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In this article, we study the recursive kernel estimator of the conditional quantile of a scalar response variable Y given a random variable (rv) X taking values in a semi-metric space. Two estimators are considered. While the first one is given by inverting the double-kernel estimate of the conditional distribution function, the second estimator is obtained by using the robust approach. We establish the almost complete consistency of these estimates when the observations are sampled from a functional ergodic process. Finally, a simulation study is carried out to illustrate the finite sample performance of these estimators.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of the conditional hazard function of a scalar response variable Y given a Hilbertian random variable X when the observations are linked via a single-index structure in the quasi-associated framework. We establish the pointwise almost complete convergence and the uniform almost complete convergence (with the rate) of the estimate of this model. A simulation is given to illustrate the good behavior in the practice of our methodology.  相似文献   


Let (T, C, X) be a vector of random variables (rvs) where T, C, and X are the interest variable, a right censoring rv, and a covariate, respectively. In this paper, we study the kernel conditional mode estimation when the covariate takes values in an infinite dimensional space and is α-mixing. Under some regularity conditions, the almost complete convergence of the estimate with rates is established.  相似文献   


The main goal of this paper is to study the estimation of the conditional hazard function of a scalar response variable Y given a hilbertian random variable X in functional single-index model. We construct an estimator of this nonparametric function and we study its asymptotic properties, under quasi-associated structure. Precisely, we establish the asymptotic normality of the constructed estimator. We carried out simulation experiments to examine the behavior of this asymptotic property over finite sample data.  相似文献   

A main goal of regression is to derive statistical conclusions on the conditional distribution of the output variable Y given the input values x. Two of the most important characteristics of a single distribution are location and scale. Regularised kernel methods (RKMs) – also called support vector machines in a wide sense – are well established to estimate location functions like the conditional median or the conditional mean. We investigate the estimation of scale functions by RKMs when the conditional median is unknown, too. Estimation of scale functions is important, e.g. to estimate the volatility in finance. We consider the median absolute deviation (MAD) and the interquantile range as measures of scale. Our main result shows the consistency of MAD-type RKMs.  相似文献   


We consider a multi-factor Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model of the term structure of interest rates with weak mean-reversion effect. We use perturbation theory to analyze its conditional characteristic function illustrated by a system of Riccati equations and derive the error bounds for the perturbation approximations. Using the Fourier inversion theorem, we clarify that the perturbation approximation of the conditional characteristic function can be applied to estimate the transition density and likelihood function. We provide their error bounds and accuracy orders. Finally, we discuss the performance of the perturbation approximation in estimating the transition density via simulation.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a hysteretic autoregressive model with GARCH specification and a skew Student's t-error distribution for financial time series. With an integrated hysteresis zone, this model allows both the conditional mean and conditional volatility switching in a regime to be delayed when the hysteresis variable lies in a hysteresis zone. We perform Bayesian estimation via an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling scheme. The proposed Bayesian method allows simultaneous inferences for all unknown parameters, including threshold values and a delay parameter. To implement model selection, we propose a numerical approximation of the marginal likelihoods to posterior odds. The proposed methodology is illustrated using simulation studies and two major Asia stock basis series. We conduct a model comparison for variant hysteresis and threshold GARCH models based on the posterior odds ratios, finding strong evidence of the hysteretic effect and some asymmetric heavy-tailness. Versus multi-regime threshold GARCH models, this new collection of models is more suitable to describe real data sets. Finally, we employ Bayesian forecasting methods in a Value-at-Risk study of the return series.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a nonparametric estimation of the conditional density of a scalar response variable given a random variable taking values in separable Hilbert space. We establish under general conditions the uniform almost complete convergence rates and the asymptotic normality of the conditional density kernel estimator, when the variables satisfy the strong mixing dependency, based on the single-index structure. The asymptotic \((1-\zeta )\) confidence intervals of conditional density function are given, for \(0 < \zeta < 1\) . We further demonstrate the impact of this functional parameter to the conditional mode estimate. Simulation study is also presented. Finally, the estimation of the functional index via the pseudo-maximum likelihood method is discussed, but not tackled.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider the estimation of R = P(Y < X), when Y and X are two independent three-parameter Lindley (LI) random variables. On the basis of two independent samples, the modified maximum likelihood estimator along its asymptotic behavior and conditional likelihood-based estimator are used to estimate R. We also propose sample-based estimate of R and the associated credible interval based on importance sampling procedure. A real life data set involving the times to breakdown of an insulating fluid is presented and analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   


The conditional density offers the most informative summary of the relationship between explanatory and response variables. We need to estimate it in place of the simple conditional mean when its shape is not well-behaved. A motivation for estimating conditional densities, specific to the circular setting, lies in the fact that a natural alternative of it, like quantile regression, could be considered problematic because circular quantiles are not rotationally equivariant. We treat conditional density estimation as a local polynomial fitting problem as proposed by Fan et al. [Estimation of conditional densities and sensitivity measures in nonlinear dynamical systems. Biometrika. 1996;83:189–206] in the Euclidean setting, and discuss a class of estimators in the cases when the conditioning variable is either circular or linear. Asymptotic properties for some members of the proposed class are derived. The effectiveness of the methods for finite sample sizes is illustrated by simulation experiments and an example using real data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new procedure to estimate the distribution of a variable y when there are missing data. To compensate the presence of missing responses, it is assumed that a covariate vector x is observed and that y and x are related by means of a semi-parametric regression model. Observed residuals are combined with predicted values to estimate the missing response distribution. Once the responses distribution is consistently estimated, we can estimate any parameter defined through a continuous functional T using a plug in procedure. We prove that the proposed estimators have high breakdown point.  相似文献   


The varying-coefficient single-index model (VCSIM) is a very general and flexible tool for exploring the relationship between a response variable and a set of predictors. Popular special cases include single-index models and varying-coefficient models. In order to estimate the index-coefficient and the non parametric varying-coefficients in the VCSIM, we propose a two-stage composite quantile regression estimation procedure, which integrates the local linear smoothing method and the information of quantile regressions at a number of conditional quantiles of the response variable. We establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators for the index-coefficient and varying-coefficients when the error is heterogeneous. When compared with the existing mean-regression-based estimation method, our simulation results indicate that our proposed method has comparable performance for normal error and is more robust for error with outliers or heavy tail. We illustrate our methodologies with a real example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose several approaches to estimate the parameters of the periodic first-order integer-valued autoregressive process with period T (PINAR(1)T) in the presence of missing data. By using incomplete data, we propose two approaches that are based on the conditional expectation and conditional likelihood to estimate the parameters of interest. Then we study three kinds of imputation methods for the missing data. The performances of these approaches are compared via simulations.  相似文献   


In this paper, under Type-I progressive hybrid censoring sample, we obtain maximum likelihood estimator of unknown parameter when the parent distribution belongs to proportional hazard rate family. We derive the conditional probability density function of the maximum likelihood estimator using moment-generating function technique. The exact confidence interval is obtained and compared by conducting a Monte Carlo simulation study for burr Type XII distribution. Finally, we obtain the Bayes and posterior regret gamma minimax estimates of the parameter under a precautionary loss function with precautionary index k = 2 and compare their behavior via a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   

Consider a two-dimensional discrete random variable (X, Y) with possible values 1, 2, …, I for X and 1, 2, …, J for Y. For specifying the distribution of (X, Y), suppose both conditional distributions, of X given Y and of Y given X, are provided. Under this setting, we present here different ways of measuring discrepancy between incompatible conditional distributions in the finite discrete case. In the process, we also suggest different ways of defining the most nearly compatible distributions in incompatible cases. Many new divergence measures are discussed along with those that are already known for determining the most nearly compatible joint distribution P. Finally, a comparative study is carried out between all these divergence measures as some examples.  相似文献   


In this paper, we focus on the left-truncated and right-censored model, and construct the local linear and Nadaraya-Watson type estimators of the conditional density. Under suitable conditions, we establish the asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators when the observations are assumed to be a stationary α-mixing sequence. Finite sample behavior of the estimators is investigated via simulations too.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a semiparametric regression model involving a d-dimensional quantitative explanatory variable X and including a dimension reduction of X via an index βX. In this model, the main goal is to estimate the Euclidean parameter β and to predict the real response variable Y conditionally to X. Our approach is based on sliced inverse regression (SIR) method and optimal quantization in Lp-norm. We obtain the convergence of the proposed estimators of β and of the conditional distribution. Simulation studies show the good numerical behavior of the proposed estimators for finite sample size.  相似文献   

We employ quantile regression fixed effects models to estimate the income-pollution relationship on NO x (nitrogen oxide) and SO 2 (sulfur dioxide) using U.S. data. Conditional median results suggest that conditional mean methods provide too optimistic estimates about emissions reduction for NO x , while the opposite is found for SO 2. Deleting outlier states reverses the absence of a turning point for SO 2 in the conditional mean model, while the conditional median model is robust to them. We also document the relationship's sensitivity to including additional covariates for NO x , and undertake simulations to shed light on some estimation issues of the methods employed.  相似文献   


In the case of the random design nonparametric regression, the double smoothing technique is applied to estimate the multivariate regression function. The proposed estimator has desirable properties in both the finite sample and the asymptotic cases. In the finite sample case, it has bounded conditional (and unconditional) bias and variance. On the other hand, in the asymptotic case, it has the same mean square error as the local linear estimator in Fan (Design-Adaptive Nonparametric Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association 1992, 87, 998–1004; Local Linear Regression Smoothers and Their Minimax Efficiencies. Annals of Statistics 1993, 21, 196–216). Simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed estimator is better than the local linear estimator, because it has a smaller sample mean integrated square error and gives smoother estimates.  相似文献   


In a model of the form Y = h(X1, …, Xd) where the goal is to estimate a parameter of the probability distribution of Y, we define new sensitivity indices which quantify the importance of each variable Xi with respect to this parameter of interest. The aim of this paper is to define goal oriented sensitivity indices and we will show that Sobol indices are sensitivity indices associated to a particular characteristic of the distribution Y. We name the framework we present as Goal Oriented Sensitivity Analysis (GOSA).  相似文献   

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