence of a small change of data we derive theoretical influence functions I(x; LLT ) and I(x; Δ) for a common variance matrix T= LLT and a unique variance matrix Δ respectively. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate our procedure.  相似文献   

In this article Lindley's (1956) measure of average information is used to measure the loss of information due to the unavailability of a set of observations in an experiment. This measure of loss of information may be used to detect a set of most informative observations in a given design.  相似文献   

The local influence method is adapted to testing hypotheses about principal components for investigating the influence of observations on the test statistic. Simultaneous perturbations on all observations are considered. The main diagnostic is the direction vector of the maximum slope of the surface formed by the perturbed test statistic. A perturbation is constructed whose result is the same as that of the influence function method. An example is given for illustration.  相似文献   

We present a new sufficient condition on the covariance matrix of the normality distributed observations of an ANOVA model (with orthogonal decomposition of the total sum of squares) under which the F-statictics are distributed proportionally to Fisher F-random variables variables. A new proof of a previous result, a necessary and sufficient condition for applicability of Barlett’s test to the observations of a one-way ANOVA models, and comments on recent results are also given.  相似文献   

In multiple linear regression analysis, each observation affects the fitted regression equation differently and has varying influences on the regression coefficients of the different variables. Chatterjee & Hadi (1988) have proposed some measures such as DSSEij (Impact on Residual Sum of Squares of simultaneously omitting the ith observation and the jth variable), Fj (Partial F-test for the jth variable) and Fj(i) (Partial F-test for the jth variable omitting the ith observation) to show the joint impact and the interrelationship that exists among a variable and an observation. In this paper we have proposed more extended form of those measures DSSEIJ, FJ and FJ(I) to deal with the interrelationships that exist among the multiple observations and a subset of variables by monitoring the effects of the simultaneous omission of multiple variables and multiple observations.  相似文献   

The Jackknife-after-bootstrap (JaB) technique originally developed by Efron [8 B. Efron, Jackknife-after-bootstrap standard errors and influence functions, J. R. Stat. Soc. 54 (1992), pp. 83127. [Google Scholar]] has been proposed as an approach to improve the detection of influential observations in linear regression models by Martin and Roberts [12 M.A. Martin and S. Roberts, Jackknife-after-bootstrap regression influence diagnostics, J. Nonparametr. Stat. 22 (2010), pp. 257269. doi: 10.1080/10485250903287906[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]] and Beyaztas and Alin [2 U. Beyaztas and A. Alin, Jackknife-after-bootstrap method for detection of influential observations in linear regression model, Comm. Statist. Simulation Comput. 42 (2013), pp. 12561267. doi: 10.1080/03610918.2012.661908[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]. The method is based on the use of percentile-method confidence intervals to provide improved cut-off values for several single case-deletion influence measures. In order to improve JaB, we propose using robust versions of Efron [7 B. Efron, Better bootstrap confidence intervals, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 82 (1987), pp. 171185. doi: 10.1080/01621459.1987.10478410[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]]’s bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap confidence intervals. In this study, the performances of robust BCa–JaB and conventional JaB methods are compared in the cases of DFFITS, Welsch's distance and modified Cook's distance influence diagnostics. Comparisons are based on both real data examples and through a simulation study. Our results reveal that under a variety of scenarios, our proposed method provides more accurate and reliable results, and it is more robust to masking effects.  相似文献   

The detection of influential observations on the estimation of the dimension reduction subspace returned by Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR) is considered. Although there are many measures to detect influential observations in related methods such as multiple linear regression, there has been little development in this area with respect to dimension reduction. One particular influence measure for a version of SIR is examined and it is shown, via simulation and example, how this may be used to detect influential observations in practice.  相似文献   

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