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Suppose (X, Y) has a Downton's bivariate exponential distribution with correlation ρ. For a random sample of size n from (X, Y), let X r:n be the rth X-order statistic and Y [r:n] be its concomitant. We investigate estimators of ρ when all the parameters are unknown and the available data is an incomplete bivariate sample made up of (i) all the Y-values and the ranks of associated X-values, i.e. (i, Y [i:n]), 1≤in, and (ii) a Type II right-censored bivariate sample consisting of (X i:n , Y [i:n]), 1≤ir<n. In both setups, we use simulation to examine the bias and mean square errors of several estimators of ρ and obtain their estimated relative efficiencies. The preferred estimator under (i) is a function of the sample correlation of (Y i:n , Y [i:n]) values, and under (ii), a method of moments estimator involving the regression function is preferred.  相似文献   

Let X1,… Xm be a random sample of m failure times under normal conditions with the underlying distribution F(x) and Y1,…,Yn a random sample of n failure times under accelerated condititons with underlying distribution G(x);G(x)=1?[1?F(x)]θ with θ being the unknown parameter under study.Define:Uij=1 otherwise.The joint distribution of ijdoes not involve the distribution F and thus can be used to estimate the acceleration parameter θ.The second approach for estimating θ is to use the ranks of the Y-observations in the combined X- and Y-samples.In this paper we establish that the rank of the Y-observations in the pooled sample form a sufficient statistic for the information contained in the Uii 's about the parameter θ and that there does not exist an unbiassed estimator for the parameter θ.We also construct several estimators and confidence interavals for the parameter θ.  相似文献   


The problem of estimation of R = P(Y < X) have been used in the paper. Let X has exponential distribution mixing with exponential distribution with parameters β and θ and Y independently of X has exponential distribution with parameter λ. By using a prior guess or estimate R0, different shrinkage estimators of R are derived. Then the performance of the estimators are discussed. Finally, we compare these results with Baklizei and Dayyeh (2003) approaches.  相似文献   

In the literature, assuming independence of random variables X and Y, statistical estimation of the stress–strength parameter R = P(X > Y) is intensively investigated. However, in some real applications, the strength variable X could be highly dependent on the stress variable Y. In this paper, unlike the common practice in the literature, we discuss on estimation of the parameter R where more realistically X and Y are dependent random variables distributed as bivariate Rayleigh model. We derive the Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals of the parameters using suitable priors on the parameters. Because there are not closed forms for the Bayes estimates, we will use an approximation based on Laplace method and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique to obtain the Bayes estimate of R and unknown parameters. Finally, simulation studies are conducted in order to evaluate the performances of the proposed estimators and analysis of two data sets are provided.  相似文献   

The resistance of least absolute values (L1) estimators to outliers and their robustness to heavy-tailed distributions make these estimators useful alternatives to the usual least squares estimators. The recent development of efficient algorithms for L1 estimation in linear models has permitted their use in practical data analysis. Although in general the L1 estimators are not unique, there are a number of properties they all share. The set of all L1 estimators for a given model and data set can be characterized as the convex hull of some extreme estimators. Properties of the extreme estimators and of the L1-estimate set are considered.  相似文献   

Consider a random data matrix X=(X1,...,Xk):pXk with independent columns [sathik] and an independent p X p Wishart matrix [sathik]. Estimators dominating the best affine equivariant estimators of [sathik] are obtained under four types of loss functions. Improved estimators (Testimators) of generalized variance and generalized precision are also considered under convex entropy loss (CEL).  相似文献   

In precedence tests, the test powers are given by the probabilities P(Y(i) > X(j)) for some i and j, where X(j) and Y(i) are the order statistics of two independent random samples. Such probabilities can also arise in reliability theory. In this paper, we investigate the properties of these probabilities and their applications.  相似文献   

LetX andY be two random variables with finite expectationsE X andE Y, respectively. ThenX is said to be smaller thanY in the dilation order ifE[ϕ(X-E X)]≤E[ϕ(Y-E Y)] for any convex functionϕ for which the expectations exist. In this paper we obtain a new characterization of the dilation order. This characterization enables us to give new interpretations to the dilation order, and using them we identify conditions which imply the dilation order. A sample of applications of the new characterization is given. Partially supported by MURST 40% Program on Non-Linear Systems and Applications. Partially supported by “Gruppo Nazionale per l'Analisi Funzionale e sue Applicazioni”—CNR.  相似文献   

Abstarct. This paper is concerned with studying the dependence structure between two random variables Y 1 and Y 2 conditionally upon a covariate X. The dependence structure is modelled via a copula function, which depends on the given value of the covariate in a general way. Gijbels et al. (Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 55, 2011, 1919) suggested two non‐parametric estimators of the ‘conditional’ copula and investigated their numerical performances. In this paper we establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators as well as conditional association measures derived from them. Practical recommendations for their use are then discussed.  相似文献   

Suppose that we have a nonparametric regression model Y = m(X) + ε with XRp, where X is a random design variable and is observed completely, and Y is the response variable and some Y-values are missing at random. Based on the “complete” data sets for Y after nonaprametric regression imputation and inverse probability weighted imputation, two estimators of the regression function m(x0) for fixed x0Rp are proposed. Asymptotic normality of two estimators is established, which is used to construct normal approximation-based confidence intervals for m(x0). We also construct an empirical likelihood (EL) statistic for m(x0) with limiting distribution of χ21, which is used to construct an EL confidence interval for m(x0).  相似文献   

In this article, we consider a partially linear single-index model Y = g(Z τθ0) + X τβ0 + ? when the covariate X may be missing at random. We propose weighted estimators for the unknown parametric and nonparametric part by applying weighted estimating equations. We establish normality of the estimators of the parameters and asymptotic expansion for the estimator of the nonparametric part when the selection probabilities are unknown. Simulation studies are also conducted to illustrate the finite sample properties of these estimators.  相似文献   

Suppose that a moving average time series Xt is not observed, but instead Yt = Xt + ?t is observed, where ?t, is measurement error. Estimation of the parameters of Xt has previously been considered under the assumption that Xt and ?t are uncorrelated. The case where Xt and ?t have known cross covariances is considered here, and a method is described for estimating the parameters of Xt. A simulation compares four estimators for a MA(1) series parameter in the presence of measurement error.  相似文献   


In this article we suggest some improved version of estimators of scale parameter of Morgenstern-type bivariate uniform distribution (MTBUD) based on the observations made on the units of the ranked set sampling regarding the study variable Y which is correlated with the auxiliary variable X, when (X, Y) follows a MTBUD. We also suggest some linear shrinkage estimators of scale parameter of Morgenstern type bivariate uniform distribution (MTBUD). Efficiency comparisons are also made in this work.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the bxvariate binomial distribution, In the statistical literature, this problem is solved when the observed sample is available in the form of a 2x2 contingency table, that is, with all four cell fre quencies given,, The present paper provides a solution for this problem when only the marginal totals of the 2x2 table are observed, which is the natural set-up in a bivariate sampling situation.. Thus, based on a sample [(Xi,Yi:), i = 1, …, k] from a bivariate binomial population, we derive maximum likelihood (ML) estimators for the two marginal parameters p1,p2: and the covariance parameter p11: It. turns out that the ML estimators for P1: and P2: are expressed explicitly in terms of the sample values, whereas the ML estimator for p11: can only be obtained numerically by iterative methods Two nu merical illustrations are also presented  相似文献   

Surles and Padgett [Inference for reliability and stress–strength for a scaled Burr type X distribution. Lifetime Data Anal. 2001;7:187–200] introduced a two-parameter Burr-type X distribution, which can be described as a generalized Rayleigh distribution. In this paper, we consider the estimation of the stress–strength parameter R=P[Y<X], when X and Y are both three-parameter generalized Rayleigh distributions with the same scale and locations parameters but different shape parameters. It is assumed that they are independently distributed. It is observed that the maximum-likelihood estimators (MLEs) do not exist, and we propose a modified MLE of R. We obtain the asymptotic distribution of the modified MLE of R, and it can be used to construct the asymptotic confidence interval of R. We also propose the Bayes estimate of R and the construction of the associated credible interval based on importance sampling technique. Analysis of two real data sets, (i) simulated and (ii) real, have been performed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the estimation of the reliability R=P(Y<X) when X and Y are independent random variables that follow Kumaraswamy's distribution with different parameters. If we assume that the first shape parameter is common and known, the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE), the exact confidence interval and the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator of R are obtained. Moreover, when the first parameter is common but unknown, MLEs, Bayes estimators, asymptotic distributions and confidence intervals for R are derived. Furthermore, Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators for R are obtained when the first parameter is common and known. Finally, when all four parameters are different and unknown, the MLE of R is obtained. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the different proposed methods and conclusions on the findings are given.  相似文献   

Numerical results are presented for estimates of the parameters in the linear model Y =βX +ε in which X is normally distributed and ε is symmetric stable. The study complements an earlier paper of the same title and the main concern is with numerical comparisons between four estimates of β; the least squares estimate, the minimum absolute deviations estimate, and two moment estimates of the form derived in Chambers and Heathcote (1975). The generation of fifty independent sets of observations (Xj, Yj), j = 1,2, …, n for each of n = 100, 500 and selected combinations of parameter values provided the basis of the results. It is indicated that the moment estimators and the minimum absolute deviation estimator performed comparably, and are a significant improvement on the least squares estimator. The main conclusion is that one of the moment estimates, based on a two stage adaptive procedure and denoted by β¯n(ta) below, is generally the most useful of the four.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the analysis of head and neck cancer data using generalized inverse Lindley stress–strength reliability model. We propose Bayes estimators for estimating P(X > Y), when X and Y represent survival times of two groups of cancer patients observed under different therapies. The X and Y are assumed to be independent generalized inverse Lindley random variables with common shape parameter. Bayes estimators are obtained under the considerations of symmetric and asymmetric loss functions assuming independent gamma priors. Since posterior becomes complex and does not possess closed form expressions for Bayes estimators, Lindley’s approximation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques are utilized for Bayesian computation. An extensive simulation experiment is carried out to compare the performances of Bayes estimators with the maximum likelihood estimators on the basis of simulated risks. Asymptotic, bootstrap, and Bayesian credible intervals are also computed for the P(X > Y).  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider paired survival data, in which pair members are subject to the same right censoring time, but they are dependent on each other. Assuming the Marshall–Olkin Multivariate Weibull distribution for the joint distribution of the lifetimes (X1, X2) and the censoring time X3, we derive the joint density of the actual observed data and obtain maximum likelihood estimators, Bayes estimators and posterior regret Gamma minimax estimators of the unknown parameters under squared error loss and weighted squared error loss functions. We compare the performances of the maximum likelihood estimators and Bayes estimators numerically in terms of biases and estimated Mean Squared Error Loss.  相似文献   

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